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Discuss - Ep #1026
« on: January 05, 2016, 07:02:44 PM »
Robservations #1026

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #1026

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1026
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2016, 07:44:19 PM »
Maggie is still teetering on the window ledge as Hoffman watches. I want to die! Maggie sobs. You don't mean that, Hoffman replies as if she's talking about the weather. Elizabeth rushes in, orders Hoffman out (she doesn't obey), and eventually talks Maggie down by telling her how bad Quentin would feel about it if she jumped. Hoffman finally walks out after watching Elizabeth bring Maggie back into the room and shut the window. Elizabeth seats Maggie on the davenport. I have nothing to live for--nothing, Maggie says despondently. Everything that she said was true! It was all true! She bursts into tears.

Angelique (now in a multicolored pastel robe) is still talking through her portrait, still urging Maggie to jump but not realizing that her signal has been disrupted, when Hoffman arrives to report that Maggie didn't jump after all. Hoffman opines that it's better this way because Quentin would have felt guilty for the rest of his life. I could handle his guilt, Angelique huffs. You wanted Quentin and Maggie to separate of their own free will, Hoffman points out. Maggie will never stay with Quentin after what he did to her tonight. You’ve won, she tells Angelique. You just don’t realize it yet. Angelique is somewhat disappointed that Maggie didn’t go through with it; she was quite looking forward to seeing Maggie reduced to chunky salsa on the pavement below her window, but she agrees with Hoffman that she’s won: That’s what’s important, isn’t it? she says.

Elizabeth takes Maggie to the still untidy drawing room, probably figuring that Maggie wouldn't hurt herself if she still felt like jumping. Barn arrives (still in his 18th-century outfit), wondering about Quentin. Elizabeth takes him to the drawing room, where Maggie basically in shock after her near-death experience. Barnabas asks Elizabeth about Quentin, but Maggie replies, He will never come back--as long as I am here. Barnabas gently asks Maggie if she’s all right. Of course she isn’t, Elizabeth says shortly. Pouring a brandy for Maggie, Elizabeth fumes, I will never forgive Quentin for running out like that! He was only thinking of Angelique, Maggie says morosely. I don’t care what he’s thinking about! Elizabeth snaps and tries to get Maggie to drink the brandy. Barnabas has better luck and persuades her to drink just a little. She takes the glass, looking up at him like a lost child. Of course he’s only TOO happy to look after Maggie while Elizabeth goes upstairs to make up a bed for her in her own room--just as RT Naomi had Vicky bunk with her long ago. I don’t want to leave Maggie alone tonight, Elizabeth says. (I get the feeling that the writers started out by having Elizabeth just always be Quentin's abject dependent, but lately she seems to have developed some backbone--and a real fondness for Maggie.)

Maggie suddenly shudders with reaction, and Barnabas stirs the fire to make it warmer for her. (Well, actually he turns his back to us and pretends to, anyway.) He is utterly shocked when Maggie suddenly remarks, Angelique promised she would return. Unaware of his reaction, Maggie continues, She has kept her promise: I heard her voice tonight, but that wasn’t necessary. For a long time I knew that she had come back. Maggie now has Barnabas’s entire attention, and he asks for details. At first she's discouraged, fearing that he'll only say what Elizabeth said, but eventually she tells him about hearing the voice apparently emanating from the portrait. She starts crying when she says that Angelique vowed never to give Quentin up. Angelique is dead, Barnabas reminds her. Then why is she still here? Maggie asks in despair. She is in every corner of this house. These rooms are filled with her presence. Barnabas is sure Maggie only means that Angelique’s spirit is here, but Maggie, now shaking from her ordeal, replies, I don't know what I mean. But I know that this house is hers and all of these rooms--and Quentin, even Quentin is hers. She will never let me have Quentin--never! Moving toward the door, Barnabas tells Maggie, In a way, I believe you’re right--more right than you know.

