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Discuss - Ep #0742
« on: July 09, 2014, 03:48:09 PM »
Robservations #742

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0742

Offline Joeytrom

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0742
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2014, 07:18:57 PM »
Given that the family did make it to the present time already, It irritates me that Barnabas doesn't realize this and thinks its up to him to do something before she destroys the children & the future.

Obviously, she was defeated the first time 1897 happened.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0742
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2014, 07:47:43 PM »
Yes, Joey, but then what would they do for a story line?  [ghost_cheesy] [ghost_cheesy] [ghost_cheesy]

DS as bedroom farce!

Quentin vows to find out what exactly Laura is--"if it's the last thing I do." It may be, Dirk says as he walks into the cottage. Well, well, Quentin sneers to Laura, it's your lov-- or should I be discreet and say "personal bodyguard”? I think you've said enough, Dirk snarls as he moves to throw Quentin out bodily. I know the way, Quentin says significantly. Remember what I told you, he says to Laura, then leaves.

Dirk wants to--ahem!--see Laura tonight, but she tells him that he has to attend to his duties so he can stay at Collinwood. Seeing his disappointment, she puts her hands on his lapels and promises, I can see you tonight. Yes, he agrees. She gives him a chaste peck on the cheek.

[The top of the tall clock in the hall shows a full moon face. Earlier, it had shown a ship in the same position.] At 6:40 p.m., Charity (prayer book in hand as always) comes downstairs and meets Dirk in the foyer. I’m ready to take you into town, he says. She thanks him, and they prepare to leave.

At the Old House, Barnabas awakes, looking very handsome tonight. He goes to the drawing-room window, pulls the drapes aside and calls to Charity. Eyes closed, he commands her, Leave Collinwood and come to me--now. I need you!

Charity steps outside into the growing darkness. Dirk joins her. Noting a sudden wind, he comments, There must be a storm coming up. Oblivious, Charity touches her neck. We'd better get started, Dirk suggests. But hearing Barnabas's passionate command, Charity is rooted to the spot. Are you all right? he asks. I forgot a book, she lies. When he goes in to retrieve it for her, she slips away to the Old House. When he comes back out to tell her there was no book, Charity is gone.

Charity arrives outside the Old House and sees Barnabas at the window. He opens the door to let her in, but she doesn’t move. I mustn’t be here tonight, she tells him. He simply ignores her words and tells her to come in. Mesmerized by his gaze, she obeys but tells him, My father is waiting for me in town. I need you more than he does, Barnabas replies. I need your help. Please let me go, she pleads. I don't want to be here. I want to go into town. Barnabas simply draws near, fangs bared, and makes her forget that she ever wanted to go into town.

With Barnabas’s marks prominent on her throat, Charity gazes at Barnabas adoringly. What do you want to do now? he asks. Stay here with you, she replies, then asks, What do you want me to do? Do you believe in spirits? Barnabas asks. My father believes there are evil spirits that can influence people, Charity says. (Apparently it doesn’t occur to her--or the writers--that she can have an opinion of her very own.) Barn tells her about opening Laura's coffin and finding it empty. Laura is at large, Barnabas says, and I want to communicate with her. Sickened, Charity says, I don't understand. I have a plan, Barnabas explains, and if it works, it will solve the mystery of Laura and why she's at Collinwood. I need someone I can trust to be a witness for what I'm going to do. And what is that? she asks. I'll explain when I return, he replies. You will wait for me here. He escorts her to the settee, then leaves. Seeming to have no qualms about mixing the sacred and the utterly unholy, Charity opens her prayer book to while away the time.

Quentin and Beth have obviously had a rendezvous in Quentin’s rooms as Beth willingly pays Quentin’s price for keeping Jenny safe from him, and him from her. (Strangely, we never see Quentin’s actual bed, but in any case, both actors are on their feet and fully dressed.) Beth is desperately in love with Quentin and desperately guilty about betraying Quentin's wife. He promises to ask Judith to help him get the marriage annulled. They leave together, both happy. A moment later, Barnabas materializes in the room.

