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Topics - Bob_the_Bartender

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Hey, gang,

I’m sure that we all stayed up late last night to see who would be elected POTUS. I wonder if the residents of Collinsport, Maine closely followed the hustings of the just concluded 2024 US Presidential campaign?

Which Collinsport residents do you think would be ardent Donald Trump supporters? I could see such down-to-earth, working class Collinsport residents as Sheriff George Patterson, Blue Whale bartender Bob Rooney, Joe Haskell, Maggie Evans,  Ezra Braithwaite, Sarah Johnson, Tom Jennings and the Eagle Hill Cemetery caretaker as being steadfast Donald Trump supporters.

On the other hand, who would have supported Vice President Kamala Harris in the election? I could envision the free-spirited and somewhat rebellious Carolyn Stoddard Hawkes as an enthusiastic Harris supporter. I suppose that Professor T. Elliott Stokes and his academic colleagues at his unnamed college/university were also loyal Kamala Harris supporters. (I wonder who most of the undergraduate students at Professor Stokes’s school voted for in the election?)

Would Elizabeth, Roger and Vicki support Kamala Harris or Donald Trump in the election? I really don’t know.

I could see the unfailingly iconoclastic Buzz Hackett casting his vote for the equally iconoclastic Rachel Fruit the presidential candidate of the Socialist Workers Party. Of course, Barnabas, being the “cousin from England,” would be unable to vote in the presidential election. But, would the ageless Quentin Collins attempt to vote in the election? And, would Quentin attempt to vote as Quentin Collins or as “Grant Douglas”?

Finally, where would the residents actually vote? Maybe they cast their ballots at the Collinsport City Hall (which looked suspiciously like the Collinsport Inn, when we saw the city hall in 1995?). Or maybe, everyone voted at The Blue Whale. That would be great, since the voters could enjoy a gin and tonic or a Bloody Mary as they waited in line to vote. Bottoms up!!!  [smiley-riding-turkey]

When I first heard that there would be a memorial service to honor the late, great Lara Parker, I was delighted. Ms. Parker was superb in the key role of Angelique Bouchard on DS. And, Ms. Parker was beloved by the many DS fans, who met her at the DS Festivals held in New York City and Los Angeles over the past forty years.

On a personal note, I first met Ms. Parker at the 1988 NYC DS Festival, which was held at the World Trade Center. Ms. Parker posed for a photograph with my fiancée and myself. Of course, Ms. Parker was very warm and gracious towards us and the many other DS fans at the festival. Over the years, I saw Ms. Parker at several  other of the NYC-based festivals: she was always friendly, cheerful and very interested in the lives of her many fans.

I recall that ProfStokes wrote a terrific account here on the DS Forums on the memorial service for Dennis Patrick, another beloved DS actor. ProfStokes wrote that several of Mr. Patrick’s friends and acting colleagues reminisced about Mr. Patrick’s life and acting career. ProfStokes also wrote that the memorial service was
conducted with class, respect and dignity.

So, I expected Ms. Parker’s upcoming memorial service would be handled in the same manner. But, then, I became aware of a “DS Celebration” to held on the very next day after Ms. Parker’s memorial service.
Apparently, this “DS Celebration” is an idea conceived by Jim Pierson, longtime producer of DS Festivals and
other DS-related endeavors. Now, I have seen and observed Jim Pierson at these NYC DS Festivals over the years; he has always impressed me as being ALL-business at these events. I recall at one festival, Mr. Pierson was acting as the auctioneer at a charity auction at that event. Mr. Pierson, in his soft Texas accent, announced, “that we now have a semi-nude photograph of Lara Parker for bidding.” I thought that that was a rather strange item to put up for bid at a charity auction.

Of course, at these DS Festivals, in addition to the acting skits and DS character  impersonations, there are the various vendors and DS actors also there, selling their books, photographs and other kitschy items, which no one really needs. And, no doubt, the ubiquitous Richie Halpern will be there, evidently channeling the spirit of the late comedian, Jerry Lewis, as Mr. Halpern monopolizes the stage in much the same way that “The Original Jerk” monopolized the stage during his long professional association with Dean Martin.

