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Discuss - Ep #0858
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:54:06 PM »
Robservations #858

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0858

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0858
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2015, 06:20:28 AM »
Lara VO, in her Ang voice.  I drew the I Ching symbol in my notes...  top two bars have white bits. 

Petofi is supposed to be planning to transport his astral self into "his" own body, Quentin's (now that he's taken possession) in 1969.  He may even know about Barnabas's experience where his real physical self in 1969 disappeared, presumably merging with his 1897 self somehow (or so it is assumed).  So he expects to be fully there in 1969, physically.

One thing has to be true for this to work, though.  Quentin's body has to live through all the intervening years from 1897 to 1969, so that it is already there in 1969 to receive Petofi's time-leaping astral self.  Some soul has to be in that body living through all those years.  Or does it?

All Petofi is thinking about is escaping, going from point A to point B, but not all the consequences and necessities for it all to work out.  Unless he is and we can't see it.

I guess he must realize it's a journey his astral self only will be taking.  (So no Aristede, but that's not important right now.)  So what happens in that room in 1897, where the I Ching is performed, in the minutes following the trip?  Petofi's spirit has left Quentin's body, so presumably, we have an inert Petofi-as-Q body sitting at attention at the table indefinitely, or until the disappearance of the body happens (as happened with Barnabas's).

What then?  Either the body sits undisturbed for 70 years, or isn't there at all anymore.  (Or Quentin's spirit is pulled back into it?!)  Perhaps Aristede has some bizarre instructions as to what the hell to DO with the body for the next 70 years, keeping it alive somehow being part of it I'd think.  It would be even more vulnerable to gypsy-attack then.  Unless it's disappeared, in which case... Quentin's body will not live through to 1969 to receive Petofi's spirit.

From my notes:  What bedroom is Beth in?  She can't be at Collinwood.  ***  Quentin actually starts thinking... he plans to trip up Petofi in life details.  Then in my notes: "Julia asks A (Angelique) for house call.  Ghost visits her."

Angelique music plays, then Petofi appears in a dark corner a la Ang.  A parody of Angelique's trademark form of materialization?

Quentin finally convinces Julia he's Q, then Julia disappears.  Oops.  I didn't realize watching this that Magda had gone from DS just before Julia.   We are down to zero Graysons from two.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0858
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2015, 07:40:20 PM »
Somewhere in the woods, PQuentin watches impatiently as QPetofi, somewhat short of breath, tamps down the dirt covering Wanda Paisley’s unmarked, shallow grave. That is enough, he says. Stop, my boy. I would have buried her even if you hadn’t forced me to, QPetofi says defiantly. I felt sorry for the poor girl. She died for you and your mad scheme. PQuentin laughs. Of course, he comments with massive unconcern. You’re altered in form, but still embarrassingly sentimental. What would people think of “Petofi”? he wonders. QPetofi protests, You can’t go on killing people until you find the right hexagram! [One down, sixty-three more to go?] PQuentin says angrily, You try and stop me! Do you think I care how many people die along the way? Do you think I care how many leaves are on this tree? All I care about is reaching the future--and believe me, I will reach it!

After the opening credits, QPetofi and PQuentin are still arguing. You can go, PQuentin tells QPetofi. I’m not going anywhere, QPetofi insists. I’m going to stay with you, watch you. You aren’t going anywhere, either. PQuentin laughs. I am--to 1969, he says. Not in my body! QPetofi protests. It’s _my_ body now, PQuentin retorts with a particularly evil laugh. You should have had second thoughts before accepting my offer of help. Now it is too late--you can’t stop me. I won’t give up, QPetofi vows. PQuentin tells him, You should watch for my enemies--a full-time activity. Watch for the gypsies--a word I can say easily now, without fear even, he adds smugly. Watch for the gypsies, because they are still looking for Petofi. They will find him--and you will know what fear really is. You are Petofi--and they will know that, QPetofi retorts. PQuentin laughs again. I don’t think so, he replies. Cheer up--they might not be here for a little while. He adds cruelly, I will let you know when I need more graves dug--you could use the exercise. He laughs and walks away, leaving QPetofi standing alone. He picks up the shovel. We get one last look at Wanda’s lonely grave.

