Author Topic: #0990/0991: Robservations 06/20/03: Seance Redux; Cyrus Investigates Yaeger  (Read 1642 times)

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990 - Liz and Roger come downstairs, wondering where Maggie, Quentin and Hoffman can be. It's not like Hoffman to leave the house, says Roger. I'm glad Maggie isn't here, says Liz--I hope Daniel will be more open-minded--do you think he will be? Daniel will always resent his new mother, says Roger. Are you speaking for Daniel or yourself? sniffs Liz. Roger doesn't respond. Liz opens the doors and, startled to see Sabrina sitting there, calls Roger to come in. "I have been sitting here all alone," says Sabrina, "for all of you--isn't it time for the seance to begin?" Liz looks at Roger, puzzled, and he returns an equally perplexed look.

Sabrina, asks Roger, what are you talking about? Where are the others? asks Sabrina--where is Cyrus? There will be no seance in this house tonight, Roger insists. But we planned it, protests Sabrina--Cyrus and Mrs. Collins. Maggie? asks Liz. No, not Maggie, says Sabrina--Angelique! Liz and Roger are astonished. You must sit, says Sabrina--all our hands must touch. What's happened to Sabrina? asks Roger. The clock strikes 11 PM. We can't just leave her here, says Liz. She thinks it's that night! says Roger, staring up at the clock--what other explanation could there be?--it was at the same time, six months ago, when we gathered in that room. Don't think about it, advises Liz. I haven't been able to think about much else since, he protests. We must do something about it, says Liz. I'll call Cyrus, says Roger. Liz goes back into the drawing room as the clock continues to strike.

(Somewhere I can't identify) - Sabrina lies on the sofa and asks Cyrus, why am I here?--I want to go back to the seance! That was six months ago, says Cyrus. I don't understand, she says--you were so anxious to come to this all week, and now you're pretending you don't want to. I'm not pretending, he assures her. You are, she insists--where is Mrs. Collins, she'll know I'm right--she called me at the lab, asked me to come here. Roger and Liz stand by, listening. What are you all doing to me? demands Sabrina--is this some joke, trying to pretend I'm crazy? Relax, says Cyrus, I'll get the doctor...I don't want the doctor! says Sabrina. Keep calm and rest, Sabrina, urges Liz. Cyrus explains to Roger--Sabrina was attacked in her room last night, but the sheriff hasn't found the man. I want to go check with the police, says Roger. Don't, says Cyrus--they're doing everything they can, this stranger who attacked Sabrina produced a horrible trauma for her. Why is she insisting on a seance? asks Roger. Moment of evil, says Cyrus--that's the only explanation I can think of. We can't live through that experience again, insists Roger, you know that, don't you? Cyrus nods. What are the men are whispering about? Sabrina asks Liz--is Cyrus trying to convince Mr. Collins to go through with the seance? Probably, says Liz. Cyrus shares an interest in the unknown with Mrs. Collins, says Sabrina--they don't think it's strange, what's happening tonight, but I think they should. Don't think about it, says Liz, the doctor will be here soon. Sabrina lies back, unconvinced.