Elizabeth's room (the same room as RT Elizabeth's) is furnished comfortably, if not luxuriously. She gently brushes Maggie's hair as if Maggie were a little girl. Maggie feels calmer--but only because she has accepted defeat. She reminds Elizabeth that she wore Angelique's dress tonight--and that Quentin compared her with Angelique. Elizabeth tries to encourage her, but as she lies down wearily on the bed, Maggie sighs, I don't want to fight anymore.

Downstairs, Barn asks Hoffman about Angelique's promise to return after death. Mrs. Collins had a wide variety of interests, Hoffman replies. (She should have said "the first Mrs. Collins," but we know how she feels about Maggie.) She adds, Angelique had a wide variety of interests. She didn't mean that she would literally return. She just meant that her love for Quentin was so great that it would survive even after her death.  At this point “Alexis” comes in and comments, Angelique was something of a romantic. Hoffman sidles over to Angelique and mentions, Mr. Collins was just looking at one of Angelique’s books on witchcraft. “Alexis” gives Barnabas a keen look and says, I hope you don’t think Angelique’s promise to return has anything to do with witchcraft. Then she sends Hoffman out of the room on a fake pretext and fences with Barnabas a little bit. I have no interest in the occult, “Alexis” says--that was Angelique’s great hobby. A really fertile imagination, she declares, wouldn’t have to resort to witchcraft for stimulation. What if the purpose was of a more concrete nature? Barnabas wonders. You’ve gone back to Angelique’s promise to return, “Alexis” says impatiently. This conversation is positively ludicrous. Some portions of the book might interest you, Barnabas observes. You do seem to like fire. According to the book, fire is one of the elements used in witchcraft. When I found you looking at the fire, you seemed to have more than a merely aesthetic interest. “Alexis” says, It’s too bad you never knew my sister. She had an appreciation for the preposterous. I know exactly what you mean, Barnabas replies and gets in a dig by saying pointedly, Good night, _Mrs. Collins_, leaving the room and leaving Angelique with the realization that he is her adversary.

Later, in Angelique’s room, Hoffman wonders if Barnabas knows. He definitely suspects, Angelique replies. What if he talks to Quentin? Hoffman frets. Angelique reminds her, Quentin’s doubts about me were destroyed with Alexis’s body. Hoffman is still worried, but Angelique tells her, Just sit back and enjoy the spectacle of Barnabas Collins trying to prove anything. She adds: Even it Mr. Collins does get a little too close to the truth, I have the means to deal with him. After all, he is only human. How could I have forgotten that? Hoffman comments.

Barnabas visits Maggie to say goodnight (yes, it’s still the same night) but has to tell her (in answer to her question) that Quentin STILL hasn’t returned. (A mic casts a giant silhouette on the wall behind them.) I will help you, he promises her. Whatever difficulties there are, we will find a way of handling them. After he leaves, Elizabeth pronounces him a fine man. When Maggie doesn’t reply, Elizabeth reminds her, You have many friends who love you.

Barnabas very cleverly turns Angelique's powers against her. He already has experience of one Angelique (the one who made him a vampire back in 1795 in our time band) and decides to put his knowledge to the test. He thinks to himself, I also have a few useful powers of my own. He goes to Angelique’s room, shuts the window that Maggie nearly jumped out of (yup, it was open again), and fixes his gaze on the portrait. With anger and determination, he says, Let me look into the eyes of Angelique and know the truth. As he gazes at the portrait intently, his expression changes, then he turns away.

Meanwhile, Angelique and Hoffman are still gloating over her apparent victory. Angelique dismisses Hoffman for the night. She declares, Tomorrow will be the morning of my new-- Someone is watching me, looking into me eyes, she suddenly realizes. I feel as though my eyes are on fire! she says, actually afraid.

