Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0738  (Read 670 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0738
« on: July 03, 2014, 03:04:07 PM »
Robservations #738

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0738


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0738
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2014, 06:09:55 PM »
Laura is restored back to normal thanks to Dirk. Now that he is under her thrall, he'll never be quite the same again.

Charity brings Jamison back to Collinwood. Jamison is sure something terrible has happened to his mother but Quentin sends the boy into the kitchen and tells him to order the servant to fix him him a cup of tea. He tells his nephew that one day he'll be master of Collinwood and everyone will have to do as he says. Real nice Quentin. Tell your nephew he has the right to boss everyone around 24 hours a day and they have to do what he says no matter how inconvenient it might be at the time for them or how late the hour might be. I have no doubt though that is most certainly what Quentin would have done had his plan to take over as Master of Collinwood had gone through.

Quentin tells Charity that Laura has fallen ill and that she had best prepare Jamison for it, however, to his horror, Laura in triumph stands at the top of the foyer to tell him he's wrong, and that she has never felt better in her life. Talk about having egg on your face, there Quentin.

Jamison comes out of the kitchen and is happy to see his mother is all right. Laura takes the boy in the drawing room and they have their private chat. He tells her about his feeling that something terrible had happened to her. She informs him he saw it in a vision and that Quentin had been the one who was trying to harm her. Jamison is distressed to hear this.

Later on, taking Quentin's advice about practicing to be Lord of the Manor years in advance, Jamison orders his uncle to get out of his sight and stay out of his sight and declares that he hates his uncle. He also accuses him of trying to hurt his mother. Quentin lies through his teeth and denies this, but Jamison still sides with his mother. Laura comes down and sends Jamison to bed, assuring him she'll be all right.

Quentin and Laura take turns accusing each other of being a rotten uncle/mother. Sad part is they're both right.....while Quentin may love Jamison he's already proven he's not above using the boy for his own selfish reasons. And I think we already have a pretty good idea of what Laura's intentions to her children are....

Dirk comes to Laura's defense and nearly gets into a brawl with Quentin. If it were anyone other than Quentin should Edward and Judith had come in at that moment and found Dirk attacking someone (and over Laura, the least favorite person in the world for both of them) no doubt he would have been given his pink slip and the boot out the door. But since it was Quentin (very likely the 2nd least favorite) no doubt Dirk would have been given no more than a lecture.

Charity uses the excuse through out this to go down and see Barnabas. I do say Barnabas has indeed unleashed Charity's repressed sexual desires. Dear Daddy Trask would shudder at the thought but I love it.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0738
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2014, 08:02:03 PM »
This time, when Dirk picks up Laura and carries her to the bed, RD doesn't seem to strain his back. In fact, they're on their feet almost the whole time.

Jamison's first act as the future Master of Collinwood is to find someone to wake up. Naturally he makes a beeline for Laura's room.

Quentin converses with Charity about Laura. You may hear people say, Miss Trask, that Quentin Collins is a wicked man. I can’t believe that, Charity opines, but without a shred of remorse and indeed some satisfaction, Quentin continues, Oh, it's true, it's true. I have committed all of the sins that you just read about. Charity turns away from him, seemingly troubled but not just by Quentin’s admission. Do I shock you? he asks hopefully. No, she lies. Enjoying himself thoroughly, he piles it on: And more--many more. All of that can cost a man a great deal--spiritually, of course. Yes, of course, Charity agrees, feeling on firmer ground now. Quentin finishes, But through Jamison, I have a second chance. I want to devote my life to being brother, uncle, friend, everything to that boy. Charity smiles and comments, You aren’t wicked, not with the kind of concern that you show tonight. Quentin reminds her, It’s a “grave” (his word) night: That poor lady may be dead already. But Quentin whirls around in shock when he hears Laura laughing on the landing above him. As usual, Quentin, she laughs, you are wrong. The “poor lady” never felt better! She laughs uproariously at his consternation.

Quentin and Laura squabble. Quentin loses and snaps at Charity, then apologizes. But she's caught sight of Barnabas's portrait in the foyer and barely notices.

Laura tells Jamison, Someone in the house wants to hurt me. They can't do that, Jamison tells her. One day, very soon, I will be master of this house. [I guess he thinks his aunt Judith isn’t long for this world!] He promises Quentin that he'll speak to him later (uh-oh).

Barnabas is writing a letter to-- well, someone (turning down a dinner invitation, perhaps) when Charity knocks at the door. She says she feels ashamed of herself but her eyes are aglow. Barn says she's always welcome. She tells him about the fire. The school was completely gutted and my father’s life’s work destroyed--but I don’t care, because it gave me an excuse to come to you. You need no excuse to come to me, and you know it. Come whenever you feel you must, Barnabas says hospitably. I have never known anyone like you, Charity tells him. You have made me see the world as a warm, beautiful place. Barnabas, is there a mirror? The vampire is startled at this request, but Charity explains, I want to look into one, because in your world, I feel that I too am beautiful. You are, Barnabas assures her--you need no mirror to know that. Look at me and into my eyes--you will see, he says. She slowly turns and gazes up at him, adoration and longing in her eyes. (Perhaps because of Charity’s request, this ep. has two shots that are reflected in mirrors.)