Surveying the empty foyer, Quentin jokingly complains to Beth, When you go out of your way to attract attention, there's no one around to look! It’s just as well, she replies, always the realist. She walks with him to the front door, kisses him again and closes the doors after him. For once she is smiling happily, a woman in love with the man she believes loves her. For once, the cost to herself of keeping Quentin and Jenny safe from one another is not in the forefront of her thoughts. Dirk emerges from the door under the stairs. Unfazed, Beth comments, Now you’ll probably deliver a stern lecture on morality. To her surprise, Dirk breezily replies, I don't see why. It's your life. If you want to throw it away, do it any way you choose. She stares after him as he leaves.

Barn is rummaging through Quentin's desk (he briefly examines the I Ching wands), then finds what he was looking for. Beth returns--to make the bed? She asks what Barn is doing there, and he gives her the "rare volume" line as he holds up a book. I planned to leave a note, of course. That’s not necessary, Beth answers with a sarcastic smile. When he returns, I will be _most_ happy to tell him you were looking for him. Barnabas smiles back at her blandly.

Quentin is furious when Beth tells him about Barnabas's "borrowing" of the book--especially when he finds out it was the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

Charity is scared, but Barn tells her she isn't in danger and to sit and watch him. As he talks, he extinguishes some well-used candles and a lamp so that the only light comes from a single red candle on a table. Standing before it, Barnabas lifts his hands. His face alight with purpose, his voice as always arresting, he reads from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Amen Ra, he intones, Prince of Light and Radiance! I summon an eternal shade who worships thee.

At the cottage, Laura and Dirk (also fully dressed) probably also have just concluded an amorous rendezvous. Laura tells Dirk, Your presence has given me great strength [so that’s what she calls it!], but you must go now. I don't want to leave now, he protests. You need me, you need my protection [that’s what he calls it!]. I'll be all right, she assures him, but no sooner do the words leave her lips than she grows faint. Dirk holds her, watching with alarm as she weakens.

In a stirring voice, Barnabas continues his chant: I ask the corridors of time allow her to be free to rise, speak and walk again.

Let me go, Laura tells Dirk. He complies, but she is too weak to move. Get me the scarab, she gasps. Is Quentin doing this to you? Dirk asks, ready to go after his Hated Rival. As he rummages through a drawer, he doesn’t see that she is now in chromakey and slowly vanishing. You won’t be safe till Quentin is dead, he snarls. At last he finds the scarab, but when he turns around to show it to Laura, she disappears right before his very eyes. Laura! he calls.

Amen Ra, Barnabas calls, let the way be open for her! I feel something happening, Charity says, upset and scared. Laura, wearing an eighteenth-century gown, materializes before Barnabas. Why do you disturb me? she asks. Who are you? Barnabas asks. Laura Stockbridge Collins, she replies. Are you the same as the woman who lives here now? Barnabas asks. I am Laura Stockbridge Collins, she repeats. Why have you returned to Collinwood? he asks. The children shall be mine! the woman declares. This is too much for Charity, who screams, NO! and runs out the door. Why must you have the children? Barnabas asks. Quentin bursts into the room, then stops in his tracks when he sees the apparition--and recognizes Laura. Oh, my god, he breathes. At that moment the spirit screams and vanishes. Barnabas and Quentin stare at each other....


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0742
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2014, 01:14:47 AM »
I can't really blame Barnabas for wanting to protect Jamison and Nora from Laura......she does pose a threat to them. Though it does make one wonder if his presence in 1897 unintentionally brought about her a Barnabasless 1897, did she simply stay dead? If that's true then how was she able to return in the 1897 that Barnabas is in? Did his mere presence lure her come?

Laura points out to Quentin the absurdity of announcing to everyone that she is dead. Quentin realizes she has a point but vows to find a way to discover what she is and what she's up to.

Real smart, Dirk, threatening one of the Collins family. I know he answers to Judith and not to Quentin and I know he's too into Laura to care one way or another but Quentin could very easy blab to Judith how Dirk threatened him (and over Laura too).

