Author Topic: Robservations 5/27/03 - #954-955 - The Truth is Out; Ang & Sky Go Bust  (Read 1402 times)

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954 - Collinwood - terrace - It was almost as if Paul Stoddard had remained buried alive all this time, Megan tells Nicholas, just waiting for Jeb to come open his coffin--I can understand why Jeb was so terrified. So can I, says Nicholas, but I hope Jeb had the presence of mind enough to put the coffin back in the grave and cover it--did he? Jeb said we had to burn it, explains Megan. And so you burned it, states Nicholas--and Jeb thinks this has solved the problem. He chuckles evilly. Hasn't it? asks Megan. No, says Nicholas, he has not. It seems to amuse you, says Megan. Pleases me, admits Nicholas--burning a corpse merely disposes of a body, the spirit of that body cannot be burned; somewhere, in the darkness of this night, Paul's spirit is waiting, and given the opportunity, will haunt Jeb Hawkes to his own grave. You won't let him do that? asks Megan uneasily. What is to stop him? queries Nicholas.  If you let anything happen to Jeb, says Megan through gritted teeth, grabbing Blair's coat, "I'll kill you!"

Nicholas gazes at Megan--take your hands off me, he orders. She does, slowly, fearful. Don't ever threaten me again, he warns, do you understand?  Sometimes I wonder who's side you're on, says Megan defensively. Stop wondering, says Nicholas, I said that about Jeb because he's immature and reckless, and if he's haunted by Paul's spirit, he has no one but himself to blame--perhaps he might even learn something from the experience. But you won't let any harm come to him? asks Megan again. Nicholas notes--how concerned you are about Jeb.  He's my responsibility, she says. Yes, agrees Nicholas--but is it that which drives you--or something else? I don't know what you mean, she insists. I believe you're in love with him, says Nicholas. Not true, she says. I hope not, says Blair, because all that really matters is our cause--you as an individual are expendable!--I know, he continues, that's why I'm here--I have a great deal at stake--I know what it is to make mistakes; I have my own superiors, and was out of favor with them for a long time--but I've been granted a second chance, and while I don't have the powers I once had, I have enough, and I cannot afford to fail a second time.  What would happen to you if you did? she asks.  I prefer not to think about it, he says--and don't want you to think about it either--remain devoted to Jeb, but remember, your orders will come only from me from now on--is that clear? Yes, she says, angry, quite clear. Don't worry, says Nicholas, I won't let any harm come to Jeb, the one individual who is NOT expendable.

Sky Rumson is on the phone, blathering, I wasn't expecting to hear from you, but am delighted, of course--by all means, ASAP--tonight is fine, no problem. I look forward to it--see you then. He hangs up.  Angelique enters, asking, good news or bad?  It couldn't be better, he says. I'm always astonished at how good things go for you, she says--you never get bad news--business deals never fall through--what's your secret? Just lucky, he says. No, she says, putting her arms around him, I know what it is--you're irresistible, no one can say no to you. They kiss, with fervor.  Who was on the phone? she asks. A very important man, he says--you'll meet him in two hours--be your most beautiful. I'll put in an appearance, she promises, but I don't want to sit and discuss business all evening.  This man is important to our future, Sky assures her--go upstairs and get yourself ready. She smiles and leaves. Sky is happy.

Megan sits by the fountain, pissed off and dejected. She hears the squeaking sound of a bat.  Is someone here? she asks.  Barnabas appears on the terrace and calls to her--we have a great deal to talk about, he says.  "I'll have nothing to do with you," spits Megan. "You are a traitor!--Jeb will make you pay for your betrayal, and I'd like to be there when he does!" He's already exacted his punishment, says Barn, he hasn't told you?--I'll have to tell you myself.  I don't want to stay here with you, she says, and tries to flee.  He grabs her arm and pulls her back. You have no choice he says, don't be afraid, look at me--look into my eyes. She struggles at first, threatening to wake the whole house, but finally succumbs, staring into his eyes as ordered. You're not the way you used to be, she says--you look like a different person.  Afraid, she asks, what are you going to do to me?
His fangs appear.  Barnabas bites Megan's throat as she protests.

