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Discuss - Ep #0293
« on: September 05, 2012, 04:02:47 PM »
Robservations - #293

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0293

Offline Lydia

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0293
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2012, 04:46:45 PM »
Today's episode involved a lot of stridency, what with Barnabas dictating to Willie and then bickering with Burke.  Or anyway, so it seemed to me, but I had a headache before I started, so perhaps I was oversensitive.

Such an interesting line from Barnabas to Willie, observing that Willie is worried about what Barnabas may do to Vicky but not about what Barnabas may do to Julia.  Does this mean that Barnabas and Willie are more alike than they think?  After all, both of them think of Julia as a second-class person.  It's just that Barnabas knows that he does, but Willie doesn't.  I daresay Barnabas thinks Julia is too strident.

I think Barnabas must have eavesdropped, maybe as a bat, upon Burke and Vicky while they were talking in the drawing room about the house that has captivated Vicky.  If so - or even if his knowledge came via another route - he was very clumsy about not saying more than he was supposed to know.

What is the deal with the house?  Vicky loves it.  It takes her on a flight of fancy to the past.  The door was open for her.  It was cold inside.  What does all that mean?

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0293
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2012, 04:53:29 PM »
This episode is the start of a very bold night for Willie and a very bad night for Barnabas.

Willie is afraid that Barnabas wants to hurt Vicki. Barnabas insists he has no plans to harm her and reminds him that he should be "filled with joy that Maggie Evans is alive--a though that doesn't fill me with joy," he adds sourly.

For the moment Barnabas will allow Julia to conduct her experiments. In these early days, he calls her "Hoffman," as if she were a servant--which is exactly how he thinks of her. And in his day, servants were easily dispsable.

Score one for Willie! As Barnabas puts on his coat, we get a wonderful JF moment. Barnabas ruminates rather smugly, It’s strange how people cling to life as if it were better to grow old, ugly and humiliated than to remain young and beautiful forever--untouched by time, untouched by _anything_. But as he goes out the door, for once Willie has the last word: Except loneliness. Unseen by Willie, a look of sadness flickers across Barnabas’s face as he pauses.

At Collinwood, Burke and Vicki seem to have forgotten about Sarah's little cap. Burke listens indulgently, not to say patronizingly, as Vicki rhapsodizes about her dream house, which she entered despite a big No Tresspassing sign. Burke turns up his nose at the house's lack of heating or electricity, but Barnabas comments snidely, Most people enjoy their creature comforts. Somehow Vicki has invited him along to see the house--much to Burke's displeasure. Burke asks how Barnabas knew about the sign. All empty old houses have them, Barnabas replies smoothly. (Maybe he flew over it one night!)

Vicki remembers that the house was chilly and goes upstairs to change into a warmer dress. (The concept of pants never crosses her mind.) And I want to look in on David, she adds. He was very upset before about his imaginary friend. We forget, and we get out of touch with how children think, she muses, since childhood was such a long time ago. Yes, it was a long, long time ago, agrees Barnabas, turning away from her to gaze sadly at what only his eyes can see.

While Vicki changes, the temperature plummets as Burke and Barnabas try to find out about each other--equally without success. Burke is typically impatient at the time Vicki is taking, but Barnabas says, A man should be prepared tow ait for a beautiful woman--through all eternity if necessary. Just as they agree that they have blank pasts, Vicki comes in, wearing a long-sleeved Mondrian-type tent dress. Utterly unaware of the duel that she missed, she  announces that she’s ready for the house tour. You were well worth waiting for, Barnabas tells her admiringly as Burke glares at him.


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0293
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2012, 05:57:07 PM »
Barnabas thinks it's more preferrable to stay young and beautiful forever...while most people might share his sentiments I think most would pass on it if the price meant being a creature of the night forever....I know I would.

I don't find Willie's lack of concern for Julia so strange. He's known Vicki a bit longer than Julia...Julia's just a stranger he met a few days ago. For all he knew Julia could have been another Jason, only instead of money she's using Barnabas to potentially secure her all the fame and glory she can get out of it.

Though I really wonder if that's Julia intention....sure she'd like to go down in medical history, but maybe it's because she wants to prove herself. Hard to tell since she's very clinical at this point.

Burke sees a house as a rival for Vicki's affections? I honestly hope he was kidding but his whole speech to Vicki and Barnabas about the comforts of electricity and heat makes me wonder.

I know Barnabas sort of manipulated Vicki into inviting him along to go to the house with her and Burke, but Burke seems to go out of his way to be rude to Barnabas every time they cross paths. The 'we didn't expect this to be a guided tour' remark was really tactless. On the other hand Barnabas doesn't really try to hide his disdain for Burke either once he starts to pry into Burke's past. I can only imagine what Barnabas would say if he knew that Burke was an ex-convict. Burke isn't going to offer that piece of information and then starts questioning Barnabas about HIS past.

Barnabas tells Vicki she was well worth waiting for. Starting with that remark, I think Burke should keep on his guard.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0293
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2012, 07:58:41 PM »
In Burke's mind, House by the Sea = past = Barnabas = Hated Rival.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0293
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2012, 07:06:49 AM »
Burke is just annoying. It's really quite funny that Vickie old care less about the heat and lights also. The house is really quite nice for being deserted for so long. The chill seems to suggest it is haunted d the other times they feel chills a ghost comes into play.  Barnabas should have a better story and have created an identity in London so tht if it was checked all would pan out.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times