Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0943  (Read 738 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0943
« on: June 30, 2015, 05:30:16 PM »
Robservations #943

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0943

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0943
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2015, 10:41:51 PM »
Sabrina's been off doing lycanthropy research.  Welcome Moon Poppy.  Chris's hairy hand reaches to eat it... end.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0943
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2015, 03:47:02 PM »
Grayson Hall does the VO.

Maggie tries to resist Jeb, but in the end her willpower crumbles and she opens the box. She tells Jeb that somehow she isn't afraid of him anymore, and he says that there's a spirit of peace in the box. He lists the other Leviathan initiates but warns her not to trust them and asks about Barnabas. All Maggie knows is that he wants to keep Carolyn away from Jeb. Jeb gets angry and presses her, but she insists she knows nothing more. Did Barnabas tell you anything about the Leviathans? Jeb asks. I’ve never heard that name before, Maggie says, and this at least is no lie. You will hear about them quite often now, Jeb tells her, but you must not listen to the book. Your loyalty will be to me. Barnabas likes to follow the book--but I don’t. Maggie is really frightened now, but luckily Jeb’s mind is running on the same resentful track as ever. That’s why Barnabas told you to discourage Carolyn from seeing me, he says. I only want to bring Carolyn peace--where is she? I don’t know, Maggie replies. Barnabas didn’t tell me. Jeb thinks for a long moment and actually comes up with another idea. He wants Maggie to keep find out where Carolyn is. Maggie is all for telling Barn that she's now a Leviathan but Jeb nixes that idea. He asks her about Barn and Quentin, but Maggie doesn't know much about Quentin either.

In the foyer, Julia suddenly finds a letter from Maggie, saying that she's gone away for a day or so--evidently she was kept in the mausoleum overnight. But just Julia and Barn are wondering how the note materialized so suddenly, Maggie reappears with the peripatetic little blue suitcase. I’m sorry you were worried, she says, and tells Barnabas she wants to talk to him later. Barnabas is naturally flattered as well as happy to see her safely returned. Showing quite a bit of hamstring for Barnabas to admire, she hurries upstairs with her suitcase, wanting to check on David. She didn’t mention her aunt, Barnabas muses, and I certainly have never seen that suitcase. We have something else to worry about, Julia says somberly--Chris Jennings. The moon will be full tonight.

At the cottage, Chris also frets about tonight. The white-haired Sabrina arrives with the Moon Poppy and tells Chris that she's never betrayed him. His next visitor is Barnabas, who wants him to go back to Windcliff. You haven’t been much help to me since returning from the past, Chris says resentfully. Wouldn’t you want me to try the plant if you had brought it? Barnabas takes this justified criticism on the chin and warns Chris, Once the moon is full, you won’t remember to eat the flower. I’ll make myself remember it, Chris vows. Why don’t you take the flower to Windcliff, Barnabas suggests. If you don’t eat it, at least you’ll be safe until morning. I’m staying here, Chris insists. I will go through this time alone. Barn reports back to Julia, who is just about to phone Chris when Maggie arrives and asks to speak to Barn alone.

Where have you been? Maggie asks Barnabas. I’ve been wanting to talk to you. He is deeply apologetic, saying he was on an errand. Maggie asks Julia to let her and Barnabas talk alone. Julia leaves to talk to Chris. Maggie and Barnabas confer behind closed doors in the drawing room. She says, I know what has been going on, at least part of it. I didn’t go to Portland, she admits. That note-- It was Jeb, wasn’t it? Barnabas asks, rushing to her in alarm. What did he do to you? I’ll kill him! he snarls. No, Barnabas! Maggie says. You must never do anything against him. Maggie tells Barnabas about the mausoleum and the zombified sheriff: He said you were a part of it, she tells Barnabas. No, Maggie, Barnabas says fervently, not now. He asks, Why did Jeb let you go? Maggie explains: He made me open the box. Something was supposed to happen--I don't know what. I did know that if I wanted to get out of there, the only way to do it would be to pretend that something had happened, then to agree with everything that happened afterwards. I did that. I knew you weren’t a part of it. Greatly relieved, Barnabas says, I’m glad you’re back alive! Maggie insists on some explanation. I’ll explain everything, Barnabas promises. When I think of how you might have returned in that dreadful condition! he exclaims, horrified. Now we can fight together. If Jeb thinks that you’re one of them, you can help. Julia returns and reports to Barnabas, Chris insists on staying. This is the most she can say in front of Maggie, but Barnabas understands. Proudly he tells Julia, We have a new ally--someone we need but must protect.

Chris watches for the moon to rise. Soon enough, the pains start and the flower begins to bloom. No, no, no, I won’t do it! I won’t! he says even as he screams with pain. The flower opens completely--a single large, lovely magenta blossom. A hairy paw reaches for it...........