I found digital copies of 23 Ross novels and HODS. The PDF files are fairly large, about 14 MG apiece and are made up of jpg or similar picture files compiled into PDF form.
There are also text files that are much smaller. The formatting is frustrating to read in the original form, but I found that you can copy and paste the text into WORD and it becomes a fairly easy read. These smaller files are searchable whereas the PDFs are not. It's like looking at photographs of the pages.
The books available are 1-19 (Dark Shadows to Barnabas, Quentin, and the Crystal Coffin), 23 (Scorpio Curse), 26 (Body Snatchers), 27 (Jekyll's Son), and 32 (Vampire Beauty). The last one might be most useful to some. I've met many people who have most of the collection but are lacking the last one to three or so. They can be very costly, because the print runs decreased. I'm pasting the link below.
The mobi (kindle) links are not working. I don't know about the others. I only tried the text, PDF and mobi formats.