11:30 - Cottage - Cyrus, says Bruno, I'm shocked to get a summons from the great house of Collinwood at this hour--and from you of all people?--does the master of the house know you've requested my presence? No, he doesn't, says Cyrus. I suggest you ask him, says Bruno. Mrs. Stoddard said it would be all right, says Cyrus. Oh, she's back, says Bruno--a lot has happened since she left that she doesn't know about. This is an emergency, says Cyrus--Sabrina is in a state of shock! What did you do to her? asks Bruno. Not a thing, as far as I know, replies the doctor. Why do you look that way if you didn't? demands Bruno--are you covering something up, and badly? No, says Cyrus, looking away, not at all. The more you deny it, the more convinced I am, says Bruno--what did you do to your lovely fiancee? Cyrus, guilty, says she was attacked in her room, and the shock has made her mind retreat to the night of the seance--I had the doctor examine her, and there's nothing physically wrong--I called Dr. Law, the shrink at the hospital, who said if she went through the seance again, Sabrina might be OK. Do you really want to really do it again, asks Bruno--will the same spirit appear again? No, says Cyrus. Will there be that moment of drama, says Bruno, just before... Nobody wants to do it again, says Cyrus. Least of all, me says Bruno, it's a tasteless idea, couldn't be done, ever. I know that, says Cyrus. Angelique was there that night, Bruno reminds him--beautiful, elegant, smiling--it was the happiest I'd ever seen her. Cyrus agrees. She knew Quentin hated her interest in the occult, adds Bruno, but she would never give it up--the lure of the unknown. He begins to play Angelique's theme, shaking his head, adding no, we can never live through that night again, because she isn't with us, and without her, the seance has no end. I know, says Cyrus. The smile on her face, remembers Bruno, her last smile. He plays on--the look in her eyes will never be seen again, he laments. Don't relive it again, advises Cyrus. Why shouldn't I? asks Bruno, at that table, it was the last time her hand touched mine--at that table, Angelique died! Cyrus looks tortured, not knowing what to say, as Bruno plays Angelique's music.

Bruno bangs his hands on the keyboard, angry--or DID Angelique die? he asks. Don't start that again, says Cyrus. I can't help wondering--and won't until I'm sure, insists Bruno--she had many tricks. Coming back from the dead isn't a trick, Bruno, says Cyrus. Perhaps that's all it is, says Bruno. Are you coming to the house or not? asks Cyrus. Bruno rises from the bench and suggests, maybe at the seance, we should ask the lovely Alexis to sit in for her late sister--why not?--the dead can't die twice--what if by some macabre miracle, Alexis IS Angelique?--think of going to a seance at which you died--not even the Angelique I loved could carry that off, not without giving herself away. Bruno smiles. We are doing this for Sabrina's sake, not your curiosity, says Cyrus. My curiosity is never satisfied, Bruno assures him, even about you, about this, about Sabrina--you're doing this to cover and hide your own guilt! Why would I feel guilty about Sabrina? asks Cyrus.
I don't know, says Bruno, but you do--I know you well enough for that--if you do go through with the seance, it's for your own reasons!

Roger stands before Angelique's portrait and says, "No one will let us forget that night, will they? You want us to remember it, is that the reason for this monstrous joke?--it's the kind of situation that would have delighted you, if you were alive." Alexis enters the room and overhears him say, I can't go through that again--hearing those words, entreating the spirits to appear, waiting...waiting...then that final moment--he bows his head--"I know it will haunt me always, I know that." Alexis listens. Roger, sensing someone else in the room, turns, sees her, and is stunned. Angelique! he cries--you've come back! I'm not who you think I am, says Alexis. Who else could you be? asks Roger, his voice hushed with awe. Listen to me, begs Alexis, please, I don't know who you are, but you must listen!

In the room where Sabrina lies asleep, Quentin tells Liz, I won't allow a rerun of the seance--absolutely not! You must, insists Liz, the doctor gave her a sedative to calm her down, but she'll be awake soon, and we must decide by then. The decision, my sister (?) says Quentin firmly, has been made. She grabs his arm--if you talk to her, says Liz, you'd understand; I know how tough this is for you. Then drop the subject, he advises. I wish I could, says Liz--this is your house and I try not to intrude anymore than I can, but this time I feel I must--if you're worried about Maggie's reaction, she need know nothing about it. We must have a talk about Maggie, says Quentin. Why, what happened when we were gone? demands Liz. Quentin leads her away to explain. Sabrina sleeps.

Are you her twin? asks Roger. Surely she mentioned me? asks Alexis. Yes, says Roger. Is it so surprising that I'd want to come visit my nephew? she asks. You move as Angelique did, says Roger, speak as she did, you're the same--hands, smile, eyes--I can't believe it! You must, insists Alexis, because you'll find out soon enough that we're quite different--touch me, she invites, holding out her hand, you'll see I'm not a ghost if you touch me.
Roger seems afraid, but he finally does grasp her hand in both of his. See, I'm quite real, she says. The camera pans to Angelique's portrait.

