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Discuss - Ep #0999
« on: October 19, 2015, 08:10:02 PM »
Robservations #999

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0999

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0999
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2015, 03:51:58 PM »
I didn't watch the show when it first aired, but does anyone remember whether they did anything to mark the upcoming 1,000th episode? I'm really curious!

I think the writers were having writer's block! Quentin intervenes yet again, throws Bruno around yet again, and rescues Alexis yet again. I remember noting that both Bruno and Quentin had big hair before it was in style.

Bruno manages to deflect Quentin's fury by pointing out several facts:

1. Angelique was always jealous and disliked the idea that anyone who loved her should love anyone else. As soon as Quentin returned home with his new bride, Alexis showed up. Maggie left soon after.

2. Right after that, Dameon Edwards started materializing all over the place and bothering him (i.e., Bruno).

Quentin huffs that Bruno is just making up a story to fit the facts, but as Bruno points out, Quentin did ask for Hannah's help. Bruno still thinks Alexis = Angelique, and now even Quentin is beginning to wonder. He snarls at Bruno to get out.

Poor Sabrina has trouble getting Cyrus's attention and thinks it's on account of the experiment. You expect me to marry you, Sabrina reminds him. I told you that my work comes first, he reminds her. You’re different since you came back, Sabrina says. I just feel it, even though I know you don’t put any faith in feelings. Perhaps I’m beginning to, he says. If you are, it’s because of the experiment and not because of me, Sabrina replies. She continues sadly, I used to feel I knew everything about you, but now I don’t feel secure. Can you tell me why? I can’t tell you why, Cyrus replies, and you shouldn’t ask me. With his back to her, Cyrus says, I’ve changed because I’m growing. There is something growing that never was before, but please don’t be afraid. I am afraid! Sabrina replies and starts crying. He holds her tight.

Quentin goes back upstairs to Angelique’s room and finds a signed note from Alexis:

Hannah, You must meet me in the gazebo at 10 p.m. Tell no one. A.

Naturally, Quentin recalls that Angelique used to sign notes the same way. He rummages in the desk and finds a note in Angelique's hand, which is a match for Alexis's.

This is one of my favorite scenes in the show because Elizabeth Eis is so wonderful: Meanwhile, back at the lab, Cyrus is puttering around as usual when he is startled at hearing Sabrina upstairs arguing with another woman who demands to see him. The other woman is Buffie Harrington, and she insists on speaking to Mister Longworth. That’s _Doctor_ Longworth, Sabrina corrects her sternly, and asks what Buffie wants to talk to him about. That’s for me to know and you to find out, Buffie snaps. She comes downstairs, with Sabrina at her heels, and pointedly tells Sabrina that it's a "private matter." Cyrus nods and Sabrina retreats, no doubt feeling much more ladylike in her severe brown frock than Buffie in her bright blue plastic trench coat with the cheap blue dress underneath. The conversation that follows is highly interesting, even though the bunny and the guinea pig sleep through it. (Although Yaeger has seduced Buffie by what arts we dare not imagine, Cyrus doesn’t know who she is.)

Buffie (who also wears industrial-strength eyeliner and dangly gold earrings) introduces herself in a businesslike way and adds huffily, You would know my name if you were the type to come to the Eagle. As you can see, I’m not the type, Cyrus says and asks politely what he can do for her. It’s about a check, Buffie says as she digs in her purse, but her businesslike air is undermined when she has to dump the contents of the purse on the table in order to produce the object of her visit: the check John Yaeger gave her. This may seem a weird question, she says, but did you honestly sign this? Cyrus confirms that he signed it. Then I can cash it? she asks, brightening. That’s what checks are for, Cyrus says, attempting lightness. She plucks the check out of his hand and returns it to the depths of her handbag, saying, Well, I thought I would never be fooled again. Why did you sign this? Cyrus answers, My friend John Yaeger apparently did some damage at the Eagle. Oh, did he ever! Buffie replies, laughing at this understatement. Cyrus explains, My friend can be rather exuberant-- Exuberant? cries Buffie. _Evil_ is the word I would use. Cyrus disagrees. My friend lives to the fullest, capable of tremendous excesses--that is his nature. It sounds as if you admire him, Buffie marvels. I don’t, Cyrus replies, but adds, My friend would never deliberately hurt anyone. My friend Steve is in the hospital because of Yaeger, Buffie retorts. Steve provoked J-- Cyrus begins, then realizes that he's not supposed to know about it, but luckily Buffie can't possibly suspect anything. He tells you everything, doesn't he? she comments dryly. Cyrus turns away and comments diffidently, Yaeger is very sorry about Steve. Did John Yaeger tell you about me? Buffie asks. He mentioned you, Cyrus replies. Did he tell you that he had taken rooms in the house where I live? Buffie pursues. Cyrus turns back toward her but somehow can’t meet her eyes. Yes, he did, he answers as he looks inside a small manila envelope. Why did he just disappear like he did? Buffie asks. I sent Yaeger away, Cyrus replies, but I don’t know for how long. Does he work for you? Buffie asks. You might say he does, Cyrus answers with a smile. Pulling a wad of cash from the envelope, he tells her, Yaeger gave me this money [handing it over to Buffie] to pay Steve's hospital expenses. Buffie is touched in spite of herself. Cyrus continues, I know Steve would never take the money from me because I’m Yaeger's friend, but maybe from you...? I’ll try, Buffie replies. I promise I’ll bring the money right back if it's refused. I swear I'm not dishonest, she declares. No, I don't think you are, Cyrus answers, carefully looking away, however.

