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Topics - Ian

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Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / *waves*
« on: January 20, 2008, 01:36:16 AM »
Hello again everyone! I think the last time I stepped foot in here was maybe back in 2005? XDDD

Well, I'm back. Hello to all who remember me and any new faces who've popped in since I've been gone (and I'm sure there've been plenty).

I was looking at upcoming movies the other day, and I came across what looks like...well...a somewhat yet not-very-interesting movie featuring a character named Joanna Mills. It's called "The Return."

Here is a Wikipedia page giving the basic story:

Completely unrelated from DS, but I figured it was a somewhat interesting find with a character named Joanna Mills in a horror movie. ;)

Current Talk '06 I / Blooper List?
« on: May 27, 2006, 03:16:18 AM »
I've looked through here, and I haven't really found a listing of bloopers from the show. I know there was one thread back in Current Talk '02 I where people listed their favorite bloopers, but maybe I'm just being too overzealous in finding a listing of them all. I mean, I'm sure there were a lot!

I was trying to really focus in on all the dialogue in the DVD's that I have right now (just collection 21, I'm afraid :(), and besides getting really into a little "soliloquy" by Buffie in episode 1022, I found a funny cute little blooper in episode 1023.

[spoiler]Angelique (as Alexis) and Maggie are discussing Quentin's mood, and Angelique is really laying it on hard about how much more Quentin seemed to love Angelique over Maggie. When Maggie had enough, she said, "Thank you Angelique, that's all I wanted to know." and the scene is continued as if she had said Alexis.[/spoiler]

MB or Midnite feel free to combine this with that other thread I mentioned. I wasn't sure if this warranted making a new thread or not.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Two DS Clips on
« on: April 28, 2006, 07:37:19 AM »
To be honest, I cannot remember if this has been posted before or not, and if it has been, I apologize. Just delete this.

Anyhow, I came across two clips from DS when I was looking around on

One clip is from episode 1022, and it shows

[spoiler]Buffie being verbally abused by John Yaeger for being too "vulgar."[/spoiler]

I actually have the DVD collection that scene is from. Elizabeth Eis does an excellent job in this episode, IMHO. :)

The other clip is from episode 1062, and it shows

[spoiler]Victor Flagler discussing Collinwood being haunted to Julia and Barnabas in 1995.[/spoiler]

Anyways...enjoy. :)

Current Talk '06 I / Episode #714
« on: March 21, 2006, 07:29:47 AM »
It was the first episode I ever saw, and what a doozy to see, eh? No wonder why I was instantly hooked! All the actors were right at the top of their game in this. I especially adored Joan Bennett's performance in this particular episode. :)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Forum Clock Question
« on: December 18, 2005, 12:33:09 AM »
Now...I can only assume that most of us live in the United there a way an administrator could change the clock from Greenwich time?

Current Talk '05 II / What About Roxanne!?
« on: November 27, 2005, 06:23:06 AM »
So, I've always wondered this, since I've NEVER gotten the pleasure of seeing anything past Gerard haunting Collinwood in 1970. So, since this thread will most likely be spoiler-ridden, I'll just put a spoiler tag in now, and write "Spoiler Alert" below that.

[spoiler]So I know that Roxanne is destroyed in 1840...Is the Roxanne in 1970 the Roxanne from 1840, or is this another vampire Roxanne? If it is the same one, what do you think happened? Did she just disappear from time loop? If she just disappears from the time loop, then what happened to Sebastian? Did she cause him to come to Collinsport in the first place? If she did, does that mean that Sebastian never came to Collinsport to fulfill the prophecy?[/spoiler]

Oi vey, the ordeals that time travel puts the mind through... ::)

Oh, and from now, on...spoiler alert? XD

Current Talk '05 II / If You Could Recast....
« on: October 26, 2005, 01:12:04 AM » I am, sitting here at my laptop, procrastinating my French homework away, thinking about DS. Ahhh...I love it.

Anyways, assume that all the actors/actresses on DS up and quit, and Dan Curtis had to recast them all. Also, assume he has a time machine that can go backwards and forwards in time (but only as far as 10/25/05 ;)). Which actors/actresses from any time period do you think could fill in their previous owners' shoes? :) I know there are some beloved ones on the list that we know we could never TRULY replace (Joan Bennett, Lara Parker, Nancy Barrett, Humbert Allen Astredo, Don Briscoe and the QUEEN, Grayson Hall, come to mind ;), but there are also some that you make you think, "Which producer did they sleep with to get on the show?" (I've heard mention of Roger Davis, Lee Beery, and Geoffrey Scott on that topic. ;)) So this is your chance to recast who you want to recast with WHOEVER you want. Go ahead. Have fun. ;)

I'll make out a preliminary list of the actors/actresses from the show, but don't feel inclined to do all of them. There's far too many! :) Also, my list isn't set in stone. Feel free to add some in that I didn't mention.

