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Discuss - Ep #0867
« on: January 21, 2015, 06:04:04 PM »
Robservations #867

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0867

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0867
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2015, 08:03:54 PM »
Well, it isn't Barnabas but Selbtofi who comes calling. He tries to get info from Kitty, but she quickly comes back to herself and runs away. When she doesn’t return, he takes it calmly. I’m sure you will come back, he thinks to himself. But why? This is Barnabas Collins’s house--and Barnabas Collins is dead. I am getting as ridiculously romantic as the real Quentin Collins, he chides himself with disgust. But he’s not too disgusted to spot table with the candle--and the sherries. As he sips one of them, he gazes up at Josette’s portrait. Who is the woman in the portrait? he wonders. What does she have to do with Kitty? And what does all this have to do with Barnabas Collins--the _dead_ Barnabas Collins? He sips his drink.

Angelique picks up a rock and starts to break the chains on the coffin. Aristede hears the ruckus, and they snipe at each other. Angelique wonders what would happen if she unstaked Barnabas. Eventually Aristede gets fed up and slaps her. ou will be sorry you did that, she warns, her voice and eyes hard with fury. If it is the last thing I ever do, I am going to teach you that Aristede is not a man to be laughed at, he warns her back. It may be the last thing, Angelique replies coldly. Yes, it may very well be just that! They exchange glares.

At Collinwood, Selbtofi tells a very worried Edward about his visit to the Old House. Apparently Kitty has been wandering around somewhere for hours, but suddenly she's standing behind Edward.  I’ve been frantic about you, Edward says as he steps toward her. Where have you been? Walking, she replies, still possessed. What’s happened to you? Edward asks. She starts, I have just seen.... Both men stare at her, waiting. I have just seen Barnabas Collins, she announces, then keels over in a dead faint, unaware that Edward and even PQuentin are stunned.

The two men put Kitty on the drawing-room sofa, and Edward revives her with smelling salts. She says she wandered in the woods, then saw Barnabas Collins. Edward decides to go out--not to the woods, but to the cave. Oblivious to the alarm that flashes across Selbtofi’s face, Edward continues, If Barnabas is there, we’ll know he’s nowhere else. You can’t go to the cave, Selbtofi says. Why not? Edward asks. Um, Kitty can’t be left alone, Selbtofi replies. _I_ will go to the cave, and you will stay with Kitty. Selbtofi uses the Hand so that Kitty revives when Edward holds her hand, and Selbtofi gets to go to the cave instead.

Selbtofi arrives to find Aristede holding a gun on Angelique, who has managed to break the chains of the coffin. Aristede whines that she was going to unstake Barnabas. Open the coffin--right now! Selbtofi orders Aristede. Why, what are you going to do? Angelique asks, upset. Nothing, Selbtofi replies--I just want to make sure Barnabas is where he should be. (It opens the opposite way from when Pansity staked Barnabas.) It’s open, Aristede announces, and they turn to look. Selbtofi asks Angelique, Do you want to look in the coffin, my dear? Her reply is to walk away from him. It’s your last chance, he warns her. We can see Barnabas, still staked (and breathing!), with a trickle of blood at the corner of his mouth. I have other business to take care of at the moment, Selbtofi says, and after I come back here, Aristede and I will destroy this body. Angelique looks in--and looks sick. Selbtofi gloats, Then there will be nothing left--and Barnabas Collins will never rise again!

Why are you doing that? she asks, apparently very upset at Selbtofi’s plans. You know I can’t make him rise, she insists--that was just a story for Aristede’s benefit. He’ll believe anything! she scoffs. Selbtofi shuts the coffin. I don’t know whether or not you can make him rise or not, he says. I do know that vampires sleep very fitfully--too much so for comfort. So we will destroy the body and feel the safer for it. He and Aristede rewrap the chains around the coffin. Why don’t we destroy him now? Aristede asks impatiently, causing Angelique to look even more worried. I can’t now, PQuentin replies. I don’t like the idea of leaving Angelique alone with Barnabas, Aristede frets. She’s been a bit too concerned with other things and people, Selbtofi agrees. She must be made aware of the danger she herself is in. Extending the Hand, he says with an evil laugh, All of us have fears--yours is fear of fire. He uses the Hand to create a wall of fire around her. Angelique screams and backs away. As they did with poor Quentin, Selbtofi and Aristede laugh at Angelique’s terror and vain attempts to escape the flames. Selbtofi says, I don’t think you’ll be troubled by her anymore, Aristede. As he continues to laugh and Aristede joins in, the flames grow higher and close in on Angelique. Again she shrinks away from them.