Barnabas stares at Megan, who is quiet now. You still want to go inside the house? he asks. I want to stay here with you, she says in a lost, faraway voice. What about Jeb? h asks. I have no need for Jeb anymore, she says, only for you. And you're willing to help me? he asks. Yes, she replies, trancelike. Tell me how Jeb can be destroyed, says Barnabas. It's written somewhere in the book, she says, only David can read the book, and he's loyal to Jeb.. I know that, says Barn--I will talk to David later. Who betrayed me to Jeb? asks Barnabas.  It's someone I've never met before, says Megan--a man who's been with us a long time--Schyler Rumson. Barnabas repeats the name, stunned. He smiles and says, things are beginning to make a little sense--go into the house and tell no one you saw me, orders Barnabas.  I want to stay here with you, protests Megan.  We will be seeing a great deal of each other, he promises, but I have important matters to attend to--now go! She gives him a kitty cat smile and does as she's told.

Sky paces his living room, looking at a clock, waiting for the VIP. Angelique, dressed in slinky black, suggests, tell me about this man--I've never seen you so nervous--you're usually so calm about business matters. This guy is directly responsible for all my success, says Sky. I don't believe that, she scoffs--everyone knows you're a self-made man. You'll see what I means when you meet him. For the time being, I'll take your word for it, she promises, kissing him--I'll go upstairs until he arrives. Wait with me, urges Sky.  I'll let you two talk a while, then make an entrance, she says and leaves, grinning. Sky looks at the clock again.

Angelique goes up to her bedroom.  Her curtains billow in the wind.  We see a man's shoes on the carpet, then Barnabas, who hides behind the drapes before she comes in. When she switches on her light, he darts out.  What are you doing here? she asks--you promised never to come there again!  I had to see you again, he says. Don't you see how dangerous this is for me?--if my husband catches you, I'll be ruined. "In my present state, I should be able to get out without being seen," says Barnabas. What do you mean? she asks.  "You of all people can see what's happened to me," he says bitterly.  She looks at him closely.  Her face crumples. How did it happen? she asks, her voice filled with sympathy--"Why?" The same way it did a long time ago, and why is the reason I'm here, says Barnabas--Jeb found out about me--from your husband! That's absurd! she giggles. He is one of them, says Barnabas--a Leviathan, and has been for years. At that moment, Sky calls up to her.  She pushes Barnabas toward the window--get out of here, she orders. Sky enters the bedroom--I almost completely forgot, he says, in my excitement, about the gift I have for you--do you remember that art gallery in Boston, you were in love with this, at the time--and he hands her a little statue of a woman. Nothing her distracted expression, he asks, has it lost its charm?  No, it's very beautiful, she assures him, voice trembling. Are you feeling all right? asks Sky.  I'm fine, she says, but something about your thoughtfulness always touches me so deeply. The doorbell rings downstairs.  Our guest has arrived, says Sky--come downstairs as soon as possible, he urges, and leaves. Barnabas exits his hiding place--"You really are in love with him, aren't you?" he asks.  (Do I detect a note of jealousy, irony, bitterness here?)  It was four months ago that we saw this in that gallery; explains Ang--it took him four months to get back to Boston and he still remembered to get this for me because I casually mentioned liking it--"Do you expect me to believe this is not a GOOD man?"  Angelique, says Barnabas--for your own good, you must investigate what I've told you. I don't see any reason to investigate, she insists--the subject is closed--"And I think you had better leave, Barnabas."
Barnabas is hurt by her cold tone and refusal to believe.

Sky pours a drink for his guest, who turns out to be none other than Nicholas Blair--does this reorganization means I'll be operating more out in the open now? asks Sky.  No, not necessarily in the open, says Nicholas--the fewer people who know you're one of us, the better, but I'll be relying on you more heavily--n your advice and judgment. This is the one part of my life I've been unable to share with my wife, says Sky--I want her to become one of us as soon as possible. You must be aware not everyone is susceptible, warns Nicholas. I know that, says Sky, but suspect she will be. I'll let you know after I see her, says Nicholas--I can tell sometimes just by looking at a person. Angelique enters, apologizing for being late.  When she sees Nicholas, her huge eyes and her mouth fly open. Nicholas stares back, frowning.

