Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0635  (Read 681 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0635
« on: February 08, 2014, 04:26:25 PM »
Robservations #635

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0635

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0635
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 10:06:04 PM »
Barnabas returns to the Old House and tells Julia what he saw and heard on Widows Hill. Relieved that Nicholas is gone forever, Julia collapses onto Barnabas's shoulder. He even pats her gently a couple of times. She tells him, Maggie is all right--I've just given her [all together now] a sedative.

Meanwhile, Adam arrives at Collinwood. The front doors are wide open--won't these peope ever learn???

Carolyn has just given Vicki a sedative. While Adam listens outside, Carolyn reminisces about how she became very attracted to an unnamed "someone" who went away. Unfortunately, Adam’s discovery of Carolyn’s feelings for him has no effect on his quest for revenge. After Carolyn leaves, he warns Vicki that if she makes a sound, he'll kill her. We get a glimpse of the old Vicki when she screams as loudly as possible. Adam almost carelessly knocks her down. Carolyn rushes in and tries to talk Adam out of his revenge plot, even reminding him of the time he read the love sonnet to her. But all her pleading has no effect. She tries to call the police--somehow Vicki now has her own extension--but Adam rips the cord out. They gaze at one another for a long moment. Carolyn pleads, Adam, you wouldn’t do anything to me--you just wouldn’t. He reaches out as if to embrace her, but instead he grabs his little blond goddess by the throat and chokes her till she loses consciousness. He pauses in his anger to set her down gently and to allow himself to stroke her face one last time. Then he scoops Vicki up and leaves. Barnabas arrives, but too late.

Meanwhile, Julia is at the Old House, looking after Maggie, when she hears a noise from the lab. Adam grabs her from behind. What were you doing down there? she asks. Looking at my bride, he answers bitterly--the only bride I'll ever have. Julia offers him a sedative, but no dice. She heads for the basement, but he grabs her arm. Why won't you let me leave? she asks. You will see soon enough, he tells her. What's happening in the basement? she asks. Nothing, he says. I don’t believe you, Julia replies and walks determinedly downstairs. Adam attacks her. She falls to the floor unconscious. [This makes the score Adam 3, women 0.] He opens the basement door and locks it--from the inside.

Adam has strapped poor Vicki to the second table. Somehow the equipment is still functioning, and she screams in agony as Adam attempts to resurrect Eve. Barnabas and Julia hear her cries from upstairs, even as Adam turns up the power just because he can. Somehow Barnabas and Julia finally get into the lab (the writers don’t see fit to show us how), horrified by what they see. Willing to give his own life, Barn warns Adam to stop or he'll kill him. Adam only laughs wildly, even when Barn says he won't hesitate. With another wild laugh, Adam asks, Do you know what will happen if I die? I know, Barnabas declares resolutely, but I’m willing to take that chance. You'll revert back to what you were! Adam shouts triumphantly. Barnabas and Julia exchange a glance. You’ll revert back to what you were, Adam repeats. That's what was on Lang's tape. You’re lying, Barnabas snarls. He might be telling the truth, Julia points out--Adam has heard the tape.

I don't know what you were, Adam says smugly, but I know you don't want me to die. Vicki screams again. Adam screams, Look at her, Barnabas, look at her! Look at the woman you love! Barnabas watches as Adam steps over to the board to pull the final switch. Julia warns, If he pulls that switch, Vicki will be electrocuted! Forced to make a life-and-death decision for three people, Barnabas points the pistol straight at Adam and commands him, Don't touch that switch! Adam ignores him, and Barnabas fires. Struck in the shoulder, Adam collapses, his hand still on the switch as he falls....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0635
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2014, 03:51:56 PM »
Who put a wig on Eve's skeleton?   She started without one.  I guess Adam, all alone down there in his grief, found one.....   Vicki continues to have a handy off button for when she's assaulted.  Oh, Carolyn's got one too.   Both faint suddenly after 15 seconds of gentle mauling.   I wish Adam would assault me, I could really use a good night's sleep.   Carolyn is admirably rational and clear-headed dealing with Adam.   Adam comes close to banging Vicki's head into a bedpost on their way out.   Durkin is a trouper and doesn't flinch.

Barn and Carolyn scene right after....  I've noticed that DS will use music to indicate shock or astonishment when one character reveals big news to another character, even when we the viewers already know it.  I know it's supposed to to indicate that person's shock, not ours, but it always seems strange, almost comical to me.   Adam attacked Vicki and carried her off,  Carolyn tells Barnabas...  astonished music!!!   Yes we know Carolyn, we saw it happen a few seconds ago....

Adam sneaks past Julia pacing in the Old House drawing room, carrying Vicki, and starts up the equipment... Adam has a battle with conscience while electrocuting Vicki Two.   I pictured a cliche angel and devil debating on his shoulders, Adam not getting what's going on, and trying to swat them off like bugs...

Barnajulia break into the room with a gun.   Adam reaches a new low, mourning Eve and righteously going on about how Barnabas destroyed her, when Adam himself strangled her to death.    Barnabas could shoot the equipment, not Adam.   He opts for Adam's shoulder, after yelling "Don't touch that switch!" which my joke bone converted to "Don't touch that dial!", in my head.

This whole months-long, gruelling scenario with Adam could have been avoided if someone had sat him down, and had a reasonable conversation with him.   Adam assumes no woman will ever want him because he's clumsy, seems stupid, and has scars.   Just tell Adam that plenty of women can deal with the scars, and after he takes a time to learn and adjust, a few years, as everyone has to do, he won't seem so stupid and awkward any more.   Adam's reasoning is full of easily-pointed-out flaws.   He listens when people actually get to the POINT, rather than the more usual sort of DS "argument", which is to say that the other character MUST over and over, without giving reasons.
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0635
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2014, 09:40:09 PM »
I know just what you mean about a good night's sleep, MT. And I actually sort of like the "shock" music--it's kind of indelibly etched into my mind's ear by now.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0635
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2014, 06:49:13 AM »
Nick goes out in a blaze and it appears for good. Adam says all will die and he heads for Vickie first and she and Carolyn are trashed about by him. Apparently The rest of the family is sound asleep on sedatives and no one comes to inquire what is going on.  Adam takes Vickie to the old house and sets her aglow with the experiment.  Barnabas saves the day by shooting Adam to the chance he may revert to a vampire.  In the closing shot the wall next to the fireplace is missing and someone comes into view there. The camera then pans in to block them out.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

Offline MagnusTrask

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0635
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2014, 06:57:39 AM »
I hate missing these things, like the missing wall!  If we weren't 15 or so ep's ahead in the WP, I'd look for it.  Isn't it great catching a blooper you've never heard mentioned before?  In the closing credits for an ep, I caught a stahehand sitting on the window seat in full view eating a sandwich!  Don't remember which episode, sorry.
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor