Ahhh...here I am, sitting here at my laptop, procrastinating my French homework away, thinking about DS. Ahhh...I love it.
Anyways, assume that all the actors/actresses on DS up and quit, and Dan Curtis had to recast them all. Also, assume he has a time machine that can go backwards and forwards in time (but only as far as 10/25/05

). Which actors/actresses from any time period do you think could fill in their previous owners' shoes?

I know there are some beloved ones on the list that we know we could never TRULY replace (Joan Bennett, Lara Parker, Nancy Barrett, Humbert Allen Astredo, Don Briscoe and the QUEEN, Grayson Hall, come to mind

, but there are also some that you make you think, "Which producer did they sleep with to get on the show?" (I've heard mention of Roger Davis, Lee Beery, and Geoffrey Scott on that topic.

) So this is your chance to recast who you want to recast with WHOEVER you want. Go ahead. Have fun.

I'll make out a preliminary list of the actors/actresses from the show, but don't feel inclined to do all of them. There's far too many!

Also, my list isn't set in stone. Feel free to add some in that I didn't mention.
Humbert Allen Astredo
Nancy Barrett
Lee Beery
Joan Bennett
Chris Bernau
Clarice Blackburn
Don Briscoe
Kathy Cody
Terry Crawford
Joel Crothers
Thayer David
Roger Davis
Louis Edmonds
Elizabeth Eis
Dana Elcar
David Ford
Conrad Fowkes
Jonathan Frid
Anthony George
Robert Gerringer
Grayson Hall
David Henesy
Kate Jackson
John Karlen
Jerry Lacy
John Lasell
Donna McKechnie
Diana Millay
Alexandra Moltke
Denise Nickerson
Lara Parker
Dennis Patrick
Christopher Pennock
Addison Powell
Keith Prentice
Lisa Richards
Robert Rodan
Frank Schofield
Kathryn Leigh Scott
Geoffrey Scott
David Selby
Craig Slocum
Sharon Smyth
James Storm
Michael Stroka
Virginia Vestoff
Marie Wallace
Donna Wandrey