Edward tries to talk Kitty out of her "delusions," but she's pretty sure she saw Barnabas Collins. Finally she teases him, You are a bulldog, Edward, an adorable bulldog. She hovers closer to him, and there’s no telling where things might go next, but they are distracted when the front doors open. Selbtofi has returned and reports that he saw Barnabas in his coffin--and has brought back Barnabas's own onyx ring as proof. Edward and Kitty both recognize it. She begs Edward to give her the ring. When he refuses, she grabs it and runs away. Are you sure you saw Barnabas in his coffin? Edward asks again. There is no question? No, no question, Selbtofi answers with a triumphant smile. Edward murmurs sadly, And yet, even beyond the grave, he has gotten some hold on her.

Aristede continues to enjoy himself, laughing as he watches the flames creep closer and closer to Angelique. Aristede! she cries desperately. What’s the matter? he asks. I am dying, she cries. Take me out of here, please! If you help me, I will help you! She reaches out to him imploringly. You can’t even help yourself, Aristede scoffs. I can’t do anything, she admits, but I still know many things that humans don’t know. Help me and I’ll tell you those secrets. Aristede seems to be thinking it over. Petofi would kill me, he says. You won’t need him anymore, Angelique promises as she holds her gown away from the encroaching flames. You will never be anyone’s servant again! You will be your own master! Please hurry! she begs him. I’m dying! Please don’t make me die in the fire! Aristede thinks about it for a moment, then takes her in his arms and brings her out of the circle of flames. The flames die away as Angelique moves away from them. There, Aristede tells her. You’ve gotten what you want--now I’m going to get what I want. What do you mean? she asks. You know so many secrets, he taunts her. You tell _me_ what I mean! She shakes her head and tells him smugly, You can’t kill me. Petofi-- Petofi, Aristede repeats. I’ll tell him you tried to escape, that I had no choice--it’s true! I have no choice, he insists. You always lied to me! You always tempted me! As Aristede slips his hand beneath his coat, he shouts, It’s going to stop right now! Suddenly the Dancing Lady is in his hand. You planned to kill me all along! Angelique exclaims, but why should she be surprised at his perfidy? Aristede chases her around the cave and around Barnabas’s coffin. She darts past him and out of the cave. She picks up a large rock and hides, waiting for him to emerge. When he passes her, she strikes him hard on the head. He drops to the ground, unconscious. Angelique wisely runs away.

Sometime later, Aristede is still lying on the ground unconscious when a figure of a man walks over to him and looks down at him. Aristede slowly comes to but, his vision blurry, can’t make out who it is. Count Petofi? he asks, Petofi? But to his horror, Barnabas Collins--or someone who looks just like Barnabas--is standing over him. He seems very weak--barely able to stand. Help me! Help me! Barnabas gasps.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0867
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2015, 10:02:58 PM »
Lara VO.  It's funny to me when the actor in the VO has to pause for that just barely detectable instant to deal with something in the script s/he's reading from, maybe a typo, whatever... while not breaking the mood...

I love the "off" Josette's music box background music.  The Cave now has a very nice door at the entrance, as caves on the Maine seacoast so seldom do! 

Welcome back, Jonathan Frid!  Anyone who thought the character of Barnabas was gone must have been relieved just at the sight of Mr. Frid, since they wouldn't have brought him back just to lie in a box... though we as kids seldom thought that way.  Though I sometimes did.  I think.

Selbtofi fires Angelique, he and Aristede guffaw.  I then imagined Aristede saying "I like it when we get a chance to share a laugh together like this."  Then warm background music swells, and they clap each other on the shoulder, as Angelique continues to scream, more at the lack of the attention she deserves, than from the fire...

Dufus Aristede just has to kill Angelique with his knife himself, which means letting her out of the fire, which somehow Aristede apparently has the power to do, 'cause he does it.    All he does to save her is step into the flames, and lead her out again...  Ang clobbers dufus with rock.  Aristede comes to with Barnabas, or at least a sort of Barnabas, hovering over him, saying "Help me..."
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0867
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2015, 05:58:39 PM »
You're right about Aristede. Cold iron is supposed to be the most effective way to destroy a witch.