The reason that I mention all of this is that I think that all of these “fun-filled” activities seem to be very inappropriate to be held on the day everyone has assembled to honor the life and career of Lara Parker. To me, I think this idea of a DS Celebration” to honor Jonathan Frid’s 100th birthday on the next day after Ms. Parker’s memorial service is rather tacky and even unseemly. Couldn’t Jim Pierson and the other organizers of this “DS Celebration” have scheduled it for, at least, a month or so after and. Parker’s memorial service? By the way, I wonder if Ms. Parker’s husband and adult children are aware that this “DS Celebration” will take place a day after their beloved family member is to be honored.

I often corresponded with the late VAM, a wonderful and very insightful poster here on the DS Forums.VAM,  or actually Vera Ann, had also attended several of the NYC-based DS Festivals. I remember that Vera Ann and I once discussed how KLS’s repeated telling, at these DS Festivals, of when Louis Edmonds had to literally film a scene on DS with his pants off (and shot from the waist up, for obvious reasons) had become quite old and tiresome.

Vera Ann also once posted on this web site, that by continuing to attend the DS Festivals over the years, “were we all contributing to the Jim Pierson Retirement Fund?” I thought that Vera Ann’s caustic comment was very funny and also spot-on. Although some posters took offense at “VAM’s” orders irreverent remark. I wish that Vera Ann were here today to comment on this so-called “DS Celebration.”

I have been a poster here on the DS Forums for over twenty-five years, dating back to the Vantagenet days in 1998. In that time, I have never seen something as objectionable and as tacky as this “DS Celebration.” And, while I am speaking for myself, I know that there are several other longtime posters here on the DS Forums who also share my negative opinion on this highly questionable event,

I think that this so-called “DS Celebration” is one final (?), crass and especially cynical attempt to make a buck off of the DS fans who travel to Southern California to honor Lara Parker. Who knows, maybe Mr. Pierson can auction-off some more of those semi-nude photographs of Ms. Parker (if he still has any left ) on the day after
this beloved DS actor is memorialized? Shame on Mr. Pierson and the other individuals who are responsible for this all-too-obvious money grab.


Hey, gang,

Yes, I wonder if at 10:23 AM, Willie Loomis ran frantically down the basement stairs of the Old House to see if Barnabas’s “siesta” had been disturbed by this morning’s earthquake in the northeast?

No doubt, Sam Evans, being well “hydrated,” never felt a thing this morning.

I wonder if the great house of Collinwood shook just a little bit at 10:23 AM? Mrs. Johnson was probably bummed-out that all of her pots and pans in the kitchen were now all over the place!  [easter_angry] [easter_cheesy]

Bob, who “enjoyed” the bump this morning.

Calendar Events / Announcements '25 I / Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
« on: March 17, 2024, 04:32:45 PM »
Hey gang,

No doubt, that Joan Bennett, Dennis Patrick, Mitchell Ryan, Betsy Durkin, Vince O’Brien and Jerry Lacy are all celebrating this great American holiday either here or up there in Heaven right now.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all my DS cousins/buddies.  [christmas_snow] [sledding]

Erin go bragh!!!

Bob, half-Gaelic and half-Garlic.

Hey, gang,

I just finished reading Bill O’Reilly’s excellent book, “Killing The Witches,” covering the infamous witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 and 1693. Nineteen people (14 women and five men) were found guilty of witchcraft and executed by hanging, although one man, Giles Corey, was “pressed to death,” by having stones placed on his body until he eventually died from the accumulated weight of the stones on his body.

The Reverend Cotton Mather was a prominent Puritan minister in Boston, who championed the witch trials in Salem. Even though people were convicted of practicing witchcraft solely on the extremely dubious testimony of several young Salem girls, who claimed they had been “afflicted” by the accused witches, the Rev. Mather enthusiastically supported their claims of “spectral evidence,” where the accused had supposedly appeared to the young girls as an evil apparition, causing them to experience fits and convulsions.

