
Would you like Seaview to be the representation of Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film?

I don't know.

Author Topic: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film  (Read 16579 times)

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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #60 on: September 06, 2009, 08:56:16 PM »
Two things that could be impediments to using Seaview (at least to doing any sort of location shooting there) is that it might force an increase in the budget and more than likely it would require a completely different crew as most states require crews to be hired from from within the state to work on films shot in their states. I'm pretty certain that the latter is the case with RI. Ultimately, it may come down to a case that even though they might like to use Seaview, it may just be cheaper and less complicated to base the whole production in England.

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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #61 on: September 07, 2009, 12:58:33 AM »
I was initially thinking "yes, Seaview should be used."  Then, partly based on some of the comments here and partly just giving it second thoughts, I started to be less sure it would be the right decision.  In a way, it might tie the film too much to the show, and as much as I love the show, we don't want the film to too closely resemble the show- we wouldn't want it to have the same production values, for instance.  I mean, it' never be the same, and trying too hard might just seem strange.  I also feel that the inside sets should not try to mimic the show, because that might come off as cheesy.  I'd rather it just have sets that feel close in tone but not try to be identical.  I feel like I'm waffling  [ghost_smiley]  Anyway, I voted "I don't know" and I see that the poll is actually pretty close.  It's interesting to look at it from both sides.


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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #62 on: September 07, 2009, 05:15:36 AM »
NODS especially,despite starring several d.s. actors,could have easily been just another early 1970's horror film.without frid and stalwarts like bennett,edmonds,scott and so forth not enough of the d.s. atmosphere was captured.kate jackson in particular wasn't on the program long enough to carry a film centered on it.

It's funny because one of the many reasons I and a lot of other fans don't like hoDS is that it may have starred the DS "stalwarts" but their characters were mere pretenders and not the same as their counterparts on the daytime show. Yet one of the main reasons I and others accept and enjoy NoDS so much more is that the actors weren't playing their daytime DS characters but completely different people, so there was little opportunity for comparison to get in the way. And I actually think Jackson carried the film beautifully (many reviews also agree) - and she had already been appearing on the favorites polls in the various daytime magazines. But, of course, all of that is/has been a discussion for/in an entirely different type of topic...


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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #63 on: September 07, 2009, 08:26:28 AM »
While I have the greatest respect for the opinions of the posters on this board, I am absolutely flabbergasted at the results of this poll so far.  To me, Seaview is like an original series actor that was involved in every storyline, on everyday, and truly defined the world of DS, yet hasn't aged all that much since the original run.  Of course we all have our own opinions.. but I guess I thought a lot more fans of the original series would want a Seaview presence in the new movie.  An additional thought is that it might do some good for Seaview from a monetary basis.   I would love to see the Careys be compensated for the use of the mansion.  It pains me to think that this grand old house is in need of repairs.  I wish I was in a position to contribute to its repair, but I think that Infinitum-Nihil is in a much better position financially to pay for the use.

Anyhow, I thought I would make a case for it as I feel quite strongly about it, and even more so since I originally posted and have had time to think it through.

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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #64 on: September 07, 2009, 03:31:41 PM »
i didn't say i didn't enjoy NODS.i got a kick out of it in a b-movie kind of way.

just that the alternate location(not seaview)and certain castings gave the film a mood that wasn't dark shadows to me.

it has it's charms but like i said could easily have been called something else.it's not remotely tied into the series mythology.that's not a criticism and it doesn't mean it's not good but it's true.

as for kate jackson i guess because i'm not a huge fan of the 1840 storylines(or the last eight months of the program in general)she doesn't resonate with me the way the rest of the cast does.
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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #65 on: September 07, 2009, 04:08:24 PM »
I just think that if every family member passed away to leave their children the house, the children of David Collins, the house would be the same house. Every family member would be different, their stories would be different, but the house would remain. That's what happens with a family house, the people change but the house stays the same. It's what connects the past to the future. Without a connection to the old a new Dark Shadows could just as well be call Twilight.
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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #66 on: September 07, 2009, 07:33:33 PM »
I am absolutely flabbergasted at the results of this poll so far.  ... but I guess I thought a lot more fans of the original series would want a Seaview presence in the new movie.  ...

