Author Topic: #1169/1170: Robservations 11/17/03: A Curse is Lifted  (Read 1503 times)

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#1169/1170: Robservations 11/17/03: A Curse is Lifted
« on: November 16, 2003, 02:12:14 PM »
1169 - You've got to love the expression of disbelief and astonishment on Gerard's face upon seeing Barnabas in the daytime!  Priceless!  But how did it happen?

Gerard stares at Barnabas.  What's wrong? asks Barn.  You're standing right before me--in broad daylight! sputters an amazed Gerard.  Why do you think there's something unusual about that? asks Barn, enjoying himself immensely.  You know what's unusual, says Gerard--vampirism.  Barnabas repeats the word--what makes you think I'm vampire, Gerard?  You know my answer to that, says Gerard.  As I understand it, says Barn, vampires cannot survive during the daytime--and their images cannot be reflected in mirrors--would you like me to stand in front of a mirror for you?  So? says Gerard, it's obvious you've had assistance from someone--and if I find out...  Of course I've had assistance, burbles Barnabas--I've been fortunate enough to have someone nearby, offering a kind hand.  (Count Petofi?)  Valerie enters.  "Do you want me, darling?" she asks Barnabas.  Spotting Gerard, she greets him cheerfully--how nice it is to see you--would you like to sit down?  No, says Gerard sulkily.  A glass of sherry? she offers, sounding very domestic--even if it is a bit early for that.
Your composure is beautiful, accuses Gerard, take it while you can, enjoy it while you can, because I swear this wonderful little gathering won't be going on for long!  He leaves.  A triumphant Barnabas watches him go.  Barnabas immediately goes to Angelique (he calls her that) and says, when I went to you for help, I knew you'd want something in return--you didn't tell me then--tell me now what you expect.  "I expect nothing," she replies  "for once in my life, there is no price."  Julia, standing with her arms crossed, looks skeptical and says, I'm sorry--I appreciate what you've done for Barnabas, but I'm afraid I can't believe you--you've never done anything for nothing.  Julia, says Angelique sincerely, I'd only do what any woman would who loved Barnabas--believe me.  I would like to believe you, says Julia, but I'm afraid I can't--she turns away.  Barnabas goes to Julia--I think Angelique and I should have a talk alone, he says.  "Of course," says Julia, with bitter irony--"you are, after all, husband and wife."  Thank you, Julia, says Barnabas--if you hadn't warned me that Gerard knew about me, I'd be lying dead forever in that coffin right now.  He'd have had to kill me first, says Julia through gritted teeth.  "Then Angelique has saved us both," says Barnabas. (ouch!)  "Saved us for what? demands Julia--for WHAT?"

Alone now, a bemused Barnabas says, Angelique, you can pretend in front of Julia, but we know each other too well now for lies--you saved my life, tell me the price now.  There is no price, she repeats--none.  He turns away.  I don't expect you to believe me, she says, not after all we've been through, and I've only myself to blame--only myself.  You are extraordinary, he says--I've seen you play this scene many times, but I must confess, I've never been so convinced.  Perhaps it's because it's the truth, she says.  What is the truth? he asks.  That I love you, she says passionately--that no matter how much I fight my feelings, I will always love you.  Spare me this charade, says Barn, you do not love me, Angelique--you only want power over me.  She gazes at him with huge eyes and asks, why, then, did I lift your curse--you're free of me now, I have no hold over you--"Barnabas, I did want you for myself, but rather than see you dead, I would see you free of my power--and free of me--why do I love you?--you reject me, revile me, despise me..."   Barnabas surveys her skeptically--haven't you given me reason?  Yes, she says, I admit that--I wanted you, I couldn't bear to have anyone else have you--but everything I have done, none of it has given me your love.  We cannot love at will, he says gently, moving in close, anymore than we can prevent our love.  How well I know that, she sighs--that's why I ask nothing in return for your life that you can't give me willingly--all I want is your love--but only if you're able to give it--I only ask that you try.  Right now, he says softly, I almost feel like I'm an ordinary man and you're an ordinary woman (and there are beds galore upstairs).  But you are an ordinary man, she reminds him, now that the curse has been lifted.  Forever? he asks.  She turns away.  "Forever?" he repeats insistently--"You are silent."  Yes, she says, it will be forever, I swear it--oh, Barnabas, hold me--I'm so afraid of losing you--you're human now, like anyone else, you can die, and you have enemies--please, just hold me.  He takes her into his arms, holding her close.  Do you believe me now? she asks.
Yes, I believe you, Angelique, he says, I cannot say that I love you, but I understand your love for the first time since you came here from Martinique.  And does that make any difference? she asks hopefully, her face alight.  I don't know, he admits.  (A great scene!)

