Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0237  (Read 2103 times)

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0237
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2007, 06:16:50 AM »
By the way, I wish there were some way to get rid of that pig.

I see that that floatie has not been kind to you.  :(  But on any pages where someone might find the floatie a bit of a distraction, all they need to do is refresh the page until the floatie disappers. Normally it takes less than a few tries - and every page on the forum has a link to refresh it.

It's not the pig floating around that bothers me, it's clicking on it to be told I'm trying to copy a copyrighted item. I'm not right clicking on it and trying to save it! So I wish that message would go away and just let me click on the pig. The same thing happened last week with the Laura floatie.

From the Testing board:
When you go to click on a floatie, sometimes that message "image is copyrighted" comes up.  Why?
If you are holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse over a forum image, which could very easily happen inadvertently when trying to click a floatie, it will set off the warning.

You have to click ok as if you agree with that message and I don't.

Well, copying any images from the forum without permission is a big no-no.  [nono]