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Discuss - Ep #0748
« on: July 17, 2014, 03:44:24 PM »
Robservations #748

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0748


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0748
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2014, 09:16:08 PM »
Jenny attacks Beth and Quentin....Quentin overpowers Jenny and strangles her to death.

Tragic end for poor, wronged Jenny....killed by the husband who had wronged her. [ghost_sad]

Quentin maintains to Edward he did not mean to kill Jenny and Edward says he knows that, only because he knows Quentin is too cowardly to kill in cold blood. Come on! Either these two guys have short memories or the writers did. We've seen the past few episodes how desperate Quentin was to do away with Jenny, he even went to the Old House twice, first with a gun, and then with a rope, and was prevented in doing so by Beth and then stopped by Magda. And a few episodes before them he flat out told Edward that once he found Jenny he was going to kill her. And he meant it.

I really wish I could believe that Quentin's strangling of her was accidental, but once he got the knife out of her hand he kept on strangling her, throwing away the excuse of self defense. And as I have said his previous behavior of being so anxious to get her out of his hair also casts doubt on that.

Just when I thought Edward might have had at least one ounce of sympathy for Jenny when he chastises Beth for embracing Quentin in front of the poor woman later on he is appalled to hear from Quentin that Jenny was Magda's sister, and therefore a gypsy. I just want to smack both him and Judith upside their heads and just scream "Gypsies are people too!" They're not any less so just because they don't have any money or any of the 'class' of the mighty Collins clan.

Edward forces Quentin and Beth to go along with the story that Jenny died from a fall from the stairs.

Magda and Sandor arrive at the house and Edward informs them of Jenny's 'accident'. Edward expresses how sorry he is for their loss (yeah right!). He allows them to go to Beth's room where Jenny's body is still on the bed.

However Magda finds a button in Jenny's hand. A button from Quentin's jacket that Jenny managed to rip off while they were struggling. She and Sandor see the bruises on Jenny's neck and realizes that Jenny's death was no tragic accident but murder.

Magda confronts Edward and Sandor sees the missing button hole in Quentin's jacket. Outraged Magda attacks Quentin and Sandor has to pull her off him. She threatens to go to the police but Edward tells her it would do no good. It would be 'the word of a gypsy vs. the word of a Collins' as he so arrogantly puts it and that she would not be taken seriously.

Magda then turns to Quentin and promises to make him suffer like he did Jenny by putting a curse on him for the rest of his life. She and Sandor angrily leave the house. Quentin begs Edward to stop her and Edward is flabbergasted that Quentin would take her threats seriously. He shakes his brother's fears off and leaves to tell Judith and Barnabas about Jenny.

Beth also leaves Quentin alone. Although she told Edward that she believed Quentin didn't mean to kill Jenny (again what short memories these people have!), you can tell that she really isn't so sure about that.

Quentin hears Magda's threat to curse him echoing in his mind.

Great episode.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0748
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2014, 09:30:00 PM »
Quentin is at his absolutely worst in this episode. Kudos to Selby for making him absolutely hateful.

Poor Jenny realizes how thoroughly her supposed best friend has betrayed her. She charges at Beth, but Quentin forces her down on Beth's narrow bed and strangles her, ignoring Beth's pleas. Finally he realizes that he's just murdered his wife and runs out. Beth runs too. Jenny is free of all the madness and fury that tormented her.

Edward returns from somewhere (looking very handsome in a top hat), and Beth is forced to tell him that Jenny is lying dead in her room. He guesses how it happened and sneers (for once, rightfully) at Quentin's cowardice. What are those clothes doing on your dresser? he asks. I was taking them into the village, to the children, Beth replies. Yes, Edward says--Jenny's children. And Quentin's, too, Beth reminds him. God help them, Edward says, she must have seen them here. [He means the clothes.] Yes, Beth sobs. Quentin doesn't know, I'm sure. Get rid of them, Edward orders her. And when you're finished doing that, get rid of the knife and fix the cut on your face--you did it by accident. Beth touches the scratch and starts to say something. Just get busy, he orders her. There is much to be done and little time to do it. He hurries out. Beth puts down the knife, holds the tiny garments close, and sobs, heartbroken.

Wearing a cape and carrying a carpetbag, Quentin sneaks down the main staircase. Intent only on escape and the safety of his own skin, he has forgotten even Beth. Even though he is ready to travel, he has not even begun to walk the long road that awaits him. Edward quietly opens the door under the stairs, spots him, and grabs the suitcase when Quentin gets to the foyer. I can't stay! Quentin insists. You’re not going anywhere, Edward declares. You’re going to stay right in this house!

Edward concocts a story to explain Jenny's death so that Quentin won't have to go to jail. Quentin asks, Why are you so willing to protect me? Edward replies scornfully, Do you think I’m doing all this to protect _you_? Quentin answers his own question: Of course not, family honor and pride--nothing else matters to you. Edward agrees and adds, I won’t let the reason for her death bring scandal to the family name. Quentin argues that too many other people know about Jenny. Edward proposes bribing Magda and Sandor and is stunned and horrified when Quentin reveals that his late sister-in-law was also a gypsy. They are about to start arguing when they hear the dreaded knock on the door. Without one shred of compassion, Edward tells Magda and Sandor that Jenny is dead. They go upstairs to see her.

Quentin is freaking out more by the minute, refusing to face his in-laws. Edward tells him that he will face them and that he'll do exactly what Edward tells him.