Collinwood drawing room - "Barnabas, this is madness!" cries Julia, "you must not believe her!--if you believe her then she will be manipulating you, and you will never know where you are--oh, Barnabas, if you believe her you'll be at her perpetual mercy,  you must not trust her!"   But I do, I must, says Barnabas, she's changed and I have changed because of her--I'm free now, and I MUST believe her!  Julia shakes her head--anything you feel beyond gratitude will be a serious mistake, she says--she will use her power against you again--"Oh, Barnabas, I care for you too much..."  She stops, inches from making the three-word declaration, and he looks at her, brow furrowed.  Forcing a neutral expression onto her face, tamping down on her passion, Julia says carefully, "You're my good friend, I don't want to lose you."  You will not lose me, he assures her, not now, I am not afraid of anything anymore, I'm ready for anything that might come along because I'm human now--what am I doing standing here when I can be outside in the sun?--"Julia, excuse me, I'd like to take a walk alone for a moment."  I understand, she says, and watches him walk outside into the light of day.

4:50 - Julia meets Gerard, who is coming downstairs at Collinwood.  Are you going up for a rest? he asks.  I'm not tired, she says.  You had quite a night the other night with Valerie? he asks.  I don't know what you're talking about, she says.  Perhaps I can help you, he says--when was the last time you saw your brother Barnabas in the daylight?  About a half hour ago, she says, and before that, this morning--or you may remember that.  I'm not referring to today, he says sharply.  Oh, you mean yesterday and the day before? she asks--yes, I've seen him all those days, as a matter of fact, I think I've seen him every day since we arrived in Collinsport.  Then you are the only one that has, he says--come here.  He points to the portrait of Barnabas hanging in the hall.  Who is that? he asks.  Barnabas Collins, she replies.  Which one? he asks.  "The father," she says.  THE father? he asks.  She laughs, covering, correcting: "MY father!"  Are you certain? he asks, because I believe there is only one Barnabas Collins, just one, and I believe he is living at the Old House, and I believe he is...
...a vampire, finishes Julia, yes, you have already told us that--as a doctor, I'm very concerned about you--you seem to be succumbing to the hysteria in this house--you yourself are saying you are seeing vampires and supernatural creatures--Barnabas is not what you think he is--he's quite human--all-too-human, I'm afraid.  She excuses herself and goes upstairs.  Frustrated, Gerard pours himself a drink and slugs it down.  Gabriel enters.  What are you doing here? demands Gerard.  I want my check, if you don't mind, says Gabriel.  Gerard takes it out of his jacket and hands it to him.  What is this?--it's only half my allowance, complains Gabriel.  It's all you will be getting until the trial is over, says Gerard--this trial is costing this family a fortune.  (Why, is Desmond charging them?)  And I have no doubt, says Gabriel, flipping the check around, that the rest of my allowance is in your pocket--with everything else you've bled from the Collins'--he stabs his finger against the check--now this is my money!--and I demand it now!  What a bore you are, sneers Gerard, and leaves the room.  Gabriel tosses the balled up check into the fire.  He hears his father's laughter filling the room.  Terrified, he asks, Father, is that you laughing?--why have you come back?  Why?

