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Discuss - Ep #0216
« on: January 23, 2007, 06:00:14 AM »

Offline Lydia

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2007, 03:56:18 PM »
Well, well, well, I can be morally uplifting about this episode.  There was Jason, trying to do his best for his friend, and getting rebuffed at every turn.  Liz questions his motives and Willie tells him to stay away.  This is the real wages of SIN: rejection.  Gosh, it feels good to be sanctimoniously virtuous.

Liz's accusations did make me wonder.  I wish I had seen the episodes leading up to Willie's opening of the coffin.  Do they give a fuller picture of the relationship between Jason and Willie?  Jason says Willie has to apologize to Elizabeth so that he'll have a chance of returning to Collinwood to stay someday.  Is that all there is to Jason's care for Willie - an eye to the future and to conspiracies as yet unimagined?  Jason's so incredibly two-faced (or three- or four-faced) that I just don't know.  Maybe he likes to think of himself as a nice person, who'd be unfailingly generous if he only had the money - 3 or 4 billion dollars, say.  Or maybe he likes the idea of having a hanger-on - an entourage, even if it's composed of only one person.

Loved the business with Willie and the portrait.  Loved Willie's sudden fright when Jason loosened his collar.  Loved everything about Willie.  Thank heaven (moral uplift again) Dark Shadows was preserved for posterity.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2007, 04:05:27 PM »
 :) Hmm, so I'm the first to comment on today's show. I watched it last night. I was surprised the episode was so long, since before this I only had the videos and the first 8 videos are edited, and this episode had so much more than I expected. I thought it ended with Willie falling to the foyer floor in a faint but it went much further.

Willie looked absolutely HAUNTED as he sat at the Blue Whale, putting up with Jason's interminable questions. Jason does seem to sincerely care for Willie, and he sees that something is definitely wrong with him. But by shooting off one question after the other he was not helping. He demanded to know how Willie got blood on his sleeve. Willie said it was dirt, not blood but Jason knew better than that.

Then Jason told him to come back to Collinwood with him to apologize to Carolyn and Liz for his behavior. I was a bit confused by this scene. At one point Jason said he wanted to have Willie come back to stay there, and if he apologized Liz might be willing to let him come back, but in another place he said Willie was leaving town. Willie did not want to come back to Collinwood. Burke got in the mix and again, as if he owned the town and could determine who lived there and who didn't, demanded that Willie leave town. I'm wondering if he's beginning to be concerned about the inhabitants of Collinwood at this point, it's not long ago he wanted them destroyed. Or is it just that having Willie Loomis in Collinwood at all was not a good thing? I don't like his high handed manner, the town is not called Devlinville, and he ain't the king or sheriff thereof.

Burke asked Jason if Willie often pulled a switch such as this, Jason has never seen Willie this way before, but that was a valid question, it could be part of a scheme. But he kept on interfering with his own questions and finally Jason said, "Leave it to me." I can see that Burke does not trust Jason, but at this point it was best to let Jason deal with his own friend.

I think that Jason kept on insisting on the apology by Willie to get himself a bit further into Liz's favor, so that he could milk her for more. He told Willie to finish his drink but Willie didn't want it. This was a first, and Jason was confused by his behavior, thinking he's losing control of him. Little does he know that Willie now has a new master!

So off to Collinwood they went. Meanwhile Liz told Carolyn it was a bit late to go out, but Carolyn was still concerned about the whereabouts of Willie. Liz thinks he's left town but when Carolyn asked if she was sure, Liz had to admit she wasn't. Then Jason and Willie came in and neither Liz nor Carolyn was happy to see him. Willie gave his apology but the words had to be spoon fed to him since he was really out of it. Liz felt this made the apology insincere, and Jason kept insisting he was sincere. Jason then asked to speak to Liz alone in the drawing room and Carolyn said, "Oh, now the pitch. A tender plea for Willie's reinstatement as houseguest number two." (great line by Carolyn!)

After Jason and Liz go to the drawing room, Willie offered a very sincere apology to Carolyn which she accepted. She sees the change in him and wonders if he is ok.

In the drawing room, Jason insisted that Liz believe Willie was sincere, but she didn't believe it. Then he said, "If we are going to live here together we should get along. I know I'm trying my best!" Oh what a rat. Yeah the blackmailer is trying his best!

In the foyer, Willie is trying hard NOT to look at Barn's portrait, he shrinks from it, but it's drawing him. He moves toward it, putting his hand over his face to try to shield his eyes from it. But finally he does look at it. He gives a moan and falls to the floor. Jason and Liz exit the drawing room and come to him.

