Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0843  (Read 666 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0843
« on: November 28, 2014, 05:15:29 PM »
Robservations #843

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0843

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0843
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2014, 12:06:34 PM »
Poor newborn guy.  Tim's first thought is to grab a gun, on his way to Tate's.  Why did I like Tim again?  I like it, though, at Tate's place, when the absurdity hits Tim as he asks "Have you... made these creatures often?" and he can't help laughing, or coming close to it.  He smirks. 

Petofi hires Beth.  She doesn't really want to; she's making a statement to herself, rejecting her previous life because it failed utterly, and going for the opposite extreme in order to reject it. 

The Po hexagram.  All that comes of it is that Beth just sees "shadows" and gets an urge to kill... reactivating her recent murder attempt, still fresh in her mind?  Too bad they didn't show us a new I Ching experience here.  So Petofi locks Beth up in some room, a wise precaution I suppose.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0843
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2014, 07:42:08 PM »
I also keep trying to like Tim again, but he just doesn't fit into that likable character anymore. Same with Charles. Two unlikeable guys, one of them with a gun, plus the distressed but hapless Amanda. The poor newborn guy doesn't have a snowball's chance.

At the old mill, Petofi is conducting a job interview with Beth. He adjusts his glasses and tells her, I’ve been expecting you. The other night, you came to the end of one road. Now you must find another. She tells him, I’ve thought a lot about myself and my life since-- You tried to kill Quentin? Petofi finishes. I don’t want to talk about it, she says. Accept things for what they truly are, Petofi advises her. You tried and failed to murder Quentin--what happens now? I’ve decided I want to work for you, Beth replies. Why? Petofi asks. She explains, Because things go so well for you. I think I could learn from you how to make my life over in your image. That is a rather touching little tribute you have paid me, Miss Chávez, Petofi observes. As a matter of fact, I may need someone to work for me just now. My last aide-de-camp [beat] decamped under enemy fire. [Violet Welles was responsible for this pun!] What can you do? he asks. Beth lists her qualifications: I can look after things and people, do what they want me to do. My needs are quite different from ordinary ones, Petofi says. However, I can assure you that you will find the rewards far more enduring than a pleasant room in the servant's quarters--or even a smile from Quentin Collins. I don’t care about Quentin Collins any more! Beth insists bitterly. Good, Petofi says. If I decide to employ you, he cautions her, your only devotion must be to me--even if it costs you your life. My life is worth very little to me, Beth replies bitterly. Petofi smiles and says, I have decided. I am willing to employ you, but before you decide, know--and know well--that once you say, "Yes I will work for you," there will be no changing your mind, no turning back. Because if you do, I assure you that your life will be worth nothing. There will be no further nonsense about Quentin Collins. Now, Miss Chávez, are you willing to accept this situation under those circumstances? Think carefully. Beth smiles as she answers rather too quickly, There is no need to think. I’ve found what I was looking for.

Po is the hexagram of falling, but Beth doesn't fall, even when the I Ching wands get all swirly. Shouldn't it be the hexagram of attempted murder? Beth doesn't protest when Petofi locks her up, I guess because she's still in helping-Barnabas mode.

Meanwhile, things look pretty bad for the newly created guy....