Angelique sits writing at a desk in the Old House drawing room when a beaming Barnabas enters and asks, do you know what the daylight is like?--I've never seen more beauty than I have in these past few hours.  Happy? she asks, smiling.  I've never known such happiness, he says, more than I could ever hope to have known--I'm almost like a child, I can hardly wait for the morning!   I'm so glad, she says, smiling at him.  You seem to be very busy, he notices.  Yes, I'm answering a note from Charles Dawson, she says.  What did he want? inquires Barnabas.  He's asked me to testify, she says.  He's the prosecuting attorney, says Barnabas, he must want you to testify against Quentin.  That's right, she says--I'm going to do it.  You can't, I forbid it, says Barnabas--Quentin is innocent.  Quentin must never be set free, she says--he's evil, possessed by the spirit of Judah Zachary.  Barnabas stares at her in disbelief.

How did you know Judah Zachary? he asks her.  Isn't it remarkable, she says, all the years we've known one another, and yet you never knew who it was who made me as I am.  Then it was...? asks Barnabas.  Judah Zachary, yes, she says.  But how? asks Barnabas.  It happened long before I met you, she relates, in 1692, I had just moved to the village of Bedford, taken a position as a chambermaid there--one of the prominent families--the first time I met Judah Zachary, I loathed him, but somehow, mysteriously, I was drawn to him; without my even knowing it, I came under his spell--he made me a member of his coven--later Judah was tried for witchcraft and beheaded--one of the judges who convicted him was Amadeus Collins, your great-uncle--but it was I who testified against him--they put a black hood over him so he couldn't look at me and control me--it was my testimony that proved he was a warlock--if I hadn't testified against him, they would have beheaded me as well!--Judah died vowing to return and destroy your family--and me.  You were Miranda, marvels Barnabas, the girl the newspapers talked so much about.  Yes, she says.  And in reward for your testimony, he says, they gave you life and exile.  Yes, I went to the West Indies, she says, long after that to Martinique, where I met Josette and finally you--but I always knew that someday Judah would return for me.  But why do you think Judah possesses Quentin? Barnabas asks.  It all began with Gerard, she explains--one day he called me Miranda--I thought how would he ever know that?  Then why do you think Judah possesses Quentin and not Gerard? demands Barnabas.  I had a vision, she says, of Amadeus Collins as he was in 1692, in the courtroom, when he promised me my freedom in return for my testimony--so I knew then that Judah had returned--but not as himself--I suspected Gerard, and so I used my powers to conjure up am image of Judah as he exists here and now--and the face that I saw was that of Quentin Collins!  No, says Barnabas, if anyone is possessed, it's Gerard!--why do you think he named you Miranda?  He explained that, she says, he said he had been reading Judah Zachary's journal, the description in it had reminded him of me.  He was lying, says Barnabas, all of your strange experiences have been made by Judah, acting through Gerard.  Why are you so sure it's Gerard? she asks.  I've come from the 20th century, he says, where Gerard is an evil spirit, who will try to possess the souls of two children--the boy who is living there now, David Collins, and his friend, Hallie Stokes--and he will try and destroy Collinwood--and Angelique, I know in this time, he will murder Quentin Collins--and soon!  Gerard! she cries, if that's true, Quentin will be acquitted, but Judah Zachary will continue to exist--I'm so confused, tell me what to do!  Trust me, he says, you must refuse to testify against Quentin in the trial--will you?  Yes if you think it's best, she says.  I do, he assures her--if anyone is a threat to us, it's Gerard Stiles.
She turns away, unsure and afraid.

