Considering that very soon the current slideshow will complete its third consecutive run, it's definitely time for it to be retired (though it might return at some point) and replaced with a new slideshow on the forum's BoardIndex. On June 27th a DS Quotes Slideshow will begin in its place, mostly featuring daily quotes taken from the Fest's 1990 Calendar of Quotes. However, some days the quotes on the calendar were a bit boring, so I'm going to open those days up for suggestions of something a bit more interesting.
The first day up for suggestion is July 24th. So, if anyone has a favorite quote from Eps #281(1967), #543(1968), #804(1897), or #1065(1995), please post it in this topic and we'll definitely consider it for the slideshow. Some important stipulations, though - keep the quotes to one single character (no exchanges between characters) and to one (preferably) or two (at the most) sentences (all of which is the way it's done on the actual calendar).
I've really enjoyed the slideshows, MB, and I'll never forget your "gift" to me last summer after I was MIA for a week. Thanks again for much enjoyment. Looking forward to what's next. [beer]
I'll miss our current slideshow. It has given me my daily DS fix since it went off the air on that ungrateful Sci-Fi network. It was like being able to watch the show all over again, following along with the plots and our beloved characters. But I know that whatever you come up with, MB, will be equally fantastic and satisfying.
Yeah, I'll miss the slideshow too. A lot.
And now I have to go searching to find out which episodes some of my favorite quotes were in.
The good news for the people who posted and PM'd me to say they'd miss the History Slideshow is that it hasn't been retired after all. I've moved it to the Robservations board, and anyone who might like to continue to follow it can do so there. [ghost_smiley]
At the moment, the Quotes Slideshow is only available in the Arcane Magic theme, but that will change...
MB, you are brilliant!!!! I'm loving both!
If you've noticed the * after July 1st's quote, you might be wondering what that means. Well, that's going to be used to indicate a quote that I had to add myself because the quote on the calendar was actually for the wrong date. And when it comes to July 1st, it wasn't just off by a few days - it was REALLY the wrong date because the quote the calendar cited actually comes from the April 21, 1967 ep!! [ghost_blink] But then, how often are any of these things completely accurate, so should it be any surprise that the calendar is no different? [ghost_rolleyes]
What a cool new development. I've been mostly offline (and a travellin' man) for the past two weeks, but look forward to catching up with the new slideshow soon.
cheers, G.
if anyone has a favorite quote from ... #804(1897), ...
No question about it, mine from that ep is by Charity as Pansy: "Maybe I'm not a lady, but I got other virtues."
Love the slideshows you've provided over the years. Thank you for keeping them alive.
And yes, Midnite, one can always count on Charity/Pansy for a sassy quip. The writers must have loved writing for her, since they weren't in much of a hurry to cure Charity's "possession" once she started running around with that feather boa.
Thank you for supplying today's quote, Midnite. I love that remark too - the whole scene, in fact. [ghost_cheesy] (I also love Charity's remark up in the hall outside the tower room. I'm sure you all know the one I mean. [b003])
But as one problem is solved, another crops up - this time with August 22nd. The quote on the calendar for that day is: "Roger: Has the little crook robbed a bank (1966)", and the trouble is that Roger doesn't ever say anything even slightly resembling that in Ep #41. So, we would appreciate someone sharing a favorite quote from one of the following: Eps #41(1966), #302(1967), #564(1968), or #825(1897).
Also, does anyone have any idea where that quote of Roger's actually does come from? Off the top of my head I can't recall, and I also did several sorts of searches through Robservations but came up with nothing. As I mentioned in reply #6, the sad thing is that there are other examples on the calendar of quotes being listed on the wrong days, but I would like to list them in the slideshow on the right days. But in this instance I have no clue, so I'd greatly appreciate any help anyone might provide. [ghost_smiley]
Also, does anyone have any idea where that quote of Roger's actually does come from?
Well, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one around here who has no idea where it came from. [ghost_wink]
The interesting thing is that the quotes on the calendar were most often taken from the scripts (except in the case of some bloopers) and not the actual episodes (remember this is the 1990 calendar - and back in 1989 when the calendar came out, Eps #1-#209 and #1008-#1245 had not been seen since their original airings back in 1966-1967 and 1970-1971 save for a few clips here and there and the rare showings of an entire ep at the Fests), so some of the quotes on the calendar are a bit different from what the actors actually say on the shows (I've corrected them, however, to reflect what is actually said). It would be very interesting if Roger's line: "Has the little crook robbed a bank?" was scripted for Ep #41, but for some reason it was either cut or Louis simply forgot to deliver it...
But at any rate, I picked one of my favorite Roger lines from Ep #41 to feature in the slideshow.
