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Topics - Willie Loomis

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Current Talk '15 II / Vampire Diaries / Dark Shadows
« on: August 21, 2015, 05:46:09 PM »
So, watching The Vampire Diaries and I must say, theres so much Dark Shadows in there!   

Klaus, the tortured vampire who can't die -- Barnabas
Stefan and Damon's house -- Could be a very nice and creep Collinwood!
Dr. Fell....There's a Dr. Fell in this show (who is actually more like a Dr. Hoffman with certain things).
Caroline -- Carolyn
Doppelganger Elena and Katherine -- Josette

Current Talk '15 I / Thanks!!!
« on: January 23, 2015, 05:38:38 PM »
For the Dark Shadows Resurrection Wallpaper.....(got tired of the Burnton one)

Current Talk '13 II / Lara Parker books...
« on: October 14, 2013, 04:48:14 PM »
Sooooo....I finally broke down and ordered the two other Lara Parker books for my e-reader and now i can read them (i'm such a completist....)

but which order are they to be read in - is there continuity or are they separate Dark Shadow's stories?

Right now I am reading Angelique's Descent.  I am intrigued that Parker made Angelique part black because I always wondered if her character on the show was supposed to be octoroon or quadroon.

Current Talk '13 II / Dan Curtis and Karen Black
« on: July 12, 2013, 11:27:02 PM »
I recently watched Trilogy of Terror and Burnt Offerings and on the commentary for TOT, Karen Black spoke very highly of Dan Curtis (and was very delighted to find out that a clip of the Night Stalker was used in TOT in a drive in scene).  I'm just wondering where she was when Dan Curtis was looking for talent on Dark Shadows. 

My question is, do you think she would have fit in on the show (I MOST DEFINETLY DO) and if so, what charaacter could she have played (existing or non existing)? 

Just want to see where people stand on Karen Black basically.

Current Talk '12 II / OMG! (Slightly OT) Green Suit
« on: October 18, 2012, 04:35:17 PM »
Not sure if this should be posted here...

Was watching one of my favorite butch shows, Son's of Anarchy...When all of a sudden, to my shock and disblief a commercial came on for American Horror Story.  And guess what's guest starring.....A CERTAIN GREEN TWEED SUIT THAT SOMEONE WORE INCESSANTLY TO THE POINT OF ANNOYANCE.   I thought they burned that suit! LOL.   It scared me.....

I haven't started that show yet.  But, the lady wearing said suit kind of reminded me of Dr. Hoffman.  Can anyone tell me about this character and if they recognized the suit? 

This show looks intriguing and someone told me that it's my kind of show.   But, I haven't gotten around to it.  I want to know if it's worth collecting on DVD.

Current Talk '12 II / I chortled in my half-sleep last night.
« on: October 17, 2012, 06:16:36 PM »
Marilyn Munster dated a man named Roger Davis.   And it was funny because there was reference to her  hair being mussed.  LOL.   The Fergosi Emerald eppy.

Current Talk '12 II / Flora and Desmond Collins
« on: July 13, 2012, 01:57:46 PM »
 [ghost_huh] Is there official lineage for Flora and Desmond Collins.  It just struck me the other night when I was watching that I don't know where they fall into the tree.  It was after Desmond called Daniel Uncle Daniel.  I read on Wiki that Flora might be [spoiler]Millicent and Nathan's daughter,[/spoiler] but it is just speculation.

Any idears???


Current Talk '11 II / Humbert Allen Astredo
« on: December 18, 2011, 12:39:34 AM »
The great thing about owning the series on dvd is getting to study and notice things that you have never noticed before. 

Right now I'm digging Astredo in his Nicholas Blair role.   Now I look forward to his other roles on the show as I continue watching.  Not that I never paid attention to him, but right now I'm just paying attention to him and his role.

This guy is a great actor and seems to have a sense of humor about his Nicholas Blair role.  Has sex appeal too!   [santa_embarassed] [santa_cheesy]

Anyone else have thoughts or opinions on him.

Is this guy still alive?

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 II / Marilyn Ross novels
« on: December 14, 2011, 03:13:18 AM »
Just purchased the first ten novels in the series.  I seem to remember they followed no particular order, but if i am correct the first five or so are actually a continuing story about the Collins family before Barnabas.  My question comes after reading the final novella regarding Victoria Winters and her lineiage (sp?) and the actually storyline that was originally envisioned in the late '50s (which seemed very interesting and a shame that the show couldn't follow that particular storyline).  Are the first few novels the story that Ross envisioned before the show came to be?

Also, this seems like its going to be quite an expensive endeavor -- between the prices of the books and shipping, it coste me roughly $100.00.  I've got 22 more to order.  I had the whole collection as a kid but they burned in a fire.

Any replys are appreciate as well as your feelings on the novel series.   thanks.

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / The Doctor Woodards in Movies
« on: December 22, 2010, 01:32:24 PM »
Watching The Exorcist one day I was mildly amused to see the original Dr. Woodard, Robert Gerringer in the movie.  then, I was watching The Possesion of Joel Delaney, and to my enjoyment, there was Sturgeon in the movie.  Interesting as the Shirley MacLaine connection to both movies.  Now, I just watched King of the Gypsies and I just read that Gerringer was in that movie as well, but i did not see him.  Must watch again. 

It's fun when you are watching something and you see your Collinsport neighbors doing other things. 

Current Talk '10 II / HODS
« on: October 07, 2010, 03:13:43 PM »
For all those interested in seeing the movie again or perhaps for the first time, I just watched this on  Verizon VOD, this past Saturday.

Current Talk '10 II / Okay, Stupid Question about Frid
« on: September 02, 2010, 07:31:28 PM »
please don't laugh....... [ghost_blink]

In the show did he wear prosthetics on his ears to look more like a bat or are those his real ears?   I often wonder, but i noticed when [spoiler]Barnabas went to kill Julia at Collinwood[/spoiler] his ears were pretty prominent and i was trying to discern on my 40 inch tv if they were his or not.    it was still hard to tell.      Can anyone enlighten me?

Current Talk '10 I / Ned Stuart -- Touchy Feely Freak
« on: May 12, 2010, 02:33:40 PM »
this man was just rubbing me (and lisa richardson) the wrong way.   this is a way to touch your sister?   how did this actress not roll over  his feet or something during the filming of the scenes with Ned Stuard and Barnabas and Julia.   

Is it me or was he over the top with the touching and hugging....(i mean a few times he went down around the sisters.....)

Current Talk '09 I / Collins / The Wolf Man
« on: January 30, 2009, 02:14:27 PM »
I was watching the original Wolfman, and in the scene wher they are carrying Bela's body into the Mausoleum, there was a grave stone with the name Collins on it.  I thought it was interesting.   

hm, maybe DAN CURTIS watched this movie alot........


Chris:   I PUT A SPELL ON YOU..........

Carolyn:   Oh, please, Chris, you really sound like a gypsy with__________________in her_______________________for_________________.   

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