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Discuss - Ep #0747
« on: July 16, 2014, 04:14:06 PM »
Robservations Ep #747

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0747


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0747
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2014, 09:51:29 PM »
Barnabas tries to calm Jenny down and refutes her claims about seeing him in the coffin in the basement, but she grows hysterical when he touches her and breaks free and runs out of the house....

Jenny's madness might not be so easy to use as an excuse for dismissing her story as Judith insists that everything Jenny says has at least some element of truth in it. However she is adamant when she says that Jenny has no real children to really claim her own when Barnabas questions her about that.

Beth tries to get Quentin to leave Collinwood for his sake and for Jenny's. For once, however reluctantly,  Quentin is willing to do so without any strings attached, but he does pull Beth into a hot kiss, which is interrupted when Judith and Barnabas walk into the drawing room.

Judith sends Beth back to searching for Jenny in other parts of the house as Barnabas tries to explain to Quentin they want to use him as live bait to lure Jenny out of hiding. Quentin makes light of the whole thing, dreaming up the scenario and accuses Barnabas of turning the whole situation into a comedy. No, Quentin, YOU are the one who's doing that. Judith tells Quentin to stop treating the whole mess lightly....again, a bit hesitant, Quentin does come around and agrees to the plan, (which includes playing his famous melody that supposedly has a soothing effect on his mad wife), but still can't help with one more cheap joke...he says that he will face the door with his back in front, giving Jenny more of a chance with her knife.

However, Jenny has overheard all of this and goes back into hiding. However hearing Quentin's music does seem to have some emotional attachment for her....however she does not fall for the bait.  But she does head for Beth's room.

Finally giving up on drawing Jenny out into the open, Barnabas and Judith decide to go looking for her near the cottage.

Beth and Quentin go back to her room, unaware that Jenny is hiding behind the closet. Beth professes how guilty she feels for betraying Jenny and wanting her to just go away. Quentin insists that he will make it up to her and they again fall into a passionate kiss. A devastated Jenny silently walks toward them, raising her knife....

Another great episode.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0747
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2014, 12:30:41 AM »
Judith's prime directive certainly is the avoidance of scandal, isn't it! While she and Barn search for Jenny, Judith suddenly asks, Can we trust you--really trust you? Barnabas replies with unaccustomed diffidence (or wariness?), I think so. I apologize, Judith says. I'm not a trusting woman, she admits wearily, and it embarrasses me that you're involved so much with my family. I try to pretend we're nicer than we actually are, then something like this makes me face the truth. Barnabas suggests, The important thing now is to find Jenny.

Quentin callously tells Beth that she should have let him kill Jenny. Once again Beth manages to talk him out of it--barely. He kisses her passionately--just as Barnabas walks into the drawing room. You've caught me, Quentin says with no embarrassment whatever. I was just leaving. Judith steps into the room a moment later. I congratulate you the way you handled this situation, he tells them mockingly. Mad Jenny is free again! If I were ever a prisoner, I'd want you both as jailers. Good evening. Jauntily he starts to leave, tipping an imaginary hat at them. Quentin, we need your help, Judith tells him. I never imagined to hear from your lips, Quentin says with a laugh. Note that, Beth, and remember it all, because I won't believe it later, when I mull it over. Judith tells Beth, You needn't hear anymore. [Not in front of the servants!] Did you find Jenny? No, Beth replies. Then your work isn't done, Judith tells her. Beth instantly leaves without another word.

One of the most interesting moments in this episode is when Quentin starts up his music. He picks up the cylinder and loads it into the machine, then sets it going. We get a very fine closeup of the fully operational gramophone actually playing an actual wax cylinder. Half an hour later, Jenny hasn't taken the bait. It hasn't worked, Barnabas sighs. Are you giving up? Quentin asks. It's been over half an hour, Barnabas points out as he emerges from behind the drapes. Quentin repockets the rope and asks, Are you tired of listening to the music? Frankly, yes, Barnabas admits with a wry grin. [Remember that he heard it back in 1968 too!] It soothes me, Quentin says. Judith's biggest fear is that Jenny is now in town. No doubt she is more worried about exposure than about helping the poor madwoman.

Jenny enters Beth’s garret room and calls softly to Beth, then slumps down on the bed wearily. She turns up the lamp and discovers a pile of neatly folded, exquisitely made baby clothes on Beth’s dresser. She picks up one of the tiny gowns and presses it lovingly to her cheek. She turns the lamp down when she suddenly hears Beth's voice, saying, We've looked through every room. Jenny spots a basket, finds a knife inside and takes it. She hides in yet another curtained alcove just inside Beth’s room--first showing us, with an almost feral grin, the wicked-looking knife. In her alcove, she can hear Quentin and Beth’s entire subsequent conversation.

Quentin tells Beth, I'm going to search my room and lock my door. Don’t go out, Beth advises him. Don't take chances. Don't be so nervous, Quentin says. Taking his hands in her own, Beth says sadly, I wish I could find words for the way I feel. We'll find Jenny, Quentin assures her, thinking that she’s merely afraid. And when we do? Beth asks. That is what you want, right? Quentin asks. For Jenny to be found? Ashamed and sad, Beth looks down at their clasped hands. It looks like you're saying goodbye, Quentin observes. I wish I could, Beth laments. Then I wouldn't feel the way I do. I wouldn't...want something to happen to Jenny--and I do, I want something to happen to her! I don't want her to come back! she cries, unable to conceal her grief, guilt and remorse any longer. In tears, she continues, I don't want you to have a wife, and that makes me ashamed. Sometimes, I think I hate you, she sobs. Quentin reaches for her, but she pulls away. I hate you for making me feel the way I do, she says miserably. With genuine pity and regret, she cries, Oh, Quentin, I took such good care of Jenny before you came back! She was my whole life! Now you have me, Quentin reminds her. I wish you'd look more pleased. How can I? Beth cries. I feel so deceitful. We'll have to get rid of that conscience of yours, Quentin says lightly. You don’t know how she trusted me, how close we were, Beth mourns. Now you have me, Quentin repeats. Doesn't that make up for it? He pulls her into his arms for a long, ardent kiss. In spite of herself, Beth returns his passionate embrace, and the enraged Jenny raises the knife high, preparing to strike....


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0747
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2014, 02:45:03 AM »
As I've said, Judith and Edward's lack of compassion towards Jenny has really appalled me. And now that Judith has learned that Jenny is Magda's sister, she now thinks even less of poor Jenny just because Jenny had the misfortune of being born a gypsy.

Well at least Judith did acknowledge in here that she and her family aren't as nice as they would have others believe.

But Judith says she's not a very trusting woman....except of course, when it comes to Gregory Trask. [spoiler] But then she's going learn in the near future what a mistake that was. [/spoiler]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0747
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2014, 08:46:36 AM »
Yes, clergy get a lot of mileage out of that automatic trust.

[spoiler]As we prepare to say goodbye to Jenny... I wonder if the best actors/characters burn themselves out.  We're seeing classic, great, unforgettable characters introduced, who burn brightly for a short time, and then die.  I suppose having mad Jenny indefinitely would be exhausting for them and for us the viewers.  Isabelle Hoopes and Marie Wallace gave it their all, and stepped off the stage.  Everything seemed to revolve around them while they were there.  DS grows up and is given some adult attention... real dramatic choices are being made, the kind you'd make in a film or novel.  Main characters die.[/spoiler]
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