Nicholas' eyes gleam as he surveys Angelique. Sky introduces Nicholas to his wife, who offers her hand--how do you do? she says evenly. "The pleasure HAS to be mine, Mrs. Rumson," says Nicholas, kissing her hand, grinning--"I'm not easily taken by surprise."  What do you mean by that? asks Sky.  I only mean that she is far more beautiful than you led me to believe, replies Nicholas. Angelique turns away. Wherever did you find her? asks Nicholas. In one of my own magazines, says Sky, Angelique was a model.  A model? asks Nicholas, smiling while Ang seethes.
"And you took her away from her chosen profession?" he asks Ang--"That WAS your chosen profession, wasn't it?" Sky leaves them alone to get acquainted.  Angelique walks away from Nicholas, who smirks, "At the risk of sounding banal, it's a small world, isn't it?"  Too small for the both of us, she says   I figured you were convinced you'd never see me again, he says. Yes, I was, she says coldly. I don't think I've ever seen such a look of shock on your face, he says--was it because your husband and I are such good friends?--or "Merely the sight of me?" he asks with an intimate expression on his face. It's both, she answers icily--how long have you and my husband been "friends"? Oh, for a long, long time, answers Nicholas. She looks upset.  You seem to be at a loss for words--how uncharacteristic, he quips. Sadly, Ang says, "I had begun to believe that, through Sky, I could escape my past." No one ever does, my dear, you know that, says Nicholas. Perhaps I could have, says Ang, if only he hadn't deceived me. He's known all about you from the beginning, says Nicholas, I mean--what you are. No, I was so determined to leave my past life, says Ang, I saw no reason to tell him. Nicholas bursts into cruel laughter. What are you laughing at? She asks angrily. "You," he says--"how typically female--you overlook your own deception, but you're furious about his!"  When Sky returns, Nicholas is still laughing at her. I want a few moments alone with Sky, if you don't mind, Mr. Blair, she says.  Not at all, my dear, says Nicholas. What are you two laughing about? asks Sky.  Angelique said something that amused me, chuckles Nicholas. Glad you're getting along so well, says Sky (gad, he's dumb). May I make one important call? asks Nicholas. Of course, says Sky, and points him out to the study.  Once Nicholas has gone, Angelique gets to the point--about the secret I told you concerning Barnabas and the people he's involved with--did you repeat that to anyone? Sky answers no, very unconvincingly. You're lying! she accuses--you told Jeb Hawkes, didn't you? I don't know anyone by that name, insists Sky.  Never mind, says Ang, it's frightening enough to know you know Nicholas Blair--the man responsible for all your success--just how much do you owe him for that, Sky?  Angelique, says Sky, I don't know what's happened to you. I've seen the light, she says--I was told the truth earlier this evening and refused to believe it, but now that I've seen Nicholas Blair, I have no other choice but to believe it--all that remains is for you to admit it--you're the one who preached to me about keeping secrets, and ever since we've been married, you've kept the darkest secret of all--"You're one of them, aren't you? demands Ang, then screams, "You're one of the Leviathans, aren't you?"  He doesn't respond at first.  Angelique asks again, "Aren't you, Sky?"  YES! he shouts, I am, and you can be, too, Angelique--I wanted you to be all along. "Don't say anymore!" she sobs--"Just don't say anymore!"  She runs from him, out of the room. Nicholas enters--don't bother to tell me, he says, I heard every word. I don't understand what's happened, says Sky--does she know you from somewhere? Yes, answers Nicholas, but there's no time to tell you where and when, we have an emergency. You mean she must become one of us immediately? asks Sky. She can never become one of us, says Nicholas--and because of the way she feels about you, she can only be our very dangerous enemy. What are you saying? demands Sky.  You have a decision to make, says Blair--Angelique or us. I refuse to make that decision, insists Sky.  Then I'll make it for you, vows Nicholas.  He grabs one of the fire irons and sticks it into the fire. I assume that your position and way of life are very dear to you, says Nicholas, pulling the flaming iron out of the fireplace--and we can just as easily undo it--now, what will it be--hold onto Angelique and destroy Sky Rumson's empire, or...  Or what?--there must be some other solution, insists Sky.  No, yells Nicholas, holding the flaming poker aloft, "There is no other solution--she must be destroyed--with this--there is no other way, and you must do it!
--this is the severest test we'll ever put you to, Sky, I advise you not to fail it." Nicholas smiles as Sky accepts the flaming poker into his own hand.

