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Discuss - Ep #0956
« on: August 06, 2015, 06:12:07 PM »
Robservations #956

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0956

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0956
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2015, 02:56:21 PM »
Quentin warns Maggie to be careful that Jeb doesn't find out she isn't a true Leviathan. They embrace again. But that doesn't matter to Amy, who has been spying on them. She leaves quietly without either of the other two knowing she was there.

Elizabeth is reading in her room when Amy tells her, Maggie Evans opened the Box. Jeb already told me secretly, Elizabeth replies. Amy bursts out, Maggie and Quentin and Barnabas are all fighting the Leviathans, even though Barnabas was one of our leaders! Her expression suddenly cold, Elizabeth tells Amy, Tell me what happened.

The pitchfork marks on Quentin's and Maggie's hands have disappeared. Mutually embarrassed, they decide that not mentioning the incident again is the best option. Elizabeth walks in just as Maggie is retrieving Barn's ring from the fireplace. I want you to help me carry some books upstairs, Elizabeth explains, as Mrs. Johnson has already gone to bed. [Has she broken her own rule about never sleeping at Collinwood?] Elizabeth leads the way upstairs, and Amy watches from her hiding place in the corner under the stairs.

Amy gets her coat, opens the door--and is surprised to see Willie Loomis on the doorstep. [Welcome back, Willie!] He has graduated from a short jacket to a trenchcoat, but his hair (in a new style) is almost wild. He gives her a friendly greeting and asks where she’s going so late. On an errand, she says evasively. He asks for Barnabas and Julia, but she says they’re not here. Willie walks in to wait and asks for Maggie. Amy says she won’t be back for the rest of the night. Willie decides to make a phone call, and Amy heads out, she says to get her bicycle.

Elizabeth locks Maggie in the Tower Room. Maggie quickly realizes that somehow Elizabeth must have overheard her and Quentin. She looks out the window, but it’s a long way down.

Willie is talking on the phone, blowing kisses to "Precious" when Elizabeth calls out his name, and not in a friendly way, either. He quickly hangs up and explains that Julia sent for him. Elizabeth coldly tells him that she and Barnabas are out. Willie asks to wait. Barnabas won’t be back tonight, Elizabeth assures him coldly, and Julia doesn’t tell me how she spends her time. Oblivious in his happiness, Willie smiles and asks if he looks different, then says he’s going to get married. Congratulations, Elizabeth says flatly. Willie starts to rhapsodize about his intended but quickly realizes that Elizabeth has no patience or interest. He asks for Maggie again. I haven’t the faintest idea where Maggie is, Elizabeth says loftily. Why don’t you go to the Old House. Politely he says goodbye and leaves.

As Willie walks through the woods to the Old House, he thinks about Elizabeth’s cold demeanor and what it might mean. He hears someone else coming and ducks behind a handy tree. To his surprise Amy Jennings passes by--on foot. Wondering where Amy’s bicycle is, Willie decides to follow her.

Amy returns to Collinwood, where Elizabeth is waiting by the open doors. I didn’t see Willie in the woods, Amy assures her. Is Maggie is locked in the room? she asks. Yes, Elizabeth replies. Is _he_ coming? After they go inside the house, Willie emerges from the shrubbery and looks up at the Tower Room.

Was it right to tell Jeb? Elizabeth wonders. He was very glad, Amy says bright. Why did Maggie turn against us? Elizabeth asks. The main thing is that she did, Amy answers stonily. That is the only important thing. He is coming to take care of it soon. The little girl looks positively diabolical at the thought.

Upstairs, Willie climbs through a window in the corridor and runs to Maggie’s room. He calls to her but gets no answer.

