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Discuss - Ep #0964
« on: August 23, 2015, 09:26:07 PM »
Robservations #964

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0964

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0964
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2015, 05:54:07 PM »
Selby VO.  Roger's home!  I had been dead sure that Louis's reaction to the zombies had been cringingly "unacted", as if LE couldn't be bothered, because DS had become too ridiculous for him.  With this viewing, it turns out I was wrong, he acts it with believable concern and shock.  One problem remains, though, the lack of reaction time.  His "Oh my God" comes out of his mouth without any pause to take any of it in.  All I can think is that this is Roger's reaction time with seeing simple thuglike intruders in Collinwood.  If he'd had any glimmering that these were walking dead men, he'd have sputtered for a few seconds, tongue-tied.

The plans have already changed.  Roger is instantly knocked unconscious and left there, not killed as was Jeb's plan for all five victims.  Welcome back, millionnaire monotone playboy dufus and uninspired dresser Skyler Rumson!  When Julia was pumping Sky for info, I liked it when he'd led her almost to the idea of treating Jeb, then told her "Ask one more question."  It was only one question away, but Julia doesn't get it.

Julia sees the Leviathan.  It/Jeb has an unexplained coffin in his/its Room.  Julia sees him change back to Jeb.

Quentin, Sky and Roger... Sky's an errand boy now.  The moment Sky arrives, Quentin puts it together fast what a pregnant meeting this is, what with Angelique's two ex's and ex-fiancee in the same room... but doesn't say so out loud.  Big DS blooper (or maybe it's messy but just what should happen) when Selby knocks stuff over, drawing a sword on Rumson, just as he did in that same room in 1897, to Barnabas.  Quentin, still engaged, on top of things, very clever.  I wish Quentin had continued to serve in this sort of role in present-day DS. 

Julia starts her Leviathan research.  The audience is supposed to pick up on the fact that Julia is going through the motions, just stalling, and considers it too obviously ridiculous and impossible a medical task, but Jeb doesn't pick up on this.  I have trouble with that.  If we can tell, so should he.  With the acting, they let us know a character is lying to the other, as if we the audience have been nudged in the ribs, and let in on the secret.  That kind of acting makes it seem as if the other character isn't very bright for not getting it.  Maybe Jeb isn't, but you know what I mean, I think.

Q charges in to the carriage house, and we find out what the coffin was for.  Q is put in coffin.  Jeb says to zombies, "He will soon join you."  Uh oh, Quentin's going to be a zombie again!  Only on DS...

It hit me that the villain of this storyline isn't a Lovecraftian creature, but the threatening image of the day: the punkish, tough, rebellious, young man, with a problem with authority.  That's who the middle aged people feared, and anyone vaguely unconventional or hippie-like was dumped automatically into this category.  No peaceful hippies with challenging ideas on TV, just this threatening image, expressing the idea that society was going to hell because of all those young people.

Quentin is buried alive.  End.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0964
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2015, 04:11:23 AM »
Somehow it figured that Julia would be the one non Leviathan who could see Jeb in his natural yukkiness and not lose her mind in the process. She handles the situation with Jeb quite well. Maybe she would have been able to cure him eventually.

Roger seems to be taking things in stride. For someone who has only recently accepted that there's something spooky going on, he seems to handle the zombie home invasion rather well.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0964
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2015, 05:29:15 PM »
After everything she's seen and done, why should Julia be afraid of a mere zombie? I guess it was in the script. Oh, well. In many ways, this is really her episode, and otherwise she's very true to character.

Sky Rumson tells her not to ask questions, but that's pretty much the same as telling the sky not to be blue. He modestly disclaims all credit for reviving the dead men and can’t seem to get over her many questions--but then, he doesn’t know her well. Being Julia, she has more: Why have I been brought here, and why are you the one to greet me, and where is Jeb Hawkes? He’s here, Sky tells her with a significant look toward the door of the Leviathan room. This is Jeb’s new Room, Julia realizes. And now that you’ve told me that, you’re going to kill me. Sky says, I won’t kill you if you do what Jeb asks--and you’ll know soon enough what it is.

Sky offers Julia a sherry on Jeb’s behalf, but she declines. I will never tell you where Barnabas’s coffin is, she tells him through gritted teeth. Sky unwittingly pays her the ultimate compliment: You never stop thinking, do you, Doctor? Use your imagination. Go ahead. Ask one more question. While Julia is trying to figure out what he means, the heavy breathing starts up from behind the door. Would you like to see what he looks like? Sky asks. No! Julia says quickly. You’re afraid, Sky observes. I’ve seen what Jeb does to people, Julia replies. That’s right, Sky says, adding with euphemistic understatement, You saw Paul Stoddard after they met, didn’t you? Julia only nods. It’s too bad you’re not interested, Sky says--because you’re going in that room. No! Julia cries again. Sky insists she is, so she heads for the front door again. Julia opens the front door, but shrinks back as the guard zombie shuffles into the room, its arms raised toward her. Sky grabs her, twisting her arm, and forces her into the room despite her struggles and cries. The room seems empty except for a coffin. As Julia regards the source (as always, unseen by us) of the breathing with sheer horror, the breathing changes to panting. She runs to the door and pounds on it, screaming for Sky to let her out. He simply stands outside, listening. As the creature moves toward Julia, she turns to face it. The breathing gets louder and louder as she raises her hand in a futile attempt to ward it off. Stay away from me! she screams. Don’t touch me!

