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Topics - franimal

Pages: 1
Current Talk '03 I / Did I Miss Something?
« on: April 26, 2003, 04:50:08 PM »
Well  I mean aside from missing being able to post.  I was in a read only status for a while.  Cyber problems that I really don't understand so won't try to explain (it's rough being so analogue in such a digital world!!)  ::)

Anyway - How did Olivia get Quentin/Grant to go with her??  I could understand going with Julia - she's the doc who's treating him.....but to have no memory and decide to go off with a perfect stranger?  Was this explained?

Oh well......guess it doesn't much matter 'cept I kinda curious.



Current Talk '02 II / Question about Nancy Barrett?
« on: December 18, 2002, 08:16:18 PM »
Hello all,

Is it just me or does Nancy look heavier in the 1897 period?  I mean, typically she is whisper thin.  Can't tell if it's her or the clothes?

Any ideas?



Current Talk '02 II / Reality check
« on: November 14, 2002, 12:25:03 AM »
I think our old friend Barn really does need a reality check!  The other day Rachel says she's leaving and he's absolutely shocked....."but why Rachel?!"

Well, Barn, let's see...hmmm......I was having a pleasant conversation with you one day - looking at the lovely music box you had brought - when suddenly I couldn't breath and started speaking in tongues.....

Things only got worse after that....

I was attacked in the Tower room and locked in there by a crazy woman that no one else in this house will admit exists.....

Then, a few hours ago, I awoke from a nightmare to find a dead man sitting in the rocker in my room.  I was told it was a dream, but thankfully everyone realized it was a zombie before more damage could be done.  And, let's know about this stuff from your time in Martinique and - oh thank heavens - your gypsy housekeeper just happens to have the weird herbs you need to burn in the pantry.....And the servants happen to have the cement you need to cover the coffin so - for right now - all is well?

Yes.....I want to leave, Barn....any questions.



Current Talk '02 II / Quentin speaking episode - double benefit
« on: October 24, 2002, 03:15:53 PM »
Not that it wouldn't have been enough just to have Quenting speaking (right, Annie?)....but the double added benefit of a break from NED was extra special!!!

I'll tell ya....I have an older brother and he never dealt with me (or looked at me or touched me)  the way Ned does with Sabrina - for which I will always be eternally grateful  ;D



Current Talk '02 II / 4 WEEKS?! and other assorted thoughts
« on: October 02, 2002, 05:10:23 PM »
So, Lizzie's been gone for 4 weeks  ::)  Wow.....this is something.  No food, no water....if she wasn't dead to start with, I think she'd be there by now!!  

Kinda like the telepathy thing she had going with Carolyn though ("you're in danger, Carolyn")  - yep - that would be about right.

Too bad about the full moon.  Looked like Carolyn was looking to settle in for a long night with Chris judging from that pitcher of martini's  ;)  



Current Talk '02 II / Julia and the countess?
« on: September 27, 2002, 06:19:18 PM »
Maybe I'm mis-remembering, but didn't the Countess have an accent in the original 1795 plotline?  I though she was much more Julia-ish yesterday.  Both in voice and mannerisms.  


Current Talk '02 II / About the outfit?
« on: August 28, 2002, 03:12:59 PM »
So, Vicky goes to 1795 in modern day clothes with things like Zippers (which probably didn't exist then).....but Eve sheds the Dagmar type black getup and gets a 1795 getup complete with head piece.  That's one powerful medallion!!


Current Talk '02 II / ::)catchy tune!!
« on: July 31, 2002, 03:08:59 PM »
Didja catch the music in episode one?  Where barn is entering the old house and hears the noise in the basement?  Not the usual Da Da DAAAAAA.  I actually had to rewind and listen a few times.  Pretty funny.  Sounded like a cross between something and something else - but I'm not sure what   :P


Current Talk '02 II / The 3 of us!!
« on: July 18, 2002, 04:56:58 PM »
Just another thought (heaven help us)  ;D

When Barn said that "the 3 of us will take an equal risk" I couldn't help but yell out "WHY?!" ?!?

I mean, he's the one that wants to "save" tom from the fate that he endured for 200 years.  So, Ok, go for it Barn!!  We'll be right here when you get back.  Write or call and best of luck to you  :D


Current Talk '02 II / And you're wearing the lab coat - why?
« on: July 18, 2002, 03:23:58 PM »
So, Julia explains to Jeff that she & Barn are writing about Dr. Lang.  And she's wearing a lab coat?  ::)   Is that to get into character?

Hey, you dress up like the characters you write about?  Uhhhhh, wait a minute.....maybe I don't want to know that.   ;)


Current Talk '02 II / And here's something to make her sleep
« on: July 11, 2002, 07:30:50 PM »

Liked the way Nicholas just whipped that blue stuff out of his pocket to help Adam with Victoria.  So do you suppose the average warlock just carries that stuff around just in case someone has a girl in a closet that they need help with?  

Just curious ;)


Current Talk '02 I / Luciaphil....I'm calling on the spirits...
« on: June 18, 2002, 07:43:55 PM » move you 'cause I do so miss your idle thoughts   :'(

Hope all is well.  Write soon.   ;D


Current Talk '02 I / Collinwood's Hobey Baker trophy
« on: May 31, 2002, 03:59:27 PM »
Hello all!

Well, I was watching my DS tape of yesterday's episodes with my husband (he is not an original DS fan - but has been watching all of the shows with me this go around).  He looked up and said, "what's with the Hobey Baker trophy?"  (my husband is a big-time hockey fan and, for those who don't know about it - as I didn't when we first met - the Hobey Baker trophy is a college level hockey trophy). I looked to see what he was looking at and, sure enough, the statue on the table in the hallway (where the phone is) looks like a guy playing hockey :D

So, for the rest of the night my husband gave encouragement to the DS characters by saying, "make Hobey proud!"

Sigh....oh well, at least he's watching with me, right?  ;D


Current Talk '02 I / Lesser of 2 evils?
« on: May 24, 2002, 04:29:27 PM »
Hmmmm.........must be having a memory glitch here.

I seem to recall that the seance that sent Vicky to the past was held to contact Sarah 'cause there was concern (well founded) about David and his fear (also well founded) of Barnabus.

Yesterday.....David ran into his arms.   ?!? No Sarah - no fear.....did I miss something here?  Or is this another DS time sort of thing?    ;)

Funny thing.....I was about 10 when DS was aired and was a faithful watcher.  I remember all of 1795, but can only vaguely remember the Adam storyline.  Maybe it's that psychological thing that happens when you experience something painful!!!  'Cause this storyline sure is painful!!  ;D



Pages: 1