Anyhow, I thought I would make a case for it as I feel quite strongly about it, and even more so since I originally posted and have had time to think it through.

I can't say that the results have been surprising me at all. I suspect the people who would rather not see Seaview used feel just as strongly as those who would like to see it used in some fashion. As madscntst said, there are really good points for both arguments, which is probably why the I don't know vote is practically as strong at this point as the Yes and No votes.


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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #67 on: September 07, 2009, 08:08:13 PM »
I just think that if every family member passed away to leave their children the house, the children of David Collins, the house would be the same house.

That's an excellent point and one I hadn't thought of - it would be like handing off the baton to a new generation instead of cutting the tie.

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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #68 on: September 07, 2009, 08:22:35 PM »
That's an excellent point and one I hadn't thought of - it would be like handing off the baton to a new generation instead of cutting the tie.

That might actually work to some degree if the Depp/DS was a sequel to the daytime DS - but it's not - it's a full-out reimagining. And, certainly, passing a baton would resonate with us - but those in most of the target audience will in all likelihood have no attachment to Seaview as Collinwood. As I recently remarked in the Depp/DS topic on Current Talk '09 II, the film will be mostly attempting to create
a whole new fanbase for DS - one whose main exposure to DS will be the film and not any previous versions. They'll hope we'll like the film - but we alone aren't a significant enough group to either make or break the film at the box office.


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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #69 on: September 07, 2009, 08:31:59 PM »
MB I certainly understand your concern - nobody wants a movie that can't be viewed and enjoyed all on its own.  New viewers shouldn't have to feel left out because they've never seen DS before.  The use of Seaview, IMHO is a win-win.  It would provide that tie for the original fans, yet not be an impediment to new viewers.  I can't help but think that the image of Seaview as Collinwood might even evoke memories that have been long-lost for some potential fans who've basically been out of touch since the original went off the air.  I can't name how many times I've seen remarks from people who were very excited to have rediscovered DS after all this time.   That can't be a bad thing for the box office, although you could argue with some success that the numbers may not be significant.. but frankly, the responses I tend to see aren't generally "oh yeah.. I kind of remember that series" they end up being "Wow, I LOVED that as a kid!  It was the greatest!"  That sort of enthusiasm helps garner additional viewers, people who never saw the series before but are impressed by the passion some still hold for a series that has been off the air for so long.

JMHO of course.

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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #70 on: September 07, 2009, 09:51:29 PM »
i didn't say i didn't enjoy NODS.i got a kick out of it in a b-movie kind of way.

just that the alternate location(not seaview)and certain castings gave the film a mood that wasn't dark shadows to me.

Oh, I didn't mean to imply that I thought you didn't enjoy NoDS - only that there are a lot of fans who do accept that film as DS, much more so than they accept hoDS, even considering that the more established DS actors appeared in hoDS but not in NoDS. It's also interesting that for many fans NoDS' atmosphere/mood is actually more DS than hoDS could hope to be. But as I said, getting any more into that sort of a debate is probably best done in another topic, so if anyone would care to continue the discussion further, it would probably be best to start a topic about it rather than continue it here because any issues regarding the movies other than the use of Lyndhurst as Collinwood is pretty much OT in this topic.  [ghost_smiley]  And even that is pretty much OT for this topic unless it's tied in some way to Seaview's use in the daytime series.  [ghost_wink]

