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Discuss - Ep #0958
« on: August 10, 2015, 06:08:05 PM »
Robservations #958

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0958

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0958
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 03:53:14 PM »
MT, this episode was written by Violet Welles.

Between episodes, Julia has gone into the Tower Room. When she comes out, she sees what scared Jeb--a very badly chromakeyed, distorted shadow of a figure wearing a cloak and hood. She calls to it, but it fades away. So yeah, a ghost.

The next morning, Quentin (wearing a spiffy dark blue suit) is having coffee with Julia while they discuss their mysterious new ally. Elizabeth comes in and gives them a sticky, sweet smile as she tells them that Maggie has gone away for a few days. Elizabeth wanted to kill Maggie only yesterday, Quentin observes, and now smiles as she says she misses her. We have to fight back with deception, Julia replies. I’ve had a few years’ practice at it, Quentin says dryly, so I ought to be pretty good.

Julia leaves to get more coffee--Collinwood still has a problem keeping servants--meets Roger in the foyer. They chat briefly, then Roger enters the drawing room--where he is completely taken aback when Quentin, who must have been expecting this encounter, steps into Roger’s line of sight. Roger saw Quentin’s ghost once, just before the family abandoned Collinwood to him; now he backs away in fear. Quentin hastily assures him, I’m alive and no ghost, rather a descendant of the “original” Quentin Collins. They shake hands. Roger says, The ghostly Quentin was cruel, terrifying, even murderous when he couldn’t get his own way. Even so, I want to know more about the original. As they talk, Amy Jennings stands just around the corner outside the doors. I don’t know much, Quentin replies to Roger. The “original” Quentin Collins disappeared when he was very young and only lived with his great-grandmother for a very short time. Roger comments on the remarkable resemblance. I’m starting to feel a bit guilty about how my ancestor behaved, Quentin replies. Amy has slipped away by the time Julia returns with coffee. Roger wants to know where Quentin fitted in the family tree, but Julia tries to change the subject.

Suddenly Quentin’s Theme begins to play. Quentin is momentarily electrified when he hears it but tries to pretend he isn’t. You seem frightened, Roger comments, watching him carefully. Once again Julia tries to get Roger off the topic, giving Quentin time to recover. I forgot we were alone in the house, he comments. Amy steps into the drawing room. Do you like the music? she asks Quentin knowingly. Roger asks Amy what she’s up to. Amy says she found the record (as she calls it). It sounds old-timey, she says, and adds with obvious relish, All of the people who first listened to it are dead now. Quentin looks at his great-granddaughter with a mixture of sadness and revulsion. She asks him again if he likes it. Finally he answers with a smile, I like it very much. She wants to play it again, but Roger marches her out in search of a good book.

Quentin thinks that he's been made. Julia tries to reassure him that Amy didn't really recognize him, but Quentin is wary of the little girl who could destroy all of them.

Amy smugly recounts her exploits to David--still in a wheelchair. She's sure Jeb will take care of Quentin. But David is more worried that Jeb is scared of something, so they consult the Book.

Elizabeth is on the phone with Jeb--she wants to bring Roger into their little club, but when Roger comes into the room, she hangs up. Roger doesn't like the fact that Jeb is staying at the carriage house--or that Carolyn likes him. Carolyn deserves better than an itinerant nobody who can snap a shutter once in a while, Roger comments. Even more offensive to Roger’s sense of propriety is the fact that Megan Todd is staying at Collinwood. Elizabeth says, She is alone what with Philip in jail, and unhappy and ashamed. I know it looks strange to the world-- Never mind the world, Roger says, it looks strange to me. I think they should all be sent away. They have some sort of danger about them and will ruin this house. You’re being melodramatic, Elizabeth accuses him. Like Paul when he first came back? Roger asks. And who stole his body? It’s too horrible to think about, Elizabeth says dismissively. I suggest you start thinking, Roger says. You’re different, and so are David and even Amy. You’re imagining things, Elizabeth says. Something is going on around the house, and I don’t like it, Roger says. I will find out what it is. For the first time Elizabeth looks worried.