The next problem on the calendar crops up for September 24th. The quote for that day should actually be for the 25th, which has a quote from an entirely different ep. So, if anyone would care to share a favorite quote, we're looking for one from one of the following eps: Eps #587(1968), #848(1897), or #1109(1970). [ghost_smiley]
Another month apparently means more errors on the 1990 calendar. I was just adding the October quotes to the database and discovered two problems: the quotes for October 26th and October 29th actually come from Ep #872, which originally aired on October 28th. So, you know what that means. If anyone would care to share a favorite quote, we're looking for one from one of the following October 26th eps: Eps #88(1966), #349(1967), or #1130(1840) - as well as one from one of the following October 29th eps: Eps #612(1968), #873(1897), or #1133(1840). [ghost_smiley]
And you may want to strongly consider sharing a quote because left to my own devices I may come up with another one for those dates from Amanda Harris (or some similar type of character) as I did for September 24th:
1897: Ep #848 - Amanda: 'All you want of me is someone
you can use!'
And you may want to strongly consider sharing a quote because left to my own devices I may come up with another one for those dates from Amanda Harris (or some similar type of character) as I did for September 24th:
A great choice for today, MB, and also a vast improvement, lol. [hall2_cheesy]
A great choice for today, MB, and also a vast improvement, lol. [hall2_cheesy]
I thought it was a classic moment (and particularly perfect for the 1840/41 storyline):
1840: Ep #1130 - Angelique: 'Barnabas Collins is the only
man I ever loved.'
But I make no such claim about what could be coming up for October 29th. [hall2_grin]
MB, do you need any quotes for November? Lots of my favorite episodes aired in this month, as I recall.
Actually, the 1990 Calendar of Quotes goofed up for November 3rd and November 7th (the quote from the 3rd comes from November 4th's #1138 - and the quote for the 7th comes from September 8th's #315) - but I didn't discover that until a few days ago so I didn't post a request for quotes for those dates because I figured we were too close to them. But if you have any favorite quotes from the November 3rd eps (which would be cutting it really close because that's today): Eps #94(1966), #355(1967), #876(1897), or #1137(1840) and/or the November 7th eps: Eps #96(1966), #357(1967), #619(1968), or #880(1897), I'll gladly incorporate them into the slideshow. [hall2_smiley]
from the November 3rd eps ... #1137(1840)
How about Julia's line to Barnabas "It's my life and I will live it as I choose"?
Ooh, that's a grand scene and a fabulous quote!
Yes, an excellent choice, Midnite. And what's interesting is that you picked Julia because she's quoted on the calendar for both the 2nd and the 4th - so now she has three quotes in a row. But what's most interesting is that she's not depicted in the captures for the 2nd or the 3rd. Will she finally show up in the capture for the 4th? Time will tell...
Unless Gothick has a quote for today's slideslow, how about this from #357: Tony Peterson-- "You've never had money, Miss Hoffman-- you don't know how it will hit the blood."
Tony believed the Collinses were perverted by their wealth, but he coveted it anyway. Though considering her state, all Julia probably heard was the "blood" part. [hall2_grin]
Midnite darling, I did PM the MB a couple of suggestions, but that line is a real classic. And how Grayson played Julia's reaction to the word "blood" is another of the great moments in the Grand Gallery of Julian Delights!
I'm smiling now just thinking of it, in the midst of a dreary, overly busy Friday afternoon. Thank you for that dear.
xo G.
Oops. But I'm happy I made you smile.
Actually, I appreciate all quotes offered in this topic because there's a real possibility that they'll be used for the slideshow in the future. Right now the feature is being called a slideshow even though there's only one quote/capture each day - but once June 27th comes around again, a second quote/capture will be being added for each day, and it will become an actual slideshow again. [hall2_wink] And I love that quote from Tony from Ep #357. It will definitely appear in the slideshow for November 7, 2009. [hall2_smiley] And Gothick provided more than one for this November 7th, so one of his remaining quotes is very likely to be added for November 7, 2010. [hall2_grin]
I LOVE Gothick's quote!!
And I hope more members will submit them. [hall2_cheesy]
Ah, DEAR Gregory, finally granted the ideal sanctum for his meditations!
I just LOVE Judith's phone calls to Gregory! I'm glad they gave her several. Joan Bennett is Goddess!
Another new month. another new problem on the 1990 calendar. The latest is that the quote for December 12th is actually from Ep #1210, which originally aired on February 12th. So, if anyone would care to share a favorite quote, we're looking for one from one of the following December 12th eps: Eps #121(1966), #382(1967), #644(1968), or #904(1969). [santa_smiley]
Oops! I'd uploaded the quotes for January to the database last week, but with the holidays I completely forgot to do any screen caps for them. [santa_embarassed] But I'll start to remedy that right now...
