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Discuss - Ep #0870
« on: January 24, 2015, 07:16:04 PM »
Robservations #870

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0870

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0870
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2015, 06:12:53 PM »
Pansity insists that the man in the guest room at Collinwood is NOT Barnabas Collins, the vampire. As if further proof were needed, we get a nice shot of Selbtofi and Barnabas in the mirror.

Edward assures Judith that the coffin and the body in it were both destroyed by fire. This reassures Judith enough to have Edward invite Barnabas to dinner.

We now get our first glimpse of Judith's long game as she and Pansity confer about the portrait of Amanda. The mystery is solved when we learn that Judith commissioned Pansity to buy the painting from Charles and provided the cash. As Judith surveys the portrait with satisfaction, C/P gleefully tells her, Mr. Trask saw the picture a short while ago. He was awfully mad! I wish you could have seen it. I imagine he’ll be talking to me about it soon enough, Judith remarks. What will you tell him, Miss Judith? C/P asks (although she should properly address Mrs. Trask--but maybe Judith told her not to). The truth, Judith answers. Then why did you send me to buy the picture? C/P asks. I felt he was more likely to give it to you, Judith replies. Oh! Ain’t you the crafty one! C/P says admiringly. Judith explains, All my life, people have been underestimating me--my family, my lawyers, now my husband--but all of that is going to change very soon. While I was away, I began to see the truth about certain things--like why I was sent to the Rushmore Sanitarium. She pauses to glare at the portrait. Why were you? C/P asks. We’ll discuss that some other time, Judith replies. Thank you for getting the portrait. Oh, it was worth it just to see Trask’s face, C/P giggles. What was she like? Judith asks as she walks closer to the painting. Sort of fetching, like her picture, C/P replies. He went around telling everyone he was trying to save her soul. I’m sure it was her _soul_ he was interested in, Judith says dryly. I’m sure that he must have spent hours trying to find it. They were a bit chummy, C/P agrees. What a quaint way of putting it, Judith remarks. What are you planning to do with the picture? C/P asks. I’m thinking of hanging it in the master bedroom. You mean with you and Mr. Trask? C/P asks in surprise, telling us no end of things (or not--maybe Trask gets a lot of headaches or has a couch in his study). Why not? Judith answers. Mr. Trask has always taken pride in the souls he has saved. I think it is only fitting that the portrait of his latest achievement should hang on our wall. Can you see what a devoted wife I am? I see what a smart one you are, that's what I see, C/P answers. I get to like you more and more every day.

Kitty returns to Collinwood, very bewildered at what's happening to her, as well she should be. Judith has Pansity escort her to her room.

Selbtofi returns to Barnabas's room and finds him sleeping. Apparently Selbtofi's purpose in going there is so that the sleeping Barnabas won't hear him say to himself, here is only one way of finding out the truth. This hand is something you cannot resist. When I place it on your forehead, you will wake and tell me what I want to know. He stretches his cursed Hand toward Barnabas’s head--

But he's interrupted by Edward, who wants to know what he's doing there. Just checking on the guest, Selbtofi replies. That's more or less actually true. He keeps his back turned to hide his consternation, which only increases when Edward says, When I spoke to him earlier, I hoped he could come down and have dinner with us. He’s been invited to dinner? Selbtofi asks irritably. Yes, Edward replies, Judith wants to meet him and to ask him some questions. Well, let's hope that she doesn't accept his answers as readily as you did, Selbtofi observes sourly as he leaves in disgust.

Pansity offers Kitty some broth, just like her (P.'s) mother used to make, but Kitty refuses. She feels that someone is trying to reach her. Pansity suggests just letting it happen, but Kitty is afraid. Edward arrives and sends Pansity out. Kitty confesses she's had another "attack" and thinks she should leave. Edward begs her to stay as he kneels beside her. What earthly reason do you have for wanting me to remain? she asks, bewildered. A very good reason, he replies. I believe there is a solution for you, one we’ve never discussed before. I believe the trauma of being widowed so young, of losing someone as devoted to you as Gerald was, can only be replaced by the love of someone else. Perhaps it’s wrong of me, being Gerald’s closest friend, to say this, but I’ve loved you from the moment you came to Collinwood. Please stay and marry me. Always a stickler for propriety even when he’s hoping to marry money, he adds, I had intended to prose after a proper period of mourning. If by so doing now, I’ve offended you, I’m sorry. Not only am I not offended, Kitty says with a particularly fortune-hunting smile, I’ll marry you! They indulge in a stiff embrace and exchange a kiss utterly without passion.

Downstairs, Judith presides over tea as she and Selbtofi hear the end of Barnabas's story. Judith looks almost ill at what she’s heard. Barnabas concludes, After the ordeal was over, I barely knew myself anymore. When I wandered into the doctor’s office, I was in a state of shock. It must have been terrifying, Judith says sympathetically. I don’t know how you survived it! I apologize for the effect my arrival had on all of you, Barnabas says as PQuentin looks at him skeptically. Judith says, I admit the family has had more than its share of suffering in the past few months. We’ve learned to be wary of all strangers. That’s perfectly understandable, Barnabas agrees. PQuentin walks over to the fireplace behind Judith and asks, What about your life in England? You’ve told us almost nothing about that. There’s not much to tell, Barnabas replies, looking somewhat uncomfortable. After my father died, I saw no reason to stay in England, so I decided to come to America to start a new life. Why here? Selbtofi asks. Because it’s where the family’s roots have always been, Barnabas replies. I felt when someone is left alone in the world, he should go naturally to where the family was. Suddenly he stands up in sheer astonishment as Kitty enters the room, with Edward following her. Both are beaming. Edward performs the introductions the wrong way around, introducing Lady Katherine Soames to Barnabas first. Barnabas recovers enough to take her hand and say, The pleasure is all mine. Edward invites Kitty to sit and stands beside her. Have you spent much time in London? Selbtofi asks. Only on business, Barnabas replies. I wondered, because Lady Hampshire is from there, Selbtofi says. Did you know Lady Hampshire or her husband, the late earl, in London? I never had that pleasure, Barnabas replies. What was your business? Selbtofi wants to know. Judith saves the day by declaring, Cousin Barnabas has answered enough questions--and dinner is ready anyway. Barnabas offers Judith his arm, Edward takes Kitty’s, and all leave except PQuentin. Arms folded, he remains glaring, doubting, wondering for a moment before he follows them into the foyer and to the invisible, never-seen dining room.

