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Topics - onyx_treasure

Pages: 1
Current Talk '03 I / The Horror of the SPOON
« on: April 30, 2003, 02:38:02 PM »
     I will have nightmares for a long time to come.  Elizabeth Stoddard coming at me with a spoon is too horrific to contemplate.  Poor helpless Paul  is too weak to fight the SPOON.   All is lost.
   I'm sorry folks but they really needed the fictious Dr. Reed with a hypo or men in white coats holding a straight-jacket to pull this off.  Elizabeth holding a spoon menacingly just makes me giggle. ;D

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Green for St. Patrick's Day
« on: March 17, 2003, 05:08:34 PM »
     What a treat to have such a festive color for the boards!  Thank you :-*  Are there any other colors available for other holidays?  Just curious?

Current Talk '02 II / Being of sound mind...
« on: November 05, 2002, 09:58:00 PM »
    My husband has a copy of a will that was written during the Victorian period.  My husband's ancestor is left nothing.  The way the will is worded is very funny.  Here is a paraphrased quote " Since my son, XXX, received a generous portion of my personality he needs nothing more from me".
    Along those sentiments, can you imagine what Edith would have written in the will about each child?

Current Talk '02 II / Scion of a wealthy family
« on: October 01, 2002, 07:52:42 PM »
    When Luciaphil wrote in her column "scion of a wealthy family" in reference to David,  I began to think about just how wealthy the Collins family really is.  They own a cannery in some village in Maine, hardly a wealthy state.  How much wealth could a small cannery produce?  The house itself is expensive to maintain so most of it is closed off.  They have one housekeeper.  They live very frugally even by Maine standards.  The land they own is coastal so it would be subject to high taxes.  I think the wealth is just enough to live comfortably and maintain appearaces.

Current Talk '02 II / Moxie
« on: September 19, 2002, 08:49:02 PM »
    Moxie is a soft drink created by Dr. Augustin Thompson of Union, ME in 1884.  It was used to cure such ills as "loss of manhood" and " paralysis and softening of the brain".  
    The first time my husband and I tried it we were unaware of its effects.  We spent a sleepless night whirlling like tops in our bed.  Everytime I see Joe Haskell now I think of my first can(and last) of Moxie.  
    If anyone is interested in Moxie and its mind altering effects I found this link www.moxieworld.com

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