All fixed. [santa_smiley]
And, as usual, another new month means more mistakes on the 1990 calendar. [santa_rolleyes] The latest involve the quotes for January 14 and January 16th. So, if anyone would care to share a favorite quote, we're looking for one from one of the following January 14th eps: Eps #667(1969), #928(1970), or #1189(1841) and one from one of the following January 16th eps: Eps #146(1967), #407(1796), #669(1969), or #930(1970). [santa_smiley]
Oops, I didn't do a capture for the 7th. [snow_embarrassed] But I'll take care of that ASAP...
It's a miracle! (Well, almost.) A preliminary check of the 1990 Calendar of Quotes seems to indicate that all the quotes for February were indeed delivered on the days indicated. And I might have [faint2] if it weren't for the fact that that's not to say there wasn't a mistake: the date for the February 21st quote says it was delivered in 1969's Ep #695 when it was actually delivered in 1967's Ep #172. But considering that the quote IS on the calendar for the right day, that's not nearly as bad as when a quote is completely out of place. [snow_wink]
Now that I've recovered from the complete shock I can confirm that my previous post did indeed mean that there are no problems whatsoever with the March quotes on the 1990 Calendar of Quotes - proof positive that miracles do happen.
It's another miracle - there are no problems with April's quotes either!! [wow]
Of course, that begs the quesion: if they could get two months in a row right, why are there so many problems for July, August, September, October, November, December, January and February? ::) But hey, I'll take what I can get because no problems makes my job with the slideshow a lot easier. And I'll be even happier if there aren't any problems for May and June too. [wink2]
And I'll be even happier if there aren't any problems for May and June too. [wink2]
No problems for May. [thumbleft] Now only 26 days in June remain to be seen...
Well, back to June apparently means back to more problems. Today's quote/capture:
1967: Ep #246 - Roger: 'Perhaps we're people who were
never meant to be married.'
is something I just picked out (and rarely was a more perfect remark exchanged between Roger and Liz [ghost_grin]) because the quote on the calendar (Dr. Woodard: 'An unholy union.') actually comes from June 2nd's Ep #245.
Hopefully there won't be any more problems for June. I've only had a chance to check about half of the quotes. But if I come across any others soon enough, I'll certainly ask if anyone would like to submit a quote for the date with the problem.
And speaking of submitting quotes, If anyone would like to start submitting them for the second round of the slideshow, please feel free. The second round will begin with the June 27th eps - and we would prefer any new quotes come from eps that haven't already been featured. But I'll submit a list of the already featured eps for June and July later this month...
For June:
===================== ===========================================
06/27 - 1966: Ep #1 1967: Ep #262, 1968: Ep #523, 1897 Ep #785
06/28 - 1966: Ep #2 1967: Ep #263, 1968: Ep #524,
06/29 - 1966: Ep #3 1967: Ep #264, 1970PT: Ep #1046
06/30 - 1897: Ep #786 1966: Ep #4, 1967 Ep #265, 1970PT: Ep #1047
For July:
========================= ==============================================
07/01 - 1970PT: Ep #1048 1967: Ep #262, 1968: Ep #523, 1897 Ep #785
07/02 - 1968: Ep #526 1967: Ep #263, 1968: Ep #524,
07/03 - 1967: Ep #266 1967: Ep #264, 1970PT: Ep #1046
07/04 - 1966: Ep #6 1966: Ep #4, 1967 Ep #265, 1970PT: Ep #1047
07/05 - 1966: Ep #7 1967: Ep #268, 1968: Ep #529
07/06 - 1967: Ep #269 1966: Ep #8, 1970PT: Ep #1051
07/07 - 1967: Ep #270 1966: Ep #9, 1897: Ep #791, 1970PT: Ep #1052
07/08 - 1966: Ep #10 1968: Ep #530, 1897: Ep #792, 1970PT: Ep #1053
07/09 - 1970PT: Ep #1054 1968: Ep #531, 1897: Ep #793
