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Discuss - Ep #0945
« on: July 05, 2015, 06:12:35 PM »
Robservations #945

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0945

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0945
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2015, 07:15:21 PM »
Angelique politely offers her guests some refreshment before the servants leave for the mainland. Both ladies decline, and Angelique leaves them alone. Carolyn wants to go home, but Elizabeth insists on staying till she's recovered. Carolyn says, I thought we went away because you wanted to leave Collinwood. You’ve changed lately, she adds worriedly. You don’t smile as much as you used to, and something about your eyes is different. With a strange smile, Elizabeth assures her, My concern for you has not changed.

Angelique returns, and the three make small talk. Angelique explains that she met Barnabas "at a party in England during my modeling days." Elizabeth is sure she's met Angelique somewhere before, but Angelique is spared any more improvisation when Sky calls from Logansport. He is expecting three important phone calls, but by the time they’re done, he won’t be able to get a ride home. Angelique agrees to come collect him, apologizes to her guests and leaves.

Carolyn asks why Elizabeth was so inquisitive about Angelique, but Elizabeth insists she didn't mean to be. The phone rings again. Jeb introduces himself--they still haven't met--and says that they need her back in Collinsport urgently. He tells her to pretend she's speaking with Mrs. Johnson. Flattered that her leader is speaking to her personally, Elizabeth agrees. She tells Carolyn she has to sign some papers at home before nine in the morning.

At the shop, Jeb gazes at a black-and-white photo of Carolyn and exults to himself, Sweet Carolyn! Very soon, you will see me as I really am! He enters the upstairs room and shuts the door. The next instant, the strong, heavy breathing starts up.

Carolyn wishes she could go home, too. Always a stickler for propriety, Elizabeth says it would be rude to Angelique if both her guests left without any explanation. I’ll return in an hour or so, she promises. I’ll phone you from Collinwood. [But wait! Little Windward Island is supposed to be fifty miles from Collinwood by car--and ferry!] We see the car’s headlights go on, we hear the engine start and accelerate, we see the headlights sweep the shrubbery in front of the door as Elizabeth departs.

The wind picks up, but something other than the wind seems to be agitating the shrubbery and trees. A huge peal of thunder booms as Carolyn moves from the window and tries to read. But she says to herself, I can’t stop thinking about Jeb Hawkes, even though I barely know him--why? What happened at the antique shop? Why did I faint? Maybe I’m afraid to understand any of it. She pours herself some tea, but drops the cup and saucer when a painting near the fireplace crashes to the floor. Completely startled, she needs a moment to get her breath back. Then she props the painting on a side table against the wall and picks up the broken cup and saucer. Next, the front door flies open, scaring Carolyn even more. She shuts the door, but we can see that something large and heavy seems to be moving through the shrubbery. She tries to compose herself but the phone rings, startling her all over again. She takes a message for Sky from a Mr. Cartwright. While she stares into the fire, we hear footsteps. The front door opens and closes. She calls out but gets no answer--and suddenly, all the lights go out. Carolyn tries the switch but nothing happens, so she runs to the fireplace, which now provides the only light. Then she hears a huge crash from the entryway, as of glass breaking. When she looks at the window, it has been smashed inward, and branches from the oak trees outside protrude into the room. (The leaves are bright green in the timeless Dark Shadows universe, even though this episode aired in February 1970!) Carolyn gives up and runs to her room, gasping for air and whimpering in fear. The lights don’t work here either, and once more footsteps sound through the house. A door opens and closes, so Carolyn cracks her door open to look into the hall. We hear the finale of Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique, louder and louder, as Carolyn approaches a pair of louver doors. A silhouette approaches the doors from the other side. As the trombones thunder out the theme, the doors fly open and she is staring at a stranger. It’s Sky Rumson, but she has never met him, so quite naturally she starts screaming.
Sky has brought Carolyn to the living room and gives her a brandy. He apologizes for scaring her and tells her that he and Angelique missed connections, and he took a cab instead (instead of the ferry?). He didn’t hear Carolyn calling over the radio. (Is it battery operated? The lights are still out.) As they talk, we can see that something large is hiding in the shrubbery. Carolyn recovers enough to tell Sky about the phone call from Mr. Cartwright. Sky leaves Carolyn alone to make the call. Soon she falls asleep in a chair by the fire. She seems to hear Jeb speaking to her: The night we met, I knew that you were a person in need of a whole new world--a whole new existence--and that I was the person who could give it to you. A spinning mirrored disco ball indicates that Carolyn is dreaming. Jeb repeats, I was the person who could give it to you.