There even was a young slave woman named Tituba from Barbados (shades of Angelique?), who was initially accused of being a witch herself, but who later accused other people of witchcraft in order to save her own life. Tituba was familiar with voodoo just like Angelique was from her days as a young girl on Barbados.

Bill O’Reilly points out that many of the people, who were a accused of witchcraft, may have been the victims of personal grudges on the part of the families of the young girls, who had initially fingered the alleged “witches.” Of course, there may have also been a financial motive for the accusations, what with the land and money of the convicted witches being seized by their accusers.

Bill O’Reilly also covers the actual exorcism of of a teenaged boy in Saint Louis in 1949 by William S. Bowdern, a Jesuit priest. This real life exorcism was the inspiration for the late William Peter Blatty’s best-selling novel, “The Exorcist.” It is a harrowing account of how Father Bowdern and his fellow priests were able to save this teenager from demonic possession. No doubt, Bathia Mapes would have been very impressed by the valiant efforts of those Catholic priests on behalf this young man, who went on to lead a happy and productive life.

I think “Killing The Witches” is a great read and DS fans will recognize the obvious parallels between the Reverend Trask and Angelique with their real-life Salem witch trial counterparts.

Hey, gang,

As I’m sitting here watching a report on “The Today Show” on Halloween celebrations across the USA from Salem, MA down to Key West, FL and out to Deadwood, SD, it occurred to me that we never saw anyone either observing or even acknowledging the annual celebration of Halloween on DS.

Wouldn’t it have been cool (and even heartwarming) to have seen young David Collins and cute-as-a-button Amy Jennings walking from door-to-door in Collinsport and exclaiming, “Trick-or-Treat!” to such delighted Collinsport residents as Blue Whale bartender Bob Rooney, venerable Collinsport jeweler Ezra Braithwaite and Todd Antique Store proprietors, Phillip and Megan Todd?

And, who would David and Amy dress up as trick-or-treaters? Maybe David decided to go as Damien Thorn, the precocious child/demon from the film, “The Omen”? (Although, that wasn’t too much of a stretch for Davey Collins, as I’m sure you’ll all agree.) And, who would Amy dress up as? I’m thinking maybe Anne Shirley of “Anne of Green Gables.” Then again, the pixieish Amy might have opted to go as the “slightly” homicidal Rhoda Penmark from “The Bad Seed,” (one of Gerard’s and yours truly’s all-time favorite films).  [Hallo_Costume]

No doubt, back in 1956, when Maggie Evans, Joe Haskell, Harry Johnson, Buzz Hackett, Susie, the future silent waitress and the two Jennings brothers were all young trick-or-treaters, they all knew well enough to stay WAY away from Collinwood!  [nods] I mean, surly Collinwood groundskeeper Matthew Morgan was bad enough and to always be avoided, but the rumors that the ghosts of Josette Du Pres, Jeremiah Collins, Bathia Mapes, Hortense Smiley, Mordecai Grimes, Pansy Faye, Carl “The Comedian” Collins, Jenny Collins, Jason McGuire, Bruno Hess, Megan Todd and a host of others haunted the grounds of the great house of Collinwood nightly, was enough to scare away all of the young kids of Collinsport, Maine.  [Spooky_Ghost] [ScaredGhost]

Finally, I’d like to propose the question to everyone, who would the DS characters dress up as on Halloween? For example:

Would Carolyn Stoddard go out as either Taylor Swift or Gwen Stefani?

Would Willie Loomis go out as either Matthew Crowley from “Downton Abbey” or, more likely, as Ratso Rizzo from “Midnight Cowboy”?

Would Bob Rooney go out as either Father Jerry Connolly from “Angels With Dirty Faces” or Archie Bunker from “All in the Family”?

So, who do you think Vicky, Professor Stokes, Buzz Hackett and, of course, Barnabas would trick-or-treat as?

