Author Topic: #0447/0448: Robservations 04/18/02: Nathan Plays the Gaslight Game  (Read 1227 times)

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447 - (Nancy Barrett) - A seance has been held in the great house of Collinwood, a seance which has suspended time and space and sent one woman Winters on an uncertain and frightening journey into the past, back to the year 1795. Back to the time when the darkest most hideous secret in the history of the Collins family was born. On this night, Joshua Collins will start to set that secret to rest for all time.

Joshua, amazed and horror-stricken, watches as Barnabas quickly recovers from the gunshot. Barnabas walks around the coffin and says, "Now you know why I was unable to do it myself--it cannot be done--I am already dead!" This is another shock for Joshua, who stares at him, incredulous.

Joshua places the gun on the coffin. What has happened to Barnabas defies all reason! Barnabas says he has no choice, he can't change what's happened. Joshua insists there must be a way--a curse can be taken off, if it can be put on. Barnabas reveals that Angelique was the witch; she wanted him, and used every evil power possible--Jeremiah, Sarah, Josette, all her doing. This stuns Joshua. Barnabas said he learned it a few days after the wedding, and was warned that the family would be destroyed if he revealed her secret. The wrong person was tried for witchcraft, realizes Joshua; I'll see that she's freed. He'll tell the court the truth, somehow, but Barnabas is more important. He hopes he can find someone who can release him from the curse--Trask? He's dead, says Barnabas, I killed him. Josh is further stunned, he can't believe it! I didn't kill Abigail, her heart failed her, says Barnabas, but admits she would have killed her.
I can't allow you to go on like this, says Joshua--I'm taking you to Collinwood and keeping you in the tower room, in isolation, until I can find him help. Barnabas refuses, but Joshua is adamant--either come back to Collinwood or he won't keep his secret (he'll tell his mother!), and Barnabas will have to kill him. He orders Barnabas to make up his mind-be killed, or put himself in his father's charge.

Collinwood drawing room - Millicent is happy. Daniel comes downstairs calling his sister, and joins her in the drawing room. He was afraid she'd gone away, but she assures him she'd never leave without telling him. I had a nightmare and felt completely alone in the house, he says--I never had bad dreams before Collinwood. Thunder booms. The house makes sounds that scare him, adds Daniel, and bad things happen to the people in it. A dog howls, scaring Daniel--bad things happen when the dog howls. Millicent denies it, and says he needs a change of scenery--she's marrying Nathan, she says joyously. She wants her brother to be happy, too. Daniel doesn't mind, he likes Forbes.
Naomi comes in; she couldn't sleep, either. She sends Daniel to bed with a kiss. Naomi asks Millicent if she's sure she wants to marry Nathan tomorrow; the blonde is very certain--it isn't just because he saved her life--she loves him, very much. Millicent asks if Naomi, too, believes Nathan just wants her money. Wracking a handkerchief in her hands, Millicent says she'll prove Nathan loves her despite her money--she's going to have all her money and property put in Daniel's name. Naomi feels this is a drastic step, but Millicent says Nathan will be able to support her. Naomi feels Millicent should tell Nathan before the wedding what she plans to do. He told her she could renounce her entire fortune and he would still love her, says Millicent, smiling, and goes up to bed. Joshua enters the house quietly and falls back against the double doors with the same expression Barnabas had the night he married Angelique. He gazes at Barnabas' portrait, looking as if he's about to cry. Naomi stares at him and he asks if she's seen Ben. He needs him now. Naomi needs to speak to him--what's wrong with him? Nothing, says Joshua. Naomi demands to know why he changed his attitude toward Forbes. Millicent was going to marry the man no matter what, and he relented to make her happy, says Joshua. Naomi feels Joshua wanted to stop the marriage, but he denies it. They will marry tomorrow; he must locate Ben. Why did you go to the Old House? she asks. I wanted a walk, he replies. Why did he take a pistol?--why was he so anxious to get her out of the house? What's going on?
He says she's exhausted the questions and he's exhausted the answers. She feels something has destroyed him, but believes it has to do with Barnabas. Joshua says, "That is absurd!" and quickly walks away from his wife. It's Naomi's turn to stare at the portrait.

