General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '25 I => Current Talk '17 I => Topic started by: Gothick on April 10, 2017, 08:11:40 PM
Hi folks, Last weekend, I had to telephone a friend who recently retired, and he surprised me by telling me he started watching DS on Youtube. He got up to around episode 70 and I think either the episodes switched to for-pay or there was one episode that he couldn't access--I couldn't really understand what he was telling me about it.
This made me wonder whether DS is on HuluPlus, Netflicks or other web content services currently. Does anyone have current info?
It's hard to google this kind of thing because there are so many sites around with outdated information--and just so many DS websites, period.
Best, G.
Once in awhile, full episodes appear on youtube, but you-know-who eventually finds out, the lawyers are summoned, and they're taken down. Fortunately, you-know-wh...oh, you know, does allow for selected scenes to remain on youtube. One of my favorites that I watch still is the scene where grandmamama's will is read by Judith. Everything about it was executed so perfectly save for one blooper regarding the drawing-room doors.
Quentin: "Edward, I think I'm going to cryyyyy."
Edward: "Oh, shut up!"...
Judith: "Keep it up, Quentin, and you'll end up with less than nothing."...
Carl: "We might as well be paupers!...I can't believe Grandmama hated me that much!"
Quentin: "She didn't hate you. She just didn't trust you."
As far as I know, Hulu Plus has a very odd array of eps available:
Eps 210 - 290 (Starting with Barnabas' release and abruptly ending with Barnabas about to kill Julia)
Eps 776 - 981 (Jumping into 1897 with Edward staking Dirk/Rachel's death and continuing through the end, all of Leviathans, and only the first full ep of 1970PT)
Thanks for the responses. I guess my friend isn't going to be watching any more DS online.
cheers, G.
You and everyone should check out the Youtube wanna be site called Daily Motion. They have a ton of DS episodes on that site.
I was trapped in a hospital bed a few years ago without my DVDs and found an oasis there with that site!
Episode 1140 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3zw5bt
I've noticed also that some YouTube channels will not put Dark Shadows in the title of the video, only the episode NUMBER! [easter_cool]
I've noticed also that some YouTube channels will not put Dark Shadows in the title of the video, only the episode NUMBER! [easter_cool]
Sneaky! And indeed VERY cool of them!! [easter_cool]
I know it's not on Netflix; I never knew it was on any of them until a few months ago when MB mentioned that Hulu wouldn't be free anymore, so, if you wanted to continue watching DS, you'd have to pay.
There was a story posted on a couple of DS book of face groups a few days ago, I think originating from the Collinsport History Museum site, stating that all or nearly all of the DS episodes on Hulu were going to be pulled.
Feeling so grateful for my DVDs whenever I read such things. Nice to know that a lot of the shows are on Daily Motion, too.
I found the link about this. No timeline is given for when the shows are going to disappear--a lot of them are listed as "expiring."
I don't have the service so I find how they handle our show confusing--they seem to divide the original DVD boxes into "seasons."
I feel for people who might have just started paying for it thinking they were going to have access to DS.
Considering the eps they currently have available, anything they might do shouldn't be too much of a surprise. Though I have to confess that I don't really know how services like Hulu obtain their programming. Do they buy the DVD sets and thus own them or are the DVD sets simply supplied to them by the distributors and/or perhaps even for a limited amount of time? The latter may explain why they currently have such an odd array of eps because it's certainly hard to fathom a simple and/or logical explanation for it...
when MPI removed the episodes on Youtube there were lots of younger/newer viewers who were like "who the heck is MPI"?
newbies! any old school knew MPI intimately. for years i was on the phone with them almost weekly ordering the episodes tape-by-tape before eventually upgrading to the dvd format. it took forever but it was fun.
A lot of people now believe that physical media (such as CDs and DVDs/BDs) have gone the way of the dinosaur. This fiction is being promoted by some huge corporate media megaliths that want you to get rid of anything you have in the way of physical media and just sign up for subscription services that you'll pay for for the rest of your life.
Anything that is not available via some kind of streaming or online access could just as well not exist for a lot of people.
