Author Topic: Tell me a story......  (Read 1332 times)

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Offline Raineypark

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Tell me a story......
« on: March 30, 2002, 05:00:05 AM »
Now that we all seem to have recovered from the heat of discussion about how to improve upon the DS Festivals, I would like to ask a question of those who've attended them (as someone who never has):

What was the best, or funniest, or nicest thing you've ever seen take place at a Fest?  Please, I don't want to hear about who showed up drunk or the one where a fist fight broke out over an autograph.

Embarassing moments are okay, so long as they're amusing...but humiliating incidents are not. I want to hear your fondest memories of encountering these folks we're all so crazy about.

Anybody?.....(Ringo, you automatically get a page and a half for yourself and TLATKLS.)  ;)

Rainypark, who can't fly, and will not get to Never-Neverland [sadb]
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Re: Tell me a story......
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2002, 05:13:58 AM »
Dear RaineyPark,

I was at the NY Dark Shadows festival back in 1999(?).  As usual, there was a seemingly unending line of people lined up to get autographs from Lara Parker, KLS, John Karlen, David Selby, etc.

I (who got my last autograph from Tom Seaver many, many moons ago) stood in the large room observing the stars from the middle of the room.  

A young woman, sitting in a wheelchair, next to me, started waving at David Selby.  Mr. Selby looked up and noticed her.  Immediately, Mr. Selby asked one of the hotel security people to open up the roped partition to let her over to the table, and so that he could sign the woman's program and pose with her for a photograph.  Needless to say, the woman was positively beaming when David acknowledged her.

I thought that Mr. Selby acted as a true Southern gentleman by his kind and thoughtful gesture for that woman.  I guess that I'm just too sentimental at heart.

Bob the Bartender, who cried when Bambi's mother got shot in that movie, but cheered when Michael Corleone "offed" Sollozzo and McCluskey!.

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Re: Tell me a story......
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2002, 09:06:03 AM »
Anybody?.....(Ringo, you automatically get a page and a half for yourself and TLATKLS.)  ;)

Awww, everybody knows my TLATKLS story.......but to recap....naaaaa, just see the picture in the avatar! but take note of two things,

a) not a lot of blood getting above the shoulders - I really felt like I was gonna lose it! [I have met a lot of 'famous' people, working with a magazine - not Q or Willie's!!! - and only a few have left me so speechless, but Kathryn Leigh Scott, Bob Keeshan, Paul and Ringo ~ the real one ~certainly qualify]

b) that is my THUMB sticking up in the avatar! [oh yeah, she signed my 'B. years' book 'from your favorite bunny!' ~ but somehow, I'll bet I'm not the only one...... - but she could tell I was pretty choked up, I am sure!]

but I can say that going to the only show for DS fans I have attended included Big Lou, and I am so glad I was able to meet him.  Absolutely one of the most classy, friendly, proud and gracious 'stars' I have ever had the pleasure.  I am sure there are detailed accounts of the 'Halloween '99' thingy on the web somewhere, but briefly, he had fallen out of bed the night before, got himself help for his injury, had QUITE  a bashed head, and still insisted on showing up, because he said HE wanted to meet the fans!  Genuine Class ~ Selby, Smythe, Davis, Storm were all there too, and were very nice to all the fans, but they all seemed to hold Mr. Edmonds in the highest regard.  I am so glad I got to say 'thanks' to that dude!

I raise a glass to Big Lou. :'(  Not to be forgotten.
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Re: Tell me a story......
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2002, 04:23:11 PM »
My fondest mamory of a DS Festival would have to be the first one I attended, (Newark 10/86 the twenty year anniversary). The whole pilgrimage was absolutley Biblical. I was 19 at the time and was going to the fest to see my favorite TV actress of all time, the beautiful and talented, (sorry Ring I couldnt resist). Lara Parker. This was the first fest that both Lara and TLATKLS attended.