Later upstairs in Willie's room he comes to and is surprised to be there. Jason tells him what happened and that he will talk Liz into letting him stay. Willie doesn't want to stay but he's too sick to leave. He asks Jason to tell Liz he's sorry. Jason said, "Let's not overdo it!" After Jason left, Willie lay there moaning, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" and we know he means he's sorry he opened that coffin...

Downstairs Liz accuses Jason of having set the whole thing up to let Willie stay longer, but Jason insists that she allow Willie to stay. He made some very disgusting insinuations that no one is totally bad, even her, that we all find ourselves doing things we never thought we would, but that doesn't make us terrible people, and this whole speech made me sick. Then he forced her to allow Willie to stay.

Later she has to tell Carolyn that Willie is staying, clearly expecting Carolyn to blow up, but Carolyn is more understanding, says that Willie really is sick but the sickness was more than physical, it was emotional and spiritual (very astute observation). I'm glad she was understanding about it.

Upstairs Jason tells Willie that Liz agreed to his staying but again Willie says he doesn't want to stay. But since he's sick he has nowhere else to go (Oh yeah??) Then he tells Willie he needs to get comfortable to rest and removes his jacket. Then he sees that Willie's wrist is bandaged up, and he wants to see the wound. Willie pulls away from him and freaks, saying he can't see it, no one can see it, no one can touch it. Jason looks at him as if he's lost his mind.

So now everyone is totally confused by the change in Willie, some wonder if it's a put on, and others are convinced the change is real, though they have no idea what the reason is.


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2007, 04:15:48 PM »
IIRC, in the episodes leading up to 210, Willie arrives because he is too impatient to wait for Jason to send for him.  He generally causes trouble and makes Jason's plans much more difficult.  What Jason demanded an apology to Elizabeth for was the brooch he had stolen for some quick cash.  Elizabeth realized it was gone almost immediately and that was the last straw for Liz and why she demanded he leave and was willing to pay him $500 to get out of Collinwood and town.

As James Hall played him, he was a James-Dean-Rebel-without-a-Cause-wannabee without ANY of the redeeming features.  He genuinely creeped me out and was very unlikeable what with his picking fights with every male character and especially his twitchy come ons to the female cast.  I genuinely had the feeling that given half a chance he would have raped one or more of the Collinsport women in time.  Once JK took over, the twitchiness remained but the really dangerous edge was gone. I suspect part of the reason for the recast is that James Hall, while he played Willie well, had made the character so creepy and unlikeable that he would not have been able to garner any audience sympathy once he released Barnabas.  JK, as we all know now, had a je ne sais quoi that dulled (in a good way) the feeling of real threat that JH brought to Willie.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2007, 05:45:10 PM »
Another great episode by the changed Willie.  He knows he doesn't belong at Collinwood but he also knows he can't leave town.  He wants to leave immediately, on the next train, bus or boat, but again, he is pulled back by some unknown [to us] force to stay where he is.  His entire demeanor has done a 180 degree flip-flop and this baffles everyone especially his only friend, Jason.  I was amazed by Carolyn's concern for Willie after he sincerely apologized to her in the foyer.  Here's a man who almost raped her and now she shows concern for him.

JK was wonderful with his display of emotions in this episode.  I know this gets to many fans, draws them into the deepest sympathy for a once brutal beast turned into jello.  Looks like karma to me; once Willie was the attacker and now he is the victim.

The scene with Willie, alone, in the foyer was priceless.  He is confronted with his tormentor, in the form of the portrait, and only one wins the "battle" of the minds.  It's not Willie.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2007, 03:22:56 AM »
That whole speech that Jason gave to Elizabeth about not even HER being bad was sooooooo hyprocritical and really infuriates me. It especially makes me mad especially later on when we learn [spoiler]Elizabeth never killed Paul at all, that it was all a lie on Jason's part. He has the gall in this episode to imply that she really isn't all that respectable since she "killed" her husband yet by allowing Willie to stay in the house proves that even SHE isn't all that bad?![/spoiler]

What a bastard! I really can't stand Jason when he's being such a high-and-mighty hypocrite just to get his own way.

I have to agree with Burke on this one, Willie belonged in a hospital, where he could get proper care and treatment, not in a house where he is very much despised by the family (exception being David).

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2007, 03:34:10 AM »
That whole speech that Jason gave to Elizabeth about not even HER being bad was sooooooo hyprocritical and really infuriates me. It especially makes me mad especially later on when we learn [spoiler]Elizabeth never killed Paul at all, that it was all a lie on Jason's part. He has the gall in this episode to imply that she really isn't all that respectable since she "killed" her husband yet by allowing Willie to stay in the house proves that even SHE isn't all that bad?![/spoiler]

What a bastard! I really can't stand Jason when he's being such a high-and-mighty hypocrite just to get his own way.