Just for this episode, Julia wears a beautiful gray satin brocade gown with leg-o’-mutton sleeves. QPetofi visits her at the rectory and proves that he's really Quentin, trapped in Petofi's body. Although Barn and Julia chose to have their headquarters at the old rectory because no one had lived there for a long time, somehow, there is a working telephone line.

QPetofi visits Beth and tries to convince her that he's actually Quentin. He pleads with her to ask PQuentin about things that only Quentin would know. [I suppose QPetofi could have told her to ask “Quentin” about something he did with her in bed that she liked--but then again, this was a daytime show.]

PQuentin stumbles very badly in talking with Beth. But she doesn't have the faintest suspicion of what has happened to the man she has loved so faithfully.

I suppose GH needed some time off. Too bad for us!

MT, here are my notes regarding Petofi's journey to the future:

When the real Quentin hears the wind and voices from the present, Julia believes his story. She heard the sounds, and she lives in the present, therefore if Quentin hears the sound he too must live in the present, and he truly is Quentin despite his incredible story. Earlier in the episode, Angelique cannot hear the sounds, presumably because she does not live in the present. Or does she?

[spoiler]Before 1897, Angelique was last seen in the present (1969), pleading with Diabolos to return her to the real world. After 1897 she is first seen happily married to Sky Rumson, having given up her powers. Therefore Diabolos must have released her so that she can live in the present, meet Sky and marry him. If Angelique is alive in the present, she would have heard the wind and voices that Julia heard. But this fact must be ignored or forgotten so that Julia can believe Quentin's story.[/spoiler]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0858
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2015, 03:38:27 PM »
reading these i had a thought, and i always wonder this when i watch this story arc so it's nothing new. if Barnabas, or Julia, or any character using I Ching for that matter is in (1897) how do they eat? if you eat in (1897) does your body in (1969) obtain that food? and if that body stays in that stance for so long,how  do they even go to the bathroom? does Stokes help with that and bring a bucket out?

yes i'm over thinking this. but they are all good questions. we know that Quentin doesn't age cause of his curse. ok but how about anyone else who uses I Ching such as Petofi ? if he did end up using it and if he had succeded does his body age  and if so how long will it last without any kind of nourishment? again i'm over thinking this but these are questions i have wondered thorugh the years. anyone else wonder the same thing?

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0858
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2015, 01:28:41 AM »
I have to imagine Barnabas with Depends on, in the trance...

DL, Ang seems to travel around in "real time", in a linear way as far as viewers are concerned, no matter what the fictional calendar says.  So I guess that while she's in 1897, she's not in 1969.  After leaving 1897 she goes to late 1969 or 1970 and marries Sky.  The problem with that is that Ang and Sky have been married quite a while already, when we first see them together, backdating the marriage quite a bit.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0858
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2015, 08:04:02 PM »
Good point, MT. Maybe Diabolos put a spell on Sky that made him think that he and Angelique had been married a long time. Or maybe he put Angelique a few years back in the past.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0858
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2015, 07:32:37 AM »
I think Ang not hearing the sounds means that she's not in 1969 at that "parallel" point... Prof Stokes claims that as far as they are concerned, 1897 and 1969 are running "parallel", with the same calendar date each day in both years.  So I think the parallel point in 1969 is between Cass and Mrs. Sky.

I don't consider it impossible, though, that when Diabolos let her come up to again to marry Sky, it might have been before Cassandra left 1968.  I figure the Devil can do whatever he wants with time.  (Though we may tend to overestimate the Devil.  He's not in the same league as God, but we tend to attribute godlike powers to him).  In that case, Ang would have been in two places at the same time in 1969, while running in parallel in 1897 as well.  It's just fun to consider.  That way the marriage has actually lasted some time.

Though Ang not hearing the sounds in the air probably proves otherwise.
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