Elizabeth wonders if Jeb will come to the house in his true form--is she worried about damage to the floors? Amy doesn't know. Next, Elizabeth frets that all the talk about the two murders--of the sheriff and Paul--will start up again--and that everyone will know Philip is innocent because he's safely in jail. Amy says that Jeb was very angry. Poor Maggie! Elizabeth says sadly. Maggie is a traitor, Amy reminds her coldly. Elizabeth and Amy realize that Willie Loomis is hiding outside the drawing room, so Elizabeth tells Amy, Check on Maggie and tell her that Jeb is coming. When Amy emerges from the drawing room, Willie ducks into the servants’ door, then follows her upstairs.

In her sweetest voice, Amy tells Maggie that Jeb is coming. Somehow Willie unlocks the door, and Maggie falls into his arms. We can see a shadow rush by outside the door and the next moment, Amy has locked them both in. It’s a trap! Willie yells, and outside Amy smiles a very satisfied smile indeed. If anything, Willie is even more scared than Maggie. She bursts into tears at the thought that she got him into this. Willie sits down next to her. “Old Willie” will figure out something, he assures her.

Downstairs, Elizabeth and Amy are waiting by the open front doors. I’m sorry Willie got involved, Elizabeth muses sadly, especially after he told me about the life he was going to have. He tried to save Maggie, the implacable Amy points out. There is nothing I can do about it now, Elizabeth says resignedly, and asks Amy to take her hand as they walk into the drawing room, leaving the front doors open. The front doors suddenly slam shut, and heavy breathing accompanies the tracks--mud from outside? some sloughed-off residue? or acid burns in the floor?--of the Leviathan beast from the front door up the stairs.

Willie is struggling uselessly to get the door open. What happens now? he asks Maggie. She shakes her head, and suddenly they hear the breathing sounds coming down the hall toward the room. What breathes like that? Willie asks in amazement and horror. Maggie jumps into his arms, and they clutch each other, terrified, in the middle of the room. The breathing sounds turn to rasping snarls.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0956
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2015, 05:22:12 PM »
It's interesting that the Leviathan conditioning seems to ebb and flow, depending on the situation. Elizabeth is stone cold with Willie but experienced at least some amount of guilt and remorse over what is in store for Maggie and Willie. Amy, in the other hand, is quite the little stormtrooper here. I don't recall if we have seen her in action since she joined up. I almost wonder if this sequence might have been written for David Henesy, as this is probably around the time that he had broken his leg. In any event, Denise Nickerson does her usually fine job.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0956
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2015, 07:20:23 PM »
Uncle Roger, interesting thought about Amy's part originally being intended for David. If I remember, she originally blew hot and cold about being a Leviathan. Apparently she doesn't know that Jeb considers her brother one of his archenemies.

I think David Henesy is still in a wheelchair, so that gives credence to your theory.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0956
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2015, 07:57:11 PM »
John Karlen VO.  I wrote the words "Disloyal to Barnabas" in notes.  I probably thought it was funny coming from Willie's mouth.  As many things are.  Welcome back, very talkative Willie Loomis!!  Expecting Liz to hang on his every word about his nuptials, I mean really... she hands out with a much classier crowd these days! 

Liz locks Maggie up again!  Liz's exasperation while Willie is obliviously friendly and chatty is funny.  You know how we wonder at what point Barnabas and Julia really became friends?  It's simpler with Liz and Willie: never!  But Willie doesn't know...

It's nice how Liz and Amy are still concerned for and looking out for each other, despite their both being Leviathans.  They hold hands at one point.

Willie finds and fails to rescue Maggie.  Hugs for her former kidnapper.... too slow Willie... door slams.  The Leviathan creature climbs the stairs, and this time we are given to understand that we're looking right at it, as it climbs, meaning it's invisible, but its acid or slime or poop or whatever it is isn't.  Then Jeb's at the door.  Jeb screams and runs from... who?  Presumably a ghost, end.  Closing credits are of the wind blowing through second-story-man Willie's point of entry into Collinwood.
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0956
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2015, 03:14:44 PM »
Wow, MT, are we really looking right at the creature? I don't remember--I only remember another set of slimy/acid-burned/whatever footprints.