07/10 - 1968: Ep #532_533 1967: Ep #271, 1897: Ep #794, 1970PT: Ep #1055
07/11 - 1897: Ep #795 1966: Ep #11, 1967: Ep #272, 1968: Ep #534
07/12 - 1966: Ep #12 1967: Ep #273, 1968: Ep #535
07/13 - 1970PT: Ep #1056 1966: Ep #13, 1967: Ep #274
07/14 - 1967: Ep #275 1966: Ep #14, 1897: Ep #796, 1970PT: Ep #1057
07/15 - 1968: Ep #536 1966: Ep #15, 1897: Ep #797, 1970PT: Ep #1058
07/16 - 1970PT: Ep #1059 1968: Ep #537, 1897: Ep #798
07/17 - 1968: Ep #538 1967: Ep #276, 1897: Ep #799, 1970PT: Ep #1060
07/18 - 1966: Ep #16 1967: Ep #277, 1968: Ep #539, 1897: Ep #800
07/19 - 1967: Ep #278 1966: Ep #17, 1968: Ep #540
07/20 - 1995: Ep #1061 1966: Ep #18, 1967: Ep #279
07/21 - 1966: Ep #19 1967: Ep #280, 1995: Ep #1062
07/22 - 1966: Ep #20 1968: Ep #541, 1897: #801_802, 1995: Ep #1063
07/23 - 1968: Ep #542 1897: Ep #803, 1995: Ep #1064
07/24 - 1897: Ep #804 1967: Ep #281, 1968: Ep #543, 1995: Ep #1065
07/25 - 1968: Ep #544 1966: Ep #21, 1967: Ep #282, 1897: Ep #805
07/26 - 1966: Ep #22 1967: Ep #283, 1968: Ep #545
07/27 - 1967: Ep #284 1966: Ep #23, 1995: Ep #1066
07/28 - 1966: Ep #24 1967: Ep #285, 1897: Ep #806, 1995: Ep #1067
07/29 - 1897: Ep #807 1966: Ep #25, 1968: Ep #546, 1995: Ep #1068
07/30 - 1968: Ep #547 1897: Ep #808, 1995: Ep #1069
07/31 - 1897: Ep #809 1968: Ep #286, 1968: Ep #548, 1995: Ep #1070
Why is the Quotes Slideshow now appearing atop of the Current Talk board? Well, that's because an entirely new slideshow will be appearing on the BoardIndex page starting later today - but more on that later. However, the Quotes Slideshow will be added to whenever/if someone submits one of their favorite quotes from an ep that has yet to be featured. [ghost_smiley]
What excitement! Incidentally, I *loved* the Liz/Roger snapshot featured above--and it's delightful to see it again in this thread! Superb choice, MB!
For August
====================== ================================================
08/01 - 1968: Ep #549 1966: Ep #26, 1967: Ep #287, 1897: Ep #810
08/02 - 1967: Ep #288 1966: Ep #27, 1968: Ep #550
08/03 - 1967: Ep #289 1966: Ep #28, 1970: Ep #1071
08/04 - 1967: Ep #290 1966: Ep #29, 1897: Ep #811, 1970: Ep #1072
08/05 - 1966: Ep #30 1968: Ep #551, 1897: Ep #812, 1970: Ep #1073
08/06 - 1968: Ep #552 1897: Ep #813, 1970: Ep #1074
08/07 - 1967: Ep #291 1968: Ep #553, 1897: Ep #814, 1970: Ep #1075
08/08 - 1968: Ep #554 1966: Ep #31, 1967: Ep #292, 1897: Ep #815
08/09 - 1967: Ep #293 1966: Ep #32, 1968: Ep #555
08/10 - 1966: Ep #33 1967: Ep #294, 1970: Ep #1076
08/11 - 1967: Ep #295 1966: Ep #34, 1897: Ep #816, 1970: Ep #1077
08/12 - 1897: Ep #817 1966: Ep #35, 1968: Ep #556, 1970: Ep #1078
08/13 - 1968: Ep #557 1970: Ep #1079
08/14 - 1897: Ep #818 1967: Ep #296, 1968: Ep #558, 1970: Ep #1080
08/15 - 1968: Ep #559 1966: Ep #36, 1967: Ep #297, 1897: Ep #819
08/16 - 1968: Ep #560 1966: Ep #37, 1967: Ep #298
08/17 - 1966: Ep #38 1967: Ep #299, 1970: Ep #1081
08/18 - 1967: Ep #300 1966: Ep #39, 1897: Ep #820, 1970: Ep #1082
08/19 - 1970: Ep #1083 1966: Ep #40, 1968: Ep #561, 1897: Ep #821
08/20 - 1897: Ep #822 1968: Ep #562, 1970: Ep #1084
08/21 - 1968: Ep #563 1967: Ep #301, 1897: Ep #823_824, 1970: Ep #1085
08/22 - 1966: Ep #41 1967: Ep #302, 1968: Ep #564, 1897: Ep #825
08/23 - 1967: Ep #303 1966: Ep #42, 1968: Ep #565
08/24 - 1966: Ep #43 1967: Ep #304, 1970: Ep #1086
08/25 - 1897: Ep #826 1966: Ep #44, 1967: Ep #305, 1970: Ep #1087
08/26 - 1897: Ep #827 1967: Ep #45, 1968: Ep #566, 1970: Ep #1088
08/27 - 1968: Ep #567 1897: Ep #828, 1970: Ep #1089
08/28 - 1967: Ep #306 1968: Ep #568, 1897: Ep #829, 1970: Ep #1090
08/29 - 1897: Ep #830 1966: Ep #46, 1967: Ep #307, 1968: Ep #569
08/30 - 1968: Ep #570 1966: Ep #47, 1967: Ep #308
08/31 - 1966: Ep #48 1967: Ep #309, 1970: Ep #1091
Love today's snap of Mrs J and Burke. Those 1966 episodes were some of the best in the series, and it's always a delight to see Clarice here.