Just reading your post reminds me how much Jason makes me angry.  [angry1] I remember that spoiler you wrote about and that's one reason, among others, that I'm happy when we see what actually happens to him!!  Just think, Willie actually felt and showed compassion for his former friend.  [batang]
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2007, 03:44:04 AM »
Just reading your post reminds me how much Jason makes me angry.  [angry1] I remember that spoiler you wrote about and that's one reason, among others, that I'm happy when we see what actually happens to him!!  Just think, Willie actually felt and showed compassion for his former friend.  [batang]

Yeah, which is more than Jason showed him! When all is said and done Willie proved he was a better friend to Jason than Jason was to him when [spoiler]Jason broke into the Old House to steal the jewels. Willie tried to get him out of there, even went so far as to reveal the truth about Barnabas, because he didn't want Jason to be harmed. Jason thanked him by twisting his arm and threatening to finish him off if he didn't get him some more jewels.[/spoiler]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2007, 04:14:53 AM »
Yeah, which is more than Jason showed him! When all is said and done Willie proved he was a better friend to Jason than Jason was to him when [spoiler]Jason broke into the Old House to steal the jewels. Willie tried to get him out of there, even went so far as to reveal the truth about Barnabas, because he didn't want Jason to be harmed. Jason thanked him by twisting his arm and threatening to finish him off if he didn't get him some more jewels.[/spoiler]

Hey, Jason [spoiler]wasn't as lucky as Willie. Willie survived when he opened the coffin.  I wonder what would have happened if Barnabas didn't kill Jason but made him his slave instead?  [wink2][/spoiler]
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2007, 04:21:31 AM »
 ;D It would have been hysterically funny that's what!!



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Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2007, 04:45:53 AM »

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2007, 09:23:02 AM »
Quote from: Jackie
Quote from: Alondra
Hey, Jason  [spoiler]wasn't as lucky as Willie. Willie survived when he opened the coffin.  I wonder what would have happened if Barnabas didn't kill Jason but made him his slave instead?[/spoiler]
It would have been hysterically funny that's what!!

I agree, Alondra.  I can't imagine Jason and Willie changing places!  JK did such a wonderful job acting these scenes.  DP was older, and I have no doubt of his acting abilities, but it just wouldn't be the same.

The best thing about Jason was his Irish brogue.  I love it, and it is a shame that [spoiler]Barnabas had to kill him so soon.[/spoiler]

After watching the later episodes for a while and then going back to watch THESE again, it IS getting tiresome to hear AM's (My name is Victoria Winters...) speech every episode.  It was better when different actors (who were actually IN the episodes) did the opening voiceovers.  I remember being pleasantly surprised when I heard a voiceover and then realized that a character would be on the show again after a long absence! [cheesyg]
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2007, 05:00:12 PM »
I was thinking more along the lines of Jason and Willie both being Barnabas' slaves. Willie being a slave first would be giving orders to Jason and what a great comeuppance for Jason to have to take orders from Willie and Barnabas. The Sheriff had ordered Jason out of town though, which put a snag in this.

I agree that it was much better later on when characters in the episode did the voiceovers. It would be a pleasant surprise when the long absent John Karlen or David Selby did the voiceovers. David Selby's voice is so sexy and even doing a voiceover, it sounds so seductive. Maybe it's just me lol!


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2007, 08:01:53 PM »
Willie being a slave first would be giving orders to Jason and what a great comeuppance for Jason to have to take orders from Willie and Barnabas.
I don't think it would necessarily have worked that way.  When
[spoiler]Barnabas bit Carolyn, Barnabas didn't have any other live victims around (Willie had already been carried off to the funny farm, unless my memory has betrayed me) but I can't imagine her acknowledging the hierarchical claims of any prior victims.[/spoiler]
I daresay Jason would have found great happiness in telling Willie that he (Jason) was far abler than Willie to anticipate and tend to Barnabas's needs.

Come to think of it, I'd have liked to see
[spoiler]Jason and Carolyn squaring off for the position of Prime Victim.[/spoiler]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2007, 08:21:22 PM »
Yes [spoiler]Willie was already at Wyndcliff when Carolyn became Barn's victim but her living at Collinwood had her in a different position than Jason would have been. She wouldn't be moving to the Old House.[/spoiler]

Jason had no where else to go so he and Willie would both be living there and I could see Barnabas ordering Jason to submit to Willie's orders. This would be highly amusing and I'm getting another idea for a story.