Upstairs, Angelique very quickly packs her clothes. (Looks like Maggie's suitcase.) When her husband enters the room holding the flaming poker, Angelique, frightened, asks, "Sky, what are you going to do?" I wanted it to work out, says Sky, I really wanted you to be with me and I'm sorry you can't--"Goodbye, Angelique!" he shouts, moving toward her with the fiery poker pointed at her heart.

NOTES: One of the best Leviathan eps, for sure. How can one not love the interplay between Barnabas (who seems genuinely surprised, if not jealous, that his former wife loves another man), and Angelique? His ironic statement that she, of all people, should realize what has happened to him is both sad and true, and her reaction--sympathy and sorrow--is real as well.

More wonderful scenes between Parker and Allen Astredo! Oh, the look on their respective faces when they saw each other, although supposedly they've known about Angelique all along, so Nicholas knew he was going to be introduced to her before he even showed up at the Rumson home.

I always love the way Barnabas' victims react after being bitten. Megan seems even more attached than most, and Barnabas was wise to choose her as a victim, because it gives him power over Jeb. She almost was purring like a kitten when she left Barnabas, sorry she had to do so.  Very hot stuff!

Perhaps my all-time favorite of the Leviathan eps. I hope you all enjoyed it, too!

955 - I wonder if Barnabas bat-flew to Little Windward Island on bats wings? That is certainly a cool power to have.

Sky comes at Angelique with the flaming poker, bidding her goodbye as she screams and backs away. The poker crackles with fire.  Angelique says, "Nicholas Blair sent you here to kill me!" You're not one of us and never can be, says Sky. You don't know what you're doing, cries Angelique desperately.  Please don't make this anymore difficult than it has to be, begs Sky. Ducking away, she urges, don't make me fight you! She takes the little statue he'd presented to her just a few hours before into her hands. If you could fight me, I'd have gotten it over with by now, says Sky, I just wanted to look at you one more time. She grabs one of her husband's ties and loops it around the statue's neck, murmuring, Nicholas didn't tell you much about me, did he? Only that you had met before, answers Sky. I'll give you one more chance to let me go, offers Ang--I'll leave this house and never see you again. He edges toward her, promising, it will be over very quickly. She pulls tight on his tie, rendering Sky in choking mode.  Put the poker in the fire! She orders.
He grabs his throat--what's happening to me? he gasps.  Do as I tell you or I'll make it worse, she promises. He gets rid of the poker--how are you able to do this? he asks--"What are you, anyway?" Her face contorted, Angelique suggests, ask your friend, Nicholas Blair.  She yanks the tie tightly, sending Sky into unconsciousness. Gazing down at him, Angelique says, sadly, "Maybe it was all wrong from the beginning--we both kept from each other our darkest secrets." She kneels beside him, adding, "I wish it could have worked out, because I really did love you, Sky."  She loosens the tie and lets the figure drop very close to her husband's groin.