Drawing room - I'm shocked that Maggie just left, says Liz. Why would I lie? asks Quentin. I don't mean that, says Liz----you should have asked Alexis to leave. For a person who doesn't want to intrude in my personal affairs, you're doing a good job of it, says Quentin. Liz apologizes--I'm surely allowed to be upset, she says. That doesn't help, says Quentin, you should be quite aware of the fact that nothing ever goes well in this house. It isn't the house, says Liz, it's us--we make it happen! I don't need your moralizing, says Quentin, who opens up a really cool pop-up bar set inside a table and prepares a drink. Nothing we ever do is right, laments Liz. Speak for yourself, says Quentin sourly. I am, of course, says Liz--I'm thinking of that poor girl upstairs. Stop it! says Quentin angrily. I can't, says Liz. It's insane to go through with the seance and I won't have it! he rails You'll let that poor girl go on as she is? asks Liz. Not our responsibility, says Quentin. Maybe that's why life is so difficult, says Liz--we don't know what our responsibilities are. Roger enters with Alexis before Quentin can answer. Miss Stokes told me about Maggie, says Roger--it's very distressing. He introduces Liz to Alexis. The latter apologizes for interrupting and turns to go. She runs into Sabrina, who says, it's midnight--isn't that the time you said for the seance--Angelique--are we all ready? Alexis' eyes widen. Quentin looks truly pissed.

Quentin stomps out of the room without saying a word. Alexis closes the doors, leaving just the two of them alone in the foyer, and asks, what does that girl mean? Quentin is about to answer when Bruno and Cyrus enter. "I thought I told you never to come into this house, Bruno," says Quentin. Since there was an emergency...says Bruno.
There's no emergency, asserts Quentin, you can go to another house and work your black magic, boys. I knew you'd object, says Bruno, but didn't realize how much. Quentin, if you won't take part, will you at least let us? asks Cyrus. Perhaps even Alexis would be interested in sitting in for her sister, suggests Bruno. Alexis is puzzled--sitting in? Haven't they explained what we plan to do? asks Bruno. No explanation needed, says Quentin, arms crossed. I think Alexis might be interested in knowing the circumstances under which her sister died, says Bruno. Quentin grabs Bruno, about to beat him, but Alexis pulls him away and demands, what's going on here?

Drawing room - Sabrina is arranging the participants, telling them where to sit. The others will come, she says--Mrs. Stoddard, sit down...why am I the only one who knows we must do this? I feel we must do it, agrees Liz, not just for Sabrina, but just because I feel we should. I refuse to participate, says Roger. Are you that frightened? asks Liz. Indignant, he walks over to get another chair, brings it over, and arranges it at the table.

Foyer - Alexis reminds Quentin--you told me that my sister died of a stroke. She did, says Bruno, that's for sure, but she died at THIS seance--afraid? he asks--aren't you willing to go through with it? No she's not, says Quentin, answering for her. I want to answer for myself, insists Alexis. It isn't necessary, Cyrus assures her. It might be fascinating for you, counters Bruno. Quentin snarls, about to attack Bruno again, but Alexis stops him--I'm willing, she says--do you forbid it, Quentin? No, he says, I don't, but I won't participate, and after you finish, Bruno, get out of this house! Yes, agrees Bruno--this should be very interesting. (There are SEVEN people in this episode, Dan went for the big bucks!) They enter the drawing room as Quentin heads upstairs. Will Quentin allow it? asks Liz. Yes, says Bruno. Alexis sits down. That's right, says Bruno-- that's where Angelique sat, right next to Roger. Alexis grins self-consciously. Liz remarks, I never thought we'd be in this room, sitting at this table again. Cyrus will start now, says Sabrina. Yes, says Roger, let's get this over with. He lights the candle with a match. Bruno brings over an empty chair, for Quentin, noting, it's almost exactly as it was before. A storm surges outside. There was a storm that night, too, says Bruno. Alexis, says Liz, are you sure you want to go through with this? Roger asks, "Are you?" Alexis looks at the faces gathered around the table and answers, firmly, yes. We can begin, says Roger. He turns off the lights and sits down with the others. Mike R. Phone appears clearly in the shot above their heads as Cyrus informs them, our hands must touch. Six pairs of hands appear on the table, fingers touching. Cyrus calls to the spirits of the dead, humbly entreating "any of you who wish to speak to us to hear our voices--spirits of the dead, we want to know what lies beyond this life we live--hear me, hear me! If one of you can speak to us, let him use one of us as his voice, give us the knowledge we seek. The spirit who appeared to us before, in this room, the spirit who appeared when I said these words before, come now, do not be afraid, we need your help--spirit, help us save one of us, show us you watch us and you know! Sprit, come to us, come to us--now!" Sabrina begins to moan. Who are you? asks Cyrus, are you the spirit who came to us six months ago. Let me go, she begs, twisting her head back and forth. You must help us, insists Cyrus. Let me go, she implores.
She suddenly points to Alexis and says, "She's dying--can't you see, she's dying--murder, murder! MURDER!!!" Alexis collapses to the table.

