Author Topic: FRIGHTVISION - photos added!  (Read 2221 times)

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Re: FRIGHTVISION - photos added!
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2002, 05:49:03 PM »
And, in case anyone was wondering why the Selby site hasn't been updated despite mountains of stuff sitting here waiting to be added, that would be because the university where I teach doesn't require students to take astronomy during the first semester so that they can be divested of the notion that the world revolves around them.

That's probably the wittiest description of academia I've ever read.  Sorry about the plagarism problems.


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« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2002, 07:34:48 PM »
Unfortunately, it took MsCriseyde a bit longer to do this because she is engaged in trench warfare over a plagiarism case. A student is too lazy to write his/her own !@#$% paper, and I get tied up in months of meetings and paperwork because I had the unmitigated gall to report him/her to the dean by submitting printouts of the web sites s/he copied and to assign a zero on the paper. Somebody please remind me again what the hell honesty and ethics are good for?

Oh, good for you MsCriseyde.  You are NOT tilting at windmills.....if more teachers don't start demanding consequences for plagiarized work, a college degree won't be worth a damned thing soon.

My own daughter is still in High School, but most of my friends' kids are already in college.....and the complacent attitude about "bought, borrowed or stolen" papers makes my hair stand on end.  How on earth did it get to be as bad as it appears to be?

Bad enough the parents don't give a damn about their kids' screwy take on morals and ethics.....(what part of "Do not lie, cheat or steal" don't they get?)...but what makes the SCHOOLS so complacent about the problem??

Rainey...who didn't mean to wander OT!
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Offline CastleBee

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Re: FRIGHTVISION - photos added!
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2002, 08:45:54 PM »
Thanks for posting the photos everyone. I've really enjoyed them.

Loved your final remarks MsCriseyde they were hilarious and so true (the lack of an astronomy requirement)! Stick to your guns because you are right and they KNOW you are.  I recently heard of a case in a high school somewhere where the school board sided with the teacher who discovered several cases of plagiarism (and like you, had proof positive) then later reversed their decision when the parents began lining up to whine.  The teacher was so angry/downhearted she ended up quitting.  Surprisingly about half the faculty followed suit at the end of the semester. There may be hope, but it sure seems to be slipping fast.  :-
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