Collinwood terrace - Barnabas calls to Maggie, demanding that she respond--come to me, he wills her, now!  Maggie, in her night clothes, appears--Barnabas, what are you doing here? she asks. I came hoping I would see you, he says. She smiles--it's the strangest thing, she says--I was sound asleep and had the feeling I had to come here. I'm glad, he says, I had to talk to you. She remarks, you seem different--are you ill? No, he says, just tired--I had to see you tonight--I was concerned about your safety and because I've missed you. Shyly, she dips her head down and says, I've missed you, too--so many terrible things have happened here since Jeb arrived, and I'd hoped you would be able to stop them. Barnabas gently says, I hope I won't disappoint you. I'm sure you won't, says Maggie, and goes into his arms to hug him. He draws away, fearful of taking her in vampire fashion.  His reaction puzzles her--did I say something to disturb you? she asks Nothing, he assures her, his back to her, not at all. He reaches into his pocket--there's something I want you to have, he says, something very dear to me--he hands her the emerald and diamond ring Josette returned to him a few episodes ago.  Consider it a token of our deep friendship, he says.  Maggie exclaims with delight and he hands her the ring. Barnabas! she says, it's so difficult to understand you--sometimes you seem so warm, and other times I feel I don't even know you. She studies the ring. Maggie, he says, believe me, please, when I say how much I care for you. He holds her closely, which makes his fangs grow erect. He's just about to bite her when Quentin, standing at the gate, yells, "Excuse me!--I  didn't mean to interrupt." Maggie is embarrassed.  Quentin tells Barnabas, I must talk to you right away--Maggie, please excuse us. Get inside, Maggie, says Barnabas, I'll get in touch with you tomorrow. Stung a bit at his sudden formality, Maggie bids him good night and goes into the house. I don't have to ask what would have happened if I hadn't arrived when I did, says Quentin quietly. No, you don't, says Barnabas, defensive and ashamed. You must stay away from Maggie, insists Quentin--in your present state, you can only hurt her. I know that! says Barnabas angrily, but I can't help myself.  We don't have time to discuss it, says Quentin--the sun will be up any minute; since Julia is having trouble locating Willie Loomis, I'm on vampire guard duty this day until she can find him--let's go. They leave.

Collinwood drawing room - Maggie, sitting on the sofa, has placed the ring on her left hand, the engagement finger. She raises the hand to her lips, bemused, happy. She rises and heads off to bed.

Quentin, napping in a chair at the Old House, awakens to a knock at the door--Angelique.  "Don't just stand there, Quentin--kiss me!" she says.  He stares at her, shocked.

Angelique, smiling, enters the Old House and looks around wistfully.  I'm still looking for that kiss, she says.  Quentin obliges, a slight peck on the lips, barely touching. You never meant it before, but you used to do a lot better than that, she chides him. We aren't going to resume our friendship on a sour note, are we? he asks.  I forgive you, she says--we're both a great deal older, and hope, one of us wiser. I'm not, he says. That makes two of us, she agrees, their faces very close. Barnabas told me you hadn't grown any older, says Ang, and you don't look a day older than the day I told you goodbye. So do you, says Q. It's been a long time, says Ang. Quentin agrees--I remember your saying we would meet again. And we have, she says. WHY have we? he asks. Oh, Quentin, don't look so apprehensive, she says, I was hoping to see Barnabas, that I'd be in time, but obviously, I'm not. What do you mean, obviously? asks Q nervously. I saw him earlier this evening, says Ang--I know what's happened to him.  He was at the island last night? asks Quentin. Yes, says Ang, he came there just after he found out that the person who betrayed him to Jeb was my husband. This shocks Quentin. Did Barnabas tell you about the Leviathans? She asks. Yes, says Q. Sky was one of them, before I met him, says Ang-- I left him tonight and I'm never going back to him. I'm sorry, says Quentin--what are your plans now? I don't know, she says. Quentin offers his assistance.  I'm all right, she says there's nothing you can do--"The truth is," she admits, "my interest in you in the past was never more than a device intended to upset Barnabas--I was very good at devices, always have been--perhaps, in spite of my feelings for Sky, Barnabas has always been my one true love."  I'm sorry you got here too late to see him, says Quentin.  I'll stick around and see him at sundown, she says--if you don't object. Go upstairs and get some rest, he suggest--plenty of room up there. She agrees. She looks around--it feels good to be back in this house, she says--I once knew it so well--I lived here, loved--for a while I was very happy--"This is where it all started, Quentin. I'll sleep in An--I'll sleep in Josette's room," she amends.