NOTES: Weird stuff. Who was murdered? What was Sabrina talking about? Why was Alexis so eager to participate? Does she seem to smile like Angelique here? Why did she pass out? Is she the murdered or the murderer? What happened to make Angelique die at the first seance?

It's a lot of mystery, and it sure was fun to watch Bruno bait Quentin. There's no love lost between those two.

Frankly, the way I feel about Sabrina, I say let her stay in a state of shock and not do the seance, but this sure is fascinating to watch.

991 - Cyrus leads Sabrina to her room--you'll be all right, he assures her. No--what did I say? she asks, very upset--tell me? Quentin bursts in--you had to go through with it, he accuses-- Angelique was NOT murdered. Is that what I said? Sabrina asks. She died of a stroke, insists Quentin. What did I mean? wonders Sabrina. Is it possible that whoever spoke through Sabrina knows more about this than we do? asks Cyrus. No, says Quentin, it is not. It's true, says Sabrina, I remember--the voices told me Angelique was murdered! The two men gaze at her fearfully.

Study at Collinwood - Sabrina, upon what evidence do you say Angelique was murdered? asks Quentin. Cyrus kneels and asks, was the voice you heard the same as from the first seance? You believe her! says Quentin disbelievingly. What have I done?--Quentin; I'm sorry, says Sabrina. I'm sorry for you, says Quentin--the voice you heard was imagined, you were in shock. No, she says, I heard it and repeated what I heard. I don't believe in spirits or seances, says Quentin.
But others do protests Cyrus, standing, holding Sabrina's hands in his. Exactly, says Quentin, do you think I want or need the torment you've brought to this house? Cyrus apologizes. Alexis is upset and Elizabeth is crying, says Quentin, and all for no reason. Why are you so sure? asks Cyrus. I won't let this talk start, insists Quentin. Too late, says Cyrus, it already has. Quentin angrily stalks out, slamming the door. Cyrus encourages Sabrina, tell me everything you know. I don't remember anything more, she says, I'm not holding anything back, why should I? I don't know, says Cyrus, but you haven't told me everything. I honestly have! says Sabrina. There is something you haven't told me! he persists. She stands, walks away, then says, you were always so fascinated with Angelique, she who talked to you about seances and other things; I was jealous of her at first, she was so beautiful and alive--you were attracted to her curiosity about everything, but also knew she was cruel and demanding--just how close were you to Angelique? He gazes at her, stunned. You don't want to answer that, she accuses. He turns away from her, not answering. Did you kill her? she asks. No! he bursts out--how could you think such a thing? I was suddenly afraid, she confesses. You said yesterday you loved me because I was gentle, he reminds her, and if you believe that, you she can't believe I did such a thing. You're so fascinated with evil, she says. I loathe evil! he passionately assures her, and would do anything in the world to get rid of it. You're attracted to evil, she says, fascinated by it, that's why you loathe it so much. It's nonsense, he says, adding, in a shout, "I did not kill Angelique." He gazes heavenward as he says it. I believe you, says Sabrina, but someone else in that room killed Angelique.

