Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0854  (Read 712 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0854
« on: December 12, 2014, 05:14:01 PM »
Robservations #854

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0854

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0854
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2014, 08:16:33 PM »
Aristede returns from somewhere. No wine, Petofi says sternly. Why? Aristede asks. Because tonight will be the most important night of our lives, Petofi replies. More important than the night we arrived at Collinwood, more important than the night I found you shivering with cold on the Embankment in London [though we will see a different story in ep. 877], more important than even the night that I found this. He extends the Hand toward Aristede. Aristede sees that the ring is gone. It turns out that Petofi is waiting for Quentin and gets annoyed when he perceives that "she" has stopped him from coming.

"She" is not Angelique but Kitty, who finally winkles Barn's name out of him. She notices that he is wearing the ruby ring and is relieved to hear that he hasn't had it long. My husband wore one very much like it, Kitty replies--no, it was the same! It can’t be, Quentin protests as he pulls away from her. No, of course not, Kitty agrees, calmer now. That wouldn’t be possible. Quentin asks, Do you happen to know Count Petofi? No, she lies. I would remember, Quentin. I never forget names--never! Her vehemence surprises him.

Beth returns from somewhere, and the count retires to meditate. Aristede continues to treat Beth as his own personal underling and is very coy about what's going to happen to Quentin, except to say that it should amuse Beth. Petofi asks for her, and Aristede is annoyed at being ordered to leave. I am going to ask you a most important question, Petofi tells her. How do you feel about Quentin? I hate him! Beth declares. You don’t care what happens to him? Petofi asks. No, Beth replies--he is going to marry Angelique! You can stand by and watch whatever I think necessary to happen? Petofi asks. Beth answers yes. Petofi tells her, In the morning you will be very happy, for you will be avenged. Aristede returns. He is here? Petofi asks. Aristede nods yes. Remain in this room and be very quiet, Petofi orders them both. You know what the word is, Aristede, and what you are to do? Yes, Aristede replies. Good, Petofi says. Good luck, Aristede says, bowing. I don't believe in luck, Aristede, the count replies. It is a poor substitute for will. Aristede smiles at Petofi, then turns to smile triumphantly at Beth.

Quentin finally arrives. Despite his protests that he doesn't want the ring, Petofi insists it's a gift. Quentin asks if he knows Kitty, and Petofi replies that they met along time ago, but Lady Hampshire must have forgotten. With sudden insight, Quentin realizes that Petofi and Kitty knew each other very well and wonders if the ring is giving him second sight. Then he wonders about the price he's to pay for the portrait that protects him. On cue, Aristede emerges with the portrait, now framed again. Look at that face, Quentin says with disgust. Every time I look at it, it looks uglier and harder. It’s your imagination, Petofi insists. Look at the shadows under the eyes, Quentin comments--it wasn’t like that when Tate first painted it. He squints as if his own eyes are bothering him, then raises the hand with the ring to rub his forehead. What is it? Petofi asks. My eyes, Quentin says as he covers them with his hands. I can’t see!

Quentin is near panic. Turn around, the count tells him. Can you see me? I can see only an outline, Quentin replies. You will see, Quentin, Petofi tells him. Close your eyes. When you open them again, you will see as clearly as Quentin Collins ever could. Close your eyes! Quentin obeys, and Petofi touches them with the Hand. Now open them, he orders. Again Quentin obeys, and to his joy, his sight is restored. I can see! he exults. How did you do that? he asks heatedly. Nothing like that has ever happened to me! Don’t take it too seriously, the count replies with a smile. I gave you that little demonstration to show you more of my powers. I advise you to take my advice without argument for once: Go back to Collinwood, go to bed and get some rest. You are exhausted, and I need rest. Tomorrow morning, everything will be very different. I mean it--it will be! Why do I believe you? asks Quentin, somewhat dazed. Because I am right, the count replies. Not another word out of you. Shall I send Aristede with you? Would you like company on the way home? [As if Quentin wants the company of the man who tried to kill him!] No, I’d prefer to be alone, Quentin says. Yes, I understand, Petofi says. Tomorrow we shall meet again, Quentin tells him. We will get everything clear as to exactly what I owe you. Petofi agrees: If you want to talk tomorrow, we will. We will, Quentin promises--I mean it! Tell me tomorrow, Petofi repeats. Quentin goes upstairs and leaves.

