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Messages - franimal

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Current Talk '03 II / Re:Quentin Tarantino admits he's a DS fan...
« on: October 17, 2003, 09:16:12 PM »
Would it be terribly gauche of me to admit I've actually eaten a Quarter Pounder (with no cheese) in Paris? [lghy]

Not at all!!  Just remember to call it a Royale!!



Current Talk '03 II / Re:They Must Have Used A Lot Of WD-40 Or Something.
« on: September 29, 2003, 11:21:44 PM »
Hopefully, you remember your mechanically-inclined grandpa's old, tried-and-true remedy of pouring both Heinz Ketchup and Pepsi Cola (never Coca Cola!) on that pesky lock and...presto chango, that darned Yale of Master lock opens up like the proverbial charm!!!

Ha!  I'll have to remember that one, Bob - thanks!


Franimal (who's also not a "fix it" person - more the kind that keeps banging at things until they go togther or break!)

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / photo of john and tyne
« on: September 22, 2003, 06:14:21 PM »
Hope this works - it's a photo of Tyne Daly & John Karlen arriving at the emmy awards.



Current Talk '03 II / Re:More plot holes.................
« on: September 20, 2003, 01:46:17 AM »
To me it's a show that takes me back to a time of innocence.  It's my piece of nostalgia and I love the show ..............

Oh yes, Murph....I totally agree.  It's filled with so many memories of times past that it's worth the frustration.  My husband just chuckles and rolls his eyes, but he didn't run home form school to watch it! (Although he does humor my fixation).

Remember that episode when Julia is locked in a room by Bruno?  And if Barn opens the door, the gun goes off?  That originally aired on a Friday afternoon - and I had a Girl Scout meeting (snort!).  I talked my older brother into watching it   >:D  (Didn't end up getting resolved until Monday - oh well).

Then he got hooked on the show for a while and we watched together  ;D

Ah memories -



Current Talk '03 II / Re:That Pxilated Flora Collins
« on: September 19, 2003, 06:40:15 PM »
There's even a different lily to her voice

Ok  -  are you all trying to figure out what a "lily to her voice is"?   ::)Sheesh - must be working too hard......I meant LILT.


happy weekend.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:That Pxilated Flora Collins
« on: September 19, 2003, 06:36:11 PM »
I agree.  I love the way Joan Bennett played this.  There's even a different lily to her voice.  All of her manorisms are different - seemed like she was having fun with this role.

I really enjoyed that.



Current Talk '03 II / Re:Characters, Setting, & More in 1840
« on: September 19, 2003, 06:32:34 PM »
And Julia fleeing the calamity through the mysterious staircase while Barnabas battles the zombie boys is very dramatic. 

I wondered about that....Barn's a vampire, right?  Why did he let them hold him like that?  He could have just dematerialized and reappeared on the staircase.

Zombies - 1, Vampires - 0?



Current Talk '03 II / Re:Gabriel, your'e the man!
« on: September 18, 2003, 05:36:11 PM »
I agree.  He's like Blanche and Jane Hudson, all rolled into one.

Oh that's Perfect!!



Current Talk '03 II / Re:What's with the new entrance???
« on: September 17, 2003, 06:58:48 PM »
A friend told me that when the current run is finished, Sci Fi is going to start again from Episode 1. I really hope that's the case.  I noticed more missing episodes on my tapes from 1966, and I want to see all those shows--and that includes some of KLS' finest moments on the series!

Oh I do hope so!!  Is this a "reliable source"?    ;)



Current Talk '03 II / Re:Let's hear it for Willie!
« on: September 11, 2003, 02:17:21 PM »
Yes, I especially like when Tad/David asked him why he thought he had the right to take them out of the room and Willie said something like, "maybe 'cause I'm bigger than you".  And pushed him thru the door  ;D

Glad to have Willie back.



Current Talk '03 II / Re:Couldn't they have TRIED.........
« on: August 18, 2003, 08:11:48 PM »
and ,as mentioned before, never thought anyone
would be watching this show decades later to discuss
it [lol2]

I have to keep reminding myself of that....we can rewind and look at things from different angles....they never thought this would be happening so many years later.

Like, the death scene of Mrs. Johnson.....she blinked her eyes after Carolyn got there.  I'm sure they never suspected that we'd be able say, "Wait a minute, did she just blink?" and rewind the tape.  I had just finished thinking how hard it must have been to keep her eyes open for so long and keep her face in that one position.  Then, as Carolyn was bending down to her, she started blinking like crazy.   :D

Love this show!!



Current Talk '03 II / Re:No more Vidal Sassoon??
« on: August 16, 2003, 01:52:00 AM »
it's one of Grayson's best (quick) looking time periods (aside from right after 1897)

And just to be clear, I AM a fan of the longer hair.

I was thinking the same thing.....watching the other day I thought that Grayson looked really nice.  Facially as well as the hair.  I'm a fan of the longer hair as well.



Current Talk '03 II / Re:Barnabas Cape
« on: August 13, 2003, 04:53:11 PM »
I think that a truly scary transformation would be to see the lovely and gentle Roxanne "morph" into either the always "classy" Cher (Bono?) or that dyspepsia-inducing, so-called "Queen of Perkiness," the unbelievably cloying Katie Couric.  Blah!!!!

Bob the Bartender, cantankerous curmudgeon!

Yes, Bob

Especially in Cher's "blonde" phase  ::)
And I totally agree about Katie - yuck!

Franimal - who always prefers  cantankerous curmudgeons over "sweet" -  ;)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Barnabas Cape
« on: August 13, 2003, 02:25:30 PM »
or someone really horrifying like Ann Colter [eek] [eek] [eek]

Oh my - now this is REALLY getting scary!!!


Current Talk '03 II / Re:One Man's Misery Is Another Man's Good Fortune!
« on: August 12, 2003, 02:38:03 PM »
I'm still wondering why the FBI never showed up in full force, mobile crime scene units by the street-full, evidence kits flying, body bags thick on the ground!!

 :P Ohmigosh!  - I just had this mental image of Arlo Guthrie singing Alice's Restaurant

 "And they was using up all kinds ofcop equipment that they had hanging around the police officer's station.They was taking plaster tire tracks, foot prints, dog smelling prints, and they took twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy photographs with circles
and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us.  Took pictures of the approach, the getaway, the northwest corner the southwest corner and that's not to mention the aerial photography."

I think maybe the heat & humidity are getting to me??



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