The article on the Collinsport Historical Society about some selected DS DVD sets being streamed by public libraries via a protocol called HOOPLA was interesting. Part of the problem with this is that a lot of the people who think physical media went out the window circa 2005 also think that public libraries are on the way into the dustbin of history. Most don't even know where their local library is or how to go about getting a library card (I imagine you can do it online now but I don't know--I'm sure it varies in different states and systems).
As a librarian who works in technical services, which involves acquiring and cataloguing resources, the attitudes and trends that the top leaders in the profession are focusing on are extremely frustrating. In all fairness, those of us involved in "information management" or "metadata management" (just plain old librarianship no longer exists) are constantly bombarded with requests to learn about the hot new platform/protocol/service/space what have you... everything to do with information and media is now relentlessly driven by non-stop innovation because it's all about making people upgrade to the latest, shiniest new product. The top people have to manage all this and try to plan for a future where we're constantly being given new information about what libraries will look like and what kind of services we will be expected to provide.
Sorry for the digression. As I said, I thank God Herself I own the DS DVDs!
On that same note, shopping for a new laptop (another dying thing it seems), but you really have to look VERY hard to find one with a DVD-R/Rom drive built in... Strange indeed...
I do foresee a time when everything will be streaming or digital download with our own personal "cloud drive" that will be unlocked by the government upon our passing.
For my birthday, friends bought me a new laptop computer (my old one, on it's last legs, is over 15 years old with a tower). I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure this new gadget out. The "new" outlook is simply unworkable.
Anyway, Gothics post reminds me of an episode of one of the latest versions of The Outer Limits. It's called "Stream of Consciousness." "Information" gadgetry has come to its ultimate conclusion: all humans have a chip implanted in their brains to stream and load "information." Want to read "War and Peace?" It streams and downloads in seconds. You can't "read" it - you "stream" it. Want to order a home-delivery pizza? "Think" Domino's with what you want, pay for it with "streaming" and - voila! - your doorbell rings, hot and ready. The entire world is revolutionized and an apparent Utopia. Only 3-or-so% can't have the chip because of some brain damage and they are looked down upon. The hero of the episode is one of them who has to use out-dated books to read (which others can't - there's no longer a need for printed words; to them, is just a bunch of squiggly markings). To make a long story short, something goes wrong with the streaming and people begin to die. He has to shutdown the "stream" to save humanity and when he does, suddenly 97% of the human race is illiterate. The 3% rise to the top to reeducate the populace. The final seen is of all different people, from waiters to doctors, sitting in schools, reading slowly: "See John run. Run, John, run."
I work as a substitute teacher. Kids are not being taught (with some exceptions) how to write cursive anymore. Even in kindergarten, computers are used; no need to learn how to spell or compose proper grammar - spell-check and grammar-check will take care of that. Math? Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division? That's what calculators are for, even in advanced high school calculus and trigonometry classes. Punch in the figures and get the facts.
I think young David Collins would have like to have used today's modern computer technology during all of those math and history lessons with Vicky Winters. Yet, I wonder if Vicky would have liked utilizing today's educational software?
In early 2010, I had heard a little something about DVDs not being mass-produced.
There are times when I'm looking at older movies, and there'll be a disclaimer, "This will only be produced if you are purchasing it". Since I heard that, I got in gear with buying movies and TV series. I don't know why, but I love owning TV series.
A lot of people now believe that physical media (such as CDs and DVDs/BDs) have gone the way of the dinosaur. This fiction is being promoted by some huge corporate media megaliths that want you to get rid of anything you have in the way of physical media and just sign up for subscription services that you'll pay for for the rest of your life.
We have such *&^$%*^ lousy internet, that there's A L O T of times that I'm happy with my DVDs.
I won't stop buying them, but, I can see them 'switching' to something like a USB.
In case anyone was looking for any DS episodes on Dailymotion.com apparently you must only use a regular Google search of video content for a particular episode... Then you will see them come up for that site.
If you search on the actual site, your search will not find anything for some reason.
How strange! But thanks so much for passing that along, RoboQ. [easter_smiley]
This news report explains DCP's "strategy" for continued streaming of DS episodes on Hulu.
The good news for my friend is that later in 2017, the entire first year (roughly 200 episodes) are to be made available on the web channel. Gratifyingly, the story notes that some of the best episodes of our series aired during that 1966-67 year.
Best, G
Well, that explains why there are such an odd array of eps available there. Thanks, Gothick. [easter_smiley]