Petofi calls to Aristede, who practically bounds up to him. How is it going? Aristede asks. Brilliantly! Petofi exults. Far more brilliantly than I even dared to imagine! Nothing can stop it now! Nothing!

Kitty is still in the drawing room. Apparently she has been reading. Holding her book, she closes the french windows, then puts the book down. when Quentin returns. She greets him politely and asks him, Will you join me in a drink? I’m being very forward, but I think it would help me to sleep if I had a brandy. Staring at her sternly, he asks, What are you _really_ doing here? I beg your pardon, she says as she turns to look at him. He comes back to himself and muses, I wonder why I asked that. But the next moment, he is repossessed and says, Yes, of course--Gerald Soames died penniless, and you’ve come here to marry Edward--and all his money. Kitty stares at him, horrified, as he starts laughing evilly. She slaps him out of it, shouting, Stop it! He recovers. Why did you hit me? he asks in confusion. Did I say something? Tell me! Quentin, if you don’t remember, neither do I, Kitty replies graciously, and goes upstairs.

Before Petofi and Aristede cover up Quentin’s portrait again, we get a good look at it. Now the painted face looks haggard, with deep creases on the cheeks and circles under the eyes as well as the scar. Petofi announces, The most important moment--the most crucial part of the plan--has arrived. I don’t know what the plan is, Beth protests. You won’t, Petofi tells her. There’s no time to explain now, but you will obey me if you understand. Yes, she replies. Soon I will go back into the inner room, Petofi says. The door will be closed. Neither of you must enter--that is an order. What I must do there, I must do alone. You won’t be disturbed, Aristede assures him. Neither of you will sleep this night, Petofi orders. If anyone comes to see me, including Quentin himself, I must not be disturbed. We understand, Aristede and Beth tell him. Petofi tells them, When we meet again, everything will be different--very different! The count goes into the inner room and closes the door. Beth turns to look at Aristede. He is smiling triumphantly. I’ll be upstairs at the door, he says. You can bring me some coffee.

In the inner room, Petofi sits in the chair in front of the little table. To the accompaniment of the “male enchanter” music (featuring a muted solo trumpet and swooping strings and formerly associated with Nicholas Blair), Petofi begins an incantation: Quentin Collins! Your will must bend to mine. There shall be no resistance, because I am the fire and the air, the water and the earth. I am the powers of all of the stars. You will hear the rustling of leaves in a thousand trees telling you that the wind of change is upon you. So it is! So it shall be--forevermore!...

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0854
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2014, 10:32:45 PM »
To the accompaniment of the “male enchanter” music (featuring a muted solo trumpet and swooping strings and formerly associated with Nicholas Blair),

Interesting cultural detail, thanks DL....

I miss Evan and Judith.  Perhaps Evan is spending his time hiding under his desk, and Judith is carving a key out of a bar of soap...  Quentin outs Kitty in the throes of Petofi-possession, about her gold-diggery, then forgets; Kitty knows not to remind him... 

I think the bit with Q and Petofi at the Lair is interesting... the part about vision.  [spoiler]I think Petofi can't cure his own physical problems with his own Hand, but can do so for other people.  So as the switch continues to start, Quentin develops Petofi's bad eyesight... so Petofi uses the Hand to cure Quentin (future host body), thus ensuring that his own bad sight will not travel with his astral self to Q's body, when the switch is completed.  Perhaps Petofi's blurred vision is not purely physical, as yours or mine would be.  Perhaps it has a spiritual component, the result of a spell or encounter with a supernatural personage, gone wrong.[/spoiler]

Petofi starts a rather forceful and dramatic summoning of the powers out there in the ether with whom he has influence, to implement a rather big step in the plan.  End.

I'm very, very glad you enjoy these, DL.  I realize now what a big part in my limited life the writing of these blurbs of mine plays, now.  Thanks for your posts, too.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0854
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2014, 04:14:54 PM »
Thank you so much, MT! I always enjoy your posts too.