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Topics - The Doctor and K9

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Robin Lane was only in 2 DS episodes, but she was memorable to me. I was disappointed we didn't get more of Oberon and Haza. She's prominent  in a movie I found on YouTube. It's rated R with nudity, so I would not be surprised if it gets pulled off of YouTube.

I found various DS novels on EBay for $12.95 plus $2.66 shipping each. These books often go for more than 3 times these amounts. A search for "Dark Shadows" and Barnabus (sic) brings them up along with some others.

Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / David Selby in Night Rider
« on: April 02, 2018, 02:22:58 AM »
I just uploaded an MP4 of the Zorro type failed pilot starring David Selby. You can watch and/or download at the link below.

Current Talk '18 / DS in ME TV Poll
« on: January 27, 2018, 05:00:50 PM »
ME TV has a poll about what you would watch if it were 1968. DS is on it.

I found digital copies of 23 Ross novels and HODS. The PDF files are fairly large, about 14 MG apiece and are made up of jpg or similar picture files compiled into PDF form.

There are also text files that are much smaller. The formatting is frustrating to read in the original form, but I found that you can copy and paste the text into WORD and it becomes a fairly easy read. These smaller files are searchable whereas the PDFs are not. It's like looking at photographs of the pages.

The books available are 1-19 (Dark Shadows to Barnabas, Quentin, and the Crystal Coffin), 23 (Scorpio Curse), 26 (Body Snatchers), 27 (Jekyll's Son), and 32 (Vampire Beauty).  The last one might be most useful to some. I've met many people who have most of the collection but are lacking the last one to three or so. They can be very costly, because the print runs decreased. I'm pasting the link below.

The mobi (kindle) links are not working. I don't know about the others.  I only tried the text, PDF and mobi formats.

Current Talk '17 II / Auction for Overpriced DS BooksI
« on: December 02, 2017, 02:33:47 AM »
I thought I'd seen just about everything with regard to DS collectibles. How much are 7 Ross paperbacks worth? Oh and we're not even talking #s25-32. Nope, "Barnabas, Quentin, and the Vampire Beauty" is not part of the deal. Nor is "Barnabas, Quentin, and the Hidden Tomb". Someone is hoping to auction of the first 6 books and the 8th one for TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. That's not a "Buy It Now," price. That's a starting bid. And of course the buyer pays shipping. It's ironic. I just bought "Dark Shadows-Dreams of the Dark" today as a gift. It cost me less than four bucks, shipping included from another eBay seller. I'm wondering if anyone is mad enough to pay that kind of money. The seller does mention that it's to benefit spaying and neutering of animals, but I'd be skeptical. If I had two and a half grand to throw around, I don't think I'd pay it to this person and trust that the money gets donated. It'll be interesting to see if anyone bites on this one.

Barnabas Collins was mentioned by one of the cast of Mystery Science Theater 3000. The Rifftrax group was doing a humorous send up of Doctor Who-The Five Doctors. My memory is not too clear, but I believe it was the First Doctor and Tegan making their way through the dimly lit corridors of the Dark Tower in the Death Zone on Gallifrey One of the Rifftrax characters made mention of Barnabas Collins. I wish I could be more specific. It had been a long day. Still it was nice to hear DS alluded to at a Doctor Who presentation.

Current Talk '17 I / Depp Shadows-5 Years Later
« on: May 10, 2017, 03:37:07 AM »
I met with some friends this weekend to watch the 2012 Dark Shadows film. They are not Dark Shadows fans, but we have watched the first two films and various episodes of the two TV series. Their reactions were mixed. The general concensus was that the movie needed a unified direction. The dark comedy did not work for them. As one said, it was not silly enough to ignore the fact that Barnabas should have burned up being out in the daylight. She was unconvinced about the umbrella's ability to protect, clouds or no.

For me, I've always had a love hate relationship with that film. I usually either like something or I don't. I can be indifferent. This one is different. I absolutely love some parts of the film, and I loathe certain other parts. I was not completely unhappy with the comedic tone. I thought the McDonalds arches scene was brilliant. I loved almost everything gag associated with Barnabas becoming acquainted with the 20th Century.