Bob, who’s heading for the annual Halloween Parade in a Greenwich Village tonight.  [HapHallo]

Hey gang,

So, I’m watching an episode of the great comedy series, “Frasier,” on COZI-TV the other night, and we see the unfailingly urbane Dr. Frasier Crane enjoying dinner at a Seattle restaurant with his attractive date, when the owner of the upscale Italian restaurant informs his customers that it’s the 50th anniversary of his wedding day, resulting in enthusiastic applause from the diners. Now, I’m looking at this older man with the gray hair and beard and he looks very familiar to me. And, suddenly, it hits me, it’s the flamboyant, sartorially-splendid and eternally ESL-challenged King Johnny Romano!

Yes, it was DS actor Paul Michael, who was killed off far too soon as King Johnny Romano, leader of the Romani tribe. Mr. Michael appeared in an especially memorable episode of DS during the 1897 storyline, when he (as King Johnny) and Istvan, the mute and muscular gypsy, were about to enter the secret room of the Collins Family Mausoleum to put Magda Racosi on trial for stealing the fabled Hand of Count Petofi. Well, just as King Johnny says to Magda, “Open the door, Magda. Open the door,” a studio light literally explodes rather loudly, and we see Paul Michael, Grayson Hall and Henry Baker noticeably flinch as the d@mned light goes kaboom! I always found that to be very funny and one of DS’s great unscripted moments!

Paul Michael, much like fellow DS actor Dennis Patrick, appeared in many television shows, like “Kojak,” Hill Street Blues” “Seinfeld” and “Dragnet” to name a few. Mr. Michael also appeared mfrequently on stage in plays like “Zorba the Greek” and as Tevye in “Fiddler in the Roof.” Mr. Michael was married to actress Marion Ross, who portrayed the beloved Mrs. Marion Cunningham on “Happy Days” for many years and also appeared on stage in “Arsenic and Old Lace” with Jonathan Frid.

Even though Mr. Michael appeared in only a few episodes of DS as the “slightly” over-the-top King Johnny, and much like fellow DS actor Michael Hadge in his portrayal of the immortal hippie/motorcyclist Buzz Hackett, I believe that DS fans will never forget the larger-than-life King Johnny Romano!  [Hallo_Costume] [Winking_Monster]

Calendar Events / Announcements '25 I / Regarding Oberon & Woody Allen
« on: August 25, 2023, 09:59:00 PM »
Hey, gang,

I was re-watching the great Woody Allen film, “Radio Days,” which I hadn’t seen in over 25 years.

Okay, as I’m watching the end credits, I see Peter Lombard listed as the host of “The Mr. Abercrombie Program,” a sort of 1940s radio personal advice show version of today’s Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

So, I skimmed back through the dvd, and sure enough, with his deep, resonant voice, there was actor Peter Lombard, best known to loyal DS fans as Oberon, the Leviathan cult member, who, with the lovely Hazar, waylays and brainwashes Barnabas as Mr. B. is making his way on the path between the Old House and Collinwood during the 1897/1795 storyline.

Mr. Lombard appeared in four episodes of DS as the creepy and hooded Oberon, the Leviathan member, who initially advises and directs Barnabas as the temporary leader of the Leviathans.

Mr. Lombard was born in Spokane, Washington in 1935. He had a long career on Broadway as a stage actor, appearing in “Promises, Promises” as Jerry Orbach’s understudy. Mr. Lombard also appeared as Thomas Jefferson in the play, “1776,” along with such other DS alumni as David Ford, Virginia Vestoff and Daniel Keyes.

After retiring from acting, Mr. Lombard and his wife ran an antique store, “The Salvage Barn” on Hudson Street in Manhattan. The Lombards also ran a bed & breakfast in upstate New York, Mr. Lombard died in 2015 and was survived by his wife and two children.

Even though Mr. Lombard appeared in only a few DS episodes, I think that he left a lasting impression with his fine acting and that oh-so-wonderfully eloquent voice of his.

Requiem aeternam, Mr. Lombard.

Hey, gang,

I was wondering if the HODS dvd has any dvd extras, such as a dvd commentary or other dvd extra features? I have an old vhs copy of HODS, that in the words of the venerable Eagle Hill Cemetery Caretaker, “has seen better days.”  [easter_undecided] [easter_wink]

And, does the “Night of Dark Shadows” dvd also come with any dvd extras?