Alexis lies on the sofa. Don't be so upset, urges Quentin--have a brandy, it will help you. She is covering her mouth with her hand. He apologizes for all this--I never should have let the seance take place. Angelique was murdered, says Alexis, sitting up. You don't believe that, says Quentin--the girl was in shock, she had an attack of hysteria! How can you explain it away so easily? she asks. You can't take it seriously, he says. "Can't I, Quentin?" she asks. I don't believe voices from the dead know more than we do, he says. Was there an autopsy after my sister's death? asks Alexis. Yes, he says, kneeling behind the sofa--she died of a stroke, a ruptured blood vessel in the brain. She was too young for that, didn't you think so? asks Alexis. Everyone thought so, says Quentin. But everyone accepted it, notes Alexis. Yes, says Quentin. Even our father? asks Alexis. He had no choice, says Quentin. My father always makes choices, says Alexis, even if there isn't one--he's a very suspicious man--didn't he come running right away? Yes, says Quentin, he loved your sister very much. That isn't something you have to tell me, says Alexis bitterly, I was the one he didn't love. She rises and walks away, gaining back her composure. Who could have killed her? asks Alexis. No one, insists Quentin. Everyone at that table loved her, is that what you're telling me? she demands. I told you Angelique was not murdered, says Quentin. Yes she was! says Alexis insistently, she was murdered! You reminded me very much of her, the way you said that, says Quentin--the way you moved your head, just the way she used to when she got angry. Was she angry a lot? queries Alexis, with you? I won't discuss Angelique and me, he says. Why not? Alexis asks, you know I can't make up my mind anymore if you still love her! It concerns no one but me! asserts Quentin. Who could have killed her? shouts Alexis. No one! he repeats. She asks again.
He yells, you must stop asking that! I won't stop, she assures him, nor will I leave Collinsport until I find out. All right! he says, furious, try and find out, but I'm telling you, there's no truth in it. He leaves, closing the double doors.

Foyer - Quentin runs into Daniel, who is coming downstairs--why is Cousin Elizabeth is crying? Asks the boy--did Maggie do something to hurt her? No, answers Quentin, Maggie isn't here--she went away for a while. But she's coming back, states Daniel, disappointed. Yes, says Quentin, of course. When? asks Daniel. I don't know, says Quentin--go up to bed. You haven't told me what's happened to her, Daniel reminds him. There's no need to know that, says Quentin, I'll walk you upstairs. Alexis exits the drawing room. Daniel runs into her arms, joy on his face. "Mother!" he cries, embracing her desperately--"Mother, you've come back!" Quentin and Alexis, upset, exchange looks.

I knew you'd come back! cries Daniel, that you weren't dead. Quentin sternly informs his son, this woman is your Aunt Alexis, your mother's sister who arrived from Europe while you were out of town. Alexis looks at him pityingly. Can't you see? Daniel asks pleadingly.
We all know she resembles your mother a great deal, says Quentin, after all, she is her twin. Her twin? asks Daniel--It's not true--why are you lying? I'm not, she assures him. You're both lying! accuses Daniel--why?--you'll never tell me, you don't want to admit it--I don't understand, you'll never tell me! He runs upstairs. Alexis and Quentin verbally tussle over who will go speak to him, and Alexis wins. She hurries upstairs while Quentin looks miserable.

