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Discuss - Ep #0237
« on: February 20, 2007, 12:29:35 PM »

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2007, 02:47:21 PM »
Love seeing Dana Elcar as Sheriff Patterson.  He's a tough but smart cop and I like how he approaches Jason and Willie.  Jason is worried about his own scheme but Willie is just trying to survive at this point.  He has to do what Barnabas says but at the same time, he listens to his own conscience.

Everyone wants to know what happened to Maggie.  We don't see her in this episode but we see Willie.  Does he know she's in the Old House yet?  People keep walking in and out of the place so I wonder where she is.  Does she hear them?  Why would she be so quiet unless at this point, she is convinced she's Josette.

I hate seeing Willie get beat by Jason.  Barnabas' servant should have had more strength with that hammer then he did.  Jason overpowered Willie and slapped him around.  Willie isn't doing a good enough job getting rid of Jason as Barnabas wanted.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2007, 03:06:26 PM »
Got some thoughts on this:

Jason is still trying to pawn off Willie as a "poor, misunderstood guy," though this time more for his own sake rather than Willie's. He's obviously afraid if the Sheriff begins to suspect Willie is up to no good, and since Willie is(was) Jason's pal, he might begin to dig deeper into Jason's activities. Jason can't have that, obviously.

Though Willie is definitely a different guy now, I still crack up when Jason asks the sheriff should he really investigate a man like Willie Loomis? Considering Willie does have a prison record, this struck me as a very stupid question on Jason's part even if he is just trying to cover his own hide. The sheriff is doing his job as he sees fit and I liked how he told Jason HE'LL be the judge of Willie's innocence or guilt.

I didn't like Jason beating up Willie either. We all know Willie would gladly leave Collinsport forever if he could, but he can't.

Poor Willie, first Barnabas, now Jason is beating the crap out of him. I loved at the end of the episode though, with Jason alone in the woods, hearing the dogs howling, I could see fear in his face. He deserved to get the crap scared out of him.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2007, 04:05:23 PM »
I loved at the end of the episode though, with Jason alone in the woods, hearing the dogs howling, I could see fear in his face. He deserved to get the crap scared out of him.

That WAS wonderful!!  Makes me think that Barnabas knows what he did to Willie and is coming to scare him.  All I can say to that is "GOOD".  I just wish the vampire did interfere a little more than he did during this time.  ;)
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2007, 04:25:36 PM »
Here's what always bothers me about Dark Shadows: there is always exactly right number of cups.  Or glasses.  Somebody comes to pay a call, and is offered a drink.  Lo and behold, there's an extra glass.  Dr. Woodard offers Burke and Vicky coffee.  Burke says yes, Vicky says no.  Lo and behold, there are two coffee mugs by the pot, one for Burke and one for Dr. Woodard.  I can see not wanting to have somebody run out to the kitchen for another cup in the middle of a scene.  ("The corpse was drained of blood!"   "Hold that thought while I get you a glass.  Would you like a small glass, or are you planning to do some serious drinking?  Because if you are, maybe I should get Mrs. Johnson to refill the decanter."  "Get me a 20-ounce glass.  What was I saying?  Oh, yes, Bob the Bartender's going to Bangor next week for his vacation.  I told him to send me a postcard.")  But couldn't they occasionally have an extra cup on the tray?

I wasn't impressed with the music today.  The "This is dreadful" music seemed to come in at inappropriate times, and the "This is surprising" music also played once rather inappropriately I thought.  The sound effects weren't perfect, either.  When Jason was slapping Willie around, those slaps should have been louder.  I'm sure the slapping sound was louder when Julia slapped Cassandra.   The only possible conclusion is that Jason was a sissy compared to Julia.

And Dana Elcar needed a haircut.

On the plus side - in fact, the ultra-plus side - I loved the scene between Jason and Willie.  I felt very sorry for Willie - alone in the Old House with a loony vampire and with the girl that the vampire is busy brainwashing.  If anybody finds out that Maggie is there, Willie's life isn't worth a plugged nickel.  The sheriff has come by to tell Willie he'll be watching him like a hawk, and Willie couldn't say, "Actually it's bats that worry me, not hawks."  And now Jason comes round a-snooping and telling Willie to get out of town, and that's the last thing that Willie can do, so, as the perfect end to Willie's routinely lousy day, Jason beats up Willie.  Poor, poor Willie.  I love it when Jason gets tough and shows his true colors.  Oh, yes, it was a great scene, despite the inadequate slapping sounds.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2007, 06:33:16 PM »
Even though Barnabas is not in the episode, they still got him in the episode by showing the portrait whenever they could.  Maybe JF popularity had already started to show.

JK did an excellent job and so did DP. When they were talking in drawing room you can just see Jason mind going. Jason was always trying to be slick. and get out of things. He really showed his true colors later with Willie, just how bad he is. But doesn't the writers want us to hate him.

One of the best and I think the only sheriff is on today. He made the role his. Dana was really great the probing. I wouldn't want him to question me.