Just happened to log on here while waiting for a bus and was rewarded by an exceptionally handsome snap of Don Briscoe. You really capture his beauty here. Thanks for this.
What a wonderful sly snap of Our Miss Hoffman here! You can tell what she's fondly hoping is on the menu for "the rest of the night"!
Another fabulous vignette from 1966 today, with a lovely two-shot of the Mistress of Collinwood and that wonderful harbinger of holiday cheer, Mrs Sarah "Good Times" Johnson!
I wonder if this was the same episode where Davey stole Mrs J's cigarettes after he saw her lighting up in the kitchenette...
Love Julia's death-glare today! Priceless!
Yesterday's shot with Laura and Maggie was brilliant too. Thanks so much for these, MB!
Dear Cavada Humphrey. It would have been so cool to have had Madam Findley return in the Leviathan period to lend a psychic hand--never having died in the first place because Quentin's ghost had never haunted Collinwood (even though that was not how they treated the "changing of history" on the series).
Thanks, MB, for this poignant, memorable shot!
God, how I love Jane Draper! Today's capture is a wonderful portrait of that paragon amongst women, Mrs Suki Forbes. What a treat!
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Jane Draper should have been brought back in a recurring role. I would have loved her dry wit and understated asperity in 1897.
Suki was ab-fab! One of those great minor characters that added a real punch to the show. I wish they would've used her character more. I'm envisioning her going to Joshua and spilling the beans to get her rightful reward from her self-centered philandering hubby. Joshua, of course, is concerned, but he has other items on his plate to deal with, so he tells her to take care of Mr. Forbes with his backing, and she'll receive not only her back-pay she expected from Nathan, but even more. In the course of her making hubby's life miserable, she teams up with Barnabas who has his own reckoning to do with Nathan. In the process, however, Suki finds out what Barnabas is but remains silent. When both have received satisfaction from the punishment of the man they both want to pickle, Barnabas becomes concerned about Suki's knowledge of Barnabas' "condition." Suki, however, assures him that his secret is totally safe with her. She appreciates his help - and he appreciates hers and they can consider themselves spiritual allies against a common enemy. So, at the end, she leaves Collinsport, now not only financially secure for the rest of her life, but with Barnabas knowing that somewhere, out there, is a friend just as devoted to him as Ben.
I happened to re-watch the episode from which today's snapshot was taken a few weeks ago and I have to say this scene was a hoot! Mags is more interested in getting her hair right than anything else and poor Mrs J is having a total meltdown. There's such a surreal energy to this scene. and it is brilliantly captured here! Thanks, MB.
Not sure if this is the place to comment on this, but I like the Millicent capture today. Even before I checked, I knew this was new disillusioned Millicent (though she would move on to new illusions later)... she seemed just about ready to go goth, didn't she?
You know I really dig the snap of Mrs J in the other slide show today. I just love that apron.
Here's a capture from the Quotes Slideshow:
And two from the History Slideshow on the Robservations board:
Thanks for those, MB. Such great moments featuring that beacon of warmth and conviviality, Sarah Johnson!
You know too how much I adore today's snap of LeviaLiz at her most coldly hostile. The yin and yang between Willie's delighted cluelessness and Liz's quietly seething asperity has always made this yet another favorite moment from the Leviathan story for me.
Just grand stuff...
I was both delighted and downcast to discover that there's been an entirely SEPARATE slideshow running on the RobinV's Crypt/Robservations page here--and yesterday and today both feature really fun Laura Collins '67 snapshots!
Since we're getting towards the end of when Laura's storyline was wrapping up, I won't have many more of these to enjoy. But I'll keep checking out this page to see what extra goodies El Misterioso has selected for us fans!
Best wishes,
The slideshow atop the Robservations board in the same one that ran on the BoardIndax page from June 27, 2005 through June 26, 2008, so you've probably seen most of it multiple time. :)
I was going to retire it and possibly bring it back at some point in the future - but the disappointment expressed when it disappeared made me rethink that idea and put it atop Robservations, where, for all we know, it may run forever. ;)
Very happy you did bring back that old slideshow for the Robservations board, MB. I've been enjoying the images and thus far, none of them seem all that familiar to me.