Magda weeps inconsolably over Jenny's body while Sandor watches with concern. She kneels, taking her sister's hand and wails, If she had stayed with us, she would have been alive today! What might have been can never be, Sandor tells her sadly. Still weeping, Magda touches her sister’s face and composes Jenny’s hands over her chest. She finds that one hand is tightly clutching a button, which she holds up for Sandor to see. Edward lied to us, they realize. She fought for her life, Magda decides with a certain grim pride. Sandor takes a closer look at his sister-in-law’s body and spots the bruises on her throat: She was strangled--what will we do? he asks. Avenge her death, Magda snarls fiercely.

Edward rehearses more lies for Beth and Quentin to tell Magda and Sandor. But they have the button from Quentin's coat. Edward points out that (1) no one will believe them rather than the mighty Collinses; and (2) Magda could have found the button anywhere. Magda realizes that he's right, but she's far from finished. She turns to Quentin and says, I warned you if anything happened to Jenny, you would be sorry. I will keep my word. I will set a curse on you, Quentin--a curse that will last all the days of your life. You will suffer as she suffered. You will wish that you were as dead as she is. But it will not be possible. It will not be possible. We hear her spit on the ground at his feet, though we don’t see it. Then she turns on her heel and leaves with Sandor.

You’ve got to stop her, Edward! Quentin almost shrieks, believing implicitly in Magda’s power. She's serious! She'll do it! She’ll put a curse on me! I believe it, she can do it! Words, Edward scoffs, her only defense, and if you believe she can do it, you are past saving. I’m going to tell Judith and Barnabas of the unfortunate accident, he says and leaves. Quentin turns toward Beth, but she hurries to the door. Beth, don’t go! he pleads. Terrified, she looks at him, then runs out without a word. Beth! he calls forlornly. Alone in the drawing room, in his mind’s eye Quentin sees Magda’s hand outstretched in the sign of the horns. He buries his head in his hands as if trying to hide.  Magda’s words repeat over and over in his head: All the days of your life. All the days of your life...…

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0748
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2014, 04:45:46 AM »
Wearing a cape and carrying a carpetbag, Quentin sneaks down the main staircase. Intent only on escape and the safety of his own skin, he has forgotten even Beth. Even though he is ready to travel, he has not even begun to walk the long road that awaits him.

I liked that, DL, and no he hasn't.  What if he'd fled a couple minutes earlier?

Farewell, poor, poor Jenny.  I caught her grabbing the button off Quentin's coat this time.  His motivations, and the facts of the event, are a big mess of utterly cold-blooded, callous pre-meditation, self-defence, maybe even protection of a mate, and impulse rage, of the kind that later causes people to say to incredulous juries that it was as if their bodies acted on their own to murder.  Don't tell me this isn't an adult show. 

Marie Wallace (plus makeup people) is really good at looking disturbingly, actually dead.

The viewers find out through Edward's and Beth's conversation afterward that Quentin and Jenny had real children.   It was strange hearing the music for a big revelation without any surprised reaction, because both parties already knew about it. 

These scenes mostly have Beth and her reactions as their focus.  Terry Crawford makes it all real and human.  Every time we're tempted to look on all this as just some costume-murder-mystery, like a game of Clue or something, Terry has some reaction/moment that get through to us with a jolt, yes, these are real people, and this is what it would really feel like to be in the middle of a real murder.

Beth is being pushed to her absolute limit, but she's staying together, to her credit.  Without any intention to, with her having had every intention of stopping this thing from happening-- suddenly, not only has it happened before she even knew it, but she's in it up to her neck.  As she said, she found her own self-interest wishing for it, against her will... sort of.  That alone doesn't make her culpable, but to her conscience (and any jury) it does.  Therefore she has to protect herself and Quentin, who again, is in this semi-pre-meditated, semi-heat-of-the-moment, semi-self-defence position.  So she joins the conspiracy, dishonoring herself and wronging Jenny's family.

Edward makes Beth take the bloody knife and orders her to wash it, and put it back with the other knives in the kitchen.  Having given the masterful order, he walks off, having cleaned his hands of it.  So with the knife in her hand, alone, with all these convolutions and implications crowding into her head and our heads as viewers at that moment, there's nothing else to do but sob in horror, still standing there with the knife, about to perform her next little household task.

Damage control planning session in Drawing Room... Ed is aghast at Magda being Jenny's sister and that Jenny was a gypsy, berates Q for marrying her... Quentin says to him, "Edward, this is no time for you to be socially offended."  Good line.  Ed ploughs ahead with his slapped-together on-the-spot cover-up plan, not knowing or caring that the gypsies can take revenge against Quentin.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0748
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2014, 06:13:47 PM »
Great post, MT. These truly adult moments more than make up for some of the sillier ones.

Poor Beth really is torn in about a thousand pieces, isn't she. She really was happy taking care of Jenny and the children. Because Quentin hadn't returned, her loyalties weren't divided and she could afford to live within a narrow frame of reference. Now she's an accessory to murder, legally and morally. Kudos to TC for a wonderful job.

Edward is an absolutely heartless SOB. No wonder Jamison turned to his uncle Quentin for real affection and attention. One wonders what kind of father Jamison was to Elizabeth and Roger.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0748
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2014, 06:39:51 PM »
Thanks very much, DL.  Roger and Liz turned out very differently too.  I wonder what accounts for that.
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0748
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2014, 07:42:45 PM »
Good question, MT. One possible scenario is that they lost their mother very early. With the apparently big difference in their ages--Roger was at school when Elizabeth went through her troubles with Paul Stoddard--she might have had to play a mother's role and be responsible at a young age.

I suppose there's some fan fic about this out there....