6:10 PM - Quentin, reading the newspaper, hears another impatient knock at the door. It's Sky, looking for his wife. He introduces himself to Quentin.  Who told you she was here? asks Q.  Who are you? counters Sky.  Quentin Collins, answers Q. May I come in? Sky asks.  You may, if your wife is here, says Q, but I haven't said she's here. He grins nastily.  Angelique appears on the stairs--I'll see him, she says. Quentin invites Sky in and closes the doors.  I must speak with you, alone, insists Sky.  Do you want me to leave or stay? Q asks Angelique. You can leave, she replies. After Quentin goes down into the basement, Sky explains, I've been with Nicholas all day--he told me the truth about you. She giggles--I'm surprised Nicholas didn't tell you last night, before you almost got yourself killed. Nothing has changed, says Sky, I still love you. How can you say that after last night? she demands--if I hadn't stopped you, you would have killed me!  I'm trying to tell you, it's different now, says Sky--I convinced Nicholas of how I feel about you, told him I want you to come back to me--he agreed. Teeth clenched, Ang says, Nicholas never agrees to anything unless there are conditions attached. The only condition is that you become one of us, says Sky, that you be on our side.  I want no part of your, she insists, or Nicholas Blair--I would only come back if you agreed to become your own man again. It's too late for that, says Sky. Then you don't really love me--and we have nothing more to say to each other, she says coldly--go tell your Master that my answer is no. Sky tries to pull her around to face him, but she yells, "Get out of here, Sky!--go on, leave!"  I believe you'll be with us one day, he says--I'll be waiting for you. He leaves. She stares after him, furious.  She looks out the window, miserable, then turns and sees Barnabas standing there. She looks at him a moment, feeling his sympathy, then, with a tiny moan, runs into his arms for a much-needed embrace.

Barnabas hands Angelique a drink--Quentin told me you were here, he says. Quentin's been very kind and understanding, says Ang--you were right about everything, I've been a complete fool. If you'd rather not go into it, he says. I can't help but talk about it when everything that's happened to you has been my fault--I told Sky all about you, trusted him--I never dreamed he'd betray you.  Barnabas, surprised at first, quickly recovers--you had no way of knowing, he says--I realize you didn't do this to deliberately hurt me. "As I did the first time," she says softly. That's a long time ago, he says, best forgotten.
Yes, she agrees--how ironic it is--that it happened the same identical way--"I can't help thinking that it must mean something for you and for me". Her face is very close to his.  Perhaps it means we can be closer friends than we were before, he suggests.   Perhaps it means we can start again, at the beginning, as we did the first time, she rhapsodizes. This embarrasses Barnabas, who says, "Angelique," and turns away. We have so much in commons, both outcasts, she points out--"Surely you must realize, as I did, that neither of us has any chance for a normal life!--when Nicholas Blair came back into the picture..." Nicholas Blair, exclaims Barnabas. Didn't you know he was here? she asks--that's the visitor who came the night you were there, she explains--as soon as I saw Nicholas with Sky, I knew everything you had told me was the truth. I must find Maggie and warn her about Nicholas, says Barn anxiously, he almost killed her once. You seem very concerned about Maggie Evans notes Angelique, the green-eyed bird of jealousy already circling her head. Yes, he agrees. Why, Barnabas? she asks. Maggie was involved with Nicholas once, and it almost meant the end of her, says Barnabas--wait here, we have much more to talk about. He leaves. Angelique already has a plan darting through her brain, and it can only mean misery for many.

Terrace - Maggie is surprised to hear Nicholas is back--Barnabas , have you spoken to him? she asks. No, says Barnabas, but I thought you should know immediately. He's in league with Jeb and the others, and Jeb is bound to tell Nicholas that you're one of them, and Nicholas will certainly want to come and see you. Don't worry, says Maggie, I think I know what to do. Be very very careful, cautions Barnabas, he's a dangerous man and if he ever finds out you're not on his side, your life will be in jeopardy, and I wouldn't want that to happen to you. He pulls her into his arms--you mean far too much to me.
Angelique jealously watches their embrace from the gate.