Candle in hand, Joshua sneaks Barnabas up to the tower room. Barnabas asks if he really thinks he can stay here--he has needs he must fulfill, beyond-human needs, which he's helpless to resist. Willpower, orders Joshua. (get real, Josh!) Ben will make sure he has everything he had at the Old House--after everyone has retired for the night. No one will discover him; no one goes to the tower. Barnabas asks his father if he's aware of the risk he's taking--he tried to undo the curse by preventing it, and Angelique will stop him if she knows what he's up to--she's dead, yes, but still with them, ensuring her curse isn?t broken. Joshua will deal with the witch if and when it becomes necessary, he promises; Barnabas is his first concern. Joshua closes the door and locks it, looking helpless.

Naomi is gazing out the drawing room window when Joshua comes downstairs. It's late, he tells her, she should go to bed. She couldn't sleep. She asks if he was in the tower room, she saw a light up there. He denies it. No one uses the tower, and it wasn't used tonight. He gazes worriedly at the tower before closing the window.
In the tower, Barnabas stands, looking like a lost little boy left alone in the dark.

NOTES:  Superb episode. Nancy Barrett is so good as Millicent, especially that handkerchief twisting scene. As for Louis Edmonds, he made me feel physical pain, he was so effective in Joshua's part, and Frid turned in another heartbreaking performance. Incredible acting on the part of all!

448 - (Joan Bennett) - A seance has been held in the great house of Collinwood, a seance which has suspended time and space and sent one woman Winters on an uncertain and frightening journey into the past, back to the year 1795. There, in the village of Collinsport, Victoria Winters has been unjustly condemned as a witch, while all around her, the current of tragic events continues to engulf the Collins family.

Joshua is staring up at the tower from the drawing room window when Millicent comes down to greet him. She is prepared for her wedding in a simple gown. She observes he's staring at the tower--she saw a light up there the previous night and wondered who was responsible for it. Josh gazes at her in consternation and claims he was just gazing at the sky. She insists she saw a light, and other strange occurrences--noises, hushed voices, footsteps. All her imagination, insists Joshua, but she saw shadows passing across the window. He changes tactics, becoming gentle--he saw and heard what she did, but he says it was the moonlight reflected on the tower's windows. Millicent protests, and Joshua gets testy--I'll need all my patience to deal with this misalliance. She says Nathan is a fine young man, but admits she hasn't told Forbes about turning her money over to Daniel--but she will at the time of her choosing, and prove Nathan worthy. Joshua says if he had any feelings left, he'd pity her. (what a sad admission!)

Daniel announces Nathan's arrival and Forbes enters the drawing room. He kisses Millicent's hand and she chides him for challenging luck. Naomi comes in, wondering why Nathan was so early. Nathan says he just couldn't wait. Naomi takes Daniel out and Millicent says she likes Nathan's impulsiveness. Then she remembers it was stormy the previous night, no room--she saw a light in the tower. Joshua orders Millicent to go with Naomi, and Nathan gazes oddly at Joshua, curious about that tower light. Josh says there were none. "As you say, sir," says Nathan, but Joshua orders him to tamp down on his curiosity. Joshua yells at him to mind his own business, and Nathan says his curiosity has now been satisfied by Joshua's reaction. Joshua looks out the window. We see Barnabas' coffin.

