Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0766  (Read 418 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0766
« on: August 12, 2014, 03:52:15 PM »
Robservations #766

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0766

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2014, 05:23:50 PM »
Barn is furious with Magda, who thinks that if Quentin dies, his children will escape the curse. Barn snarls that there's no escape for either Quentin or Magda. She levels the gun at him, reminding him that there are still silver bullets in it. The werewolf stirs, and Barn says that if they can keep the creature alive till dawn, then Quentin will survive too.

It's almost dawn, and the werewolf is still breathing. Magda notes that he'll be all right, but Barnabas is still unforgiving. Now remorseful, Magda says, I was crazy with worry about my sister’s children. I was the one who cursed them, I got to be the one to help them, or there’s no hope for them. Quentin is a werewolf for the rest of his life, and my sister’s children carry the curse too. But I don’t know any way out of all this, no answers! she wails. Just then the rooster crows, and Barnabas knows he must gain his coffin. He orders Magda to find a way to break the curse. He makes her hand over the gun--which has only four bullets in it. (I think you're supposed to leave one chamber empty, so there should be three.) Magda says she must have lost one. The clock chimes five times, another warning to Barnabas. Is it right to pray for a cursed thing like this? she wonders as Barnabas prepares to leave. But he crossly grants her no quarter: You cursed him. If his life is lost, so is yours. After Barnabas leaves, Magda looks down at the creature and says, Quentin Collins, the day you met my sister, all hope died for everyone. Nonetheless she crosses herself and starts to pray. But suddenly the werewolf (obviously recovered) revives. It growls and springs toward her. She holds up her pentagram, and the creature recoils. It runs out, knocking over a table in its haste.

Somewhere in the woods, the short, brown-eyed werewolf transforms into the tall, blue-eyed Quentin. He looks down, horrified that once again his clothes are torn and bloody (though he looks as fabulous as ever in his near-topless condition). What have I done? he gasps as he gets to his feet. Then he tells himself miserably, What has _he_ done? it’s not me, I can’t help what happens! Suddenly he hears sobs. He looks around and sees no one, but he calls to the invisible weeper, Who is crying? Don’t be afraid--I promise not to hurt you.

Strangely for someone with such a dreadful secret--and who would have a lot of explaining to do if anyone saw him--Quentin staggers in the front door of Collinwood. Suddenly he hears the sobbing again, and a strange woman appears. It is the ghost of Dorcas Trilling, the werewolf’s first victim. Her clothes are torn and bloody, testimony to the werewolf’s savagery. Let me help you, he pleads. Murderer! she cries over and over again as he wipes his mouth nervously. Stop that! he cries. Everyone in the house will hear you and know! He starts forward to seize her--but the mystery is explained when, still repeating the terrible word, she vanishes before his eyes.

Having washed and changed, Quentin is in his room, but even his favorite music can't keep his hands from trembling. Once again, he sees Dorcas--this time in the mirror--and once again she repeats her accusation. Judith hears Quentin begging Dorcas to leave him alone. Judith comes in, finds him alone, and scoffs at the idea of anyone else in the mirror. She comments that he's behaving like an animal that's been cornered. He pours himself a drink and yells at her to get out.