Humbert Allen Astredo
Nancy Barrett
Lee Beery
Joan Bennett
Chris Bernau
Clarice Blackburn
Don Briscoe
Kathy Cody
Terry Crawford
Joel Crothers
Thayer David
Roger Davis
Louis Edmonds
Elizabeth Eis
Dana Elcar
David Ford
Conrad Fowkes
Jonathan Frid
Anthony George
Robert Gerringer
Grayson Hall
David Henesy
Kate Jackson
John Karlen
Jerry Lacy
John Lasell
Donna McKechnie
Diana Millay
Alexandra Moltke
Denise Nickerson
Lara Parker
Dennis Patrick
Christopher Pennock
Addison Powell
Keith Prentice
Lisa Richards
Robert Rodan
Frank Schofield
Kathryn Leigh Scott
Geoffrey Scott
David Selby
Craig Slocum
Sharon Smyth
James Storm
Michael Stroka
Virginia Vestoff
Marie Wallace
Donna Wandrey

Current Talk '05 II / A Twist on the Old Favorite Character
« on: September 20, 2005, 02:58:51 AM »
Hello, cousins!

I thought I'd put a twist on the old Favorite Character thread.

So how about you name which actors/actresses, in your opinion, had the best acting talent (you don't need to put them in order, just the top five), and then name your favorite characterization that each particular actor/actress performed with a reason why.

I'll go first, of course:

1. Humbert Allen Astredo as Nicholas Blair: Personally, Nicholas Blair is one of the best characters on the show. He first appears so suave and debonair, but you can quickly tell that his dark side is far too sinister to keep that facade up for long (how he keeps it up as long as he does I'll never know XD).

2. Louis Edmonds as Joshua Collins: I love LE in this role since he performs it so admirably especially when the majority of his other roles (Roger (RT and PT), Edward, Brutus, etc) are so cold-hearted and evil (in the role of Brutus, of course). Just...pure genius as this role.

3. Jerry Lacy as Gregory Trask: JL does a great job portraying inherent evil with the facade of goodness. By facade, I don't mean his outward personality, since that is just as poisonous as he is on the inside. Just the fact that he portrays himself as a "Man of God," yet by doing so many malicious acts....It's awesome, pure and simple.

4. Lara Parker as Angelique Bouchard/DuVal/Dubois/Miranda DuVal: I cannot make this list without paying homage to LP's classic "looks." The feelings she emotes when she contorts her face...Well, I mainly LOVE the smirk of gumption and superiority she usually has set on, but she does a good job portraying fear at the same time (especially in 1968).

5. Marie Wallace as Jenny Collins: You know...MW did an excellent job portraying "insane" with just about every single one of her roles, but this one by far takes the cake. Crazy was brought to a new level with Jenny. I don't think I really need to explain any more if you've seen Jenny in action. XD

So how about the rest of you?

Like my new avatar and signature? At some other forums, I won someone in a "staff auction" so I had him put this set together for me. Anyone like it?  ;D

Hello all. I was surfing the movies on TCM today, and I discovered Rebecca, which some of you may know was the inspiration for the Angelique storyline in 1970PT. It starts at 2:30 PM CST. Sorry for the late notice. :(

Made in 1940; Starring Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine, Judith Anderson, George Sanders, Nigel Bruce, and Reginald Danny; Directed by Alfred Hitchcock.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Archive Q
« on: February 27, 2005, 02:19:07 AM »
The other day I noticed that I had 50 posts *cheers for self*. Anyways, I noticed in one of the forums that once I get 50 posts, I should be able to see the "Members' Archive," but I don't.  :'( Any clue why? Thanks for any feedback!

Current Talk '05 I / More Storyline Speculation
« on: February 16, 2005, 08:33:20 PM »
I was wondering from all of you...what supernatural stories have you read that you'd like to have seen turned into storylines on DS? Maybe not even supernatural, but possibly stories like..."The Awakening," "The Time Machine," or "The Scarlet Letter?" What do you all wish for?

It could possibly even be a storyline you made up in your head! Heh.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Dark Shadows Chat?
« on: February 02, 2005, 08:58:06 PM »
I don't know if this idea has been run by any of you, but my other forums has a nice AIM chatroom for members to go into. I was wondering if anyone has possibly thought of the same thing. If anyone likes the idea of this, please send me PM or something. My AIM name is ShadowMan787, but it's on private status, so I'd need to add you first.  ;D

Current Talk '05 I / Q About the Recent 1897 Collage
« on: February 02, 2005, 05:12:33 PM »
In the bottom row, next to Thayer David, I can't make out who the woman is. Is that MW playing Jenny or DM playing Laura? Sorry if that sounds stupid. XD

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