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Discuss - Ep #0630
« on: February 01, 2014, 05:24:01 PM »
Robservations #630

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0630

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0630
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2014, 05:05:52 PM »
Welcome, Betsy Durkin--the first of the multiple Vickis.

Barnabas, looks trim and rested, has been released from Windcliff. Instead of returning to the Old House or even Collinwood, he goes straight to the House by the Sea. He and Nicholas argue about the experiment. Barnabas points out that Eve's body already has started to deteriorate, but Nicholas doesn't care. He tells Barn that he has removed Angelique's influence over him so that he can help Julia. (How Nicholas has done this isn’t explained--Nicholas doesn’t even know where Angelique sleeps during the day. Maybe the Master has taken a hand, and Nicholas is just taking all the credit.) Nicholas warns him, If you don’t cooperate, I will kill Adam. It’s that simple. Nicholas does pay Barnabas a backhanded compliment by observing, If I were an ordinary man, you would make a good enemy--I would even be afraid of you. But as you know, he adds, I’m not an ordinary man. He tells Barnabas, Consider yourself and Julia as my employees. Your payment will be your continued life. Remember, you have forty-eight hours. We can only imagine how Barnabas, a gentleman born and bred, bridles at being anyone’s employee.

That night, or maybe the next, Nicholas brings Maggie to the House by the Sea. He offers her a brandy in a metal cup that he tells her is "from long before your Christ" and that can be used to tell the future. He gives her an opal to put in the cup. Maggie says that opals are bad luck, but she drops the opal in, and he gazes into the cup. His affable manner abruptly changes. You will have a long and happy life, he tells her in a flat voice. It sounds as if that upsets you, Maggie comments, puzzled. Quickly recovering, Nicholas replies gallantly, Of course not, as long as you spend it with me. He tells her that he must leave Collinsport shortly--forever--and wants her to marry him and come with him. She says she wants to, even though she doesn't love him. Don't take too long to decide, Nicholas warns her.

Maggie visits Vicki at Collinwood and tells her that she is going to marry Nicholas. Vicki is very upset at this news, and her reaction makes Maggie angry. After Maggie storms out, Vicki decides there's only one way to stop the marriage--by bearding the lion in his den.

Vicki goes to the House by the Sea and threatens to stop the marriage, either by telling Maggie what Nicholas truly is or by talking her out of it. Nicholas gets threatening, but Vicki stands firm. Nicholas gets her to hold off, and in the end she tells him that his behavior will determine whether she tells Maggie all. (It's nice to have feisty Vicki back again, even if temporarily.)

After she leaves, Nicholas wonders to himself, Why didn’t I just use my powers to make her forget she had been to see me? My love for Maggie must be making me more human. Then he realizes, I have a better way to keep her from revealing everything to Maggie--a way that cannot be traced back to me. Going down to his cellar, he starts prying up the stone slabs in the floor.

Vicki is back at Collinwood when the front doors fly open to reveal a man's silhouette in the doorway. She is positively effusive when it turns out to be Barnabas--this is the first time she has seen him since he left Windcliff. He has some of Eric Lang's notebooks with him and explains that he and Julia are working on a biography of Lang.

Back at the House by the Sea, Nicholas has unearthed a coffin. When he opens it, we see Tom Jennings, still staked. Nicholas revives him by removing the stake (no squishy sound, though--I was disappointed). Evidently not a very bright vampire, Tom recoils at the sight of the bloody stake. Nicholas tells him, As long as you obey me, you have nothing to fear.

Late that night, Vicki has just turned out her light and is falling asleep when the curtains open and Tom steals into her room. Why he doesn’t use his bat powers is a mystery to me, but she wakes up screaming when she sees him leaning over her, fangs bared and eager to strike....

(I have to say that DB always seemed to enjoy the vampire bit.)

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0630
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2014, 08:33:43 PM »
VO-- Lara calls the hooded guy with the desk "The Devil", or so I decided in my notes.  Barnabas is back!   I think he's transformed.   He has the cape thing on again, abondoned earlier as a sign of his old vampire self I think.   He's managing to assert himself and take charge in a way, despite Nicholas's hold over him and Julia, a strange feat to pull off.   He was utterly bewildered and weak before Wyndcliffe, ever since Vicki returned from 1795 really, but now, his persona for the rest of DS is established and strong.  I think he figured out what and who human, reformed Barnabas was going to be.   He came to terms with his new limitations, and remembered a vulnerable, flesh-and-blood, human man can still be strong.

Did Wyndcliffe cure him of vamp-slavedom?   Welcome, Betsy Durkin.   This Vicki immediately gets out there and uses that past knowledge she'd been afraid even to acknowledge as Vicki One, confronting Nicholas immediately.   So this character is invigorated and strengthened too, in a way A Moltke was no doubt petitioning for, yet it happens the second she leaves.  Dan Curtis's vengeful irony or something?   I wish we'd seen AM do these scenes.

I like Nicholas needing to avoid in conversation even the appearance of endorsing God, while also needing to hide his disdain, when he says, "... before your Christ was born."-- hoping Maggie won't catch that he's doing it.   Being for or against God and Devil are such big matters that apparently you can't afford to betray your side even in the middle of a lie.   You're just not allowed to lie to a dupe and say, "Yes, I worship God", say, if you work for Satan, especially if Satan might be listening in.  It would be blasphemy, to the Devil.   It's the same for some very devout Christians I'm sure.  They'd never go on stage and say, even as an evil character, "I worship Satan."

Welcome back, Tom Jennings!!!!   We all missed you!!!  I don't envy Mrs. J having to clean all the vampire drool off Vicki's rugs...
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0630
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2014, 12:46:00 AM »
VO-- Lara calls the hooded guy with the desk "The Devil", or so I decided in my notes.

It was KLS, but it did name the devil as Nicholas' master!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0630
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2014, 06:14:19 AM »
Barnabas looks like he got a tan. Miss Betsy during is Vickie not. 
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times