Yet another storm breaks over Collinwood as David reads from the Book: “If the spirit of a dead enemy should manifest itself from beyond the grave, there is a way to dispel its presence.” The storm kicks up and all the lights go out. They light a candle, but a gust of wind suddenly blows it out. There is a presence here from beyond the grave, David says. They both feel the unearthly chill, but David says, We must fight it by reading the book. Amy get a flashlight, but suddenly the book flies out of David’s hands with a loud clap of thunder. David tells Amy to get the book, but just as she finally steels herself to do it, the book becomes a casualty of seemingly spontaneous combustion. Amy wants to get out, but David is calm. The spirit has left, he tells her, now that it has done what it had to do. They wonder what they will do without the book, which is now a charred, illegible mess.

Quentin has taken up guard duty at the Old House when Roger comes looking for Barnabas. Quentin notices that Roger is greatly troubled and invites him to confide. Roger agrees. It might be easier to talk to a member of the family who is still a stranger, he says. Everything seems... strange to me--events, people. My own sister seems to be a stranger, my own son lies and disobeys me. [What’s different about that?] Everything is small yet it all adds up to something enormous. It is like some enormous horror that I can't understand. I must understand it. I must! Quentin invites Roger to sit down and tells him solemnly, I am going to take a chance--a big chance. I am going to tell you an incredible story. If you believe it, you will be taking a chance too--because what I am going to tell you could cost your life.

Sometime later the storm is in full swing. Elizabeth can’t reach Jeb on the phone to tell him about the loss of the book. David says she has to go and leave a note, even though the storm is getting worse. She leaves David looking very worried and scared.

Quentin has told Roger about the Leviathans. Roger is horrified that David is mixed up in something so dreadful. I’ll take him away as fast as possible, he decides. They will kill you before they let you take David, Quentin warns him--and they’ll kill David too. But what will happen to David if he stays? Roger frets, full of anguish for his son. Barnabas and Julia and I are fighting the Leviathans, Quentin says, and we could use your help. If you lose your fight, Roger says with pain, I lose my son--horribly. I don’t know what to do. But it seems he will join the fight.

Alone in his room, David waits for his aunt to return. I wish she would hurry back, he says to himself, or even better, bring Jeb with her. The lights go out again and once more David feels the chill. He calls out but gets no answer. Suddenly the bedroom door blows open, and David stares out in horror and revulsion. The lower half of a dangling body slowly swings back and forth above the door--a man’s body. The legs are clad in knee-high boots.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0958
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2015, 04:58:43 PM »
While it might have been fun to see Roger turn Leviathan, I definitely like this new direction for him. He's still rather pompous but his concern over Elizabeth, Amy and David seems genuine. Having Roger as one of the Scooby gang is an interesting idea and I wish the show had done more with it.

It's never addressed but if Roger now knows that his former brother-in-law is one of the key members of the Leviathans, would that make him rethink his relationship with Cassandra. We don't get a Nicholas/Elizabeth scene either. I wonder how she would have reacted.

Leviathan or not, Amy is definitely suspicious of Quentin. She seems to really enjoy reading him. Another plot line that was never really developed.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0958
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2015, 06:18:55 PM »
Yes, definitely a new direction for Roger as a good guy for a change. Maybe seeing the ghostly Quentin that one time has made him a bit more caring toward his family and more awareness that they're in danger. But thank goodness he's still pompous enough to dismiss Jeb as an "itinerant nobody who can snap a shutter."