Rather than be extremely long winded I will cut to the chase, I was standing in the autograph line with my best friend Paul.just overwhelmed with what we had seen in the few short hours that had passed. As we got closer to the table I got my first glimpse of Jonathan Frid, Wow its Barnabas himself! Although Ive always been one to make a concious attempt to keep fact and fiction apart, I actually found myself thinking there he is, Barnabas. Before I met Jonathan, Terry Crawford was first in line at the table. While I had only seen one episode with Terry, (you long time followers will remember that in syndication the Pansy Faye intro episode was shown out of sequence in the second syndicated year which was currently showing in Baltimore back then) but she was very gracious. Terry asked where I was from & age, (even back then the celebs were suprised to see younger people following the show twenty years later) she told me to have a nice time and wished me well. Next was Jonathan the knees began to get weak at this one, I dont recall what I said to him, but again some pleasantries were exchanged. Now is where it starts getting dream like, somewhere in the mix Diana Millay made some comment about being the same age or younger then her son and then I met TLATKLS, she too was a real charmer.

Finally the climax of the night, Lara. I think she saw it in my face because as I approached her she had the warmest knowing smile. I gushed something to the effect that she was my favorite and the only reason I watch the show. I had very long hair and a Fumanchu mustache at the time and Lara commented that She thought I was cute, a real renassiance man as she put it . At this time Byron melts like butter in the microwave! I asked if I could get a picture with her and she said yes. I walked behind the table and crouched down. Just before the picture was taken TLATKLS asked if I wanted her in the picture too. Ring dont kill me for this but the blushing and starstruck Byron said No. After we walked away from the table Paul said, "You idiot. I cant believe you told Kathryn Leigh Scott that you didnt want her in the picture". All of the sudden it dawned on me what I had done so the next time I met Kathryn I made things right.

A second favorite moment would have been LA fest in '96. I roomed with my good buddy Bobubas and met lots of cool fans at this fest. By this time I was actually getting more out of meeting other fans than celebrties. I made many DS fans that year who I am still friendly with today.

Many wonderful things can happen at these events if you just let them.

I said I wouldnt be longwinded so here is another $2.00 worth from Chatty Allen.

I hope you enjoy my account Raineypark!

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Offline Raineypark

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Re: Tell me a story......
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2002, 05:05:37 PM »
Oh, Allen, I LOVED your account.  That's EXACTLY the sort of thing I was hoping to hear.  Same to you, Bob and Ringo.

I have to confess I found the "How to Improve the Festivals" thread very depressing after a while, and stories like yours are the perfect antidote!  :D

Thanks guys..... :-*
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Re: Tell me a story......
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2002, 07:29:44 PM »
I can think of two stories, one of which I recounted on the "old" board.

My first Fest experience was in 2000 at the LA Marriott. As I was leaving the building on Saturday morning to get something from my car, I encountered Louis Edmonds and John Karlen sitting outside on a bench, soaking up the sun, talking to each other and visiting with fans who happened to see them there. It was lovely to see, with no festival staff to keep fans away from the actors. They looked so relaxed and were really enjoying talking to people.

At the NY Fest last year Saturday was unexpectedly a sell out. On Saturday I was sitting in the ballroom next to a fan who told me that she had come in to town for the day to attend the Fest, not knowing that it was sold out. So as not to have a wasted day, she decided to buy one of KLS' books. She waited in line at the Pomegranite (spelling?) table and as she was having her book autographed by KLS she told her of not being able to attend the Fest itself. KLS then gave the fan her business card, and on the back she had written "-----(I forget her name) is my personal assistant. Please admit her to all activities." I thought this was a very thoughtful gesture on the part of the actress.