Study - Sabrina tells Cyrus, I think it's time to go home. Not until you feel better, he insists. You've been so patient with me, how worrisome I've been to you, she says. He turns away. What's wrong? she asks. I understand, he says. How can you, when I don't even understand myself? she says--I remember seeing that figure in my room, before I came here, that's the last thing I remember. Do you remember anything more about him? asks Cyrus, his voice trembling. No, she says, and then--I can see the woods around this house, it was as if I were in some other kind of life--why did I come here, if you understand, please tell me! How did you feel when that figure broke into your room? he asks. I was terrified, she says, there was such a feeling of EVIL about him, it was as if I were paralyzed--why did he come to my room? Don't think about it, he urges. But you asked me about it, she reminds him. I know, he says, I just hate talking about it--the police followed him and you're going to hear about this, Sabrina, and they saw him enter my house. Then it's someone who has a grudge against us, she suggests. No, says Cyrus. It must be, she says--did he take anything? No, says Cyrus--we will never see or hear from him again! How do you know that? she asks--how can you tell--why would he take my engagement ring when he took nothing from your lab? Cyrus, evasive, says I don't know! We're still engaged, she insists, taking his arm. I'll find the ring, I know it, says Cyrus. Even without the ring, she says, turning his head, her hand on his face, does it make a difference, what's happened tonight?--does it make a difference?--after all, it should, I'm your fiancee, who goes into shock and behaves most strange. They clasp hands. Your mind went from evil to evil, says Cyrus. That's odd enough! She insists. No, he says. What if it happens again? she asks. It won't, he assures her-- just leave everything to me, and don't worry about anything anymore. He hugs her and adds, I'm going to make sure you're never frightened like this again.

Daniel opens the window in his room, looking out at the storm. Alexis enters. She leans in close to him and asks, did you love your mother very much? Yes, he says, and we fought, too, it wasn't all mushy--but you know that. I know so little about you, she says. Don't say that! begs Daniel. You must accept the fact that I am a different person, says Alexis, perhaps I can be some of the things she was to you. I wish you'd just let me think, he says. Call me Alexis and then I'll go, she says. He makes a face and says again, please let me think. She leaves his room, clearly worried.

Foyer - Cyrus helps Sabrina on with her coat. I should go apologize to Mr. Collins, she says. That's not necessary, he assures her. It is, she says, he'll never forget what happened in this room tonight, he'll remember it as long as I will. He'll never accept it, says Cyrus. But you do, and others will, she says--what have I started? You haven't started anything, it started long ago, he says, at the first seance, it would have come up, someplace, sometime. Sabrina takes his hands and asks what will happen--I want to get out of this house and never come back--there is an evil here, I can feel it still, a terrifying evil here. He leads her away. On the landing, Alexis has overheard their conversation.

On the phone in his lab, Cyrus speaks to someone about the side effect of the ingredient I used in my compound--an unfortunate loss of memory--it doesn't matter what I tested it on, has it happened before? No record of it? Can the synthesis be reworked, eliminating what caused the amnesia?...would you start on it tonight, I'm most interested...good, good, thank you, goodbye. He spots the matchbook from the Eagle Bar on the desk and gazes at it, wondering...

Daniel's room - I don't want to be cruel, Quentin tells his son, but I'm forced to be. Why do you have to pretend she isn't my mother? asks the boy. Quentin clasps Daniel's hands and says, your mother is dead. Daniel turns away, miserable. Quentin apologizes, truly sorry--but you will hurt yourself even more by thinking of Alexis as anything more than your mother's sister--do you understand? Daniel is unresponsive. Think about it, urges Quentin, then turns off the light and leaves his son's room. Daniel lies in bed, looking like he's going to cry.

