Author Topic: Bleeeeccccchhhhhh  (Read 5568 times)

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Offline Happybat

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« Reply #30 on: September 10, 2003, 04:37:38 PM »

     The music that is used for Daphne sounds more like the music they use in those 50's outer space movies.  It has become tiresome and annoying.  I think they could have come with some other romantic but ethereal melody for the ghost of Daphne instead of "it came from outer space" music. :P

Yes, yes!  That "creature from outerspace" music has been bothering me for a long time now.  It belongs in low budget scifi flick and not on Dark Shadows at all!  Considering the usual excellence of the DS scoring, it is surprising that they would use something that doesn't evoke anything spooky and sounds pretty cheesy.

My take on this 1970 ghostly love/possession story is that it would have been a lot more compelling had they not dragged it out far too long.  I agree that everyone is acting pretty loopy here, even crazier than usual, which for DS is saying a lot!  I guess you can cast the blame on spirit possession for some of them, but the same can't be said for Barnabas and Julia who should be in full possession of their own wits so far.  Why in heaven's name don't they get the h*ll out of their and take David and Hallie with them, kicking and screaming if need be?

It almost seems that the writer(s) didn't really know where they were going with this story, or that they were still deciding the signifance of Rose Cottage and Daphne's and Gerard's reasons for becoming evil ghosts.  By the way, I don't think that Daphne's ghost is good at all as she is clearly helping Gerard in
planning David's and Hallie's demise and she almost stabbed Quentin to death.

As ghosts Gerard and Daphne are a bit too corporeal to be that scary, although there are times when lighting and expression (i.e. Gerard's scowl) are used to good effect.  I found Quentin's ghost a lot more menacing.  His appearance seemed somehow more unexpected and understated.  Ghosts that appear and over and act more like evil live people are simply not that scary.

Anyway, I am looking forward to 1840!


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Offline Philippe Cordier

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« Reply #31 on: September 11, 2003, 05:20:56 AM »
My take on this 1970 ghostly love/possession story

I think your observations are well expressed, and, beyond that, you provide some well-thought out speculations/explanations to back them up, happybat ...

I don't remember feeling that 1970 dragged on too long, though that would seem to have happened with a few DS storylines ...

Perhaps on a second viewing I would have concluded, too, that the writers were undecided about the significance of Rose Cottage and the reasons for Daphne and Gerard's evil.  The writers may have been feeling their way through, as you suggest.  When I viewed these episodes last time, I felt the 1970 events were part of the mystery, and it seemed the answers were provided in 1840.  That's one reason why I find it difficult to separate 1995, Summer of 1970, and 1840 from each other, because they are all interconnected plotwise (and I would argue thematically, as well).

I agree that Quentin's ghost was scarier than Gerard's or Daphne's, but wasn't sure why -- your explanation sounds plausible.

I'm excited about 1840 coming up (won't mind if I miss the zombies or whoever they are before then) and hopefully being able to see it a second time.  I'm hoping it won't be trashed like 1970 was this go-round ....
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Offline Happybat

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« Reply #32 on: September 11, 2003, 06:07:24 PM »
Thanks, Vlad.  I have a feeling that I enjoyed this storyline more the first time around.  It has somehow lost that all-important element of surprise for me.  However, I completely forgot about Daphne's re-animation to flesh and blood, so that was an interesting twist that I thought went against most established "canons" of supernatural fiction.  After all, if her original body is now bone and dust, where did this new one come from, gowned and all?  And what was with those crumpled balls of foil floating in the air during the ritual?  I almost fell off my couch laughing when I saw them!   [lghy]

Sorry you missed the Festival, Vlad.  I'd love hearing more about your move and your experiences in library school!  My, there are a lot of librarians and librarians to be on this board, aren't there? 

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« Reply #33 on: September 12, 2003, 08:50:29 PM »'re funny ;D

V.W.R...I too like the way Roxanne looks.. at least she appears to have a spine...instead of weak, wimpy, etc.

What I was thinking before I read this long thread was also about Quentin.

He's not a kid; he's 30ish. What bothers me is that he'd let his enamorment (not love, you've gotta know someone to be in love...and as a grown-up, he should know that too) interfer with the welfare of children, especially David who he has a relationship with.

I don't know any adult who would forget about the kids' well-being just do be with 'dippity do Daphne'.


But...I'm liking some of this...too bad they couldn't have done more with the whole deal of 'Rose Cottage'.
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Offline Philippe Cordier

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« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2003, 02:55:18 AM »
Happybat,  Condolences on the recent violent and tragic events in your former home country ...



Will you be watching 1840 for the first time?  Rose Cottage does play a significant role.  That's an example of why I don't judge "Summer of Love", er, I mean "Summer of 1970," in isolation ...  it sets the stage for the events in the past that we'll be going to ...

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« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2003, 07:05:14 AM »
I couldn't help but laugh at a lot of the comments people have been making in this thread, especially questioning the sanity/sobriety levels of the characters. (Wardrobe choices?!) Aiya.

One other thing I had to mention re : Everyone forgetting Quentin's ghost (or not). Does anyone remember the scene, shortly after Amy became a Leviathan that she had a dream about Quentin's ghost and told Jeb about it? Does anyone remember if they ever went anywhere with that? Did that benefit the Leviathans in any way? I cannot remember.

I myself also found Quentin & Beth's ghost spookier than Gerard and Daphne. Though I think Quentin relied more on dangerous charm while Gerard is just plain dangerous. Beth's ghost was spookier than Daphne because she was just so damn sad. Daphne appears to be following Gerard just because he has control over her. It could be the era itself as well. The 1840's saw the birth of Spiritualism in America, but gothic romance reigned in the Victorian age.

I don't know and I could be babbling.  ;D

Looking forward to 1840 myself. John Karlen is given a great role to play and his performance is one of my favorites. Despite some of the ridiculous story events that happen later on, this was a tight story with great acting and great action.


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« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2003, 10:41:47 PM »
    And it's not just because of a lack of bathrooms at Collinwood.

This has always been my theory as to why there was constant trouble at Collinwood in one way or another.  (The same reason why the crew of the USS Enterprise had problems - imagine a five year mission and you can't go once.)


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« Reply #37 on: September 15, 2003, 05:03:51 AM »
- imagine a five year mission and you can't go once.)

aah no :o

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Offline Bob_the_Bartender

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« Reply #38 on: September 15, 2003, 10:39:04 PM »
And it's not just because of a lack of bathrooms at Collinwood.
This has always been my theory as to why there was constant trouble at Collinwood in one way or another.  (The same reason why the crew of the USS Enterprise had problems - imagine a five year mission and you can't go once.)


I hear you!  However, what about poor Barnabas?  Can you imagine being chained up in that coffin for nearly 170 years without having the benefit of/access to a "Water Closet"?  Talk about doing your penance on Earth!!!

Bob the Bartender, who wonders if Joshua Collins provided his vampiric son with a hefty supply of Detrol before Ben Stokes chained Mister Barnabas up in that coffin?