Dirk comes to Laura's room and swears to do anything for her. Ask Ra for the scarab, she orders him. After some hesitation and some prodding by Laura, he says the magic words and the scarab appears. Jamison knocks on the door and comes in. Jamison is old enough to be none too pleased to see Dirk standing between his mother and her bed. I thought you would be alone, he says. Dirk was just helping me with something I needed, Laura says. You can go now, Dirk, Jamison orders in an adult tone of voice. Dirk turns brusquely and leaves. How could you speak to Dirk that way? Laura wonders, displeased. Jamison explains, Quentin says servants need to know their proper place. Angrily, Laura says, Quentin is the person who is trying to hurt me. Jamison laughs in disbelief, but Laura says, It’s true. You must believe it or Quentin will hurt me again. She kneels to look him in the eyes and tells him and says, You didn’t have a dream. It was a vision of me dying--because Quentin wanted me to die. Jamison is stunned.

Barnabas and Charity continue their visit. I’ll take you back to Collinwood, Barnabas offers. You can spend the night there. Must we go immediately? Charity asks, having a different conclusion in mind. No, Barnabas says, but soon. She muses, I don't understand it at all. I always thought I cared about Tim, but this is so... different... somehow. Is it? Barnabas asks politely, though he surely knows. It is as if I have no will of my own, Charity tells him. As if I wanted no will of my own. As if ... I had to do anything you wanted me to do. That was the only way that I could be happy. Oh Barnabas, please, make me happy! She turns to face him, lifting her chin to expose her pale and slender throat. His fangs are already bared. I will, he promises, then bites her very slowly, bringing the scene and Charity’s visit to a steamy conclusion.

Jamison tells Quentin that he hates him and orders his uncle to get out of his sight! Quentin is stunned. Laura arrives and orders Jamison to bed so that she and Quentin can argue in the drawing room about which is the more heartless. Really, it's a draw. Dirk arrives and Quentin makes snide remarks about him and Laura, then leaves. Dirk puts his arms around her just in case she needs “warming” again--right there in the drawing room with the doors wide open--but any further activities are put off by a knock at the door.

Barnabas brings Charity back, saying that he found her wandering in the woods, a little disoriented (and no wonder, after that steamy bite!). Barnabas gets his first good look at Laura--and he reacts as if seeing a ghost. For once he is too astonished for speech, even when Laura introduces herself. He swallows hard, covers it with a smile and says, Edward never told me you were as young and beautiful as you are. Edward wouldn’t, Laura replies sourly. She holds out her hand to Barnabas, but instead of bowing over it to bestow his usual gallant kiss, he simply gives it a quick squeeze. It’s late, Laura remarks. She wishes Barnabas and Charity a good night, then goes upstairs. What’s the matter? Charity asks. When Barnabas regains his voice, he says, It cannot be! I saw her, I heard her voice, I touched her hand--but that woman has been dead for over a hundred years!

[Perhaps because Barnabas bites Charity so slowly, the closing credits roll as slowly as they will ever roll.]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0738
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2014, 08:08:19 AM »
The redo of Laura's and Dirk's scene where he revives her is done about as differently as it possibly could be.  Did Dan Curtis direct?  Laura is not on the floor.  She's pacing around like a trapped tiger, seemingly not in need of anyone else's energy at all.  Dirk walks in, and they rush through the revival dialogue in moments.  Suddenly Laura plops herself down on the bed, face to one side so she can talk to Dirk, apparently having remembered just that second that that was where she was supposed to be.  Dirk does some semi-nothing to her, maybe touching her and saying a couple words, and she's back on her feet.  But no, the reviving isn't over yet.  Part two seems to take place offscreen while the theme music was playing.  The whole thing is a mess.

Quentin to Charity: "I've committed all the sins you've only read about!"  That was good.  Charity tries to keep her head from exploding by seeing the good in him. 

So what was Barnabas writing, I wonder?  To whom?  So Charity (welcome) is already a vamp victim.  This is, however, the first time Barnabas meets 1897 Laura...
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0738
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2014, 04:23:55 PM »
I wonder if Charity would be trying to find the good in Quentin if he wasn't so darn good looking. Remember how snotty and unbearably, smugly, self-righteous she was to Rachel when Rachel opened the door to her.
Rachel is one very attractive young woman.

Or maybe Charity thinks that good looking men are more easy to redeem than beautiful women. Or maybe she shares her mother's envious and ugly attitude that 'pretty' women are indeed evil. But the same does not apply to hunky men like Quentin. Double standard, anyone?

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0738
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2014, 08:00:41 PM »
Nah.  [ghost_wink]