I'm really loving today's shot of PT Julia Collins. Just wonderful...
Here's 1841PT's Julia's capture/quote:
1841PT: Ep #1229 - Julia: 'I'm known for saying what is on
my mind.'
Damn, but today's portrait of Hoffman laying down the law fiercely, epically RULES.
Way to go, MB!
It's definitely one of my favorite moments from 1970PT:
1970PT: Ep #981 - Hoffman: 'There can only ever be one
mistress of Collinwood.'
Wow, I loved Briscoe with the longer hair! Adorable!
But sad to think of how close to devastating personal collapse he was at this point in his life...
Here's the capture:
It's unfortunate that we never really got to see 1970PT's Chris Collins fully develop. [easter_sad]
The capture that was posted during the day on Tuesday was really quite delightful. You didn't need a caption to see that Mrs. Johnson thoroughly disapproved of Jason Maguire from the get-go.
It doesn't get much better than Clarice Blackburn and Dennis Patrick... one of the many marvelous moments from the first year of DS, as was discussed recently in another thread. In many ways year one was the absolute pinnacle for the series--certainly insofar as the skillful management of dramatic tension and subtle unfolding of characterizations and plotlines goes...
I just love Grayson's look as Julia in today's photograph. Such understated, distinctive glamour.
Wow, she looks gorgeous!
Indeed she does:
today's "current talk" slideshow features the famous(in my mind at least) "lemon or cream" scene. a personal favorite...
just two refined young ladies taking tea with bows in their hair and white kid gloves.
by 1968 the show was going off the deep end plotwise with monsters literally coming out of the woodwork and the original,human characters relegated to the sidelines.
however scenes like this were a reminder that at it's core was an upper class family and their friends and servants. it gave the rest of the madness a much needed dose of respectability that was an integral part of the show's tone and sensibility.
I love that scene, too:
And thankfully such scenes weren't entirely abandoned as there was a scene in a similar vein recently in the Watching Project:
958 -
Julia sits on the drawing room sofa having coffee with Quentin, explaining... (http://www.dsboards.com/images/0958-1.jpg) |
Sadly, though, there was no bow in Julia's hair. [wink2]
Julia and Quentin both look as if they're recovering from the most deadly hangovers. And is Julia guzzling that coffee, or what?
That "lemon or cream" scene between the two young misses of Collinwood is priceless. I love the slumber party sequence at Maggie's a little later on in that storyline, too.
Sadly, though, there was no bow in Julia's hair. [wink2]
Ha! Or in Quentin's. [ghost_wink]
What an odd capture of Barnabas today. He looks like Mr Rogers about to tell a story to the kids about his own special neighborhood... heh, heh.
I call this the "pointless" look because of what's going on--or rather, not going on--with the hair...
Sometimes you completely forget that Barnabas didn't always have his "points." [ghost_wink]
Although, if you look closely, maybe it was that they were just starting to grow in. [ghost_grin]
i've said this many times before but i always enjoy scenes between alexandra and kathryn.
they seem like real friends to me. there are the "slumber party" episodes from around this same time period that are personal favorites as well.
/ˈpivɪʃ/ Show Spelled[pee-vish]
1. cross, querulous, or fretful, as from vexation or discontent: a peevish youngster.
2. showing annoyance, irritation, or bad mood: a peevish reply; a peevish frown.
3. perverse or obstinate.
Ironic that Mr. Peevish would use the world for Dr. "Peevish?" (she said in an irritated, I guess further peevish tone)
Ironic indeed. What he really meant was how glass-cuttingly astute she was being in refusing to buy into his "alas, poor Willie" act and instead throwing his real motives back in his face. Grand stuff. I'm still not sure just why she caved, on this particular occasion, except for the fact that the writers needed Willie back in the OH (and we fans rejoiced indeed at John Karlen's return!).
A great Julia and Barnabas scene:
1968: Ep #483 - Barnabas: 'Now, Julia, you needn't be
on today's classic "microphone" gaffe...
whenever i see mitch ryan in the early barnabas eps i get the uncanny sense of dead man walking.
you just know the actor's on his way out and the character of burke devlin drastically repositioned for the new era.
they're strange episodes to watch in retrospect.
i'm delighted to see that the slide shows are continuing! It was delightful to log on and see a capture of Vicki as she contemplates the beginning of her journey.
Happy 44th Birthday, DS!
the portrait of Liz doing her Big Reveal from a day or two ago was awesome.
Probably one of the most pivital moments on DS:
1967: Ep #270 - Liz: 'I killed Paul Stoddard, and that man
was my accomplice!'