Gabriel, hand shaking, sips a drink Julia has given him-this was most helpful, he says.  I hope so, says Julia, I've never seen you so upset--you were pale as a ghost.  Just a dizzy spell, he says, I think I'm fine now.  I'm glad, she says.  Something tells me, he says, that you dislike Gerard as much as I do, is that correct?  Why do you suggest such a question? she asks.  It's obvious you either hate him or are terrified of him--or both.  Are you suggesting it's possible he can be terrifying or hurt me? she asks.  Yes, I'm suggesting that, he says--he is a loathsome pig!--now, it's good we hate and fear--it keeps our guard up, and it needs to be up, especially mine--because Gerard knows I'm going to break my father's will.  No, Gabriel, says Daniel's voice, do not try!--do not try!  Terrorized, Gabriel hands his glass back to Julia--do you hear it? he asks.  I don't, she says.  That voice! cries Gabriel.  GABRIEL, DO NOT TRY! insists Daniel.  Gabriel wheels out of the drawing room as if pursued, shouting, "Stop it!"  Julia, puzzled, watches him go.  Something is terrifying him--what could it be?  She sets the glass down on the foyer table, grabs her cloak and leaves the house.

In his room, Gabriel's window blows open, his curtains blow as thunder and lightning fill the room.  Leave me alone, Father! he begs.  Daniel appears.  Murderer! he cries, you murdered me!  It wasn't me, it was Gerard, babbles Gabriel--he made me do it, he lied to me, told me I was going to be your heir, then he said Quentin was going to be, and he goaded me to kill you, Father, please!  You walked! accuses Daniel, you walked--lies, Gabriel, lies!--your life is a lie--you will lie no more, I'm everywhere, Gabriel, everywhere--I will do to you what you did to me--I will make you die!
Gabriel covers his face with his hands, crying out.  Daniel disappears.  Gabriel continues to babble, it wasn't me, it was Gerard, please punish him, not me, punish Gerard!  Through gritted teeth, Gabriel declares, "I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE YOU NEVER HURT ME AGAIN, GERARD STILES!"

Gerard sits in the drawing room, playing chess alone.  Gabriel exits the secret panel, on foot, and creeps over to Gerard stealthily.  He slams his fist down on him, rendering him unconscious, then takes a length of rope and begins to strangle him, pulling the rope tight.

NOTES:  One of DS' pivotal episodes:  Angelique lifts Barnabas' curse (one wonders why she never did it before, but I guess she got the power to do so successfully since 1797).  She tells him she loves him, again, but this time sounds very sincere.  Julia almost confesses her love, but stops short; you know Barnabas knows it.  Her face, filled with pain and adoration, is something I will never forget, and her bitter remark that Barn and Ang are husband and wife is an admission that has to hurt her deeply.  Angelique tells Barnabas the tale of her origins, and agrees to do what he says in regards to not testifying against Quentin.  His attitude toward her is different, gentler.  From her cruelty in turning Roxanne into a vampire and her attempt to force the same fate on Julia, Angelique has seemingly turned into a completely different person.

Will Gabriel succeed in doing away with Gerard?  It seems hard to believe a little strangling can get rid of such a powerful warlock, but it could mean the death of Gerard's body and the need for Judah to find another shell to inhabit.

This is probably one of my favorite episodes, both because Angelique cures Barnabas, Julia comes within a hairsbreadth of admitting her love and because they outwit Gerard so brilliantly.  His face in that scene where Ang is inviting him to have a sherry is hilarious!

Daniel is haunting Gabriel now.  Can madness and death be far behind?

1170 - Jail - Quentin paces his cell.