Current Talk '25 I / Carolyn Stoddard: The High School Years
« on: July 14, 2023, 10:02:14 PM »
Hey, gang,

I was watching the very early episodes of DS and Mrs. Stoddard was apologizing to Carolyn for the apparently tough time Carolyn had as a student at Collinsport High School. This got me to thinking, what was Carolyn’s life like when she was a high school kid? The other kids must have either been in awe of her or resented her wealth and privilege. I can’t decide which scenario it might have been.

Do you think Carolyn participated in many (or any) extracurricular activities at Collinsport High School? Do you think Carolyn wrote articles for the school paper? Did Carolyn participate in sports like tennis or softball at Collinsport High? Was Carolyn a cheerleader like the slightly older Maggie Evans apparently was? Did Carolyn develop a crush on Joe Haskell, when Joe was the starting quarterback for an admittedly so-so Collinsport High School football team?

I could see Carolyn being driven to and from Collinsport High School everyday by that old softie, Matthew Morgan.  No doubt, the other kids thought that was “slightly” weird. And, did Carolyn ever invite the other kids up to Collinwood for a party? With Mrs. Stoddard so concerned that someone might discover that her “beloved” husband was taking a permanent “dirt nap” under the floor of one of the locked rooms in the basement of Collinwood, I kind of doubt if Carolyn was ever allowed to bring friends from school up to the great house.

And, do you think that Carolyn was ever embarrassed when the other kids would gossip about why her mother never left that spooky old mansion?

Oh, what we might have seen if they had done a flashback of the early 1960 years at Collinwood. Anyway, you know in high school yearbooks how they sometimes make predictions about members of the graduating class? Well, maybe the 1965 Collinsport High School Yearbook had these predictions:

Most Likely to Switch Careers: Maggie Evans.

Most Likely to Succeed: Chris Jennings (future architect).

Most Likely to be Incarcerated: Harry Johnson.

Most Likely to Snag a Gig on WGBH’s “This Old House”: Tom Jennings (handyman extraordinaire).

Most Likely to Drive a Top-of-the-Line BMW and STILL be Unhappy: Carolyn Stoddard.

Most Likely to Enter Local or State Politics: Susie (Hoffenmuller?) (current Collinsport Inn Waitress).

Most Likely to be Featured in “Field and Stream Magazine”: Joe Haskell.

Most Likely to Finally Find Jesus: Irwin (?) “Buzz” Hackett.

Hey, gang,

I watched the 1980 film, “American Gigolo” last night  (rumored to actually be the life story of Hunter Biden). I remember first seeing this stylish crime drama when it premiered way back then over forty years ago.

The film stars Richard Gere as a street-wise Los Angeles male escort. The beautiful Lauren Hutton and the terrific New York actor, Hector Elizondo as a determined Los Angeles police detective, co-star in the film.

When Richard Gere’s character is accused of murdering one of his female clients, his defense attorney looked very familiar to me. In fact, that attorney was portrayed by veteran character actor, Peter Turgeon, the third (I believe) Dr. Dave Woodard on DS. When Mr. Turgeon, as Richard Gere’s attorney, began to argue with and snarl at Hector Elizondo, it reminded me of the almost self-righteous and angry tone Mr. Turgeon displayed when Dr. Dave Woodard told Barnabas Collins in the Old House that “I just saw your sister, Sarah!”  [easter_angry] [easter_evil]

Anyway, “American Gigolo” is a very enjoyable film featuring great shots of Los Angeles and artfully conveying the erotic zeitgeist of the early 1980s in America. In other words, a film that both Abigail Collins and the original Reverend Trask would have highly approved of.  [easter_rolleyes] [easter_kiss] [nods] [easter_evil] [easter_grin]

Hey, gang,

Over on YouTube there’s a new posting of DS actors, appearing as the mystery guest on “What’s My Line” from the early 1970s.

Jonathan Frid in his traditional Barnabas Collins attire, Joan Bennett as the great lady of Collinwood and stunt man Alex Stevens, appearing in his lycanthropic get-up, appear in three episodes of WML.

