Author Topic: OT: Message Board Incompetence  (Read 2274 times)

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Re: OT: Message Board Incompetence
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2002, 11:31:45 AM »
I generally start at the bottom - Luciaphil - and check to see if there's anything new.  For quite a while there hasn't been, but these last few days, it's suddenly been revived!  Then, I go to Robservations.  I usually skim that really quickly, as I've already seen the episode, and mostly read the comments and any replies.

Then, I check out anything new in Testing - that's usually pretty quick.

Finally, I arrive at the Main Forum - do a quick check to see how many topics have new items and then search for the new posts.  I like it when there are a lot of replies to a few topics rather than a lot of topics with 1 or 2 posts, as, once in a thread, it's easy to read quickly and move down the page, rather than waiting for each topic to come up.

I do a lot of skimming.  Many items are short or occasionally something that I don't know much about and read very quickly.  Once in a while there's a more in-depth item that does require real reading.

I generally try not to post too many things myself (especially if it's a really busy day and I'm signing on even later than usual).  If there's a birthday or something that requires a more creative response, I try to find something that will look colorful, but be simple to create.

I suppose I get through it in less than an hour.  If it's a day with more time, I come a bit earlier and then check back later for anything new (like now!)


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Re: OT: Message Board Incompetence
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2002, 01:53:13 PM »
OMG!  Josette has this down to a science!  LOL  (Not me - sorry to say)
I start at the top - Current Talk - and rarely get through it.  Plus I end up jumping around.  Needless to say, I almost never see Testing, or anything below it, and since I've got the categories collapsed, I sort of forget they're there. Oy...

My daughter's a fan of Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts so I don't have to worry about that.  She keeps tabs, and if there's a new one, she usually reads it to me while I'm at the kitchen counter or something (and we have a little giggle).

Anyway, I'm glad there are others besides me who don't get to read everything.  Does it ever worry you though?  Maybe this sounds a little weird, but sometimes I worry that maybe someone said something to me or asked something, and I didn't see it, so then they might think I'm ignoring them when I'm not.  I'm just not aware 'cause I didn't catch it.  THEN there's the problem of seeing a few things, or maybe an IM, but only having a few minutes on the board and not having time to answer it at the moment, then forgetting what it was I was supposed to get back to!!

Then, like ProfStokes, I am totally addicted to this board.  Because of this sad fact, I don't get to my email until I'm too tired to think.  (Carol will attest to this)  LOL   Why she puts up with me I'll never know.

-CLC  [sleep]

Offline Luciaphile

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Re: OT: Message Board Incompetence
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2002, 04:34:08 PM »
OMG!  Josette has this down to a science!  LOL  (Not me - sorry to say)

I'm impressed. I can't keep up like that, either, lol. I do start at the bottom as well, but there are categories I rarely venture into and I usually make the decision not to read posts that look like a lot of OT.

My daughter's a fan of Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts so I don't have to worry about that.  She keeps tabs, and if there's a new one, she usually reads it to me while I'm at the kitchen counter or something (and we have a little giggle).

Eek, my column has fans???

Does it ever worry you though?  Maybe this sounds a little weird, but sometimes I worry that maybe someone said something to me or asked something, and I didn't see it, so then they might think I'm ignoring them when I'm not.  I'm just not aware 'cause I didn't catch it.

Every once in a while, I do a search on my name here. That's the only thing I can come up with, because what you mention worries me too :)

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Re: OT: Message Board Incompetence
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2002, 05:02:50 PM »
OMG!  Josette has this down to a science!  LOL  (Not me - sorry to say)I start at the top - Current Talk - and rarely get through it.  Plus I end up jumping around.  Needless to say, I almost never see Testing, or anything below it, and since I've got the categories collapsed, I sort of forget they're there. Oy...
Same here. I pick and choose and just do the best I can to keep up.

Anyway, I'm glad there are others besides me who don't get to read everything.  Does it ever worry you though?  Maybe this sounds a little weird, but sometimes I worry that maybe someone said something to me or asked something, and I didn't see it, so then they might think I'm ignoring them when I'm not.  I'm just not aware 'cause I didn't catch it.  THEN there's the problem of seeing a few things, or maybe an IM, but only having a few minutes on the board and not having time to answer it at the moment, then forgetting what it was I was supposed to get back to!!
This happens to me, too. Not only here but at another sites.

Then, like ProfStokes, I am totally addicted to this board.  Because of this sad fact, I don't get to my email until I'm too tired to think.  (Carol will attest to this)  LOL   Why she puts up with me I'll never know.
-CLC  [sleep]
After email, I check this board next since my other sites seemed to have slowed down a bit. No need to check them every day.
As for you, Connie, I put up with you because I like you, you're my opposite, you give honest and forthright opinions that I  mull over and sometimes take, you're a mom with a daughter so we commiserate, you hate my verbiose emails with a quick jab to the funny bone, you called concerned about my eye surgery so we chatted for over a hour.  You are what I call a friend.
And for those of you out there, Connie and I have never met. We came across each other online, exchanged emails and pix and then phone numbers. We keep in touch everyday thru emails to share life's foibles.

--the UNHIP mom(CHM)

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream" - Edgar Allan Poe

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Re: OT: Message Board Incompetence
« Reply #19 on: November 11, 2002, 01:38:47 AM »
I can't begin to tell you how thrilled I am to read that you guys are enjoyng the board... and even addicted to it, wow! :D

Thanks, jennifer and Cassandra, for stepping in to help Annie with her forum question.

I definitely recommend reading boards from the bottom (oldest) up.  It's not unusual for new posts to appear while you're catching up, and since it'll cause the topic to automatically jump to the top, well, you get the picture.

Because the vast majority of visitors aren't reading everything, posters might want to consider the [overcolor=yellow]titles[/overcolor] chosen for new topics.   If your title is too cryptic, the audience that would be most interested in it might pass it by. :o

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Re: OT: Message Board Incompetence
« Reply #20 on: November 11, 2002, 04:20:53 AM »
Come on're all starting to make me feel like a freak.  I can't be the only non-moderator on this forum who reads every blessed word posted, can I?

Yes, I admit , I'm logged on here all day and half the night...but that's because I'm on and off this computer constantly for that entire duration....

And yes, I'll admit I OCCASIONALLY skip a post here and there because the topic doesn't interest me...

But I'd find it a lot harder to follow threads and keep up with posts if I let it slide for any length of time.  It's actually MUCH quicker and easier to stay on top of it than to try and catch up with it.....but that presumes that you have endless free time on your hands to do it!

My hat's off to all of you who have to find time in otherwise crowded days to plow your way through a ton of posts.....I don't think I could do it, if I had to do it that way!

BTW....why would anyone skip the Testing 1 2 3 board?  Reading that religiously has saved me from asking a multitude of VERY stupid questions (thereby also saving me from a multitude of snarky comments from MB ::) )!!!

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