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Discuss - Ep #0772
« on: August 20, 2014, 02:00:02 PM »
Robservations #772

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0772

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0772
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2014, 08:39:46 PM »
Sam Hall gives Minerva some unintentionally hilarious lines in this episode. Clarice Blackburn's deadpan delivery is wonderful!

This episode is the only one to start with a double image--a solarized profile of Barnabas superimposed over a slide of the Old House at night. And very nice it is, too.

This episode repeats the end of the previous one, except that when Barnabas finds Pansy Faye, not only does she have bite marks but a rope is around her neck. The writers must have realized they would need to explain why she didn’t rise as a vampire--but they forgot that any self-respecting vampire could strangle her with nothing more than his bare hands--or even just one hand, as Barnabas will do a long time from now.

In any case, Barnabas’s shocked and horrified reaction is exactly the same. No sooner has he dashed to bolt the door than Carl starts pounding on it, shouting that he has to talk to Pansy. Quickly Barnabas lugs the guts to the neighbor room--that is, he carries poor Pansy’s body to the secret room behind the bookcase--then lets Carl in. Carl is distraught, and Barn has to pretend he hasn't seen Pansy. Suddenly Carl spots Pansy’s little beaded purse on the strange round purple settee. She'd never leave without that! he exclaims. But she isn't here, Barnabas points out a bit desperately (even though throughout he maintains the same gentle demeanor he would with Jamison or Nora). Carl is afraid something awful has happened to Pansy. Barnabas replies, Whatever has happened is as much of a mystery to me as to you. As the mantel clock strikes 5:00 a.m., Barnabas encourages Carl to leave. Once Carl hurries off, Barnabas returns to the room behind the bookcase--and its dreadful secret.

At the House by the Sea, Charity brings coffee to Tim, who has been working on Evan's Latin book all night. She tries to get him to talk, but he is already halfway in a trance. He says, “The queen of spades.” Charity says, My mother will be furious if she finds out that you aren’t in your room. Your mother! Tim says with a sardonic yet mesmerized air. He takes out the vial of nightshade. What is that? Charity asks. He shouts at her, Leave me alone to do what I have to do! Horrified, she hurries out as he collapses across the desk.

Barnabas has laid Pansy Faye in a rather shallow grave somewhere in Eagle Hill. Rest, he tells her sadly, rest in peace. [If Sandor weren’t in Boston, probably he would have done the digging. I think this is the only time we ever see Barnabas doing manual work.] He starts to shovel dirt in on her; when he hears the rooster’s warning, he picks up the pace.

Tim is lying on his narrow bed (fully dressed), tossing and shouting incoherently when Charity returns and wakes him. He wakes with a start, jumping to his feet. I was having a nightmare about the police, he explains. What’s happening? Charity asks. Why are you behaving so strangely? Tim says, I’ll be all right once _this_ is over. Once what is over? Charity asks. This work I’m doing for Evan, Tim replies. He must want it badly, she comments. Charity has come because a messenger has brought him a note. Tim doesn’t want to open it in front of her, but she says the messenger is waiting for an answer--if there is one. He opens it and reads three words: QUEEN OF SPADES. Tonight, he mutters, he told me that when he sent me this message, I would know that the time has come--it must happen tonight! Tim tells Charity that there’ll be no answer to the message, then goes back to the Latin. Upset, Charity asks, Is this how you’ll be after we’re married? Never talking to me, never explaining anything-- Before Tim can reply, Minerva Trask storms in and scolds Charity. Why aren’t you in the classroom? Do you think this school will run itself? You’re supposed to be teaching a lesson on the Old Testament. Charity tries to explain about the message for Tim from Mr. Hanley. Indeed, Minerva sniffs, Mr. Hanley! Charity, go to your class! You don’t want to add to your long list of sins. (So much for Minerva's maternal feelings!)

Charity quickly leaves, but Minerva is still in a fighting mood, so she turns on Tim. What do you want? he asks rudely. What we’ve been paying for, Minerva snaps. All you’ve been working on is this job for Mr. Hanley, turning down your work at the school. Your husband got me this job, Tim points out. I don’t care if he did or he didn’t, Minerva retorts. The Reverend Trask leaves the running of the school to me--as you well know. She tells Tim smugly, My husband leaves the running of the school to me. He is more of a thinker, whereas I am a doer. I’m the one-- Leave me alone, Tim cuts in rudely--I want to finish this today. Did I hear you correctly? she says, affronted. Let you _what_? Alone, Time says. I want to finish this Latin today. You’re impertinent, Minerva snaps. We’d be better off without you. Tim agrees, You’ll be without me as soon as I finish this job for Evan Hanley. What about the debt you owe? Minerva asks. You won’t leave without paying the debt you owe us. Oh yes, the famous debt, Tim answers, his voice dripping sarcasm. How shall I ever pay off the debt? I will never be able to do so, will I? Minerva huffs that it’s a bookkeeping issue. Yes, Tim agrees, yours and his. Are you accusing me of dishonesty? Minerva cries, outraged. Yes, answers Tim, without turning a hair. You’ll be sorry, Minerva warns him. Perhaps we should go see Reverend Trask right now. You’re afraid, she taunts him. You know what he’ll say to you. Yes, I know, Tim says sarcastically, yes, indeed. I can quote it for you line by line, but I’m busy, so if you don’t mind, GET OUT and leave me to finish! he shouts. We’ll see what happens, Mr. Shaw, Minerva says. Before she storms out, we can see Charity listening at the door. She darts away from it just an instant before her mother opens it.