Since “Mister-- I mean, _Doctor_” Longworth seems so “sensitive and kind,” Buffie s decides to confide in him and moves close to him to do so: John Yaeger says he likes me a lot, she reveals. Cyrus turns toward her again, but she adds, Sometimes I’m afraid of him. Unconsciously leaning closer, Cyrus replies, I wouldn’t be, if I were you. Moving a little closer still to Cyrus, Buffie suggests, If you came with John the next time he comes into town, maybe I wouldn’t be afraid. Well-- Cyrus starts. He turns away from her but is instantly paralyzed when Buffie puts her hand on his arm. You could even come on your own, she suggests. His terror changes to surprise and timorous delight when she adds, I like quiet men. Cyrus hastily moves away and stammers, My work keeps me very busy. I don’t have much opportunity for levity. Brushing off her attempt and his rejection as a light moment, Buffie answers philosophically, Well, I tried. Goodbye, Mister-- I mean, _Doctor_ Longworth [she smiles]--and thanks. She turns to go. Suddenly Cyrus asks anxiously, Despite what you said before, you like John Yaeger, don't you? Buffie simply smiles and answers, Sometimes. She flounces upstairs as Cyrus moves to the foot of the stairs to watch her leave.

For some reason Cyrus is smiling as he returns to his work, but his train of thought (whatever it is) is interrupted when Sabrina comes back, jealously demanding, Who was that girl? A friend of a friend, Cyrus replies. John Yaeger? Sabrina asks sternly. Cyrus looks up at her guiltily as she asks, Who is John Yaeger? Luckily for Cyrus, Quentin phones. I need to see you right away, Quentin says. I want you to help me open a tomb!

At Collinwood, it turns out that Quentin is worried enough that he wants Cyrus to help him open Angelique's tomb. He now regrets stopping Bruno from doing it before. Alexis overhears Quentin say, If we open the tomb and the body isn’t there, we’ll know that she has returned. Cyrus agrees to help him.

Upstairs, Alexis looks thoughtfully at her twin’s portrait.

By the time Alexis arrives at the tomb, Cyrus and Quentin have pulled the coffin from its niche in the wall behind Angelique’s plaque. The men have a bad moment on seeing Alexis, but she says she overheard them talking, and that’s why she’s here. She promises to leave tonight if they don’t defile her sister’s grave, but Quentin is determined to go ahead. He opens the coffin while Cyrus restrains Alexis. When they look inside, Quentin and Alexis stare in astonishment and horror....

[During the closing credits, which roll over a shot of Angelique’s room, a man is visible on the left, sitting and chewing--perhaps eating his lunch? Near the end, the camera moves closer to eliminate him from the scene.]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0999
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2015, 03:43:38 AM »
Another nice fade in portrait to Alexis. Quentin is throwing Bruno around like a doll one handed. Bruno tells Q that Pride is always been his problem so there must be a dose of Pride and Prejudice in the storyline. Q why would she sign her name A? Maybe because it's Alexis.
And then to one of my well remembered scenes, but was surprised it was so soon. They open the coffin of Angelique and gawk in horror at its contents.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0999
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2015, 06:18:17 PM »
Selby VO.  I thought, David Selby doesn't sound as if he's enjoying this story.  Alexis lets Bruno get right up to her, not backing away, even after he confessed to Angelique's murder, or seemed to.  He throttles.  Predictably, someone walks in in the nick of time, Quentin. 
I'm tired of DS actors talking very fast with silent gaps between bunches of words, like M Stroka.  It's jarring. 

Sabrina can't really be Cyrus's scientific assistant, if she knows nothing about the experiments.  Is she a scientist, or did the white lab coat fool me?  Cy to her: Something growing in me, that was never there before.  Nice scene.

Q amazed at the two A's signatures looking the same.  I wouldn't be, with identical twins.  E Eis's realistic acting helps this story where it really needs it.  Good Cy/Buffie scene in his lab, Cyrus's yearning and inability to cross the gulf between them showing through the acting. 

Q opens Ang's coffin, amazement, end...

BIG blooper:  In closing credits, in extreme lower left corner, a guy sits there chewing his lunch.  Anyone we know?
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0999
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2015, 09:00:01 PM »
I love that blooper! I guess it was one of the stagehands or someone. The show's area of operations must have been pretty tight!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0999
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2015, 09:12:27 PM »
Sabrina and Buffie size each other up. On a more traditional soap, this would turned into a major hissy fit but the ladies are secondary elements to Cyrus' story. Possible continuity glitch when Sabrina asks who that girl was.[spoiler]In theory, she should know who Buffie is, as Carolyn Loomis will later say that Buffie was working at Collinwood on the night of the first seance. Maybe Sabrina didn't acknowledge the help?[/spoiler]
The similar signatures of Alexis and Angelique are an odd thing for Quentin to fixate on, considering everything else that has been happening at Collinwood. Quentin is not a handwriting expert. Where is Professor Stokes when you really need him?
This all leads to a pretty gripping cliffhanger at the crypt. What did they see? And what did they expect to see?
Dark Lady, as I recall, nothing special was done to mark episode #1000 in 1970. Just business as usual, as I recall.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0999
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2015, 11:52:23 PM »
Ah well, a missed opportunity. Nowadays it would be a big deal.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0999
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2015, 05:28:35 AM »
Well their numbering system was screwy anyway, with the ep's with double numbers... not sure which is really #1000...

I like how someone eventually noticed the stagehand, and the camera moved to cut him out.  I kept watching for any sign of someone trying to get his attention.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0999
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2015, 04:01:49 PM »
Ah well, a missed opportunity. Nowadays it would be a big deal.

At the very least there would be a cake.  [hall2_grin]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0999
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2015, 06:44:54 PM »
 [hall2_grin] [hall2_grin] [hall2_grin]