11:20 - Collinwood drawing room - Maggie, says Quentin, I know there's no law that you have to take my advice, but I think it's wise that you stay away from Barnabas Collins--look, I'm telling you this for your own good--and for his. Why? asks Maggie. You know the people he was involved with, says Q--they're out to kill him, and if they know you're seeing him, they may do it through you. I'd never do anything to hurt Barnabas! protests Maggie.  That isn't what I'm saying, says Q--they may use you to trap him. Watching them through the drawing room window, Angelique thinks to herself, "You asked if there was any way you could help me, Quentin, well, there is, but you will never be aware of it."  Aloud, she says, "I am what I was, and what I shall always be--I call upon the powers of darkness to help me work again--make a flame where there was no flame before--and let that flame transmit the power of love to those who look into it!" Maggie primly tells "Mr. Collins", I appreciate your concern for Barnabas and me...  But you'll continue to see him, finishes Quentin. Yes, says Maggie, and there's nothing you can do to stop us. She notes that the fire has suddenly leaped up; both she and Quentin gaze into it, then at each other. "Quentin Collins and Maggie Evans," says Angelique, superimposed over their image, "you will look into the flame as if it were a mirror to the future--your future is there--your future is love, there's no turning back now, you must both accept it--you are both prisoners of your love for each other." Maggie? asks Quentin.  Quentin, she says, moving in to give him a big, juicy kiss. What's happening to us? she asks.  He shakes his head--I don't know, she says. She slips Barnabas' ring off her finger and throws it into the fireplace, then goes back to passionately kissing Quentin.  Angelique raises her hand, which now has a pitchfork drawn on it. "Quentin Collins and Maggie Evans," she intones, it is the sign that binds you, the sign of your love for each other, and whenever it appears, no power on earth can keep you apart!
Still kissing, Maggie and Quentin finally separate. This is crazy, she murmurs.  I don't understand it anymore than you do, he agrees--but I feel it's right. So do I, she says, but it can't be. Then why don't we have the desire to fight it? he asks, taking her hands in his. They now have matching pitchforks on their clasped hands; they note them with horror...

NOTES: Back to her old tricks, Angelique has been there, done that, Jeremiah and Josette. I had hoped she'd grown as a person and a woman and wouldn't go back to her petty, jealous tricks, but DS let me down on this score. While I think Quentin and Maggie make a stunning pair, I can only think, with resignation, that Angelique is back to her old, tired ways and hasn't learned a damn thing. I was very disappointed to see this backslide on her part the first time around, too.

On the other hand, great scene as Ang flies into Barnabas' arms (made me tear up a bit). I know the Julia fans must have groaned when she started talking about getting back together with him, but he clearly isn't interested in anything more than friendship--and she should be grateful to have that and try to build upon it instead of returning to her witchy ways.

Loved the scene between Quentin and Angelique, her remark about always being very good at devices, and her demand for a kiss (and his unenthusiastic response). They also make a nice couple.

Hate Sky, has hoped Ang had killed him with the tie and statue, was sorry to see him return. I have a brief, to-the-point little poem for him--DIE, SKY!

Love, Robin

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Thank you for the excellent and detailed summary, Robin!  I can almost see and hear the characters in my mind.

Still, I am SO sad that I had to miss recording these obviously two excellent not-to-be-missed episodes!  Murphy's Law of Videorecording: the one time you don't record a daily show will be one of the few times when they show the best episodes of all.   :'( :'( :'(

Blame the history buff in me for the lapse.  I simply had to record the Russian history program on the History Channel.  But after reading your Robservation, I wish I had recorded DS instead.  Oh, well-

Yes, I'm sure you're simply dying to know all this!  Thanks for letting me vent-   ;D

"One can only truly understand what one can create"--Giambattista Vico, Italian philosopher

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Oh, the look on their respective faces when they saw each other, although supposedly they’ve known about Angelique all along, so Nicholas knew he was going to be introduced to her before he even showed up at the Rumson home.

I don't think Nicholas knew it was Angelique until he saw her.  Sky had talked of his wife, but there was no identification.  And he wanted her to join them, and Nicholas said that sometimes he could tell by looking at a person whether they could or not.  I'm sure he didn't know who it was at that point, and the look on his face, too, would indicate that he was just finding out.

Murphy's Law of Videorecording: the one time you don't record a daily show will be one of the few times when they show the best episodes of all.   :'( :'( :'(

That's what I mentioned the other day when I alerted everyone to this episode.  The last time through the series (or perhaps the time before), somehow I missed taping this one.  I was so mad, as I knew it had those incredible scenes, one after the other.  I decided I just couldn't miss that and went back to the video store where I had orignally rented the whole series and got this one again.