There were two aspects I despised. Jonathan Frid described the essence of Barnabas as living a lie, keeping his awful secret. He also brought up the urge to drink blood as an addiction. Burton got the latter right. I was constantly annoyed with Barnabas prancing around telling everyone who would listen that he's a vampire. This guy got buried alive for being a vampire and then as soon as he's unearthed, he blabs his secret to the world? It made him seem like a total idiot.

I also hated the sex scene with Angelique. After all she did to him and his family, he's able to feel passionately towards her?  Yes, he does say he's going to defile her, but at the end he apologizes for not being able to love her!

Burton's interpretation marred the film for me, but they did not spoil it completely. I love the relationship between Victoria and Barnabas. I was intrigued by how Julia was treated. The opening scenes were fantastic. I was enjoying the whole movie immensely until he appeared in daylight yakking about his secret.

My reactions soared into the upper reaches of the atmosphere and plummetted to the depths of the oceans so many times watching that film. Most of the ending worked for me, but I could have done without the vomit scene. It did not gross me out or offend me. It just looked fake and silly. I thought Angelique's death scene was very touching. Carolyn as a werewolf? Hmmm intriguing but out of left field and pretty much unnecessary. But we got to see Laura and she was foreshadowed adequately. She didn't come off as a deus ex machina.

This film is unique with its abilities to elicit strong and contradictory reactions from me. I would like it more if Depp had consistently portrayed Barnabas and not some generic vampire. The jealously guarded secret has been a cornerstone of every version of DS from the OS, to the Ross novels, the comics, the comic strip, the previous movies, and the 91 series. I enjoyed watching it again though. It's certainly a personal classic in spite of the diverse reactions it provokes.

Nearly every Dark Shadows title in their catalog are half off this weekend. The exceptions are the pre-release  titles, but I believe everything is on sale. This includes the 50 Anniversary special "Blood and Fire."

Calendar Events / Announcements '17 I / Art Wallace-The House
« on: March 29, 2017, 02:03:29 PM »
I apologize if this has already been posted, but I found "The House" on YouTube. This is the story that Art Wallace used as the basis for his "Shadows on the Wall" story bible. I conducted a search of the forums for this, but too many results came back based on my search terms. Here's a link to the program.

For a very limited time BF is offering Panic starring David Selby and Susan Sullivan for 3 bucks as a download.

Current Talk '13 II / Lost Episode of DS FOUND???
« on: December 08, 2013, 05:48:29 PM »
Here's an eBay listing for a 1225 episode collection of tapes. 

I wrote to the seller.


From: cmcviefan
To: interfilmartentertainment
Subject: Details about item: cmcviefan sent a message about DARK SHADOWS KODACHROME 16MM PROTECTION PRINT COLLECTION 1966-1971 #281223043311
Sent Date: Dec-08-13 08:50:47 PST

Dear interfilmartentertainment,HelloEpisode 1219 is missing from the DS llibrary.  Did you count these cannisters? If there are 1225 as you mentioned in your post, then you have an episode that's considered lost. I think you might be able to get more money from MPI or Dan Curtis Productions if you take it to them. I have a link to the reconstruction of the ep to check against whatever may be in a cannister labled 1219.  If you have any questions, please contact me. I'm trying not to get too excited about this. Best wishes,Joe - cmcviefan

And here is his answer.                       

Dear cmcviefan,Joe,yes I have that episode as well.  I once offered prints to MPI but they said they have everything and don't need anything.  I'll wait and see what happens.- interfilmartentertainment

What do you all think?   

Current Talk '13 II / DS on Netflix
« on: October 12, 2013, 01:58:39 PM »
I just noticed that nearly the entire run of DS is available on Netflix (everything from 209 on). The last time I checked, a few months ago, they only had 4 collections.  That's still all that's available for streaming thogh. It would be nice to get the entire run up online. It's a convenient way for me to watch when I'm out of town.

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