Gabriel strangles Gerard to unconsciousness.  Hearing Leticia calling to Gerard, Gabriel exits through the window.  Gerard topples to the floor. Leticia runs to his side and kneels--what's happened to you? she cries, patting his face--can you hear me?  Hearing a noise, she demands,  who is there?  She looks out the window but sees no one.
Only a few feet from her, Gabriel hides against the vines clinging to the house.  Hearing Gerard moan, Leticia goes to him and helps him up--you gave me such a fright! she says.  Someone tried to kill me, says Gerard, pulling the rope from around his neck.  Oh, Lord, who was it? asks Leticia.  I don't have the foggiest idea, someone obviously wanted to strangle me--when did you come in?  Just a moment ago, she says.  You must have frightened him away, says Gerard, you saved my life Leticia, I'm grateful.  I think whoever it was must have left by the window, she says, I thought I heard someone behind the drapes, but when I came here, I didn't see anybody.  He looks at the open secret panel--they might have come in by the window, he says, but they didn't leave that way.  Gerard takes some candles and decides, despite Leticia's objections, to check it out.  I'll be right back, he assures her.  I won't stay here alone, she insists.  Gabriel slips from his hiding place and walks out of the room.

In the secret passageway, Leticia and Gerard encounter lots of cobwebs.  It goes on a bit, don't it? remarks Leticia.  Staircase over there, he says, must be an exit around somewhere--maybe up there is where the assailant made his escape.

Collinwood - Carrie comes downstairs.  Gerard, back in his wheelchair, meets her and nastily asks, what are you gaping at?  Your shoes, she says, there's mud on them--how did you do that?  He looks at her and stammers, assuming it's none of your business, which it isn't, a servant was helping me from my carriage--the imbecile lost his grip--my feet hit the ground--the pain was excruciating--are you satisfied?   (Imagine how the servants hate Gabriel.)   Yes, replies Carrie, and I'm sorry I asked.  She goes to the kitchen area.  Gabriel breathes a sigh of relief and enters the drawing room as Leticia and Gerard exit the secret panel.  Well, the lord of the manor, inspecting all his properties, sneers Gabriel.  This is no time to be funny, says Leticia--there's a murderer loose in the house.  A murderer, my dear? asks Gabriel.  Someone tried to kill me a while ago, explains Gerard.  How extraordinary, smiles Gabriel--who would think a man like you would have enemies?  Did you know there was a secret passage behind that panel there? asks Gerard.  Of course I did, says Gabriel, we used to play there as children--does that make me a suspect?  I would be happy to accuse you, says Gerard, looking down at his legs--if you could walk.  There are some virtues of being a cripple, says Gabriel--one does not get unjustly accused--good night, both of you.  You're bloody calm about this all! bitches Leticia--doesn't it bother you at all that someone almost got killed?  Not as long as the someone isn't me, replies Gabriel--and, Mr. Stiles, I do pray you aren't murdered in your sleep tonight.  We both know that even you could do that, don't we, Gabriel? asks Gerard.  Pissed, Gabriel wheels himself out.

Gabriel eavesdrops outside the drawing room as Leticia reminds Gerard, someone tried to kill you tonight--don't you think you should send for the police?  I think I can handle it, he says--by the way, why did you come to the house this evening?  I almost forgot, she says, Desmond asked me to give you a message--Quentin wants you to come see him in the jail--Desmond says you never even answered his first note asking you to come--he's quite upset about it.  I don't blame him, says Gerard--I always mean to go, but I had a lot of business here to do--but I will make it a point to see Quentin tomorrow.

Next day - Curtains blow in Daphne's bedroom, where she sits on the bed, brushing her hair.  Her face fades into Quentin's, who is receiving a visit in jail from Gabriel--quite a mob outside, he remarks, what are they waiting for?  My beheading, they hope, says Quentin--it's their nightly entertainment--but as you can see, I'm quite all right--I must say, this is an unexpected pleasure.  Life does hold some surprises, says Gabriel, doesn't it?--I hear your trial is going very well for you.  Yes, Desmond's done a very fine job, agrees Quentin--what's on your mind?  I'll get right to the point, says Gabriel--the future of Collinwood and the entire family--your friend, Gerard Stiles (music miscue here), isn't a friend--I don't know how he did it, but he's behind everything that happened--your trial, the changing of the will, everything
--and you're going to have to find some way to prove the will invalid.  I must admit, says Quentin, I've begun to have some grave doubts about Gerard--but I'll have to talk to him first.  What good is talking going to do? demands Gabriel--if you don't do anything right away, you'll have yourself to blame if anything happens to Tad.  He's all right, isn't he? asks Quentin.  For the moment, says Gabriel, but I don't think he's going to live to be 21 and inherit any money as long as Gerard Stiles is master of Collinwood.  I don't know what I'll be able to do, says Quentin, you'll have to give me time to think about it first.  We don't have time, argues Gabriel.  Quentin looks speculative.

