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Messages - Bob_the_Bartender

I hear you on that song, Gerard!  [8_2_87]

Maybe the newlyweds would be better off choosing either “I’ll Be With You Always” or “I Want To Dance With You” as their first wedding song? 😍😘


Maybe the first wedding song for the new couple will be The Doobie Brothers’ “Minute by Minute”? 😍🥰😘🤠

Look-alikes: Noted author and KLS fiancé, Patrick Oster and longtime lead singer and keyboardist for The Doobie Brothers, Michael McDonald.  [funnygif]

Calendar Events / Announcements '25 I / Re: The Collins and the Conners
« on: December 30, 2024, 10:13:39 PM »
I remember seeing that seemingly ubiquitous DS quilt very frequently in the Evans cottage. Maybe Maggie or her late mother sewed that particular quilt?

And, could Mrs. Johnson have also been an avid quilter? I remember reading that former NFL defensive lineman Rosey Grier (who also starred in one of my all-time favorite 1970s films, the classic, “The Thing with Two Heads”) and the late game show host, Gene Rayburn, were both enthusiastic needlepoint sewers.

Who knows, maybe another alpha-male like Barnabas Collins was also an avid quilter, who sewed at night as a means to cope with the boredom he must have experienced during all of those seemingly unending evenings in the Old House?

Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were many “closet quilters” in Collinsport, including Joe Haskell, George Patterson, T. Elliot Stokes and the always uber-cool Buzz Hackett?  [santa_cool]


Some post-election comments on the 2024 US Presidential Election regarding the state of Maine.

Maine is only one of two states (with Nebraska being the other US state) where the its electoral votes can be divided between two presidential candidates. In this years, election, Vice President Kamala Harris received three (of four) electoral votes and former President Donald Trump received one electoral vote.

I attempted to find a breakdown of how each of Maine’s sixteen counties voted in the recent presidential election. Of course, the town of Collinsport, Maine is said to have been located in Hancock County. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find out exactly who the residents of Hancock County did vote for on November 5. (Maybe only Buzz Hackett knows for sure?) 🤔🧛‍♂️

Another aspect of November 5’s election that I wondered about was whether “The Collinsport Star,” Collinsport’s newspaper of record (and, in fact, Collinsport’s only newspaper) formally endorsed either of the two major presidential candidates? Or, did “The Collinsport Star” refrain from endorsing either Kamala Harris of Donald Trump for POTUS as did such renowned newspapers as “The Washington Post” and “The Los Angeles Times”?

There has also been much discussion and speculation as to why Vice President Harris was defeated by former President Trump. Attorney Sunny Hostin, one of the panelists on the long-running television show, The View,” attributed Kamala Harris’s loss to Donald Trump to “uneducated white women,” who did not possess the insight and intelligence to make an informed selection in the recent election. I wonder if Ms. Hostin would consider Maggie Evans, Sarah Johnson, newcomer Nelle Gunston and Susie, the silent Collinsport Inn coffee shop waitress as all being “uneducated white women,” incapable of making a reasoned choice in the 2024 US presidential election? And, what would such sage and thoughtful women as Elizabeth Stoddard and Dr. Julia Hoffman have thought of Ms. Hostin’s rather dismissive observation?

Finally, one thing I noticed at the Dark Shadows Festivals I attended in New York City over the years, was the absence of any partisan political campaigning by the DS actors at these events, specifically during the years when a DS Festival and a US presidential election both took place. At the 1988 DS Festival at The World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, I don’t recall either Jonathan Frid or Lara Parker expressing a preference for either Vice President George HW Bush or Governor Michael Dukakis in that election. Similarly, I don’t recall any DS actors openly supporting either President George HW Bush or Governor Bill Clinton in the 1992 US presidential election.

However, I do remember there was much discussion here on the Dark Shadows Forums (both pro and con), when a DS actor at one of the later DS Festivals, openly advocated on behalf of Senator Barack Obama of Illinois over Senator John McCain of Arizona for POTUS in 2008. I think that refraining from political discussions at Dark Shadows Festivals, much like refraining from political discussions at family gatherings at Thanksgiving and Christmas, is the definite way to go.


Now Angelique, coming from Martinique, actually was a French citizen. Maybe Angelique Bouchard /Cassandra Blair arranged to pay for a new identity, like Marty and Wendy Byrde were going to do in the excellent Netflix
series, “Ozark”?  Didn’t Angie tell everyone at Collinwood that she and her “beloved brother,” Nicholas, were
from Philadelphia?

And, Gerard Stiles (a/k/a Ivan Miller) could have voted twice, once as “Gerry Stiles” and once as Judah Zachary.