Eagle Bar - The bartender cleans up. Cyrus comes in and requests a sherry. The bartender says, I don't get much call for it, but we have some--I'll open the bottle--I haven't seen you around here before--first time yet. You didn't see me here last night? Cyrus. If I did, I don't remember, answers the bartender, but that isn't surprising, considering the excitement. What happened, asks Cyrus--did I miss something? A big bruiser came in, says the bartender. Big? Asks Cyrus. Yeah, pockets loaded with money, says the other man. What did he look like? asks Cyrus--maybe I saw him when he left. Tough, rugged, describes the bartender, not the kind of guy you want to meet on an empty street, believe me, or anywhere else--stood right where you are, threw a hundred dollar bill on the bar, wanted an unopened bottle of scotch. And you gave it to him? asks Cyrus. That was mistake number one, says the barkeep, I never saw a man drink like that, he must have had half the bottle, got meaner with every slug. Got meaner, you say? asks Cyrus. Yeah, says the bartender, you know Jake Crowley--I thought he was going to break his arm!--I tell you, Jake's the friendliest guy, he'll talk to anyone, least he would until last night--guess he won't again--one word, and before I knew it, this guy and Jake started arguing, and before I knew it, he had Jake's arm behind his back. That's dreadful, opines Cyrus, disturbed. I came around the bar to break it up, says the bartender, and whammo, I never got hit before that way in my life--three guys jumped him, but he shook them off like they were kids--he grabbed Lefty Blane, threw him through that window!--just got it fixed today. You don't know what caused it? asks Cyrus. I know, says the bartender--this guy, he was nuts--after he threw Lefty, he just stood there and dared anyone to tackle him--no one did, and then he straightened out his coat, and laughed this crazy laugh, and walked out, leaving all that money on the bar, too--I don't want to be here when he comes back for it. I expect that he will not be back, says Cyrus. He will, remarks the bartender. No he won't, says Cyrus determinedly.
The bartender gazes at him oddly. Cyrus chuckles and thanks him very much, then wishes him good night. You didn't drink your sherry, says the bartender, holding up the full glass, but Cyrus is gone.

Daniel sleeps, dreaming, twisting his head in his sleep. He hears Angelique's theme song, then his mother calling him. He sits up in bed and asks, are you in this room? She laughs a very RT Angelique giggle. Don't laugh at me, please, begs Daniel--just let me see you again--I thought I saw you today. Did you see me? she asks. Where are you? he asks. Look toward the window, she says. She's standing there. I can't move, he says. Of course you can, she encourages. I can't! he wails, come to me, Mother, please come to me--don't go away, mother...mother! But she's disappeared; all he hears is her giggle. Don't laugh at me, he pleads, twisting against his pillow. Alexis comes in--what's wrong? she asks, sitting on his bed. He awakens--I had a dream, he says. Poor darling, you'll be all right, she assures him, hugging him. He puts his arm around her and says, only you must promise something--that you won't lie to me. Of course not, she says. That you'll always tell me the truth, says Daniel--promise? I promise, she says. I won't tell a soul, I swear, he vows. Tell anyone what? she asks. Remember your promise? he reminds her. She nods. You really are my mother, aren't you? he asks--you really are?--tell me, please! She looks over to see Quentin standing in the doorway, looking very pissed off.

NOTES: OK, so what will Alexis' answer be? Is this Angelique returned from the dead? Will she admit it to her son? They sure are keeping the suspense going!

Cyrus investigates his alter ego's bad habits and swears that big, bad man won't be back again. Sabrina says Cyrus is fascinated by evil, so what are the chances he won't bring forth the beast in himself again?

Quentin is not an appealing person in this storyline. I never realized before how abrasive he is. The other Quentin, in 1897, at least had a sense of fun, of charm--this version is so dreary and humorless!

Sabrina sucks! Sorry, I just had to say it!

Love, Robin.


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Concerning this seance in ep990, as you say, Robin, there is a lot of mystery surrounding it. Unlike the fifteen prior seances to this point, we do not know the identity of the spirit that is contacted. Cyrus calls out to the spirit that appeared to them six months before, but we don't know who it is that accuses someone of murder. And who's murder? Angelique's?
This question leaves us scratching our heads, wondering what was the point of the mystery.
 :-[  Take care......vampire675

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as you say, Robin, there is a lot of mystery surrounding it. Unlike the fifteen prior seances to this point, we do not know the identity of the spirit that is contacted. Cyrus calls out to the spirit that appeared to them six months before, but we don't know who it is that accuses someone of murder. And who's murder? Angelique's?
This question leaves us scratching our heads, wondering what was the point of the mystery.

But the identity of the spirit will be revealed in upcoming episodes, as well as how they were murdered, by whom, and why they held Angelique responsible for their death.