Drawing room - Carrie works on a drawing of Jeremy.  Daphne comes up behind her and praises it.  I didn't hear you come in, says Carrie, hiding the picture.  Don't cover it up, let me look at it, says Daphne.  She takes the drawing from Carrie--could that possibly be Jeremy Grimes? asks the governess.  How did you know? asks Carrie, surprised.  I guessed, says Daphne.  But you've never met him, have you? asks Carrie.  Word has a way of getting around, says Daphne, sitting beside her--you must have told Tad about Jeremy, and he told me.  Smiling, she hands back the drawing.  He shouldn't have done that, says Carrie, miffed.  I'm sure he didn't mean any harm, Daphne assures her.
Jeremy's father doesn't like anyone in this house, says Carrie, and if he knew Jeremy met me, he'd probably disown him--you won't say anything about it to anyone, will you?  Of course not, says Daphne--tell me, why does Jeremy's father hate the Collinses so?  I don't know, says Carrie--Jeremy says his father agrees with everything Mr. Trask says about Quentin, about him practicing witchcraft--whenever he talks to his father about it, he gets hysterical.  Daphne rises--I'm afraid he isn't the only one who has gotten hysterical, she says.  What's going to happen to Quentin? asks Carrie.  I really don't know, replies Daphne.

Jail - Quentin, I'm sorry for not coming to see you earlier, says Gerard.  So am I, says Quentin, I think you have some explaining to do.  Gerard surveys him steadily.

I don't understand, says Gerard, what is it that I have to explain?  I wonder how the prosecutor of my case happens to be your very good friend, Charles Dawson, says Quentin--and why is he so determined to crucify me?  And am I to be held responsible against the actions of a former friend? asks Gerard.  Former? asks Quentin.  Had no one told you that Charles Dawson and I are no longer friends? demands Gerard.  Quentin, arms crossed, says no, no one told me anything.  I was furious with him when he said he would accept the case! says Gerard, that he would prosecute you!--I asked him not to, begged him not to, but he refused--he's a very ambitious man, he wants to make a name for himself, even at your expense--so I told him our friendship was finished, that I was going to stand with you and not help him in any case whatsoever.  Quentin listens carefully--I don't know what to say, Gerard--you know I want to believe you very much.  Quentin, says Gerard, throwing up his arms--why don't you judge me for my actions?--he puts his hand on his shoulder--have I ever betrayed you in all the years we were at sea together?  No, says Quentin.  And I told you that as far as I was concerned, I only hold the position of a trustee or a caretaker until you are released and your innocence established, adds Gerard.  I just wonder how it is that men like Barnabas and Desmond can be so much against you, says Quentin.  I don't understand it either, admits Gerard, sitting beside Quentin on the cot--but they will be very interested to know you and I have a common enemy--I was attacked last night.  Someone tried to kill you? asks Quentin.  Very nearly did, says Gerard, and had not Leticia been there to stop them...  Leticia? asks Quentin.  Yes, says Gerard, I was in the drawing room-someone snuck in through the secret panel and Leticia entered and must have scared them off.  Did you see who it was? asks Quentin.  No, says Gerard, it happened too quickly, but it's obviously someone who knows that house quite well.  I wonder who it is at Collinwood who would want to kill you? asks Quentin.  More important, says Gerard, who's at Collinwood who wants to destroy the master of the house?  What you're saying is, says Quentin, the person responsible for putting me in here is the same one responsible for trying to kill you.  I believe so, says Gerard.  Then why can't we find out the answer? demands Quentin--how come this person is able to remain so anonymous all this time?  I don't know, says Gerard.  Has Daphne received anymore letters? asks Quentin.
Yes, I'm afraid she has, even more mysterious than ever, says Gerard.  All the trouble started when I began to receive those letters from Joanna, says Quentin--it's just possible the source of those letters is the answer to all our troubles.  Yes, says Gerard, you once told me you had received letters in a very familiar pattern.  Right, says Quentin.  Well, says Gerard, perhaps Daphne received letters in the same pattern--believe me, I will find out.  And then, says Quentin, destroy the spirit.  If this is a spirit, says Gerard--spirits don't usually attack people--no, I will find the source of the notes and work from there.  Do whatever you think is best, says Quentin, smiling, and make sure nothing happens to Daphne--take care of yourself.  Believe me, now that I have been alerted, says Gerard, no one will get rid of me--"Guard!"