Post wedding - Millicent is attired in a gorgeous veil. (yet another ceremony we don't see) Everyone takes a glass of champagne. Joshua refuses to give the toast, pointedly, and Nathan toasts the woman who's made him so happy--his wife, Mrs. Nathan Forbes. Naomi drinks like she needs it, and Joshua with one raised eyebrow.
Nathan thanks Naomi for allowing them to stay at Collinwood, then says he resigned his commission from the Navy. Millicent isn't happy to hear this. Nathan hopes they can make a trip around the world. Naomi asks if she hasn't told him, and Millicent, upset, shushes her, drops her glass, and rushes out of he room, followed by Naomi. Joshua shouts to Nathan, who only wants more champagne, that his wife has made plans of her own. Daniel joins Nathan, who has his feet up and is sipping champagne. He notes Joshua's anger. Nathan is blase--until Daniel reveals that Millicent turned all her money over to him. You married her anyway, points out Daniel, despite that.
Nathan is stunned, his blue eyes bulging. Daniel didn't want the bucks, but his sister went to the lawyers anyway--even Joshua has to like him now. Nathan is furious. Daniel predicts Joshua will change his mind about Forbes. Nathan says he isn't angry at Joshua and slams the door, which opens (bloop!), forcing him to shut it again.

Millicent sobs in her room. When Daniel comes in, she tells him to go away. He wonders why she's unhappy--it's her wedding day! Leave me alone, she cries. He asks if Forbes made her cry, and she again asks him to leave. Nathan will be back, she says. Daniel says she can have her money back, but she doesn't want it. He finally leaves, after she asks a third time. She wants. . .she wants. . .and she buries head in her arms and cries.

Nathan returns and Naomi realizes he's been drinking. He'd better not hurt Millicent, she warns. He starts talking about the tower, and she turns to leave him. Daniel reports that his sister is in her room, crying, but when Naomi rushes to help, Nathan tells her that he will attend to his wife. Why did you make her cry? demands Daniel. Nathan looks ashamed. He went into town to get her a gift. Daniel gets scared when she cries. His sister has been upset, but Nathan promises she'll be OK. If he loses Millicent, or she loses her mind, says Daniel, I'll have no one--my sister will have to handle my money anyway, until I'm of age. This realization fascinates Nathan. Daniel speculates that Nathan might have to take care of him, but Nathan promises Millicent's health and mind will be well taken care of-by him. Nathan heads upstairs, his face boding ill for his new bride as he pauses at the top of the stairs.

Millicent chastises him for leaving her on their wedding day. He had left behind a gift and he was searching for it in his quarters. She doesn't believe him, he doesn't really love her. He wants to prove he does. She tells him how--is it true her money means nothing and he'd love her even penniless? She fears telling him, of losing him, but she confesses that she turned her money over to Daniel, then bursts into tears. Nathan laughs, hard. He's so happy, he says--they won't have to worry about the money and he's not angry or disappointed. He loves her. They hug, and she's deliriously happy. She was so scared, she says, but he assures her that isn't necessary--make yourself pretty and we'll go down to dinner. She wants them all to see how happy they are. Nathan spots her earrings on the nightstand and hides one in his pocket. She calls him darling and he says to wear those earrings he likes. She asks where the other earring is, they were just there, but they can't find it. He hopes she hasn't lost it, and he tells her not to let herself get upset. She says she isn't, she's calm, but he orders her to act calmly, then tells her he fails to see any evidence of it. A dog howls, which only Millicent hears. Nathan says he doesn't hear it, is Millicent sure she isn't upset. She sees a light in the tower, but Nathan denies seeing it. He orders her to come to him and insists she try to remain calm. He makes her upset--I do see the light, hear the howling, she cries. I do, too, says Nathan--if you want me to. Thoroughly gaslighted, Millicent bursts into tears of frustration.
NOTE:  Nathan is truly an SOB, a human villain who quickly proves he has no redeeming qualities as he did in the beginning. At first he was a charming blackguard, a womanizer, but he worked with Barnabas to hide Vicki. Has Nathan lost his mind? Did chasing the rich but empty-headed Millicent that changed him? Is all this boiling down to money? If so, how sad for Millicent--and Daniel.

Love, Robin