Then Julia abruptly stops screaming. Her expression changes from terror to wonder as the breathing calms down, then stops. As she recovers, we see Jeb Hawkes (in the green sweater of true love) facing her. He says, You thought I was going to kill you, didn't you, Doctor? Well, I may. It all depends on you. It depends entirely on you, so play it cool. Julia looks at him, confused but curious despite the danger.

And yes, Roger is definitely on the anti-Leviathan team, yay!

And yeah, why does Jeb's Room have a coffin in it? Set-dressing blooper? Or lack of storage space in the studio?

Quentin opines to Roger that Jeb is too smart to take Julia to the carriage house--but maybe he's talking about some other Jeb?

Somehow Jeb knows about Julia's early attempt to cure Barnabas. Despite her horror at Jeb and everything he's done, once he says he needs her help, she can't help being intrigued and curious. She switches right into Doctor Hoffman mode and starts taking his case history as if they were an ordinary doctor and patient.

As if they had all the time in the world, Roger and Quentin are discussing how best to rescue Julia when Sky arrives. Quentin greets Sky with a kind of unholy glee. He tells Roger, I know Sky, and I’ve also heard a lot about him from his wife. Then he introduces him to Roger. Quentin shows Sky into the drawing room to wait for Elizabeth, signaling to Roger to follow his lead. Quentin chats about the Collins family portraits for a moment, then brings the subject to weapons collecting as he indicates two crossed swords hanging on the wall. Sky is still wondering where Elizabeth is, so he is entirely unprepared when in one fluid motion (he’s had almost seventy years of practice, after all), Quentin pulls out one of the swords and levels the point at Sky’s throat. [In so doing, David Selby knocked the whole arrangement off the wall. It then crashed into a glass globe lamp beside him, near the wall. The lamp fell to the floor with a huge crash and was completely shattered. For a few moments we can hear some stagehand cleaning it up. In any case, it makes a great effect!] Sky backs away but Quentin keeps on coming. Where is Julia? he demands. Sky denies knowing anything. I wonder if a nice long scar across your throat will help you remember, Quentin wonders. I will do anything to find out where she is, he declares. Sky finally tells him, Julia is at the carriage house for a reason, but Nicholas Blair knows nothing about it. The four zombies are stationed outside the doors, and the password is “live” (rhymes with give). Quentin hands the sword to Roger and leaves the house.
But Roger is distracted by the sight of vampire Megan at the window--and who wouldn't be? Sky takes the opportunity to knock him down, lock the drawing-room windows, and skedaddle.

Sky makes the mistake of chatting with Megan, who quickly mesmerizes him and makes a meal of him.

Quentin bursts into the carriage house and dramatically demands to know where Julia is. And now we learn why there's a coffin in Jeb's room. With a laugh, Jeb replies, I hadn’t dared hope you would show up. With that they close for the struggle, but it quickly turns unequal as the four zombies join in. Meet my enforcers, Mr. Collins, Jeb says. I’m not dead yet, Hawkes, Quentin retorts, I will be back, I promise. I’ve heard enough, Jeb says, and the zombies take the hint. They overwhelm Quentin and knock him out cold. Then they carry him into the Leviathan room, open the coffin, put him inside and close it. (So begins the first--but not the only--time poor Quentin is buried alive.) The zombies line up two by two alongside the coffin, with Jeb at the head, leading the mockery of a funeral procession. Do not grieve, gentlemen, Jeb tells them. He is old--very old indeed. He will soon join you.

Jeb and the zombies take the coffin to the cemetery, where the zombies lower the coffin into an open grave. Jeb instructs them to bury Quentin. May Quentin Collins soon learn to rest in peace, Jeb says. Soon he will find himself in a coffin. The air he breathes will become less and less and less... until there is none. I promised you a surprise, Quentin Collins. You know I keep my promises. He laughs, and the zombies start to shovel in the dirt...

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0964
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2015, 11:16:22 PM »
MT, it just occurred to me that maybe Jeb was DC's answer to The Wild One.   [ghost_cheesy]  Although this was the era when the term "generation gap" was coined. I wonder what kind of draft exemption a Leviathan would get.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0964
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2015, 12:21:05 AM »
All he has to do is show up at the army center in his "true form" and I think some sort of exemption could be arranged...

About Julia ....Well everyone's scared of zombies because they kill you, that would be enough for Julia, but they also leave an overwhelming impression, even without that very popular brain-eating thing... I think you're probably getting at the fact that they have no special powers compared to what Julia has encountered before.  She's seen lots of dead people.  Zombies still have an impact over and above everything for most people.  That's why they were saved for the big climaxes of Leviathans [spoiler] and summer 1970.[/spoiler]

(in the green sweater of true love)
  ha...   I found that as crazy as the coffin seemed at that point in Jeb's room, I almost just accepted it.  I've been trained well by DS.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0964
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2015, 10:17:13 PM »
All he has to do is show up at the army center in his "true form" and I think some sort of exemption could be arranged...

Magnus and DL, I'm hoping for a Gomer Pyle crossover episode with Sgt Carter checking in Jeb for the draft, reading off the checklist, not looking up all the while the "breathing" getting louder and louder...
[ghost_cheesy]  "Pyle, get this THING outta my office!!!"
Robot_Quentin: "I've never watched the last episode, so the show never ended for me."

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0964
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2015, 12:02:52 AM »
Good one!  [ghost_grin]