The end was  great Barn made himself known and we didn't even see him. I would have liked to see more or Barnabas abilities played out at times. I can't wait for another face to face between Jason and Barnabas.  Again Kudos to JK, DP, AM, DE. Their expressions were great.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2007, 06:47:10 PM »
Episode #237

At Collinwood, Vicki is on the phone with Sam trying to comfort him. Jason comes downstairs and just stands there listening. He has no sense that this may be a private call. Of course, after she hangs up, he starts in with his interminable questions. If Vicki would tell him to mind his own business it might help. But she always tells him everything. She told him what happened at the hospital, how Maggie went missing, and may have been kidnapped. He thinks she could have walked out and Vicki tries to convince him otherwise. Why bother? Who cares what he thinks?

There's a knock on the door and it's the Sheriff and Burke. There is no news, no sign of Maggie. The Sheriff meets Jason for the first time and it's clear that he is suspicious of him from the first, though you can see not much gets by this Sheriff! He's tough as nails!

In the drawing room, they discuss everything, the Sheriff wants to ask Vicki a few questions. He asks about the call she got at Maggie's and she has to say she is not sure who it was, the voice was muffled. He thinks if that person were trying to disguise his voice, it might be someone she knows. Does she think it may have been Willie? She isn't sure. He asks what happened prior and after the call and she tells him how Willie came to the door. The call came about 10 minutes later.

The Sheriff decides to go pay a call on Willie. A "heart to heart" as he put it rather sarcastically. In the foyer, the Sheriff and Jason chat a little. Jason asks him why he's accusing Willie, and the Sheriff says he's not accusing him, he wants to question him. Willie has a police record and he's been in jail, and Jason is afraid of how this reflects on him. Always more concerned for his own butt than anyone else! The Sheriff asks if he brought Willie to town, had they travelled together and Jason talks like he barely knows Willie. The Sheriff says he has checked Jason's record which appears to be clean, he always checks out newcomers to town. This was a bit confusing because later on [spoiler]when Burke checks Jason's record, he finds a lot, he was wanted in many countries for many crimes. Now the Sheriff found nothing, hmmm.[/spoiler] He tells Jason he'd better not withhold information, if he knows anything he'd better tell!

Burke and Vicki decide to go have a chat with Dr. Woodard. Surely that nurse was mistaken when she thought Maggie was dead!

At the Old House, the front door is wide open. What's with these doors? Never locked and now wide open?? The Sheriff walks in and calls out but gets no answer. Willie comes downstairs and jumps nearly a foot when the Sheriff calls out "Loomis!" (Can't anyone use first names?) As they talk, Willie goes around replacing the candles and tries to act nonchalant. He tells the Sheriff he was in Bangor last night, stayed overnight and got back that morning, Barnabas can verify this. The Sheriff asks about the phone call and Willie denies making it. He was not near the cemetary on the night in question. Supposedly he went to the Evans cottage to give Sam Barn's message and came straight home, and he says Mr. Evans can verify this. He meant Mr. Collins, so here is a rare blooper on JK's part.

Here I felt the Sheriff got out of line a bit. He told Willie he'd better watch himself, he has Willie's police record on his desk, a lot of strange things have happened since Willie came to town (what about since Barnabas came to town or is he above suspicion being a Collins?) He will be watching Willie like a hawk, he'd better not take one misstep or he will book him on suspicion. If Maggie turns up dead, Willie will be back in prison doing hard time. Now this was unfair, he had no evidence to support such a claim, and had only two things to go on, Willie's prison record (what was he in prison for? Probably theft, not kidnapping!) and the fact that Willie had been a jerk when he'd first come to town. Willie was quite humble and even called him sir, and I was a bit irritated with the Sheriff though I do like him, especially Dana Elcar's version.

Speaking of Dana Elcar, he was only 5 1/2 years older than John Karlen! Didn't it seem as though he were old enough to be Willie's father?

Vicki and Burke visit with Dr. Woodard and he says the nurse is a competant professional (who had trouble locating Maggie's heart) however he has only her word as far as Maggie having no heartbeat or pulse, so seeming to be dead. He thinks Maggie had lost so much blood that she must've went into shock and then catatonic seizure. She also had a history of sleepwalking (just since these incidents though) He admits he's never had a case like this. He has calls out to his colleagues to get feedback as to if any of them have ever seen such a thing. Vicki mentions that Willie had the same symptoms and the doctor thinks he may need to see Willie. Burke says he will see to it that Willie comes (implying that Willie will refuse and Burke will drag him. I really hate when people act like they own the town and everyone in it, and Burke is so good at this. He and the Sheriff have had their run ins before when Burke wanted to take over the Sheriff's job!) Dr. Woodard says the thing that troubles him most is the puncture wounds on Maggie's neck and what may have caused them.

Had these people ever seen or read Dracula they'd have quite a few answers!

