Author Topic: Original DS on Chiller??  (Read 1939 times)

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Re: Original DS on Chiller??
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2010, 07:45:32 AM »
will someone please explain to me how Worldvision makes money on the show by letting it gather dust in a vault?
At least we have the DVDs.

RE: Chiller: they have a Viewer Comment email posted at their site:

Let's email and ask for monthly marathons on the the original DS as part of those morning blocks.
Specify original series, and say Dark Shadows, not DS.
Nothing ventured........

Chiller is owned by Universal, so perhaps classic horror fans could also ask for them to air the Universal monster flicks of the 30s/40s, Boris Karloff Presents Thriller, and other classic series.
One or two days a month devoted to classic horror won't destroy the channel!


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Re: Original DS on Chiller??
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2010, 03:05:07 PM »
Maybe by some miracle SOAPnet might show it with their connection to ABC. (I'm sure some people still associate DS with ABC.)

I will say this about Worldvision. In the mid-90's I called them looking for tapes of the David Lynch TV show "On The Air" since it was not released on home video at that time, nor were there any plans to release it. I coaxed some lady into agreeing to send me some screener tapes of the show. Seems like maybe I told her I was doing a college research project on David Lynch or something.  I think for 50 bucks or so I received VHS tapes of the first 3 episodes with the words "Not for broadcast use" blazoned across the bottom of the video picture. It was pretty cool at the time, but whenever I tried to get some more tapes that lady was no longer there and whoever was in charge now wanted no part of trying to help me out.

Worldvision may think they are sitting on a potential cash cow with the new DS movie coming out and will only go to the highest bidder!! Like you said they could have been making money off syndication this whole time! Hard to understand the reasoning there.
Robot_Quentin: "I've never watched the last episode, so the show never ended for me."