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Discuss - Ep #0830
« on: November 09, 2014, 04:40:55 PM »
Robservations #830

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0830

Offline Joeytrom

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0830
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2014, 05:46:32 PM »
Nice to hear Judith is doing well as per Trask and his many visits to his dear wife.

[spoiler]Of course, we learn later he is making this all up as he hasn't seen Judith since she left Collinwood.[/spoiler]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0830
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2014, 06:01:59 PM »
Reading these episodes makes me wonder if it was Trask who shot and killed Quentin in the original timeline, possibly causing Beth to kill herself.

Trask then tells Edward about the details, causing Edward to wall the dead Quentin in his room.

Just speculating...

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0830
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2014, 10:48:10 PM »
Charity/Pansy joins the long list of Collinwood heroines who wander around the woods crying. She tells Magda about her vision of Quentin lying dead in yes, the Tower Room.

Quentin has a wonderful time needling Trask about all the afflicted Collinses. C/P arrives and flings her arms around Quentin, who shoves her at Trask, who flings her off. She storms out, followed by Magda.

Perhaps as part of her effort to get closer to Quentin, C/P has acquired a Victrola. At 7:55, hers plays an instrumental version of Pansy’s song (on a disc rather than a cylinder). Magda keeps a careful eye on her.

Trask has moved from pushing Charity at Quentin to disgust at her "disgusting infatuation" and wants to know Quentin's intentions. Quentin insists he doesn't have any. Magda arrives and tells Trask that his daughter wants to speak to him.

With Trask out of the way, Quentin and Magda can consider their real problem--that the moon will be full tonight. Magda thinks Petofi might be a kindred spirit because he has the same curse. But Quentin flings open the drawing room doors and finds Trask there. Quentin and Magda leave separately. When Trask is alone in the room, he has a vision of Tessie Kincaid (the werewolf's last victim), who warns him that the beast who walks like a man is in the house--and will kill again.

Upstairs, Quentin also has a vision of Tessie, who promises to be with him tonight. He writes a farewell note to Beth. Magda is horrified that he's contemplating suicide. She promises to help him get through tonight.

Magda finishes chaining Quentin to the wooden pillar in the middle of his room. [Actually, the manacles are so loose that he could easily get away if he wanted to.] I will stay with you, watch over you, she promises--and I have my pentagram, she adds, showing it to him. All right, he replies. Remember, I said I would go through with this on one condition. Open the top right-hand drawer of my desk. She hesitates. Do it! he orders her. Magda opens the drawer and is horrified to find a pearl-handled revolver. Don’t just stare at it, pick it up! Quentin orders her. What do you want me to do with this? she asks, dreading the answer. It contains six silver bullets, Quentin tells her. I can’t escape this room, but if I get away, shoot me through the heart! Promises me! Magda shakes her head. After hesitating for a long moment, she promises she will. Suddenly, Trask bursts into the room. I must speak to Quentin! he shouts. Get out of here, Trask, Quentin yells, get out! Trask stops and takes in the sight of Quentin chained to the pillar. With dawning glee he answers, No, I believe I will stay. Get him out of here! Quentin shouts to Magda. She tries, but Trask easily gets the gun away from her, opens the chamber, and gets a good look at the contents. Smiling broadly, he says, I won't ask you why this gun is filled with silver bullets, or why you have manacled yourself. His eyes glittering cruelly, he adds, I think I will just stay for a while and see the answers for myself--when the moon rises!....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0830
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2014, 09:25:05 AM »
Terse Lacey VO.  Pansy and Magda in woods, tells M about Sept 10.  Full moon tonight.  Tessie's last name was Kincaid.  Trask wrongly IDs the ghost in the drawing room as Minerva, but it's Tess.  Wolf in house she warns.  Her (?) ghost was actually very creepy, in Q's room, for the second that she was there. 

Everyone would hear the wolf sounds from Q's room I would think.  Still they shackle him there.  Trask walks in!   Bad plan.  I wonder, did transformations happen monthly for the viewers?

Maybe, joeytrom, Trask shooting Q.  Edward, though, would side with Quentin over Trask, and stick Q into a basement cell on these monthly occasions.  I've often thought, tell Ed, Q, he can lock you up someplace safe and keep prying eyes away.
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