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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '17 I / Re: T. David Questions: Could Contain Spoilers
« on: February 07, 2017, 04:59:52 PM »
Thayer David was a really busy actor.  Around that time, again without checking references, I think he appeared in the stage production of ROYAL HUNT OF THE SUN and a short lived musical version of BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S (he played Rusty Trawler, if I remember correctly--a very minor role) and a TV staging of THE CRUCIBLE as well as an episode of the fabulous Peter Falk series TRIALS OF O'BRIEN, on which Grayson also appeared (they were in separate episodes, and I wish to Hell the series would come out on home video--it's an important slice of TV history).  And that's just what I can recall off the top of my head.

It's kind of ironic that so many of us remember Thayer from DS because it was really a fairly minor episode in his career.


I learned that song a long time before I ever got to see that 1966 episode of DS.  It was used in an elaborate musical setting by Australian composer Percy Grainger and I owned the LP in the mid 1970s.

It was funny to have it come up on DS...


Calendar Events / Announcements '17 I / OT: Shades of DS
« on: February 07, 2017, 12:02:53 AM »

This morning over breakfast I happened to stumble upon some clips from 1960s underground film schlockmeister Andy Milligan's 1969 film TORTURE DUNGEON.  This one in particular made me think somewhat of DS, I guess due to the baroque set and costume designs and acting techniques:

I always knew that line about being a "trisexual" was really old--it was interesting to see actual documentation of this.

If you check out other clips from this epic on youtube, there's one that was included in somebody's vlog where the guy recounts meeting John Waters and discussing Milligan's work.  Milligan was the subject of a book length biography, THE GHASTLY ONES, which provides an interesting glimpse into 1960s NYC sleaze culture and how this actually intersected occasionally with the avant-garde. A lot of these films were shot in various locations on Staten Island or elsewhere.

Not really related to Dark Shadows but it all makes me think of the milieu of the time--I am not sure that younger fans may comprehend why I think this way...

Best, G.

Too bad that no photos were available for Grayson's very brief stint on AMC--around 1973 I think?

Those are lovely snaps.  Thanks.


The last time I watched the film (which was many years ago now, on my VHS tape from the old Laserdisc--a friend made the tape for me since I have never owned a laserdisc player), I noted one moment when Joan is turning to look at Daphne where she gave one of those looks that made me think of the old Liz from '66-'67.

Wonderful captures MB!

In one of JF's interviews from the 1980s--I think it was the one that was published in a Baltimore weekly which I used to read when I was a student at Hopkins--he referred to hoDS as "practically pornographic."  I think he found it all really distasteful.  My perception, rightly or wrongly, is that JF's career went into hibernation for several years because he really did not want to do horror projects or be associated in any way with the genre and that was the kind of work that would have been available to him.

I'm sure most have heard of this, but Malia Howard's career biography of JF has been reprinted now.  For those interested in finding out more about what he did after DS, I am sure it is the best source available.


Glorioski, Uncle Roger!  I thought AD was competently written, but "literature"??

It reminds me of the skit that used to be on SNL a really long time ago of some clueless wealthy lady who had her copy of Cosmo and told viewers about this "fabulous new book I'm reading" as she leafed through the perfume and negligee adverts.  She would also things like "oh yes, fur is murder--it's MURDER to clean!  Have I told you about the last bill for my fox stole?"



Calendar Events / Announcements '17 I / Roger Davis in RUBY (1977)
« on: January 26, 2017, 05:59:21 PM »
Roger Davis must have found his role in RUBY (1977) reminiscent of his days on DS.  I found this trailer for the film.  It was directed by Curtis Harrington who did some excellent TV films in the same era, including THE CAT CREATURE with Gale Sondergaard in the kind of role Grayson might have played, and THE DEAD DON'T DIE.

The trailer:


Current Talk '17 I / Re: The Dark Shadows Hand is Real!
« on: January 26, 2017, 02:30:12 AM »
It's nice that something like this actually showed them a clip including Magda!

The guy might also have been remembering the spectral hand of Barnabas which appeared in a certain incident in 1795. Hard to say.  Most likely this was somebody who watched the show on Sci Fi in the 1990s.


That "review" seemed unusually pointless, even for something on the "blogosphere."


There were some wonderful photos of Thayer David browsing in an antiques store in my Scrapbook Memories, and a truly priceless photo of Katie, Grayson and Joan wearing black miniskirt ensembles for the funeral scene.  The photos are the main reason I have kept the book.


Willie Loomis, chauffeur.

That seems somehow more horrifying, at least potentially, than anything that happens onscreen in hoDS. LOL!

Brilliant captures, MB!  I have to watch some 1966 shows again!!

Bouncily,  G.

I know I'm unduly fussy about this stuff, but IMO, had Clarice played Mrs. Johnson, the line would have sounded properly in character if she had said Davy, not David. 

When she spoke to him, I remember her calling him Davy.  But that could be a misremembering...


Roger's dialogue explains something else that always throws me for a loop whenever I watch this film.  Obviously, at some point there was a scene where Maggie informed Roger and Liz that she was resigning.  Then Barn turns on the charm at the ball and Maggie suddenly changes her mind.  The ball scene doesn't really make sense unless you already know the story since there has been nothing shown or said about Maggie leaving up till that point.  There's at least a hint here that Roger thinks it would be a good idea for Miss Evans to go on a "vacation."

Another reason why these early scenes would have been helpful from a narrative point of view is that they establish who is who--as you've pointed out.  In Elvira's rap about the movie (her clips talking about it, I guess from when she ran it on her show, are on Youtube), she keeps saying, "Who are all these people anyway?"  Initially I thought she was just being characteristically sassy.  But if you've never seen the show, the movie really tells you very little about just who anybody is and why they're there.


I can see why all of this was either never shot, or cut.  I presume DC excised most of this before he even delivered his completed print to MGM.

I of course would have loved to have seen it all, especially Roger complaining that nobody would leave him in peace and quiet to get on with his Proust... and brandy.


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