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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #71 on: September 07, 2009, 10:17:12 PM »
Getting back on topic, for me personally one of the things I really look forward to learning whenever a new version of DS comes about is what new house will be used as Collinwood. I like to see how not only the stories will be reimagined, but how Collinwood will be as well. And, considering how the poll is playing out, it would seem that I'm not alone in that. It's not that I don't have a love for and a sentimental attachment to Seaview. I most definitely do. It's just that I don't see where using it in the Depp/DS film would make much difference with anyone other than us fans of the original series. And not to belabor the point, but we're not going to be the film's target audience. And even with us fans, the results of the poll would seem to be telling us that there is no clear cut yeh or neh opinion - well, certainly not one within the corner of DS fandom that is this forum.  [ghost_smiley]

I suppose what it all comes down to for me is that along with a completely new cast and a new take on the story (hopefully stories), to keep everything fresh and new, I'd like to see a new Collinwood to set it all in.  [ghost_wink]

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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #72 on: September 07, 2009, 10:23:41 PM »
I agree with you, MB.  Fans of the original series are not the target audience for several reasons. 


And not to belabor the point, but we're not going to be the film's target audience. And even with us fans, the results of the poll would seem to be telling us that there is no clear cut yeh or neh opinion - well, certainly not one within the corner of DS fandom that is this forum.  [ghost_smiley]


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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #73 on: September 07, 2009, 11:53:25 PM »
I certainly agree that old fans of the original series are not the target audience (even though Johnny Depp is one).   So I will concede that point.   Let's forget that we ever existed.

The original Collinwood, Seaview Terrace, worked wonderfully well for the original show.  Why is it that it would not work for a new generation as well?  I'm not trying to be argumentative here, I am honestly trying to understand the opposing viewpoint because I just don't.  If what is wanted is an "all new reimagined" story with no ties to the past, why call it "Dark Shadows" at all?  Why have Barnabas Collins in it at all?  I know that with the talent of Johnny Depp, Tim Burton and John August, they could come up with a wonderful gothic tale that isn't called "Dark Shadows" and we could all enjoy it.

All along we've been told that this movie must stay true to the original concept.  That was the agreement Dan Curtis made with Johnny Depp's production company.  It would be much easier to do that with the most central figure ever in the show being transitioned to the new movie - Collinwood itself.  Much of the magic of the original was due to that magnificent house. 

Anyhow, I know we all feel strongly about our specific points and everybody's opinion is equally justified and valid (even though those not agreeing with me are inevitably wrong  [ghost_wink].  I'm going to have to agree to disagree with those opposing the use of Seaview in the new movie and continue to hope that if we don't see the original we at least get to see a reasonable facsimile. 

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Re: Collinwood in the new Depp/Burton DS film
« Reply #74 on: September 08, 2009, 12:17:48 AM »
Well, for one, as I previously stated back in reply #32:
I suppose for me acceptance is all about separating the original series from any and all other versions of DS - and having a different house be Collinwood goes a long way in helping that separation. Seaview as Collinwood is an icon I will always lovingly associate with the original series. But I don't really want to associate Seaview with other versions of DS because they aren't the original version of DS, nor should they be expected to be. They should be allowed to stand completely on their own.

For me it really all comes down to that last point: all versions of DS should be allowed to stand completely on their own - which is the main reason when we had the Watching Project for the '91 series, we treated it as if the original series didn't exist. However, that doesn't make them any less DS. At least not for me or many of the other fans who, say, love the '91 series. I'm often fond of quoting this remark from the Creature-corner Web site regarding remakes and reimaginings in general:
"They can honour the original and stand alone as solid entertainment at the same time."

All along we've been told that this movie must stay true to the original concept.  That was the agreement Dan Curtis made with Johnny Depp's production company.

I don't recall ever having heard that that was a stipulation of the rights agreement Depp made with DC's estate. But be that as it may, they can easily stay true to the original concept of DS without ever using the exact same storylines, or the exact same house, or even using Barnabas (as shocking as many might find that last possibility).  DS is more than any one of those things, or even all of them, which is one of the reasons why I have no problem accepting, say, NoDS as DS.