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Discuss - Ep #0309
« on: September 28, 2012, 04:35:04 AM »
Robservations - #309

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0309

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0309
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2012, 06:58:30 AM »
And here we go-go again-gain. Are vampires predictable or unpredictable? Barn's back to treating Julia like crap -- well, that's karma for that sinister smile yesterday. (Grayson hammed it up a bit and I loved it. Frid floundered a bit and I hated it.) I hope that Jules has figured out that mentioning Sarah momentarily distracts Barn from violence, a trick that will surely come in handy in the predictable future.

Vicki & Burke: CORNY. Burke is so full of crap, AG's acting did him well here because it was so unbelievable that it made Burke look like he was BSing Vicki and barely able to hide it. This scene reminds me of what Lydia mentioned a few episodes ago, that the lines seemed as if they were written for Mitch Ryan's Burke.

OMGoodness! That smug look on Barn's face after his truce with Burke. I'm sure it was meant for us (which is dumb) but if I were Burke and saw that smug grin I would have punched Barn in his f'n face.

I liked Vicki's and Burke's parting scene. Nicely written and acted and believable. Burke played all the right cards and deserved his parting kiss.

I could have done without Julia's meandering branch grabbing search for Sarah.

It was weird how they had Barn show up at the Old House in the very next take from the scene of him and Vicki at Collinwood. I didn't understand the way Grayson played the last scene with Frid as they spoke of Sarah. She played it with glee and I am wondering why? What are we supposed to take from that? I sort of felt like she wants to please Barn and if she can figure out the riddle she will get on his good side but I really didn't sense any fear behind it. Perhaps it's just another realm to conquer? Maybe a selfish glee? Or maybe just plain old fascination.

What's with Vicki's boyish sideburns? Is that natural on some women or are they there on purpose? Was that a fad or style back then? In some weird unsettling way, I like it.

And has anything ever been said about that suit on Frid? Is it supposed to fit like that? It reminds me of the time Herman Munster had to wear a corset to fit into his old army uniform. I guess if you're playing a stiff in a suit, that's the suit to play it in.

Offline Lydia

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0309
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2012, 09:49:16 AM »
Bravo!  Vicky, the Queen of Love and Beauty, has effected a reconciliation between Burke and Barnabas.  It's quite an accomplishment, if only it didn't seem likely that the rapprochement (I'm using fine old-fashioned words here) was merely skin-deep.

Meanwhile, Sarah's sniffing Julia out, trying to discover, without actually meeting her face-to-face, if Julia is a good doctor or a bad doctor - i.e. how Julia will affect Barnabas, and what this means for Maggie's safety.  I'm having lots of fun with my latest theory about Sarah.  Five years from now, when the Watching Project hits these episodes again, what will be my next theory about her?

What's with Vicki's boyish sideburns? Is that natural on some women or are they there on purpose? Was that a fad or style back then? In some weird unsettling way, I like it.
Really?  I hate it.  Hate, hate, hate it.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0309
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2012, 02:41:44 PM »
Faced with a decision, Burke has chosen Vicki over Barnabas's past. Burke and Barnabas have a very nice little roundabout conversation. Burke apologizes and says, I’ll control my curiosity and accept you simply as a very private person. Would you like me to tell you what I do during the day, Barnabas says (a masterstroke!). Burke declines the offer and they part seemingly the best of friends, shaking hands and even addressing each other by their first names. Vicki is suitably overjoyed. Burke even trustingly leaves Barnabas alone with Vicki, promising to see her again tomorrow evening. He's earned his goodnight kiss, and Vicki delivers gladly. After he leaves, Barnabas is careful to ask her if she ever shared any of Burke's suspicions; of course she emphatically denies it. He repeats to her the offer he made to Burke, but of course she insists it isn't necessary, so this round goes to Barnabas.

But of course, this truce is only as good--and as durable--as the paper it's printed on.

Julia senses Sarah's presence for the first time. But Sarah still won't appear to Barnabas. Her portrait in the family album looks remarkably like a photograph.

Oh, and yes, Vicki's sideburns were fashionable on teenage girls way back when. She's actually a couple of years behind the times, but we all had ’em.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0309
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2012, 03:16:23 PM »
Yeah, that sure does look like a photo of Sarah, they took the time to make a sketch for Sam to present but not one for the family album. I wonder if this lack of authenticity remained throughout the run of the series? Probably so, I remember something about zippers...

Interesting and logical take on the Sarah/Julia 'thang' Lydia. I know it was Sarah, but I half expected someone else to materialize or be lurking in the shadows.

So I'll ask this; Is Josette's ghost still around? Would I be way off base to expect J's ghost to pop up and throw a wrench into Barn's plans?

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0309
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2012, 08:03:18 PM »
I don't remember if Josette's ghost shows up in this story line, but I'm guessing that she has fled Barnabas in death, just as she fled him in life.

Every period gown in the show has a zipper up the back, but I think all the costumes available in those days did also. I don't think it was until the BBC got really serious about all those period dramas that they started making gowns that lace up.

And of course, in Lord of the Rings, they made a point of dressing everybody authentically (I know, for the imaginary Middle Eart) from the skin out. That included lots of lace-up dresses and other goodies.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0309
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2012, 07:15:48 PM »
Barnabas now decides Sarah is his enemy out to destroy him, but how does he fight an enemy that won't face him?  Burke grovels and unfortunately is forgiven. I prefer he remain among the unforgiving.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0309
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2012, 08:08:51 PM »
Re: Josette's ghost. Didn't Laura try and banish her from the Old House? I don't remember if that even worked or not. (I loved that scene!)

And wasn't it implied that she protected David?


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0309
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2012, 05:26:21 PM »
After a bit of pushing from Vicki, Burke apologizes to Barnabas. I think though that he's still suspicious of Barnabas and had to restrain himself from saying "Yes, Barnabas, please do tell me what you do!" when Barnabas offered to tell him what he did during the day.

I have to agree with Lydia that the whole 'reconciliation' scene, while great to watch, was really just for the sake of appearnances on both the parts of Burke and Barnabas.  Vicki may be pleased with herself for thinking she may have brought them together when in reality it's far from it. It's just that neither man wants to do anything to upset her. The unspoken 'duel' between the two men is still very much on and I think Burke is aware of this as much as Barnabas.

I know dom would have liked to have seen Burke decking Barnabas (and I have to admit Barnabas DID look rather smug) but that would almost certainly have ticked Vicki off to quite possibly the point of no return. Burke is trying to smooth things over with Vicki, not make them worse and no matter how arrogant Barnabas may have appeared, decking him certainly wasn't going to be the way for him to do it.

Julia senses Sarah's presence but Sarah doesn't make herself seen. Perhaps Sarah senses that Julia is the reason that Maggie forgot about her but is also aware she's trying to cure her big brother. I agree with Lydia that she's feeling Julia out at this point...she allows Julia to feel her presence but yet won't appear to her. Sarah may sense that Julia's loyalty is more to Barnabas rather than to Maggie and I think Sarah herself is still sorting out where her loyalties should be...until she's sure herself I think she's electing to stay away from Barnabas for the time being.