And of course I love today's two-shot of PT Ange and PT Roger. What a wonderful moment, and how artful of you to capture it.
It did turn out well if I do say so myself. [ghost_wink]
1970PT: Ep #1054 - Roger: 'You have no fear of death,
have you?'
And it's such a significant moment in the storyline.
What a sublime B&J moment on today's snapshot! This image really captures for me the atmosphere of their onscreen chemistry during that last year...
An here it is:
1995: Ep #1061 - Julia: 'This house is like a grave.'
Oooh, that devious Miss Hoffman in today's snapshot! Her smile truly speaks of the cat that ate the canary.
Love it! Thanks for the treat, MB.
And here it is:
1967: Ep #288 - Miss Hoffman: 'I think I've learned
A really great moment from a really great ep.
And I love the #557 quote: "We'd be responsible for creating a a race of monsters!" And the subtext (in my head at least)..."and if we aren't going to do it the usual way with you on top of me--forget it!"
A little late, but her it is:
Funny though - I can't say I've ever perceived that subtext in the scene. [ghost_nowink] But I definitely agree that Barnabas would insist on being on top. [ghost_wink] [ghost_rolleyes]
I fully admit the subtext in my brain only... (a few other folks) [ghost_blink]
The shot itself isn't anything to write home about (no doubt because of poor source materials from the old Sci Fi b'cast), but today's featured episode is a personal favorite of mine. Magda's gypsy magic is so earthy and so poignantly executed. Grayson was really giving 500 percent that day.
i guess i'm posting this a bit late but i loved yesterday's shot of maggie and carolyn at the diner.
for some reason one of the things i miss most once the show goes supernatural are maggie's scenes(in uniform)at the diner. i'm not really sure why but i found them comforting. they used this nice musical cue when they panned in on the collinsport inn/restaurant that seemed to vanish too in favor of spookier sounds.
maggie might have been a gossip in the early days and her coffee the worst but she served it up with a smile and a spoonful of sass. i liked that.
Yes, it's very unfortunate how Maggie devolved over the years - particularly and almost instantly once Art Wallace no longer had anything to do with the show. [sad1]
But here's the capture/quote in question:
1966: Ep #67 - Maggie: 'I just may slip a touch of rat poison
in his coffee.'
is today's slideshow from the infamous "dinner party" ruse that barnabas,julia and professor stokes cook up to get nicholas blair out of the house so barnabas can get in to dispose of a certain man-made lady?
i wonder about this gathering. after the days of the diner(donuts,coffee and roast beef sandwiches only,please)no food is ever seen being consumed and the old house certainly never featured a kitchen or dining room of any sort. so what was to be served at this gathering of intellectuals and sophisticates?
was it passed hors d'oeuvres? b is such a proper gentleman he seems like would have served something really formal like boeuf bourguignon or coq au vin.
today's slideshow features one of those DS scenes that gives me chills...
carolyn telling david about her imaginary friend. then david and carolyn hear the message in sarah's music. then vicki hears the wailing of the widows. goosebumps every time!
that it's a black and white kinescope episode only heightens it's sense of bleakness. the overpowering mood of melancholy and despair.
total chills.
I agree, MSC. I thought the actual image of Carolyn and her featured line of dialogue beautifully evoked the strange mood of that episode.
Perfect Halloween viewing fare...
is today's slideshow from the infamous "dinner party" ruse that barnabas,julia and professor stokes cook up to get nicholas blair out of the house so barnabas can get in to dispose of a certain man-made lady?
A little late in coming (sorry) but as we now know thanks to the Robs slideshows for those eps having come and gone, that particular capture of Stokes, Julia and Barn was indeed from the planning stages of the "dinner party" ruse (though the actual "party" took place in the next ep).
Here's the cap in question from Ep #605:
1968: Ep #605 - Stokes: 'The man is an insufferable
And here's a Robs slideshow cap from Ep #606:
1968: Ep #606 - Barnabas' guests wonder what's taking
him so long.
i wonder about this gathering. after the days of the diner(donuts,coffee and roast beef sandwiches only,please)no food is ever seen being consumed and the old house certainly never featured a kitchen or dining room of any sort. so what was to be served at this gathering of intellectuals and sophisticates?
was it passed hors d'oeuvres? b is such a proper gentleman he seems like would have served something really formal like boeuf bourguignon or coq au vin.
Well, even though it was never seen, we can deduce that there was some sort of Old House kitchen because back during the original 1795/96 storyline Natalie complained about the night's meal because the fish wasn't cooked in wine because to have done so would have been against the Collins cook's religion.