At dusk, the clock on the mantel at the Old House chimes seven--is it summer, and is Collinwood near the Arctic Circle? Magda is gazing at the basement door when Barnabas emerges to face another night. [We catch a brief glimpse of a doorway--without a door--where the stairs to the right of the front door should be.] Barnabas asks where Quentin is, and Magda tells him how the creature attacked her and ran out. Why didn't you go after him? Barnabas asks, and Magda reminds him that she gave him the gun. She reports that Quentin is at Collinwood, getting drunk. He knows nothing, then? Barnabas asks. Yes, Magda admits. I been thinking and searching for an answer. I thought of someone who might help--an old gypsy woman who lived in the forests of  Augedon (sp??). She turned Count Petofi into a werewolf. (Magda had told Sandor about him earlier). She knew everything, Magda continues. Gypsies came from everywhere to consult her. She was an old woman when you were a child, Barnabas says, incredulous. Yes, Magda says, but she had a daughter, Julianka, and if that daughter is alive, perhaps she has the knowledge. The problem is, the world is wide for the gypsies, so where might she be? Barnabas asks. She belonged to the Romano tribe, Magda answers. Not long ago, there were some near Boston. King Johnny Romano was there--perhaps she is too. We must hope she isn’t too far away, Barnabas says. We have no idea how much longer it will be before Quentin’s destiny catches up with him. It could be tonight, tomorrow, anytime! We must act quickly. I’ll to Boston right way, Magda says, but Barnabas says, No--I want to speak to Quentin first. As Barnabas prepares to go out, Magda quietly tells him, I’m sorry for what’s happened. I want the same thing as you--for the children to be healthy and well and free from the curse. Barnabas stops and looks away guiltily as he remembers how, far in the future, he and Chris Jennings uncovered the tiny coffin and its pitiful contents. What’s the matter? Magda asks. I got a cold feeling about you just now, as if you know something about those two children I don’t--something that’s going to happen. Barnabas tells her, Start packing--you have a long trip ahead of you. After he leaves, she stands there, thinking.

Barnabas does a very nice materialization in Quentin's room. For a moment, Quentin thinks he's still alone, then turns around in surprise. Barnabas tells him that there's no full moon tonight. Barnabas says he's there to offer Quentin his help, but Quentin is extremely distrustful and tells him to get out. When Barn stays, Quentin asks why he wants to help, but of course Barnabas can't explain.  Then you'd better go--right now, Quentin says. Then what happens to you? Barnabas asks. I can take care of myself, Quentin huffs. So you can wait for the next full moon? Barnabas asks. How will you take care of yourself next time, and all the times after that? Quentin drinks without replying. Speaking with a passion born of bitter experience, Barnabas continues relentlessly, How will you take care of yourself as the world moves in on you, as more and more people find out and start hunting you down? Answer these questions and I’ll leave. Quentin counters, I’m not entirely ignorant of supernatural matters. I intend to keep trying to end the curse. I’m sure you’ve tried everything you can, Barnabas says, but obviously none of it has worked. I intend to keep on trying, Quentin assures him. And I will keep trying with you, Barnabas declares. This offer is very unlike you, Quentin observes. I wish I could understand it. There are many people dear to me whose lives are at stake, Barnabas explains, and their lives depend on you. With a grin, Quentin replies, A very suitably veiled answer--more in keeping with my mysterious cousin's character than concern--at least, concern for me. It's all I can give, Barnabas says. All right, says Quentin. Do you have some idea of a plan? Do you know of a way to end the curse? Not at the moment, Barnabas admits, but there are ways to end these curses. There was a Frenchman in the fifteenth century who lived as a werewolf, and he died but was buried in sacred ground, so he was cured when the curse was ended. There are other cases in which curses have been ended, and I intend to find out how. How? Quentin demands. We will find that out, Barnabas promises. I've taken steps in that direction--a gypsy Magda is searching for. She's gone to Boston, and when I learn something, I'll tell you. He puts a reassuring hand on Quentin's shoulder, but naturally Quentin is understandably unhappy to learn he must depend on Magda for the moment. Barnabas starts to leave, but Quentin stops him with a bitter request: Barnabas! If you find out I'm going to be like this always, promise me something. Promise me that you'll shoot me through the heart some lovely, moonlit night. His glass shatters when he tosses the glass to the floor.
As Barnabas passes through the foyer, Judith asks to speak with him.  I have business at the Old House, Barnabas says, anxious to return there. Please stay, she begs him. Something urgent has happened that disturbed Jamison very much. I need your help, she tells him, and I don’t know who else to ask. You know so much about the family--who everybody is and was. Perhaps you must recognize the name David Collins. Who is he? Shocked, Barnabas asks for more details. Judith tells him, Jamison awake from a dream a few minutes ago, screaming. Screaming what? Barnabas asks apprehensively. To his horror, Judith replies, David Collins is dead! David Collins is dead!. Motionless, eyes wide, Barnabas gasps, Oh, no!....