Jason pays another uninvited and unpleasant visit to Willie at the Old House. Jason wants to know why the Sheriff may be trying to pin Maggie's disappearance on Willie, if he's suspicious of Willie, he'll be suspicious of Jason as well. He orders Willie to quit his job (it is to LAUGH!) and move on. Willie says he can't and tells Jason to leave, he wants nothing further to do with him. They are finished, leave now! When he raises his hammer, Jason laughs, knocks it out of Willie's hand and proceeds to smack him silly. My heart broke to see this. Why can't Willie defend himself even a little? why must EVERYONE be able to beat him up even Jason? Bad enough to be so under the vampire's fangs that he has to submit to him but everyone else!? I wish Willie had pounded the stew out of Jason. After beating him up Jason orders him to clear out, otherwise Jason will go "all the way" meaning I guess he'll kill him. I doubt that. Barnabas won't allow that. There is a long camera shot of the look of utter despair on Willie's face, he looked as if he were going to cry.

After Jason leaves the dogs howl very loudly and Jason looks rather nervous, and even starts trembling,. I was glad to see this at least, but better if the vampire had engaged him...

Willie should tell Barnabas that he's done his best to get rid of Jason and failed, he no longer gives two horsebleeps what happens to him, and Barnabas should just do whatever it takes to get rid of him.


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2007, 08:19:03 PM »
I'm assuming the writers were paying homage to The Premature Burial with Maggie's diagnosis.  Poe's narrator suffers from catalepsy (the medical term for catatonic seizures), which causes his heartbeat to be barely perceptible and his breathing to become "torpid, unequal, and vacillating;" thus his fear of being buried alive, yikes!

he says the nurse is a competant professional (who had trouble locating Maggie's heart)

Alondra, I paid closer attention to the replay of the nurse placing her stethoscope on the left side of Maggie's chest.  She placed it over the lung, beginning at the top, presumably to listen for breath sounds before checking for heart tones.  It's exactly what any competent nurse would do if there were no obvious signs of breathing nor a palpable pulse.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2007, 05:14:52 AM »
Be sure to check out these (hopefully  ;)) humorous topics related to this episode:

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2007, 09:20:38 AM »
I was glad to see Dana Elcar as Sheriff Patterson.  He is MY favorite, too.  He doesn't take any guff from anybody! [winkg] Yeah, it IS funny how he looked older than he was.  I guess it was the bald head and little pot belly that made him look older. [cheesyg]

Poor Willie is getting it from Barnabas and Jason.  [cryg]  I also felt sorry for him when Jason beat him.  Jason is so mean!   [vryangg]

I thought it was pretty stupid to leave the door wide open at the Old House.  You'd think that with Barnabas and Maggie being there, the door would be locked tight!  I  have found open doors to be a recurring theme in soaps, though.  People often knock on doors and just walk in when there is no answer on soaps - it happens all the time.

I could tell by how Mitch Ryan (Burke) looked and sounded that the actor was probably drunk the day this show was taped.  [spoiler]Soon, MR will be fired from the show because he didn't show up for work.[/spoiler]

One last thing... I noticed that Barnabas' portrait only appeared to be half finished.  Wasn't there more progress made the last time it appeared?  It was supposedly almost finished - sure didn't look like  it.  [hdscrt]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2007, 05:33:31 PM »
Well, Ryan has publicly admitted that he drank during this time, and you might mention your observations about his speech or behavior, but let's not try to draw conclusions about them or speculate about something we cannot possibly know.

And you're right-- we only see him a few more times after this.   :(

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2007, 09:49:19 AM »
I thought it was common knowledge about how Mitch Ryan left the show.  Actually, I'm sorry he did, because I liked him better as Burke Devlin than Anthony George.  Don't get me wrong - AG was a great actor - and he grew on me after a while - it's just my preference.  Sorry if I spoke out of turn, but I don't see what I did wrong.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2007, 04:26:01 PM »
I thought it was common knowledge about how Mitch Ryan left the show.

It is, as is why he left.  I was referring to your speculation that he was intoxicated in a particular scene.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2007, 05:17:30 AM »
Quote from: Midnite
I was referring to your speculation that he was intoxicated in a particular scene.

Oh, I'm sorry, Midnite.  I believe it was the first time I made such a speculation.  I'm not in the habit of doing that, and if it offends you and others here, then I won't do it anymore. [lpsldg] I sometimes speak out of turn by telling the truth how I know it without using any tact - I get that from my mother.  I apologize.   [embg]

By the way, I wish there were some way to get rid of that pig.  It's very aggravating.  [vryangg] I like to click on it at the beginning, but then it gets pretty old.  It's hard to read with the pig floating around.  I hope I'm not being too honest again.  [tngg]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2007, 06:02:41 AM »
It's not the pig floating around that bothers me, it's clicking on it to be told I'm trying to copy a copyrighted item. I'm not right clicking on it and trying to save it! So I wish that message would go away and just let me click on the pig. The same thing happened last week with the Laura floatie. You have to click ok as if you agree with that message and I don't.
