Author Topic: Idle Thoughts--This Thing Called 'Love'  (Read 1154 times)

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Idle Thoughts--This Thing Called 'Love'
« on: March 20, 2002, 07:12:03 AM »
Fashion notes first . . .

Angelique's aquamarine nightdress.  Tsk, tsk, cheating here.  Did the money for the costume rental run out and they had to send Mostoller or whatever-her-name was off to Ohrbach's?

Continuing on the night attire, I was less than enthused by Natalie's outfit.  Think it was the vast expanse of velvetesque material and the lace, very much like a granny nightgown for rich people.  Very unflattering.

On the other hand, Lt. Forbes continues to look scrumptious in his naval uniform.  

I notice that the person who applies the makeup with the trowel is back from vacation.  Frid was wearing enough rouge to make me want to get stock in Max Factor.

Not quite a fashion note, but I adore Millicent's hair--such bouncy locks, or as Beverly Cleary's Ramona would call them, "boing-boing curls" :D

Noticed that the definition of love was quite the theme for the first episode.  Barnabas, of all people, rightly twits Angelique that she doesn't understand the meaning of it.  She claims otherwise.  Meanwhile, we have Millicent telling Nathan that he doesn't get it either (another good call from a dubious source).  

Nice writing overall.  Particularly loved the dialogue Millicent had.  Nancy Barrett.  Let's just pause here in silent tribute to the lady.  

She can act circles around half the cast of that show. She's not hammy, although it would be so easy for her to be.  It's an utter joy to see what she does with the dingbat that is Millicent.  

Onto the nascent stalkers.

Not all synapses are firing in either one's head.  Angelique is obviously missing some much needed logical connections--if we are to believe her reasoning, that she did everything under the sun to screw over his family, his fiancee, his career, everything, in short, but his dog (which he probably doesn't have or I'm betting that Rover or Sparky would have suffered too) is perfectly okay, because she didn't make Barnabas love her!  

Uh huh.

Meanwhile, Mr. Phi Beta Kappa hasn't clued into a number of facts.  Yeah, he gets the concept that his wife is a witch, but does he stop to think about what that means? No.  Does it occur to him that going to Josette is a bloody stupid thing to do?  No.  Does it occur to him to listen to Ben who is advising what is really a logical course of action?  No.  Instead he is going to stab her in her sleep.  Oh, yeah.  That'll work.  Even if he did kill her, how was he planning on explaining this to the authorities?

Anyhow, he's all hipped on the fact that, gee golly Moses, Josette never stopped loving him!  While I can see why this would be comforting, given the circumstances, if in his position, I would be saving my fixation until after I'd figured out a way to get rid of the first missus.

I'm not even going to touch what Angelique thinks of as a desirable course of action for their future.  Sounds like the worst kind of hell.

Watching Angelique and Barnabas start round#1, I am reminded of a little ditty that some of you may remember . . .

"Girl: Will you love me forever??

I couldn't take it any longer
Lord I was crazed
And when the feeling came upon me
Like a tidal wave
I started swearing to my god and on my mother's grave
That I would love you to the end of time
I swore that I would love you to the end of time!

So now I'm praying for the end of time
To hurry up and arrive
Cause if I gotta spend another minute with you
I don't think that I can really survive!"

Seems a metaphor for their relationship.  

Some nice performances here on the part of Frid and Parker.

On a more comedic note, I adored Millicent and Nathan's "shocking" (and yes, Millicent is right, it would be ruinous to her character to be caught out of doors, late at night, with a man not her husband), what I loved was her turn on things--"Maybe I'm not a lady; I always assumed I was because everyone told me I was one"  ;D

What absolutely killed me though was the line about the damp night air, followed by Millicent's prompt fake and ever so ladylike cough.  

Fight or Flee.

Well for once Barnabas has a good idea.  Get the hell out of Dodge.  Of course, what he needed to convince them to do was to head for the nearest boat and get off the continent.  I confess, I'm mystified by this insistence to stay in Collinsport because "it would not be proper to leave before the mourning period was over."

Isn't that like bolting the barn door after the horse has bolted?

Josette jilted her fiance, ran off with his uncle--who knows if they got married before they'd been together--that's about as improper as you can get.  But okay, done is done.  He's dead.  All this happened how many hundreds or thousands of miles from their home?  Who the hell is going to know if they went back to Martinique?  


And now to the nadir of the show's episodes: Vicki "Rhodes Scholar" Winters, Roger Davis, and Addison Powell in one scene together (falling over on the floor in pain).

Sorry, I am not a fan of Davis or Powell  :'(

Well, it wasn't too scary, just Powell prancing around cloak in hand and some really, really, lame dialogue.  Well, and Vicki cutting her own throat--this is what she comes up with?  Tell the only guy willing to defend her that she comes from the future???  She couldn't say something like, "Look, it's all a blur.  I just don't remember"???

And then, fine, she's told the truth, but when a guy says, "Hey, I can be your lawyer; that's why I'm working as a glorified prison guard, to study the law," this is not a good sign and should not be taken as such.

Still, at least he didn't TOUCH HIS HAIR or shout or throw the actresses around the room.  I guess I will have to be grateful for that.

And now, I am have procrastinated enough.  Have an exam to go back to studying for [read]

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Re: Idle Thoughts--This Thing Called 'Love'
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2002, 08:19:49 AM »
Love the way you put it all!

I always enjoy that conversation between Millicent and Nathan.  Some of the comments she makes to him give the impression that as "dumb," silly and innocent as she is, maybe she knows or guesses more than one would think.


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Re: Idle Thoughts--This Thing Called 'Love'
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2002, 12:20:52 AM »
Millicent reminds me of my more innocent days  ;)

I'm sure she knows more then she lets off to everyone else.  
"The hardest act to follow is yourself."  Sir Paul McCartney  :-*