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Re: Tell me a story......
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2002, 07:45:39 PM »
Seeing that David Selby is 10 times better looking in person than on camera if that is possible. The man is perfect in every way. :-*
Hugging Jim Storm was very nice ;D
Roger Davis made everyone at the banquet table (Halloween party 2001) speak in English accents. Why I do not know. He was very nice to everyone and made of point of asking each person about themselves etc.
Seeing that everyone I met online is just as nice in person. :)
Thank goodness nothing embarrasing. Now my friend Renee will have to tell you what her son said to Jim Storm in an elevator at one of the Halloween parties. :-[
" Some day we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny"

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Re: Tell me a story......
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2002, 03:27:07 AM »
I enjoy the Festivals so much, it's difficult to settle on just one highlight. I know that I have always been awed by the fans' talent.  I love to watch the fan videos and skits.  I've seen some amazing music videos and a hilarious series of videos called "Baby Dark Shadows" featuring children parodying the 1795 and 1897 story lines.  Twice, the Collinsport Players have performed a delightful Dark Shadows/Austin Powers skit with members of the cast.  The creativity and wit of these fans is something that I would hate to miss.

I remember one especially poignant moment that took place at my first Fest in 2000.  The auction had just ended, and Nancy Barrett and Louis Edmonds were to take the stage for a Q&A session.  He was shaking as he walked, and had to lean on Nancy as she helped him up the stairs and onto the stage.  Suddenly and without a word or signal, the entire audience rose as one to give a standing ovation.  I thought that was very touching.

Then, there was the time last year when John Karlen did an impromptu stand-up act.  He was supposed to give a dramatic reading, but the author had left the story in her hotel room, and while she went to get it, John was left to entertain us.  He did such a splendid job, that Jim Pierson let him have free reign for the whole half-hour.  During the time, he regaled us with his exploits as an Italian opera singer (fictional) and made several references to his Willie character.  At one point, he recalled how, as Willie, he'd had to round up steers for early Barnabas's midnight snacks.  ("Hundreds and hundreds of steers, thousands of steers, and he wanted more."  He also discussed some of his experiences in New York.  "Do you know that they have tours now that take you to places where famous mobsters were killed?  Can you believe that?"  He mentioned one man who'd been murdered in a hotel bathroom.  "Shot in the back while he was shaving...there was blood everywhere--but no Barnabas!  Can you imagine it?  He would have had a feast.  It was in the daytime though, so he couldn't be there--but Willie was!"  Mr. Karlen was terribly funny, and it was amazing to watch him come up with all of the material off the top of his head!  

These are just a few of the great memories that I have.  Raineypark, even if you choose not to fly, I certainly hope that you will someday make it to a DS event so that you can join the fun too.


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Re: Tell me a story......
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2002, 03:37:28 AM »
                     I went to my first festival last summer.  Let me tell you it took a lot of begging on my part for my hubby to concent to the trip.  I had a blast.  We only went Sat., our family stayed in Jersey with my sister.  We made it a family affair.  My sister, my hubby, daughter l8, who could have cared less, daughter 12, son l0, and me.  Hubby and older daughter came and went through out the day.  My younger two are DS fans so they were thrilled to go.  TLS was so very wonderful, my than 12 year old had written her a letter before the fest and she had replied.  When we met her she commemted to my daughter that her name sounded so familiar.  She told her about the letter.  I laughed with her and told her this was my mid-life crisis.  She thought that was funny and harmless.  We totally enjoyed the poetry reading by David Selby.  My sister and I almost fainted when we saw him walk in.  I was totally impressed with how wonderful they were with the children attending.  David wrote a wonderful little note in my daughters program, very sweet.  It felt very safe for kids.  I was a kid of course meeting all the stars.  Denise N. was very interested in my son, having a boy about the same age.  Donna W. was so very sweet she told me how great my kids were and hoped we would come again.  John K. offered me a sip of his wine.  It was a blast.  My only regret was that I never met any of the other fans from this forum.  My sister who is not a real fan had so much fun too.  She is more than willing to go again.

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Re: Tell me a story......
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2002, 04:09:46 AM »
These responses are just about the best thing I've read on this forum..... :D

I'm sure there are quite a few of you "veterans" who have stories to tell....please don't hesitate because you've told them previously....obviously there are many of us on the board now who have never heard your wonderful stories.  

Please, keep 'em comin'!!
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Re: Tell me a story......
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2002, 06:02:43 AM »
These responses are just about the best thing I've read on this forum..... :D


Please, keep 'em comin'!!


  I have just too many moments that were special and exciting with each of the celebrities. I need to write a book. However, I will say that I feel that it was indeed a privilege to meet these wonderful people and have the opportunity to thank them for the many hours of continued entertainment. Looking forward to the 2002 Festival!

It is a good day because I am still ticking!


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Re: Tell me a story......
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2002, 08:10:32 AM »
Well, Dark Shadows really isn't Dark Shadows without that fabulous old man we know as Jonathan Frid. He stopped going ... when--late 80's? -- because video footage of him was illegally shown? I would love to meet Jonathan, I really would. It is his brilliance that made the run down, almost canceled soap many of us love. Even if they brought on a Barnabas and had virtually anyone else do it, I fear they would have done the role injustice and the show still would have flopped. Frid obviously had tremendous training, which was evident.

I used to be a Dark Shadows fan.  I am not any more really. I am a Frid fan though, and have been for a long time. Dark Shadows is something you can grow out of--I know I certainly have--but Frid is something that sticks with you forever. I wish he had done more movies, and I wish I could get some of his earlier non DS work--like that will ever happen.

I am buying a video of one of his one man shows from a fan soon, so I am eagerly looking forward to that. I really have not seen much non-DS Frid, not even Seizure, and I would really like to remedy this egregious error.

I would love to go to a Jonathan Frid show in the future, and most likely I will the next time they have one. But a DS don't think I would want to do one without Frid. DS is Frid. But I know quite well that Frid is not DS -- it doesn't swing both ways!

And I am glad he has moved on from DS conventions in a way. Of course I'd love for him to go to one because he is who he is, but I am not sure I could stand in line with all these fans--some of them sound a bit "odd" from what I have read here and in the past.  I have "met" various writers at Whitman College readings, and that was fantastic, but I don't know if I could hang out with a room full of 3000 people in fangs, with Barnabas t-shirts, etc etc. It would be slightly creepy. I have always liked online fan groups, but I have never been one to even think about going to a real life gathering. Of course, I don't mistakenly think the actors are their characters like some, and I am not interested in any of the actors except the sacred 4 (Frid, Grayson, Selby, and Thayer), so if others favor other actors, and are genuinely interested in them as people, they may have a slightly different persepective.

I don't know why Frid doesn't just record a series of skits or readings to distribute to fans among DVD. All the DS fans would have to have it, and they could easily be marketed online.

Producing things on DVD-R is quite easy. It costs like $50 only to convert a tape, and DVD-R media is getting cheaper and cheaper (as low as $3 per blank DVD-R). All that would be required is a nice computer set up. Well, obviously such Frid DVD-R's that I fantasy about would be in much more high demand than one lousy computer could make, but there are companies out there that duplicate material on DVD-R for very reasonable rates if done in bulk.

Anyway, this post is extremely (even frighteningly?) rambling, so rambling, in fact, that I cannot even bare to revise it. Imagine that!  ::) ::)
(Actually, I did add some additional content, but did not bother to revise anything.)


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Re: Tell me a story......
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2002, 11:02:44 AM »
<<Mr. Karlen was terribly funny, and it was amazing to watch him come up with all of the material off the top of his head!>>

It is typical for most actors, indeed performers,  to have various monlogues and short anecdotes already prepared and tucked away for use at any time. The really good ones make them come off as spontaneous, putting a slightly different tiwst on them each time.

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Re: Tell me a story......
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2002, 11:49:10 AM »
(Actually, I did add some additional content, but did not bother to revise anything.)

I did, however.  You can message me if you have any questions about the edit.