Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #1054  (Read 1065 times)

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Discuss - Ep #1054
« on: August 25, 2010, 11:58:06 PM »

Offline MagnusTrask

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1054
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2010, 01:08:14 AM »
[spoiler]VO: Lara with regular human voice?[/spoiler]

Roger speaks very loudly and unnaturally to Maggie, about Quentin's guilt.   How is Ang keeping Julia confined?   Her left hook?   Why did Roger ever think that killing Ang would be for everyone's good?   There's some other situation we never hear about, I think.   

Nice tasteful giant monogrammed hankie Liz has, so she doesn't forget who she is.
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Offline Lydia

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1054
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2010, 08:43:04 AM »
Quentin's sure going to be surprised when he finds out Maggie strangled herself.  Who is there left to kill?  There are the servants, of course - the ones that Quentin heard gossiping about Carolyn's death, and Hoffman and Trask.  Everybody is going to assume that Hoffman is another one of Quentin's victims.  Trask may or may not be dead, but he probably isn't, or people would be wondering where he was, and Roger would be saying that he had been talking about going bowling.  We also have Daniel, Amy, and Chris.  I'd like to see Amy killed.  I think Denise Nickerson would do an admirable job of dying.  Chris would be easy to kill, and they could have good time describing how his body was mutilated, since we'll never see it.  But somehow I don't think we'll see Daniel die.  The Collins family must go on!

Louis Edmonds did a lovely job today, when Roger was with Maggie in Angelique's room.  He had some tough lines to sell.  The "I'm full of hate business" monologue remained up for grabs as far as I was concerned because I wasn't buying it, but when he started rambling on and giving himself away to Maggie, I believed it.  And what did Maggie do?  Instead of keeping her mouth shut and listening, she went on and on about "It sounds as though you know something."

Nice tasteful giant monogrammed hankie Liz has, so she doesn't forget who she is.
I decided Angelique decreed that that was how Liz's handkerchiefs would look, and Hoffman carried on the tradition.

I looked for the Petofi box in the upstairs hall, but I think I saw the wrong side of some staging instead.  Saying (or writing) "upstairs hall" reminds me of one of the many things about which I am irrational: I can't believe that the upstairs sets are on the same floor as the downstairs sets and that the set for the upstairs hall might be right next door to the set for the foyer and drawing room.  I know it's true, but belief is another matter altogether.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1054
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2010, 06:56:16 PM »
An actual voiceover promo that makes sense!  [hello]

"...Come to the room where Dr. Julia Hoffman is being held prisoner and learn the horrifying tales of Collins Mansion on ABC TV's horror show Dark Shadows..."


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Re: Discuss - Ep #1054
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2012, 07:15:50 PM »
It would have served Quentin right if [spoiler] he had succeeded in killing Maggie, then finding out shortly after that indeed Alexis was really his dead wife Angelique, and she was the one responsible for all the evil doings. [/spoiler]

It would have given the cops a legitimate reason to hang Quentin, and frankly, I wouldn't have shed any tears...I've said it before and I'll say it again. I hate the 1970 PT Quentin. MB and others have given reasons for why he behaves the way he does, but I still see him as an insufferable jerk.

Not that I would have cried much over Maggie either, her being without a backbone, and letting him treat her like dirt and not having sense enough to walk out on him and take him to the cleaners long ago.

I can't really root for PT Roger, seeing as he just murdered his sister, just days after murdering her daughter and his niece.

Only person I feel sorry for at this point is Julia, trapped in that room, totally at the mercy of Angelique, who pretty much told her she would show her no mercy for not telling her Barnabas' secret (and I also think, though she would not admit it, also for RT Julia killing Angelique's devoted Hoffman) and is prepared to let her starve there. Dying in a dark room, starving to death...not a very pleasant death.