Daphne, finally wearing a different dress, is heading downstairs at Collinwood when she gets a whiff of Joanna's perfume--and hears her music playing in the drawing room.  She goes to the closed doors and throws them open.  Leticia is at the piano, Carrie listening.  You gave me a start, luv, says Leticia, smoothing her hair--what is it, Daphne?  Has there been anyone else in this room? asks Daphne.  No, why? asks Carrie.  There was a scent in the air, perfume, it was very familiar to me, says Daphne.  Leticia rises from the piano bench--Daphne, are you all right?  I'm fine, says Daphne, walking away.  Carrie, go up to your room now, says Leticia--run along, luv, I want to talk with Daphne.  Carrie leaves.  Leticia seats Daphne on the sofa--what's troubling you? she asks.  Is it true you have second sight? asks Daphne.  I have a certain gift, chuckles Leticia, it's hard to explain exactly what it is.  Could you use it now to help me? asks Daphne.  It isn't something you just turn on and off, protests Leticia.  Please try, urges Daphne--I want to know if there's a spirit in the house--an unfriendly spirit.  Leticia rises and concentrates--I don't feel any vibrations at all, says Leticia--I'm sorry, like I said, it don't always work.  It's all right, says Daphne.  If you could just tell me what's troubling you, begins Leticia, then stops.  We hear Judah's creepy music.  It's happening, says Leticia.  Tell me, says Daphne.  The vibrations, says Leticia, I can feel them now--there is a foreign spirit somewhere in this house.  Can you identify it? asks Daphne.  No, says Leticia, but I know it's here in this house.  In the foyer, Gerard has returned to Collinwood.

As Gerard listens, Daphne asks Leticia, do you know where in the house the spirit is?  I can't tell you anymore, luv, I just know it's here, says Leticia--it wasn't a moment ago and it is now.  What am I going to do? asks Daphne.  (We see Mike R. Phone.)  I overheard, says Gerard, joining the ladies--it's Joanna.  Daphne nods--yes, she agrees.  Who is Joanna? asks Leticia.  I'm afraid she's someone who's risen from the dead, says Gerard.  Oh the one Samantha told about at Quentin's trial, remembers Leticia.  Yes that's right--excuse me, says Daphne, and hurries from the room.  Gerard, what's troubling Daphne? asks Leticia--you must tell me.  Before Gerard can reply, Daphne calls to Gerard from the foyer, where she's found another note on the table.  She hands it to him, and he reads: "Tonight I will come back, this time I shall succeed."  Succeed?--I don't understand, says Leticia.  This isn't the first warning, says Daphne--she's trying to kill me.  Kill you, why? asks Leticia.
No one is going to kill you, says Gerard--you must believe me.  Come to Rose Cottage and spend the night there, Leticia orders Daphne.  I can't do that, insists the latter.  You can't very well stay here, can you, not if your life is in danger? demands Leticia.  I've got no choice, says Daphne--Samantha, Edith and Gabriel are all going out tonight; I have to stay here or Tad and Carrie will be alone.  Gerard holds the letter, musing--it's odd, isn't it? he asks--whoever sent this letter knew Daphne would be alone tonight--because I had intended to go out myself--now it's time to close the little mystery about Joanna Mills.