This is the first time I have ever seen the the late Mr. Stevens in an interview. And, he actually removes his werewolf makeup during his conversation with the celebrity panelists. In addition, there is film of Mr. Stevens performing two stunts in film appearances.

The posting is entitled “NEW DS Specials Programs - What’s My Line on YouTube. I think that you all will enjoy it.


Hey, gang,

While browsing through YouTube the other day, I came across a film I hadn’t seen in fifty years, “Shamus,”  starring Burt Reynolds and Dyan Cannon. Burt Reynolds portrays Shamus McCoy, a down-on-his-luck Brooklyn detective, who is hired to recover some stolen diamonds.

While tailing a possible suspect, Shamus observes the fellow from a Manhattan book store run by a very attractive and a decidedly zaftig young woman, who is portrayed by Dark Shadows’ own Kay Frye, a/k/a “Pansy Faye.” Shamus, for obvious reasons, is instantly attracted to the comely bookstore owner and, after some brief but highly effective flirting on his part, gets to know the lovely young woman in the “Biblical sense.”

It’s somewhat remarkable how different Ms. Frye’s character looks in this gritty detective film than from how she looked while on Dark Shadows. While Pansy Faye was dressed in an especially garish manner with a lot of flashy
 jewelry and a ton of makeup on her face (not to also mention that Cockney accent of Pansy’s), the bookstore
owner wears glasses and looks like she had bought her conservative clothes at the ladies section of the local
Brooks Brothers’ store. That’s quite a contrast!

Incidentally, this encounter between Shamus McCoy and the beautiful bookstore owner in “Shamus” is a tribute
to a similar scene in Howard Hawks 1946 film, “The Big Sleep,” where private detective Philip Marlowe
(Humphrey Bogart) “encounters” a similarly voluptuous bookstore owner (Dorothy Malone).

In looking up Kay Frye’s acting career, she did not have a lot of credits. Ms. Frye appeared in some television
movies in addition to her work on DS and in this film. Ms. Frye’s year of birth is listed as 1928, which would
have made her about 41-years-old when she portrayed Pansy Faye on DS. She did not seem to be that old to
me on DS. Sadly, Ms. Frye died in 1991 of cancer at the reported age of only 63.

I very much enjoyed watching Kay Frye on DS as the saucy and irrepressible Pansy Faye. I think the DS writers made a big mistake when they killed her off so soon, almost immediately after Carl Collins brought her to Collinwood as his fiancee.
It would have been great fun to have seen how Pansy got on as sister-in-law to the “slightly” dour Judith Collins
and the “slightly” stuffy Edward Collins. However, I think that Pansy and Quentin Collins would have hit it off right from the
start as kindred spirits!  [easter_grin] [easter_evil] [easter_wink]

“Shamus” also features a scene in which Burt Reynolds is threatened by a knife-wielding thug, portrayed by another DS alumnus, veteran stunt man Alex Stevens, who subsequently gets his arm broken and then slammed into a wall by Mr. Reynolds’ macho character.

Another DS alumnus who gets hit by a two-by-four piece of wood by Burt Reynolds, is actor Captain Arthur Haggerty, a huge and completely bald man, who was one of Angelique’s executioners in the second Dan Curtis DS film, “Night of Dark Shadows.”

If you have never seen this enjoyable 1973 detective film, you might want to check it out over on YouTube, if only to catch Pansy Faye, the werewolf and Angelique’s hangman in other screen roles!

Hey, gang,

When I heard the news this morning that someone in the great state of Maine had won last night’s Mega Millions lottery prize of $1.35 Billion Dollars last night, I immediately wondered if “you-know-who” had bought the winning ticket in Collinsport?

No doubt, many of the residents of the quaint and charming fishing village of Collinsport, Maine were/are faithful lottery players. I could see Mrs. Sarah Johnson, Sheriff George Patterson, Bob Rooney, Susie, the silent waitress, Willie Loomis, the Eagle Bill Cemetery Caretaker, Professor T. Elliott Stokes, Collinsport undertaker Mr. Jaret and, even the usually iconoclastic Buzz Hackett queuing up for a chance to win a prize that only requires a dollar (actually two dollars) and a dream!