By the way, I’ve always wondered how Dan Curtis and the DS writers came up with the names of all of the DS characters. What prompted them to come up with really unique monikers like “Ezra Braithwaite,” “Jeb Hawkes,” “Magda Racosi” and “Andreas Petofi”?  [hall2_undecided] [wishbone]


You know, maybe Barnabas eventually became a naturalized American citizen and was eligible to vote after we saw him and Dr. Hoffman exit stage left during their final appearance on DS on January 27, 1971?

Hey, gang,

I’m sure that we all stayed up late last night to see who would be elected POTUS. I wonder if the residents of Collinsport, Maine closely followed the hustings of the just concluded 2024 US Presidential campaign?

Which Collinsport residents do you think would be ardent Donald Trump supporters? I could see such down-to-earth, working class Collinsport residents as Sheriff George Patterson, Blue Whale bartender Bob Rooney, Joe Haskell, Maggie Evans,  Ezra Braithwaite, Sarah Johnson, Tom Jennings and the Eagle Hill Cemetery caretaker as being steadfast Donald Trump supporters.

On the other hand, who would have supported Vice President Kamala Harris in the election? I could envision the free-spirited and somewhat rebellious Carolyn Stoddard Hawkes as an enthusiastic Harris supporter. I suppose that Professor T. Elliott Stokes and his academic colleagues at his unnamed college/university were also loyal Kamala Harris supporters. (I wonder who most of the undergraduate students at Professor Stokes’s school voted for in the election?)

Would Elizabeth, Roger and Vicki support Kamala Harris or Donald Trump in the election? I really don’t know.

I could see the unfailingly iconoclastic Buzz Hackett casting his vote for the equally iconoclastic Rachel Fruit the presidential candidate of the Socialist Workers Party. Of course, Barnabas, being the “cousin from England,” would be unable to vote in the presidential election. But, would the ageless Quentin Collins attempt to vote in the election? And, would Quentin attempt to vote as Quentin Collins or as “Grant Douglas”?

Finally, where would the residents actually vote? Maybe they cast their ballots at the Collinsport City Hall (which looked suspiciously like the Collinsport Inn, when we saw the city hall in 1995?). Or maybe, everyone voted at The Blue Whale. That would be great, since the voters could enjoy a gin and tonic or a Bloody Mary as they waited in line to vote. Bottoms up!!!  [smiley-riding-turkey]


Your point about how Barnabas Collins killed many of his victims is well taken. Of course, we never did exactly see how Mr. B. disposed of that group of young hippies after he told of them how much he was impressed and moved by the writings of author Erich Segal (a personal favorite of Buzz Hackett as well, I understand).

Yet, it looked to me as if Barnabas completely “drained” a couple of those construction workers, who accidentally dug Barnabas up.  [VampInCasket] [bat7628] [ghost_shocked]

By the way, I wonder if Johnny Depp’s Barnabas Collins knocked off more people in that so-so DS film, than Jonathan Frid’s Barnabas Collins did in over three years of DS episodes on the original series?  [hall2_huh] [ghost_smiley]

Bob, I remember seeing the first Friday the 13th in the theater with a friend of mine.  As the movie progressed, we became confused about who got killed when and with what.  My friend pulled a notebook and pen out of her purse and we began to take notes trying to keep the growing pile of corpses straight.  While others around us were screaming and shrieking, she and I were engaged in conversation, pointing to the notes, saying things like:  ", no, no.  That was Sue.  She got it in the head with an ax...I thought Sue got it with the machete...That was Tom...Then who got it with the meat cleaver in the throat?...Wasn't that Cindy?  Or was that Alex?...I think that was Tammy...I thought Tammy..."



Oh, yeah, you really did need a scorecard to keep track of all the brutal killings in those “Friday the 13th” films. I could have also used a scorecard to keep track of all the homicides in both “Ozark” and “Game of Thrones.”

Come to think of it, Barnabas Collins racked up quite a total of “offings” in the Tim Burton DS film with about half a dozen construction workers and another half dozen young hippies being drained of all of their blood, along with the dipsomaniacal Dr. Julia Hoffman. By the way, I could never figure out how Julia Hoffman returned as a vampire after Barnabas and Willie dumped her body into Collinsport Bay and, yet, all of those hard hats and hippies did not become creatures of the night after Mr. B. gave them all hickeys?  [VampInCasket]

Oh, well, the possible vespertilian fates of all of those other Barnabas Collins victims, like the puzzling lineage of the Trask family, will apparently not be discussed here on the Dark Shadows Forums.  [ghost_huh] [Hall_RIP]


Adam was probably so bored, being cooped up in that dingy room in the west wing of Collinwood, that I think he would have been overjoyed in being able to watch Svengoolie on tv.

You would think that Carolyn would have supplied Adam with a portable TV set to watch sporting events, soap operas, the news, old movies and anything else on tv to lessen Adam’s unrelenting boredom in that lousy room.