Midnight - Curtains blow in Daphne's room.  Someone lies under the covers.  The door opens; a hooded figure enters and raises a knife over the body.  Gerard, who has been hiding under there in Daphne's stead, darts out from under the covers and thwarts the would-be murderer.  "Yes!  My God, it's you!  It's really you!" he cries.  (And another music miscue.)

NOTES:  Who is YOU?  I don't remember, believe it or not, but it must be someone known to Gerard.

I've got to say Gerard gave a most convincing argument to Quentin why he should be trusted, and unfortunately, I believe Quentin accepted his responses.  Too bad, too, but whether possessed by Judah or not, he seems to be a man of considerable charm and persuasiveness.

Gabriel's interest is purely selfish.  He wants his rightful place in the household and as much money as he can get his greedy hands on.  No matter how terrible his life, or how much his father despised him, he has no right to be such an SOB.

Is Joanna really intent on killing her sister?  Why would she?  Because Daphne loves Quentin and vice versa?  She's jealous?  She doesn't want her sister getting the man she couldn't get?  Or would she rather see her sister dead than Quentin's mistress?

How cute that Carrie is drawing pictures of Jeremy.  Just don't expect too much from this little teen interlude.

All these and other questions will be answered, I promise!

Love, Robin

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Re:#1169/1170: Robservations 11/17/03: A Curse is Lifted
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2003, 09:33:54 PM »
"Oh, Barnabas, I care for you too much. . ."  She stops, inches from making the three-word declaration, and he looks at her, brow furrowed.  Forcing a neutral expression onto her face, tamping down on her passion, Julia says carefully, "You're my good friend, I don't want to lose you." 

You know the Barn man has it real tuff --a vicious, spitfire of a blonde wife who declares she loves him now matter what she does AND a viviacious red head with luminios eyes who's gone to hell and back for the  boy-- just dying to say the 3 little words. . .poor guy. . .you gotta feel for him. . ::sniff sniff:  But really the idea that he's gonna trust Angelique cuz after a bit-o-time (not as long for her as HIM)  . ..  she's being nice and freed him from a horrible curse (which caused him to kill how many?) that she laid. . . it just really makes my stomache churn. . . and goes again to support a statement made elsewhere that the writers were just doing whatever 'til they were all outta there. . .

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Re:#1169/1170: Robservations 11/17/03: A Curse is Lifted
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2003, 09:59:51 PM »
But really the idea that he's gonna trust Angelique cuz after a bit-o-time (not as long for her as HIM)  . ..  she's being nice and freed him from a horrible curse (which caused him to kill how many?) that she laid. . . it just really makes my stomache churn. . . and goes again to support a statement made elsewhere that the writers were just doing whatever 'til they were all outta there. . .

It's probably understandable how many Julia fans might have that reaction. But we've talked about this before, and it's inevitable on almost every soap that adversarial couples like Barnabas and Angelique somehow find a way to put their differences behind them and suddenly realize that they were really attracted to each other, if not in love all along. And as hard as it is to believe, some couplings have made a lot less sense than Barnabas and Angelique did.  ;)

It's just a tried and true soap convention. And once Lela Swift took over as the producer, it was clear that she wanted to introduce more classic soap elements into the show. Personally, I feel that if DS had perhaps kept more of those classic elements in its storyline, it may have lasted far longer than it did...

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Re:#1169/1170: Robservations 11/17/03: A Curse is Lifted
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2003, 10:41:23 PM »
It certainly was a standard soap plot, i'll give you that.  .. . and if they kept going. . B would've eventually ended up with Julia which would've ruined everything. . .if you follow other shows were unrequited love is finally uhhh, requited. . .that always spells the end as well. . .