At 9:30, everyone returns to the drawing room, where Edward pours out Champagne and announces that he and Kitty are engaged to be married! Barnabas is utterly shocked. No one notices at first. Edward, you’re full of surprises, Selbtofi comments with a smile. Judith congratulates the happy pair. Selbtofi drinks to them, but Barnabas doesn’t join in the toast. When will the happy day be? Judith asks. Overjoyed, Kitty replies, We haven’t had time to think about that yet. We’ve only decided tonight. Edward surprised me too! Selbtofi comments, You’re curiously silent, Barnabas. Barnabas apologizes. Standing up, he congratulates Kitty and Edward. I know you will both be very happy, he says formally. He takes a sip of Champagne, then says, I’m still feeling weak--I should retire. We understand, Edward says. Thank you for the delicious dinner, Barnabas tells Judith. (Apparently he was able to eat it!) I hope you’ll feel better tomorrow, she replies. Barnabas wishes everyone a good night and then leaves, thereby giving them the opportunity to talk about him. What do you think of our new cousin, Edward asks Judith. He seems quite open and charming, Judith opines, and his story quite plausible. He can stay until he is fully recovered. Turning to Edward and Kitty with a smile, she says, Now, tell me about your plans.

At 11:58 p.m., Barnabas is in his room, but not asleep. Sitting in a chair, he looks quite unhappy. Hands extended, he speaks aloud: Wherever you are, Josette, you must hear me. I am not wrong about you. You are Josette--my Josette. This marriage cannot take place. It must not take place! Know yourself, my darling. Be who you are destined to be.

Kitty is in her room, lying on her bed. Her thoughts run thus: Wherever you are, please leave me alone! I want to leave this room and come to you, but I don't know why. It frightens me. I must not give in to you. I must stay here, and yet.... She gets up and takes the music box from the mantel. She opens it, and Josette’s theme plays loudly. As she listens, she falls under the spell of the music and smiles.

For a moment we have a split-screen shot of Barnabas and Kitty facing each other in profile. Barnabas continues, I cannot go away. There is too much for me to do here. But I cannot stay in this house and watch her marry someone else. When it happened that way before, it brought only tragedy and death. Have I come back to tragedy and death again? Oh, Josette, Josette, he cries out inwardly, will  it be over before it has even begun? He turns around and sees Kitty standing in the doorway, smiling. I heard your call, she says as she steps into the room. I have come. As they draw near each other, she tells him, I am your Josette. I shall be--always. Barnabas gazes deep into her eyes, and they embrace and kiss passionately.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0870
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2015, 11:14:12 PM »
[spoiler]First time watchers would never guess that 1897 is actually winding down at this point.[/spoiler]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0870
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2015, 05:00:53 PM »
I guess so, joeytrom...

Whose VO?  Oh... so Judith paid the $5000 for Amanda.  Her plan is underway.  Judith claims she sent Pansy for it because it would avert suspicion.  No, she did it because she's rich and pays other people to do stuff, I think... Pansity's smile reminded me here of actress Louise Jameson's smile from her character in Doctor Who, Leela, interesting, since LJ plays a Pansy relative in the DS Big Finish audios. 

Kitty hears Barnabas's heart pounding, but should she hear him if he's human now?  She sees Barnabas's portrait's nose bridge glow... The insertion of Josette may seem contrived in 1897, but it adds... resonance? to Barnabas's coming back.  It really must be his only reason, unless he knew about the bodyswap and wanted to stop it.  Anyway, I'm trying to lose my jadedness and get lost in the Josette thing. 

Kitty and Edward agree to marry each other for the money.  Barnabas does his pouty face at hearing the announcement.

[spoiler]How did Angelique finish her plan for Barnabas's return, while a prisoner? ... unless it was all in place earlier, she didn't have time to complete things, since Ang escaped and Barnabas reappeared very close to each other in time.  Or maybe not.  There was a dissolve?  Indicating some time passed...?  Anyway, if Angelique did arrange for everything before being a prisoner, why consider "releasing" the doppelganger, as if it could help her out of the cave?[/spoiler]

Human Barnabas should have no power to enthrall Kitty into being Josette... she must be enthralling herself through her previous reincarnation.  (?!!?!)

I thought about Barnabas actually eating the dinner too, DL...
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0870
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2015, 08:58:26 PM »
According to DS Wiki, KLS does the voiceover for this episode.

I think Angelique and Julia's plan for Barnabas was pretty nearly complete. Julia was pulled back to 1968 before she was able to give Barn the final dose of her concoction, and Angelique couldn't either because she was Petofi's prisoner. Maybe that's why Barn was so weak when he finally reappeared.

Very VERY cool that Louise Jameson plays a Pansity relative in the audios.

I love the growing relationship between Judith and Pansity, perhaps the most unlikely duo in the whole series. It was a big reason for my hypothesis about what happened to everyone after the 1897 story line ended--on screen, that is.

I guess that whether he's a vampire or an ordinary mortal, Barnabas loves Josette--after all, he did meet her before Angelique cursed him.