Barnabas summons Charity to him and after some 'persuasion' (like a nice sharp hickey on the neck) she agrees to help him with his ceremony.

But first he must get the Book of the Dead from Quentin's room. Beth catches him and promises to 'inform' Quentin of Barnabas' 'borrowing' the book.

We see Quentin and Beth getting more and more into each other. I have no doubt that if he wasn't under Laura's power, Dirk would very well have given her that lecture, no matter how futile he would have to know it would be. Still I am sure that Beth is happy to be free from Dirk's attentions (not that I blame her!).

While Barnabas begins the ceremony to summon Laura's spirit, Beth informs Quentin of Barnabas' going to his room and taking the Book of the Dead. He rushes to the Old House.

I don't know if Laura and Dirk had an rendezvous. I tend to doubt it. Laura has bewitched Dirk to the point that he's totally devoted to her and wants him to do her bidding, but I'm not so sure that would mean she'd be willing to go THAT far.

Side far as Charity having an opinion of her own, I think her father has done a wonderful job of brainwashing her to thinking HIS way of thinking is the only right way. [spoiler] That will all change forever once she becomes possessed by Pansy Faye....she'll go out of her way to mock him. [/spoiler]

Barnabas begins the ceremony and Laura grows weaker....Dirk insists that Laura will only be safe if Quentin is dead. However she vanishes and appears to Barnabas in 18th century fashion.

Barnabas questions Laura....she admits she has come back for her children. A terrified Charity eventually bolts from the house. As Barnabas continues to interrogate Laura's spirit, Quentin comes dashing in and witnesses Laura shrieking and vanishing....

Good episode.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0742
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2014, 02:46:07 PM »
Laura strikes pay dirt when accusing Quentin of safeguarding Jamison for his inheritance.  In their conversation, I like the tiny glimpse of backstory in Laura's remark about the police having been Quentin's "friends".  Earlier he said he spied for the police.  On her?  Laura died March 7, 1896. 

I wonder if these yellow letters and yellow telegrams we keep seeing really are yellow, or if this is from the heavy yellow tinting of the screen.  They may be white. 

The parts with Barnabas calling Charity are nicely atmospheric.  I like how charity just doesn't care that she's sending Dirk off on a wild goose chase for a non-existant book, while she vamooses to be charitable with her blood.  When cutting away from Barnabas and Charity to Quentin and Beth kissing, they do it a bit too soon, so we see them for a nanosecond waiting around... then back to Charity, then back to Quentinbeth, timed right this time.

Beth catches Barnabas in Quentin's room.  I thought he was about to add another victim to his stable, but I was premature.  The Egyptian Book of the Dead is real, isn't it?  Anyone know anything about it?

The end of this ep is convoluted and weirdly complicated as only DS can do it... Barnabas entreats Ra to help him "out" Ra's local representative, Laura.  Why does Ra agree?  Sometimes the Devil and various unearthly superbeings are treated as tools to do the bidding of any human who can mouth an incantation...  Barnabas knows Ra spells how?  So who appeared?  "Laura Stockbridge Collins", wife of Jeremiah, I guess, in period costume.  A dead spirit?  But a spirit of someone who revived, reconstituted, and is now living yards away.  and 1897 Laura is definitely pulled out of the college for 1796 Laura to appear.  And returns there after.  So they're the same person existing in the present.  but an ethereal costume switch happened, and she spoke strangely, as if she was only 1796 Laura for those few moments.

I'm torn between thinking these confusing nonsensical convolutions are lame, or really cool. 
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0742
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2014, 03:05:19 PM »
*Cottage, not "college", and obviously Barnabas got the spell from Q's book.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0742
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2014, 04:54:53 PM »
I'd guess they were yellow, a relic from the B&W days. Like the yellow sheets/blue candles, etc.

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0742
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2014, 07:03:55 PM »
I remember when people in the real world got telegrams, which were cheaper than long-distance phone calls. They nearly always were reserved for major life events, such as births or deaths, and always were printed on yellow paper.