In Angelique’s room, Barnabas is still staring at the gigantic portrait as he says, It is the eyes of Angelique I am looking into. It is the truth of Angelique that I must know. Closer to me... closer... CLOSER! Angelique rushes into her old room. Covering her eyes with her hands, she screams, My eyes! Stop looking at me! Barnabas turns around, and she looks at him with shocked surprise. You know! she gasps. Gazing at her with anger and loathing, he answers, Yes--I know!.........

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1026
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2016, 08:29:49 PM »
How fortunate for Maggie that it was Elizabeth who found her rather than Roger. Roger would likely have made some snarky remark about her not even selecting the proper outfit for a suicide attempt.
Elizabeth handles the situation quite well. She seems to have some genuine feeling for Maggie and has manners quite under control when Barnabas arrives.
Hoffman's standing outside the room listening to Maggie about to kill herself is creepy. Her inaction should have gotten her fired.
Cat and mouse between Angelique and Barnabas. They size up one another.
Barnabas can make contact with someone through the eyes of their portrait? Is this something all vampires can do or is it just Barnabas? If so, why didn't he use this with Angelique in 1968? Or Josette?
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1026
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2016, 08:50:04 PM »
I think you're right about PT Roger, Uncle R.! I wonder what Roger would have suggested in the way of an appropriate outfit. [santa_grin]

Hoffman should be fired, but no one actually saw her lurking. Maggie was busy getting ready to jump, and Elizabeth was busy talking her down.

The eyes have it! I think this was a once-only spell the writers invented to move the story along (like the spell Carolyn watched him use to summon up the ghost of Dr. Woodard to scare Julia). Because of the HoDS shoot, Barn and "Alexis" haven't interacted very much until now.

I know that GH said somewhere that Magda was her favorite role on the show, but her marvelous portrayal of Hoffman really makes me curious to see The Night of the Iguana, where her performance got her a Best Supporting Actress nomination.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1026
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2016, 05:28:47 AM »
Grayson VO.  Several days ago, I made this note: To ECS, Maggie: "I'll cushion your fall!!"  Okay, now I'm starting to remember what I meant.  It was the Rebecca jumping scene (as opposed to a Mexican jumping bean), and Parallel Liz had just told Maggie that if she jumped now, she'd pull down Liz too, and kill her.  So I imagined Maggie looking on the bright side, and saying...

I liked the moment with Maggie explaining Angelique's promise to come back from the dead... she then says, "She kept her promise."  Barnabas turns his head slightly and says, "Oh?"

Parallel Liz is awfully nice to Maggie.  It's nice, and a relief to see kindness enter into thing unexpectedly out of left field, in this story.  I like the dark green sleepwear.  I like dark colors.

Good end moment, despite the fact that we're seeing Barnabas pull another hitherto unknown vampire power out of his hat, connecting with someone supernaturally through the eyes of her/his portrait.  Oops, image occuring to me as we speak, of Hoff running in to aid Ang with a giant bottle, a yard long, of Super Powerful Industrial Strength Eye Murine, in great big comedy letters on the label.  There, done now.   Anyway, Barnabas, really getting into something in PT for once, decides to end the maddening limbo of not knowing whether to judge his arch enemy in this universe, by poking Ang with a very sharp supernatural stick, right in the eye.

Fortunately, he totally forgets this trick of finding the truth about who someone really is.  Maybe the right sert of circumstances didn't arise again (twins, portrait available to use, whatever else), but it seems too handy somehow, for solving mysteries, sort of like biting people as an interrogation method-- though I actually enjoy that one, and it's one of things that makes DS DS.

By Joe Caldwell.  Was V Welles writing under a pseudonym at this point?
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1026
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2016, 05:50:10 PM »
Great post as always, MT! I'm going to scour the stores for a gallon bottle of Murine now.  [snow_cheesy]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1026
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2016, 05:34:58 PM »
I certainly could use one... thanks!
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1026
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2016, 04:06:01 AM »
Elizabeth seems more like her other real world self.  Enjoyable sparing match between Barnabas and Angelique.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times