We don't get a Roger-Nicholas scene either as far I remember, or a Quentin-Nicholas scene for that matter.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0958
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2015, 06:51:47 PM »
We do get a brief scene between Nicholas and Carolyn that I have always liked. Nicholas is trying to ingratiate himself with Carolyn, who isn't quite buying it. He tries to turn on the charm, saying "Your mother called me Nicholas." To which she replies, "Well, that's my mother's business." And, in that brief exchange, Carolyn regains her wit and her feistiness. Too bad it doesn't last longer.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0958
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2015, 04:21:01 PM »
Louis E VO.  Roger meets Quentin, doesn't hear the pearl shaped tones of him saying boo, whatever it was, and gets used to him as a human.  The Book burns up.  Why?  Say what you will, but I think DS is getting exciting again now, with their throwing in the kitchen sink.  I don't even remember why all this is happening. 

Quentin tells all to Roger.  We cut away for it and come back when all incredulousness is over and doesn't have to be written or acted.  Just how long did it take to move Roger, of all people, to an acceptance of Leviathan people taking over the Earth from the underworld?  Perhaps they were there several days.  I'd love to see, when they cut back to a knowledgeable and accepting Roger, a billion discarded (gourmet) pizza delivery boxes and used napkins piled up....

David in his room hears strange noises.  I think he was supposed to cry out "Who are you?  What do you want?" before his door opened and a hanged body was revealed.  As it was, because of a mis-timing, David actually shouts this at the hanging dead body, making it silly... I wanted it to yell "What do I want?!  I want to be cut down that's what I want!!" in Mrs. Johnson's voice.

This has always confused me, this event, because I keep thinking the hanged person is a victim of the ghost, not the ghost himself.  Clearly not Paul Stoddard.  I'll bet no one at all guessed the real identity of the ghost though, even though this is definitely a clue.  By Violet Welles.  I couldn't tell.  Very plot-y.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0958
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2015, 04:40:23 PM »
Great comments as always, MT! Love your speculation about how long it took Roger to accept that the Leviathan people are taking over the Earth from the underworld. I wondered whether Roger could order gourmet pizza from Collinsport--but of course he could have had it flown in from Boston or New York. He probably insisted on using cloth napkins, thus driving Mrs. J crazy.

If I remember rightly, Quentin the ghost didn't say a word when Roger finally saw him in the drawing room. All Quentin needed was his patented angry glare. (I also remember it was a very nice bit by LE.)

I certainly never guessed the real identity of the ghost, not even with that big clue--or should I say those two big clues.

I suppose ratings were falling yet again, so as usual DC had the writers throw in everything they could think of, from re-vamping Barnabas to werewolves to zombies to ghosts to the kitchen sink.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0958
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2015, 05:27:02 PM »
Thanks, DL!  They could have kept coming back to Roger and Quentin for brief blackouts between other scenes, like (both looking somewhat more disheveled, first few empty pizza boxes appear)... Roger saying, So what you're saying is, we have snakes on the property!  Surely a pest control man can be called in!  Quentin facepalms, says let's start again...

I think ghpst Q was silent through the appearance to Roger, up until everyone had left, then he laughed his head off from the upper stairway... I loved how that's all it took to convey the shock and gravity of Q and Roger meeting, really just two actors in the same room, because of how they'd led up to it.
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0958
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2015, 05:28:11 PM »
I certainly never guessed the identity of the hanging ghost on the original airing. I was fully expecting it be Paul Stoddard.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0958
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2015, 06:36:18 PM »
"Just two actors in the same room"--plus a lot of good story telling leading up to that one moment.

I didn't even think of Paul Stoddard.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0958
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2015, 04:34:55 PM »
Good grief Charlie Brown!! Paul Stoddard would have been TEN times better than the convoluted choice made for that reveal...  [ghost_tongue] 

The ghost's silhouette actually reminds me of the 'Zorro Vampire' from the 1970 regular timeline leading up to 1840.
Robot_Quentin: "I've never watched the last episode, so the show never ended for me."

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0958
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2015, 07:59:45 PM »
Finally remembered the "Zorro Vampire" from 1970!  [ghost_cheesy]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0958
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2015, 08:35:27 PM »
Or maybe...

Robot_Quentin: "I've never watched the last episode, so the show never ended for me."

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0958
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2015, 01:06:53 AM »
Yes, I always think of Trask in his Charlotte Vale hat.