Yet, I wonder if the reclusive Barnabas Collins employed his knowledge of such arcane and esoteric subjects as the “secret number of the universe” to provide him with the Mega Millions’ winning numbers? And, what would the wise and introspective, former (?) vampire spend his lottery winnings on? Would Barnabas make a substantial contribution to his good friend, Professor T. Elliott Stokes’ unnamed university, specifically an endowment to fund an expanded department on the study of the paranormal, including witchcraft, the concept of Parallel Time and the ancient Chinese divination practice of the I-Ching?

Would Barnabas invest in the popular Brewster’s’ Department Store in Collinsport, with a new line of men’s clothes and accessories, featuring Inverness coats, black onyx rings and extremely stylish men’s silver wolf’s head walking canes?

Or, would Barnabas finally decide to renovate and modernize the Old House by paying the expert craftsmen from the PBS series, “This Old House,” very handsomely, indeed, to transform the Old House into an incredibly stately home, which Stephen King, Elon Musk or even Taylor Swift would like to live in at Collinsport’s sister city, the toney and very upscale Bar Harbor,

Yes, Barnabas could now be living “la dolce vita” (the sweet life) if he lucked out last night by winning the Mega
Millions lottery prize. When you got it, flaunt it, Barnabas, baby!!!  [snow_greedy]  [christmas_snow]  [snow_bigglass]

Current Talk '25 I / Hey, Naomi, Do Drop By, But Don’t Drop In!
« on: January 12, 2023, 04:48:59 PM »
Hey, gang,

I’ve been watching the excellent 1797 DS episodes recently, and I was enjoying the episodes where the Countess Natalie DuPre performs a ceremony to summon the good witch, the bodacious Bathia Mapes, to come to Collinwood and lift the vampire curse on Barnabas through the use of “white magic.”

Okay, after Bathia’s initial attempt to cure Barnabas up in the tower room of Collinwood failed much to Joshua Collins’ great distress, Bathia instructed Joshua (after an unfortunate “senior moment” by Ms. Mapes) to take Barnabas and to “take him to the house of the curse.”

So, finally we’re over in the Old House as Bathia is performing the most crucial dangerous part of the exorcism on Barnabas, when, who comes knocking on the Old House front door, but the well-intentioned and extremely ill-timed Naomi Collins, very understandably anxious as to find out what’s going on in her old home.

That simple knock on the door interrupts Bathia at this crucial moment, resulting in the exorcism’s complete failure and Bathia’s truly horrific death as one of the first recorded deaths in the United States of apparent spontaneous combustion, “courtesy” of the vengeful Angelique.

They say the road to Hell is often paved with the best of intentions. Obviously, the kind and gentle Naomi Collins was acting with the best of intentions in attempting to find out if her husband, Joshua, had succeeded in the attempt to return her beloved son to normalcy. However, as attorneys are wont to say, “But for Naomi Collins’s regrettable interference at that crucial moment, Barnabas Collins would have been cured and returned to the ranks of the living.

I got to thinking about other occasions where it would have been better on DS for the characters to also “do drop by, but don’t drop in.”

Five that immediately came to me were when Chris Jennings received five unexpected and most definitely unwanted visits: First, Fiancee Sabrina Stuart’s surprise visit to her intended, Chris, at his out-of-town apartment; next, Collinsport Inn’s overly-inquisitive night clerk Mr. Wells’ fatal visit to Chris’ attic room at the inn; next, the “slightly” concupiscent Donna Friedlander’s equally fatal visit to Chris at Matthew Morgan’s old cottage; next, Maggie Evans’ visit to that same cottage to assuage Amy Jennings’ concern for her big brother (a close one for Maggie); and, finally, Joe Haskell’s tragic visit to his cousin, Chris’s room at the Collinsport Inn.

Can you think of any other times on DS when it would have been much better for the DS characters to just, “do
drop by, but don’t drop in”?


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