Carl returns to the Old House, calling first to Barnabas, then to Pansy. She is apparently not yet inclined to rest in peace, because Carl hears her humming her song. He calls out that his grandmother (that would be Edith) gave him a place to live in her will, so he and Pansy can be free of Judith. Barnabas arrives, and Carl actually grabs him and shakes him in his desperation. Barnabas orders Carl to let him go, and Carl tells him about hearing Pansy humming her song. As gently as if he were speaking to Jenny, Barnabas tells him that it's only natural for Carl to be upset, but she isn't here. Carl says he's looked everywhere, as Barn told him to do, but she's just missing. As is Dirk, Barnabas reminds him. Carl hits on a new hypothesis. He tells Barnabas, I think Dirk came to the Old House and forced Pansy to go with him! If he’s done anything to hurt her-- We’ve got to find Dirk! I know, says Barnabas sadly, I know.

Minerva has calmed down enough to talk to Charity about a prospective husband. Minerva thinks Tim won't amount to anything, so she suggests that Charity aim higher--say, at Carl. What does Charity think of him? I've never thought of him at all, Charity replies. Minerva opines, Tim Shaw doesn’t seem to have the proper qualities of leadership and will never be the man your father is. Tim is very different from my father, Charity observes. Too different, Minerva says tartly. I think you should end your engagement. I don’t want to hear sentiment, she warns her daughter with maternal care, or that you’re in love with Tim. I do like Tim, Charity admits, then strokes her neck pensively as she adds, There is someone else--what about Barnabas Collins? Her mother turns aside to hide a smile at Charity’s aspirations. Your instincts are correct, she agrees, but Barnabas is only a cousin, not one of the Collins brothers. [They both either forget or choose to ignore the fact that Barnabas is supposedly engaged to Angelique.] Be practical, Minerva advises, and fall in love with Carl Collins.

They hear a knock at the door a moment later. That’s Tim, Minerva says. I’ll go hear the children’s prayers while you break off your engagement. My daughter wants to speak to you, she tells Tim sharply, then hurries out. Charity tells Tim, I want to end our engagement. I don’t love you--in fact, I love somebody else--and I know you don’t love me, even if you do like me just a little. Did your mother tell you this? Tim asks, angry and insulted. No, Charity lies, she didn’t. Tim instantly says, I’ll apologize to your mother for this morning. This has nothing to do with that, Charity says. I can’t marry you--although I like you a lot. I still want to apologize, Tim insists. But Minerva promptly returns and orders Charity out. Your duties aren’t done until you say goodnight to the children. The dutiful Charity scurries away. Minerva adds pointedly to Tim, You, too.

Left alone, Minerva sneaks out a pack of playing cards--only to be discovered by Tim. He tells her not to bother hiding them, because he knows she plays.  Flustered, Minerva huffs, Everyone does. No one is absolutely perfect, and if you’ve come to plead about Charity, it’s useless. I never interfere with my daughter’s decisions, she finishes loftily. I came to apologize, Tim says handsomely. Minerva sniffs, Apologies are the devil’s invention, covering evil behavior. She seems more interested in her game and takes a sip of her tea. I wouldn’t want you to think badly of me, Tim persists. Whatever that means! Minerva sniffs. It would be a sin on my part to disregard your behavior, she continues resentfully. He tells her, The Reverend Trask and I have discussed the possibility of my leaving. That’s just as well, Minerva snaps. Evan Hanley has agreed to help me, Tim says, but I know you write all the references. Irritably she snaps, I just want to sit, relax and have my tea! Now you’ve gotten me upset. Angrily she slams down the next card--which happens to be the queen of spades. Tim instantly switches to automatic pilot and offers to refill her cup, ostensibly as part of his apology. That isn’t necessary, Minerva says. In a trance, Tim insists, I want to do something for you. Behind her back, he empties the vial of poison into the cup while she tells him rudely, Small favors won’t alter my opinion of you. I try to be as fair as God will let me be, but there are things I just can’t forgot, like that scene this morning, no matter how polite you are now. Tim hands her the tea. There is nothing further to talk about, she tells him dismissively. When he doesn’t move, she asks irritably, Why are you hovering over me like that? I don’t want to leave until I make sure the tea is all right, he says. Minerva raises the cup to her lips and drinks....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0772
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2014, 05:29:11 PM »
Pansy Faye, strangled with a cord, in a chair in Barnabas's Drawing Room.  Wasn't her neck bitten in the cliffhanger?  If so, maybe they realized they'd be dealing with one vampire too many. (Bitten and choked both DL?  Missed it.)  Carl at the door... Barnabas's and Carl's conversation is so sad and frustrating. 
Barnabas is losing his ability to deal with all this.  He radiates guilt.  1967 Barnabas was protected with the armor of being an uncaring psychopath.  This time, he cares about the people who would destroy him.  His "reformation" is being stretched to its limits.  It's too much pressure, too much of being pulled in different directions, and he's collapsing under the stress.

Well what do you know, Barnabas buries a body himself... in a gingerly sort of way...  The agent Tim has absorbed through his fingertips seems to be having side effects.  He needs to go to bed, and tosses and turns, maybe even writhing.  And now the murder... Tim puts all the poison into the tea!  That was a lot.  Minewrva drinks, end.
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0772
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2014, 03:03:57 PM »
We don't actually see Pansy getting strangled, just bitten. Another CYA moment for the writers.

It was pretty funny (as I remember) to see Barnabas--a gentleman born and bred--having to bury a body himself. It probably only made him feel guiltier, since he was ultimately responsible for Pansy's murder. I suppose that when he decided to throw the I Ching and go back to 1897, he never even imagined the kind of price he would have to pay for having a conscience.