No doubt, Adam would have really enjoyed watching Herman, Lily, Grandpa, beautiful Marilyn and young Eddie on “The Munsters.” Watching the residents of 1313 Mockingbird Lane would have provided Adam with a family that he wished that he could call his very own.   [hall2_cry] [hall2_kiss] [Frank] [VampInCasket] [Werewolf] [bonny_hand]

Now, the original Reverend Trask impressed me as being extremely straight-laced and even repressed sexually (even though the “good” reverend did sire future mortician and all-around “fun guy,” Lamar Trask).

In fact, I remember when the loathsome bigamist, Nathan Forbes, was trying to get the Reverend Trask to help him get back together with Millicent “The Space Cadet” Collins, the righteous reverend declined, saying something like, “Physical love is beyond my comprehension.”  [ghost_blink] [ghost_nowink]

Now, with 1897’s Reverend Gregory Trask, there we had a real horn-dog and hypocrite, a man who was evidently dealing with a severe case of satyriasis. But, then again, we’ve even seen such great and revered men as past presidents of the United States, attempt to control and cope with their raging concupiscent desires. So, maybe we should even cut a little slack to an insatiable satyr like Gregory Trask, a man who ranks “up there” with the likes of Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer and P Diddy?

By the way, did we ever find out who Gregory Trask’s father was? I don’t think 1840’s Lamar Trask was Gregory Trask’s father, right? Then again, maybe old Lamar was a dark horse, with hidden “talents” and “interests,” we never saw on DS?  [hall2_huh] [hall2_kiss] [hall2_wink]

One final comment on the original Reverend Trask and his enthusiastic witch-hunting sidekick, Abigail Collins. While the rev and Abigail were laser-focused on rooting out all of the witches in Collinsport, they both apparently had blinders on when it came to addressing and acting to stop all of the wanton debauchery going on 24/7 on and around the docks of Collinsport and especially at The Eagle Tavern, Collinsport’s favorite watering hole and pick-up joint.

I mean, we saw so many “working girls,” plying their “trade” at The Eagle, including such unforgettable characters as Ruby Tate and Maudie Browning, who both had the great misfortune of having made Barnabas Collins’s “acquaintance.” Shouldn’t the Reverend Trask and Ms. Collins, those two paragons of moral rectitude, have also acted to eliminate prostitution in Collinsport with as much fervor and determination as they devoted to eliminating the practice of witchcraft in Collinsport? I can’t figure it out. The Reverend Jimmy Swaggart would be so disappointed with them.  [female_skull]


You know, I’m such a fan of the Jason films, that I wish that they’d do even more of those intriguing films. But, then, again, I also wish that the producers of the wonderful 50 Shades of Grey film trilogy would reward us all with additional films following the further adventures and “exploits” of Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey.


PS No doubt, both the Reverend Gregory Trask and Abigail Collins, those two giants of moral rectitude in Collinsport, Maine, would wholeheartedly approve of Anastasia and Christian’s unique lifestyle.  [hall2_rolleyes] [devil2] [ghost_wacko]

Anne, [Zombie_Hand] [Zombie_Hand] [Winking_Monster] [Winking_Monster] [Winking_Monster]

Can you imagine if Barnabas made one of his nightly visits to Collinwood on Saturday and Carolyn, Vicki, David and Amy were all watching Svengoolie on tv and the show was airing the original “Dracula,” starring the great Bela Lugosi and also “The Return of Dracula,” starting Francis Lederer? I
tend to think that Barnabas’s visit to Collinwood that particular night would be rather brief.  [female_skull] [VampInCasket]

Yes, I agree that Willie would also NOT want to see any vampire films either!  [hall2_shocked]

And, maybe that’s also the reason that Barnabas never had electrical powers installed at the Old House; Mr.B. didn’t need anyone tuning into a vampire film on a 40 inch color tv set in the drawing rom of the Old House.  [Monster]

I wonder if the good people of Collinsport, Maine tuned on “Svengoolie” on the boob tube on Saturday nights?  [ScaredGhost]

I could see David Collins and Amy Jennings watching the amiable MeTV horror host faithfully every Saturday night. Maybe Blue Bartender Bob Rooney also had “Svengoolie” on the TV set above the bar in his popular establishment for everyone to enjoy as they got blitzed?  [8_1_210]

No doubt, “Svengoolie” would have been “Must-See TV” on Saturday nights for Nicholas Blair, Angelique, Adam and Eve while that happy and harmonious bunch was staying at the House-by-the-Sea.  [devil2] [VampInCasket] [Winking_Monster] [hall2_kiss]

Heck, even such serious and scholarly academics as Professor T. Elliott Stokes and Dr. Peter Guthrie probably checked out “Svengoolie” as a definitive source of information for their ongoing research into the occult.  [8_1_1] [Zombie_Mummy] [Spin_Jack-o]