It's actually amusing to try to picture Willie getting that kitchen back into working order after such a long period of neglect. [hall2_grin]
today's slideshow features one of those DS scenes that gives me chills...
carolyn telling david about her imaginary friend. then david and carolyn hear the message in sarah's music.
Like you (and Gothick), I love that scene too:
1967: Ep #344 - Carolyn: 'We would climb trees or look
for sea glass.'
then vicki hears the wailing of the widows. goosebumps every time!
that it's a black and white kinescope episode only heightens it's sense of bleakness. the overpowering mood of melancholy and despair.
total chills.
Another great scene (and one that I featured in the Robs slideshow for the ep):
1967: Ep #344 - Vicki is frightened by the sound of
wailing in the wind.
(Though one does have to wonder if either scene can ever duplicate the glorious moments involving THE pen in Ep #83, which aired on the same date in 1966? [hall2_wink])
It's actually amusing to try to picture Willie getting that kitchen back into working order after such a long period of neglect.
What's strange is that with all the interest in seeing the restoration of the Old House, we never see anybody ask to see the kitchen.
That shot of Julia from 1968 at the top of this page always makes me laugh.
1968: Ep #636 - Julia: 'Shall I make plans for the rest
of the night too?'
Of course it's a grimly tense moment in the story...
I think we as a audience might get a laugh out of it from the very facts that it is such a grimly tense moment and it's definitely a great comeback on Julia's part.
Julia looks as if she's ready to royally shred a certain errant vampire in today's picture. MEOW!
Love Chris's line, too. Hysterical!
December of 1969 rates as a high point in the series for me.
And here's the capture/quote:
1969: Ep #905 - Chris: 'He gets more cheerful every day.'
I hope the Barn and Ange shippers get to see the shot of them together featured on the Current Talk page today. It's one of the best shots of them together I have ever seen. And it really conveys the tension of their relationship.
Here it is just in case anyone missed it:
1795: Ep #390_391 - Angelique: 'I will be an obedient and
devoted wife.'
If only Ang had lived up to her pledge for more than 2 seconds. [wink2]
You know I am just dying here with the quote that goes with the gorgeous new Julia image on the main Robservations page--a propos of Miss Olivia Corey--"all trace of her lice has disappeared."
Thank God the Collinsport Inn summoned the fumigation experts in time...
And talking of nuances, today's featured image at the head of the front Robservations page is simply stunning. Even in that nubby coat, Grayson is elegant, elegiac, mournful half-despair incarnate.
And here it is:
1970: Ep #934 - Julia: 'I wonder if he believes in monsters?'
Yay! One of my favorite shots popped up on page 1 of the Robservations page today; Maggie giving Mrs J the "talk to the hand" gesture as reliable old Sarah was ranting away about "those children!" Just a fab scene.
yes maggie's(and kathryn leigh scott's)"status" on the series was certainly raised when alexandra left the scene.
her elevation from secondary character to principle ingenue was swift but decisive. for her debut at collinwood she was granted some lovely new frocks. in today's slideshow she's not quite our "junior sophisticate" just yet(that credit comes i believe in 1970)but she's on her way.
Yay! One of my favorite shots popped up on page 1 of the Robservations page today
And here it is:
1969: Ep #682 - Mrs. Johnson: 'There's nothing ordinary
about those two children.'
I finally got to this:
That featured shot on the Robs board of LeviaLiz giving a completely clueless Willie the freeze today is a hoot! Love it!
And here it is:
1970: Ep #956 - Willie: 'I bet you're surprised to see me.'
I just adore Julia's smile in the main capture on page 1 of the Robs board today. So radiant!
And here it is:
1970PT: Ep #1038 - Julia: 'Perhaps I like being a spy.'
Kiss her, Barnabas! Kiss her!!!! [ghost_grin]
Kiss her, Willie! Kiss her!!!!
[ghost_grin] [ghost_grin] [ghost_grin]
The latest slide show features one of my favorite Natalie quotes: "Think of me as a giant child."
Yes, DarkLady, I love that Natalie moment too:
1795: Ep #379 - Natalie: 'Think of me as a giant child.'
Not to mention that outfit of hers that I often say almost looks like she's dragging the comforter from her bed around after her! [santa_grin]
Yeah, what about that outfit! What were they thinking? [santa_grin]
I've always loved the current entry in this slideshow:
1968: Ep #612 - Harry: 'Mm, Mr. Collins!'
It conjures up all sorts of possibilities [naughty] other than what's actually taking place, which is Harry finding Barnabas passed out on the ground in the woods after Barn's been attacked by Angelique.
Hilarious. Craig Slocum always seemed to be in a completely different show from everyone else.
I think that one of the upcoming Big Finish audiodramas is going to be a Harry Johnson story. I'm sure that sales will just soar through the roof.