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Discuss - Ep #0751
« on: July 22, 2014, 02:18:00 PM »
Robservations #751

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0751

Offline MagnusTrask

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0751
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2014, 07:08:46 AM »
I guess we're 60% of the way through DS at this point.  At the end of this storyline, though, I'll have completed a total circuit.  I began the WP as Leviathans started. 

Welcome Dorcas, as far as I'm concerned.  I suppose she must have started during my tape gap.  I suppose the only reason Dorcas hasn't been lured into some sexual thing with Greg yet is that she has, presumably, no money.  He has a nice stable of pretties going, though. We get a great Trask speech about how Rachel arouses his amoral instincts.  This really is a well thought-out psychological portrait, questioning and holding up to examination, on network television, a kind of personality that society too often condones and shelters.  In the '60s, this was part of the questioning going on-- peering underneath the mask of previously unassailable respectability, and authority.  Doing this in a period piece made it easier to get away with it, in the same way that science fiction gets away with such questioning because, after all, it's all happening in the future, not now... Applause for Violet Welles.  This scene made me think of the Dr. Strangelove "Purity of Essence" insanity, an even creepier peering-into of a warped figure in a position of authority.

I think it must be a classic psychological control tactic, doing really nothing but punishing and intimidating, yet turning around and claiming to be the victim's best friend, even the person's only hope of safety or redemption in this world.  That does something to the victim, and I can't put my finger on it.  That's part of the effect though, a confusion in the victim's mind over everything, whom to trust, who's doing right or wrong, I guess leaving the authority figure as the only one with the power and wisdom to sort it all out.  All this is in my head now, because someone who put me into a position like this is trying to regain entry into my life, and old feelings are reviving, to put it mildly.  I am your only friend! Trask keeps on saying.  He keeps re-arranging the world, switching heroes and villains, playing with reality.  It's a sort of elaborate moral gaslighting.

"I can do anything I want."-- G Trask.

Rachel, a murderer/murderess?  Well, the cops aren't after her.  This is one of those plot twists I'll just have to wait to see when my tape gap's filled in.  Don't tell me!  Farewell, Dorcas.  (Gail Strickland.)  It wasn't pleasant.  Rachel is left to point out to us, the viewers that, goodness, she was horribly mutilated!
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0751
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2014, 05:15:20 PM »
MT, you haven't missed any of Dorcas. This is her first appearance, and she is played to a fanatically loyal fare-thee-well by Gail Strickland. Her conversation with Gregory Trask is indeed wonderfully written and reveals no end of things about both parties. But Rachel has no money either--in fact, Trask says she owes him.

If Rachel Drummond is so much trouble, Dorcas sneers, why do you keep her here? Because she is a torment to me, Trask answers. Rachel arouses base animal instincts in me. Around her I feel angry, cruel, ugly. Having her here gives me an opportunity to face those feelings and fight them, so that I can ultimately overcome my baser self. She is a constant reminder that even I can improve. Therefore I will keep her here until the “frail vessel that is Trask” (what he says) becomes pure (or words to that effect). Dorcas is aglow with admiration.

Beth finally realizes that she needs Rachel's help--to look for Quentin.

I can't imagine you being cruel or angry, Dorcas all but coos. He replies, I must remind you of the times I raised my voice, and even the time I locked Jamison in the "meditation room." That was righteous cruelty, righteous anger, Dorcas insists. It makes me admire you all the more. Trask smiles appreciatively as Dorcas continues earnestly, I'll pray for the day that Rachel stops being a trial to you, Reverend Trask, so you can send her away. [No doubt Dorcas has her own “base animal instincts”!] In the meantime, Trask says, I have to do something about Rachel's visit to the Collins family tonight. I’m sure she has gone to Collinwood to accuse me of cruelty. He decides to let Jamison have some supper. Dorcas instantly offers to fetch it. Very well, Trask decides, but not too much--just enough to make a liar out of Rachel. He looks immensely pleased with his solution to the problem.

Beth hints to Rachel that she and Quentin might get married.

For the first and only time in 1897, there’s a phone on the foyer table. Beth answers it and tells Trask that Judith is not at home. Evidently Trask next asks for Rachel. Beth passes the phone to Rachel, who starts in amazement and dismay when she hears the familiar, hated voice. Trask explains, I knew you were at Collinwood because when two people are close, they are always aware of each other’s whereabouts. A little boy can’t life on bread and water, Rachel argues. The boy’s body may be hungry, but his soul is having "a glorious feast,” Trask insists. The writers must have modeled him partly after the horrible Mr. Brocklehurst in Jane Eyre. Charlotte Brontë modeled Brocklehurst himself on a real-life "reverend."

Rachel threatens to tell Edward that Jamison is being denied food--until he reminds her of his earlier accusations of theft (of her own pay) and murder (of Mrs. Trask’s brother). He orders her to come back to the school immediately. When he hangs up. we can see that he is perfectly content to lust after the one he’s with as he repeatedly paws Dorcas’s shoulder.

Back at the school, Trask tells Rachel, I think you were lying about hearing footsteps in the woods. They fall to arguing about whether she is wicked--he says yes, she says no. Then he accuses her of stealing food for Jamison. Trask proposes dropping the charge of theft--if Rachel will pay for the food with one week’s salary. That’s a very high price, Rachel protests, especially since you took the food from me before it ever got to Jamison in the first place! I have heard enough! Trask shouts--and slaps her. She recoils from the force of the blow. He reaches out to caress her shoulder, and she flinches away. Whatever I do, he tells her, I do for you. Announcing his intention of meditating, he leaves.

Before Trask closes the door, Rachel sees that Dorcas has been eavesdropping. I’m sure you heard everything, Rachel says acidly. Yes, I did, Dorcas gloats. I know you followed me to Collinwood, Rachel says accusingly. Dorcas gloats about that too. You two deserve each other, Rachel says with disgust and marches out.

After Rachel leaves, Dorcas picks up the book she saw Trask touching and fondles it lovingly. But her fantasies are soon interrupted by the sound of a crash and breaking glass as the window shatters. No! she screams, No! Stay away from me! But her cries go unheeded as-- something closes in on her.

Hearing Dorcas’s screams, Trask runs back to the classroom. Rachel is already there, staring down at Dorcas’s lifeless body lying on the floor. Her body is mutilated! Rachel exclaims in shock and horror. Who could have done this? Trask wonders.

At 6:40 the following morning, Beth rushes down the Great Staircase when she spots Quentin lying on the floor below. He is covered in leaves, and his clothes are torn and bloodstained--and for the first time, we get full frontal nudity, complete with chest hair! Gently she taps his face to revive him. As he comes to, looking dazed, she helps him sit up and asks what happened. I know I was in your room, he says, and I asked you to get a doctor. She tells him, When I came back, you were gone. I’ve been looking for you all night! How did you get this way? she asks frantically. I don’t remember! Quentin cries, utterly terrified. I don’t remember anything!....