In her dream, Carolyn enters the antique shop and eagerly calls to Jeb. I have so many question to ask! The door to the back room opens, revealing Jeb’s silhouette. Standing nearly motionless, he says, I was wondering if you would come back. She smiles and asks him to come into the light, but he doesn’t move. Do you really want to see me? The way I really am, Carolyn? he asks. She hesitates, realizing there’s some unknown subtext. I don’t understand you, she says. Jeb says, I didn't understand why you ran away. You hid from me. Was it because you didn't like me, despite what you said? I’ve known you for only a short time, Carolyn replies. For much longer than you think, he says, or have you forgotten? I didn’t--the way you used to look at me, the way you used to caress my hand, the warmth of your kiss on my cheek. Carolyn is completely mystified, so Jeb finally walks over (in a new, green sweater--and remember that Adam’s green sweater symbolized love) and shows her the red crescent-shaped mark on his wrist. She gasps in amazement while he reminisces, I was such a cute baby when I was Joseph. Or maybe you remember me better as Alexander. He holds up the mask Alexander pretended to frighten her with. Carolyn seems to be getting nervous now as Jeb continues, Maybe you like me better as Michael. When I was Michael, I think I began to realize how much I really wanted you. I couldn't wait to grow up and become Jeb. You can understand that, can't you? I can’t believe that you and the three children were all the same person, Carolyn says softly. It’s all true, Jeb assures her. Somehow I knew you would come back, and now that you have, you are going to be mine--all mine. Come to me, he says with a smile, but as he reaches for her, she sees that his hands are covered with blood. She screams and backs away, crying, What have you done? The disco ball returns as Jeb calmly repeats his words from the beginning of the dream: When I met you, I knew that you were a person in need of a whole new existence--a whole new life. I was the person who could give it to you.

Carolyn is in her chair by the fireplace, screaming, Oh, Jeb, Jeb, what have you done? Sky hurries to kneel beside her and shake her awake. She explains that she had a frightening dream.

Outside, the heavy breathing seems to emanate from the shrubbery by the front door.

Sky takes Carolyn upstairs to her room and assures her he will be in his study just down the hall. Carolyn thanks him, and they say goodnight. As she sits down on the bed, we can see that the room is very large and luxurious--a perfectly suitable bridal chamber, in fact. The big bed is a four-poster, and the full-length double window is surrounded by heavy drapes.

Downstairs, Sky looks out the broken window and seems to recognize what he sees outside. He opens the front door and steps away with a smile, leaving the door open.

Carolyn is asleep, still dressed but covered with a blanket (just like one of Mrs. Radcliffe’s heroines). The storm outside is still raging.

Downstairs, we can see some tracks leading from the front door into the living room. Are the tracks simply mud? Or are they slime? OR ARE THEY PERHAPS ACID-BURNED HOLES IN THE CARPET?

Carolyn sleeps upstairs until the banging of the window wakes her. She gets up and shuts and latches it. She is about to lie down again when she hears the most dreadful sound of all in this long night of dreadful sounds: heavy breathing, accompanied by the dragging of a chain along the floor. (I thought of Jacob Marley, but why should the creature lug a chain around?) Carolyn is now so frightened that her attempts to call Sky are mere whispers. The breathing sound gets louder and louder as its source approaches. The double doors to the room are thrown open, and Carolyn is bathed in an eerie green light. Finding her voice at last, Carolyn screams again and again at the hideous sight before her.........

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0945
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2015, 07:36:33 AM »
Joan VO.  I now wonder if Jeb even knows what the word "marriage" means.  They use the word regarding Jeb's monster intrusion into the Rumsons' house.  Is Jeb "courting" Carolyn by terrifying her?  Possible, but they'd be getting into some dark areas of  sexist hostility and domination.  Or is forcing his monster self on her a "marriage"? 

I don't know how Barnabas sold the idea of their being a sudden, awkward couple of guests in a stranger's mansion being a "rest".  They have their own mansion.  Maybe the natural surroundings.  Collinwood's gloomy.

Those might be acid stains DL, it looks more like that than slime.  Sorry I'm letting down in the word count department...
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0945
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2015, 05:42:57 PM »
I suppose the Leviathans think of it as a "marriage." Jeb even has Sky for his best man.

I always wondered about those weird dreams too. I wondered if Jeb was actually sending them, or whether Paul was trying to reach his daughter from Beyond the Veil. But nobody ever mentions that possibility, so I suppose it's Jeb. He's vain and swell-headed enough to think that he can wow Carolyn with his murderous, blood-soaked omnipotence and acid-oozing true form.

Maybe Barn thought that Carolyn would be more protected at Angelique's place because it's on an island and harder to get to. We never do find out how Leviathan Jeb gets to the island. Can Leviathans fly? Or swim? (although those don't look like merely wet footprints) Maybe he just took giant steps? Or maybe he just took the ferry as Jeb.

Anyway, MT, your posts are always welcome, regardless of the word count!